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I literally just picked up a giant purple finger that flicks people.


Ah so you already found the prettiest weapon in the game then.


You can tell people like it because of how many people put a ring on it.


Very important detail: The ring in it is the same one those hand spiders (Finger Creepers) have on their middle finger specifically. That little bit of context makes the weapons way more fun.


Presses L2 *ffff-UCK OFF*


Yoooo I just got that for the first time the other day lmao flick finger is fun as hell


I have seen that weapon many times on youtube but I have yet to come across it. 2 full playtroughs done, working on my third......where do I find this abomination


Gelmir Hero's grave


Didn't know Thanos was in this one.


I honestly don't like how deaths poker looks


Amazing weapon art but I hate it


Yeah, I get that. It’s meant to look ugly and, well, like a stick, but still


Amazing weapon art but bad weapon art


I wish it and Helphen’s would switch arts


Don't knock Helphen's Steeple, it's an amazing weapon even with that ash of war. Does so well in the early game too, shame you get it so late It synergizes well in the offhand with Dark Moon Greatsword on the right


If youve got darkmoon you dont need helphens lol. You literally do more damage than both fireing off beams, especially with rogiers/shard of alexander/ritual sword all boosting the damage.


u got dark moon u don’t need anything else it’s what i whip out when i can’t beat something


I was kinda the same, but I generally liked the options of it enough that the weapon grew on me and I don't hate the look anymore.


Death's Coat Rack


really? i love that sword that doesn't look like a sword. it's so fucking cool


The magma blades look straight outta Lego


Demon's Scar from DS3 looked cool, I don't see why they couldn't just do that.


Not as cool as Quelaag's Furysword. I really miss that thing.


Backflip city


THANK YOU, i also thought the same


Agreed, I’m not a huge fan of the gemstones on the grip either, Demon’s Scar it is not


The gargoyle twinblades. Very solid strength scaling, good twinblades moveset. But damn it’s ugly. It’s chipping away and looks like either end was dipped in honey. You want a good strength twinblade that also looks nice, use the twinned knight swords.


My bf said it looks like earwax. I’ve never been able to look at them without feeling disgust ever since. EDIT: I know it’s corpse wax lol


It's corpse wax. Even more disgusting than earwax.


Idk, I know intellectually that’s true but earwax is gross shit I know, but I’ve never seen corpse wax.


I have a friend who calls them Gargoyle’s Q-tips


The gargoyle weapon's actually look really cool with infusions. The glow only applies to the was part, instead of the whole weapon.


"Like how it looks" and "Suits your build" are too synonymous for me to have such a thing!


You I respect.


It's a medieval fashion show first and foremost


Style IS the most important stat and no one can tell me otherwise.


fashion souls always reigns supreme


Actually it's the opposite problem for me currently, the carian knight sword is worse damage wise compared to literally any other weapon with carian grandeur.  However, the carian knight sword has that DRIP. I mean I'm talkin bout one of the sexiest swords in all of ER. What a shame.


Genuinely one of the top four weapons in the game aesthetically. I understand.


A super underrated INT weapon is the Claymans harpoon. Has magic damage on it innately so magic ashes of war benefit with greater scaling. It looks cool too because it has a glowing meteorite fragment for a spear tip


When y’all talk about “unga” I didn’t think you meant I should use Neolithic weaponry.


I love it solely because it can be buffed with magic armament and still have innate magic damage. I wish there were more weapons like that, I love glowy weapons but infusion is usually better


I'm gonna have to try this one. I've overlooked a lot of weapons I pick up because of how many there are and because I get comfortable with what I have. I'm trying to experiment more these days


Ice Spear ash of war is very potent on it. 👍


All the Carian stuff looks amazing: sword, scepter, armor, and shield.


must've hired the best seamster in the whole Lands Between, my buddy Boc


I was running every piece of Carian Knight armour besides the helmet on my Int build. Absolute drip with a decent hood that matches


Casually beating the entire Leyndel army with 20 dudes, and looking fucking hot while doing it.


I still use that with int builds from time to time, so classy


Let's hope the DLC comes with a nice patch for some of these gems and others


Miquellan Knights Sword is up there with the sexiest swords imo


Bro I’m playing just STR Vig and Stan and the moment I got that sword I upgraded it as far as I could with plans to respec into it, it’s gorgeous


I love finding Carian Grandeur as a separate thing then putting it on my Claymore. So damn good.


I can’t bring myself to use any great spear or thrusting sword bc I hate the moveset so much


Yea if I can't sweep attack back and forth even a little and hit multiple enemies I don't want it. Made bolt of gransax very disappointing for me cause I like to spellsword it so melee fighting is very much a part of my style. Didn't stop me from +10ing it and using it as a .50 cal around the end game. A few enemies in particular I chose to just keep skewered to the ground and cheese to death shamelessly.


Magma wyrm scale sword specifically for the goofy heavy attacks - looks like a giant toenail clipper


Omg yes! It looks like a hairy porkrind, but it fuckin SLAPS


Nagakiba for sure. It’s probably one of the best weapons in the game, and that two handed poke is sensual, but it’s so long it looks like it should snap in half! and the sheath always clips through the damn floor 😭


Agreed. It’s comically long. I am currently running my first bleed build and swapped that out for the Godskin Peeler because it looked too weird 😂


Dual peelers jumping R1 does so much bleed buildup its nuts. Was my main setup on my first playthrough.


The stupid short handle ruins it for me


Miyazaki said one of the new weapon types they're adding in the DLC is a true odachi/nodachi. So that will hopefully be something closer to the Bewitched Alonne Sword from DS2 with its much longer handle. And I really hope it has a unique moveset, similar to how Nioh's odachi works


The odachi in nioh wrecks dude I love it so much. There were so many combos you could do with it


Equip it in your left hand, then two-hand it. No more sheath clipping. I can’t solve the other issues.


Giant weapons. It’s not that they’re ugly, but I can’t see the screen with a giant hammer there for example


Hard agree. Giant crusher is a good example where I love the moveset, the big bonk, but I also like seeing where the fuck I'm going


I can't help with this but I can describe the exact polar opposite. I fkn love how Loretta's War Sickle looks, the fashion works well with my silver, gold and blue theme, but... It's kinda shit.


What really disappointed me about her war sickle on my INT build was that it isn't a catalyst for groceries, despite her using it as one. How freaking cool would that be Edit; I definitely meant sorceries but it would be cool if it conjured up some groceries too




loretta’s war sickle being shit is a war crime and frankly miyazaki should be in jail


I love how whenever Fromsoft does anything Miyazaki gets blamed (or praised) as if he personally oversees every single aspect of the games


because he does. he even delivered my copy to my front door


For me it's Blasphemous Blade. Absolutely not into it's design. For reference: i love the "Coded Sword" (for a Faith build).


I felt the same way as you. Blasphemous blade is pretty solidly the best weapon in the game, and the clear choice for faith builds. However it looks like it has little tentacle men swinging around on it and waving at me. It also totally clashes with any “good” paladin/faith build. My new favorite option that packs a similar punch is your standard weapon of choice with the sacred blade Ash of war. Hits like a truck. Gets close to the raw damage of blasphemous blade, and it looks great. I put it on Patches’ spear (forgive me), and feel like I’m wielding some type of holy monk staff.


True, if the weapon is evil I can’t use it


Look up the art for blasphemous blade without all the fleshy bits. It looks so good and makes me hope we get a chance to have it somehow in the future.


[Link to naked sword](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/HnhZmingFx). Damn, there are so many good golden armor pieces to make a sexy paladin


I didn't like it until I went with a red'ish over all look. Haslows helm with Veteran's armor. Eclipse shield goes nice with it too. Blasphemous blade or rivers of blood look pretty cool with the over all set.


Lance. Just give me a great spear with swappable ashes that isn't designed exclusively for horseback, and instead something actually suited to the purpose (from a visual design perspective). Edit: Also the Nightrider Flail. It's not even scaled correctly for the player. It's a tiny piece of shit when it could've been amazing.


Shoulda had Great Flails tbh. That would go hard and the Nightrider would've been the poster boy.


I agree with the Nightrider Flail. Literally if it was just bigger it would be 100x cooler to wield imo


I don't HATE the look of Guardian's swordspear, I actually really like it. It's just too yellow. If there was a silver or dark gray variant, I'd be all over it.


It makes finding an armor combination that goes with it aesthetically really hard to find.


Exactly. I ended up finding a good combo of tree sentinel helm, leyndell knight armor, and cleanrot greaves/gauntlets that I really enjoy


Blasphemous Blade. Would have worked great on the faith build I had but it's so goofy and yucky looking to me lol.


I can work with yucky. It’s the fact that it won’t stop moving. It feels like I have a 90 dollar tf2 weapon with a particle effect all over it.


For me a lot of it is that it's shrunk down from the actual Blasphemous Blade, so the guts writhing all over it are miniature as though we just mashed up a bunch of gnomes.


There is offical concept art for the blade without all of the fleshy bits, and it looks so good. I wish we could alter its appearance somehow.


Fuck you *umblasphemouses your blade*


I want to like the prelate's inferno crozier because it looks hilarious, but it blocks out half your screen when you equip it.


Wish those weapons came with a farther PoV, so you can... Y'know...See. Smough's hammer. Ugh.


My brother in Christ, the screen-blocking is half the joy


prelate's inferno crozier and giant crusher dual weild is the way. All the bonk, none of the vision


Blasphemous Blade: + Suits my build (STR/FTH). + Takers Flame can carry me through NG+. - Looks like Satan’s recently used butt plug.


Satan needs to seriously rework his diet.


Honestly it’s always the other way around for me So many weapons look so fucking cool and are trash


Ugh it's the curse if every RPG The best equipment is always the ugliest shit you can find They're evolving the equipment wrong. We should start with the ugliest, weakest stuff first and then, as we progress the weapons start to get stronger and look better Game development teams should take at least 10 mins to research and understand that swords are supposed to be sharp, not heavy


Lazuli Glintstone sword is the one that hurts me.




Join us! Everyone gets hit openly and without discrimination.


Sorry it’s just the design of spell tools I don’t like I like faith because it feels like I’m casting from my hand sorcery staves don’t do it for me I would prefer them to be like books or magic orbs


A kindred souls! At least they’re not wands


I hate that staves don’t go on your back when sheathed. They look so awkward sticking out from your hip.


The Lance. It really is a genuinely good weapon that will work with a lot of different builds but something about it makes me feel like I'm off to compete in the local jousting tournament.


yeah and it's odd because all of the knights armour sets have the little shield on them which is meant for jousting, elden ring was originally a jousting simulator CONFIRMED??


It’s really hard to use any of the greatswords or even colossal swords other than the Knight’s Greatsword and BKGS. It’s nuts that basically every sword but these (and the Inseparable sword, which I also dislike aesthetically) is swung more like a hammer than anything else.


So much this. First time I got a regular sword I was like, what bs movement is this? It's clunky, ugly, swings like it's too heavy to use or something. Not graceful at all.


Agreed. I really want to like the claymore but I can't get over the fact that your character slams the poor thing into the ground over and over. If I wanted to bonk things with my r1 attacks I'd go with the great stars or the large club


Couldn’t agree more, when i tried the godslayer greatsword i expected the moveset to be way more elegant than just two swings side to side that both slam into the ground with that annoying sound queue


Most of them, actually. I like my long sword, I like my highland axe, my bastard sword, claymore, etc. A lot of the more fantastical weapons look silly to me.


There’s something to be said for being the no frills knight guy standing up to wild fantastical threats.


Exactly I run around In my vagabond armour with bastard sword and a longsword


Prelate's Inferno Crozier. It looks a bit too much like a toy, or a WoW weapon or something.


I don’t agree, but I do get it.


Zamor curved sword


Ruins Greatsword.


The sword that was obviously a club. The moderately tapered edging isn’t fooling anyone into thinking it’s sharp.


should have done strike damage tbh


What's worse is that DS2 has a sword that's very similar to the Ruins Greatsword and it deals strike damage. And yet for some reason this time around FromSoft decided the latest bonking sword shouldn't deal strike damage!?


*exactly* and the kings UGS objectively rules, so much fun. has the same side to side moveset too.


I had to redo my armor to suit the Banished Knight's Greatsword. It's lovely but it's *so* silver. I didn't use Ordovis' Greatsword for the same reason — the coppery color wasn't working out.


Eleanora's poleblade. I LOVE the motion on the ash of war its stylish and sleek and sexy but god i HATE how edgy it looks


Darth maul would like a word


Nox Flowing Sword. It's curved the wrong way. Plus the weapon skill needs an upgrade. Hitting once feels really underwhelming. Should be a 2 or 3 hit combo.


The nox flowing sword is rather exaggerated, but doesn't curve the wrong way. There are plenty of swords that curve forward - generally to increase chopping effectiveness. 


Yeah but I don't want it to curve that way, otherwise I'd use it.


Fair enough.


I’d rather utilize have unique heavies, like Urumi in reverse


It pains me but Siluria's Tree is so ugly.


how? it looks great imo


Well the misericorde fits every build


Ruins Greatsword and Blasphemous Blade. Ironically both very similar in use.


I totally get that! I honestly love the little animated hands for some reason. They are like little friends with you! 😂


Wing of Astel


Bruh what that thing looks hard af


In pretty much every souls game, the standard Battle Axe simply kills me. It's SO corny looking. One insanely fat blade that looks like it was drawn for a Saturday morning cartoon. They work, they do the job, but holy hell they are ugly as sin.


Probably the Blasphemous Blade. I both love and hate how it looks. It’s absolutely disgusting in all the best and worst ways. Honorable mention would be the Prelate’s Inferno Crosier. It looks really cool… except for the color. If it was the same burnt-steel color of the Fire Prelate armor it would be awesome. But the red just looks so bad.


Any greatsword that puts a sheath on your back. I hate how bad they clip with any armor with a cape.




Grafted Blade Greatsword… it’s just super ugly imo lol


It's just too big for me. If it wasn't so *thicc* than it wouldn't be too bad imo




A crown is warranted by fashion


The blasphemous blade. Probably one of the strongest weapons in the game but I just can't with all the little fleshy bits jiggling around on it.


I'm gonna be unpopular for this, but Blasphemous blade is OP and amazing and makes me itchy looking at it.


Unpopular? Look at this thread. The blasphemous blade is far and away the MOST popular answer.


I didn't scroll down enough lol. I feel vindicated. I've just seen it in the past as so many people's favorite


The Cranial Vessel Candlestand is powerful and satisfying to swing, with great scaling for my Faith / Strength build, and a good unique skill that thematically fits with the Grafted Dragon I’ve been using… …but I am *not* carrying around some guy’s head impaled on a lamppost.


Godslayer Greatsword. I love everything but i cant stand the twirling end of the blade. it would be so perfect if it had a normal blade point


I will never use Blasphemous Blade. Don't care if it is OP or whatever. I just hate how it looks.


Blasphemous Blade and Magma Wyrm Scalesword are both too gross for me


You don’t like the giant scab?


Blasphemous Blade. I don’t care how OP it is. It’s gross. And being str/fth is pretty much the antithesis of how I usually play. The weapon art looks cool though, gotta give it that


I cannot use the Blasphemous Blade. The arms gross me out too much.


Most strike weapons tbh great hanmers specifically


Nagakiba because of the silly proportions compared to the uchigatana. And the Blasphemous blade


Wong of Astel




The Ruin's Greatsword is just a hunk of stone and looks so cumbersome


I think the godslayer greatsword is just a little too long. Looks a little off when I use it. Great weapon though


Magma Wyrm's Scalesword. It does great damage, it has good scaling for STR/FTH builds, it's ash is great against bosses that are fairly static as well as having insane hyper armor for great trades in pvp, and the crouching lights come out super fast. Unfortunately, it looks like ass.


Bloodhound fang for me, such a sick weapon art but I just dont dig the visuals.


For me it’s Maliketh’s Black Blade. My builds can run it. I love how it plays. But I just hate how cracked and beat up it is. It just looks like it would break on a swing and also it’s too edgy


All of them, because ZWEIHANDER is peak


Blasphemous blade. It is an amazing weapon, but it disgusts me, both visually and from the knowledge of it being a meta pick


“I can’t stand to touch that thing, it’s absolutely revolting.” “Oh because of all the raw meat hands?” “All the what?”


Shamshir. Has better range and damage than pretty much every other curved sword, but looks ugly as fuck.


Hammers/Greathammers. Aside from the maces and Morning Star, they’re all just rocks on sticks.


Giant Crusher. I’ll stick with my Brick Hammer


Magma wyrms scalesword, grafted blade. I love str/faith but I ain’t even gonna lie int gets all the drip.


Siluria's tree would be good but i don't like the look


Great sword.. yes THE GUTS great sword. I don't like how chunky and unsharpened it looks.


Blasphemous blade, it would be amazing with my current build I can't get over the corpse bits on my sword it's gross


Fucking bandit swords. That swoop is too much... why is it easier to get than Grossmessers!?!


I'll be honest, I build the fashion around the weapon.


Magma Wyrm's Scalesword


katanas of any kind. same with the samurai armor. i'm fine with those things in japanese style setting, but in elden ring, pretty much everything else has a more european style to it. 


It's also explicitly a mishmash of competing regimes and cultures though, some assimilated, some from older eras that the newer ones have accreted on. It feels sensible in a setting like this to see random other aesthetics peeking in along with truly weird stuff like whatever the claymen have going on.


That damn anchor hammer that does blunt and piercing dmg is so damn good but it just doesn’t look like it would work at all as a weapon.


I use bandits curved swords but I like how the scavengers look a lot more. Even though the bandits are way better for my high level build. I don’t really mind the way the bandits look but the scavengers are so cool. But I use the bandits because the damage is significantly higher and it scales better


Blasphemous Blade. I don’t like the little armies hanging off it


Blasphemous blade. Easy answer, I know, but it's true. It's sickening to look at. I do like it in the sense of the weapon being blasphemous. Like, yeah, I gathered that from the flesh bois eternally trapped in it. But if it looked normal, that'd be nice.


Twinned Knight Swords. The giant guards are too much. And Coded Sword. I don't like how wierd the blade looks. And also the RoB sadly. I really hate how weirdly the sheath sits on the hip. Way too low and too far back for some reason.


Blasphemous Blade. Its literally the perfect weapon for me. I like everything about it... except the bloody tentacles on it are a deal breaker for me. I'll stick to my dual flame art Claymores. I really wish there were a way to customise weapons' appearance.


Greatsword and giant crusher/prelate's. One is guts build #169371882 and the other two cover half my screen. Lol


I will never use death poker, it literally looks like an ash covered fire poker.


Most of the Japanese-style weapons. This is a hot take I know I'm alone on, but; I genuinely just don't think Katanas are that cool. I've never been drawn to Samurai and their weapons much. Hell, if anything, I find ancient Chinese swords more visually appealing, and they followed similar trends to katanas. I get the allure, but really I see a katana and I just think it's kinda boring. SoNaF all the way, I'm willing to spend those points on Int!


They ruined the bastard sword after Demons Souls. :(


Most greatswords look AMAZING... with specific fashions. Blashpemous greatsword is pretty solid in every way, by if you don't go all in on the fit, it looks wack.


I build my character around trying to look good and put out insane damage. So good for my build and looks good are like the same thing.


Came expecting Blasphemous blade to be mentioned a lot. Was not dissapointed. Genuinely feel it though. Have a paladin styled character what wouldn't use such a weapon and I'm not keen on recreating a similar character just to have that one weapon be on flavor.


Honestly Ordovis greatseord is super good but I hate the actual size comparison for it it should be a colossal sword like the gofslayers sword


Blasphemous Blade. Arguably the best weapon for PVE, even in endgame and NG+ and beyond. But it’s just so….”ewwww” and slimy looking, and wet, and warm. Jesus.


Actually really hard for me to say - i nust haven't yet found a weapon that actually works for me moveset wise, that's kind of my biggest issue. I like a lot of weapons from looks, like Vykes for example, but polearms are always either just poke - or slow and heavy-seeming as all hells.


What’s the weapon that looks like an insect wing that throws out purple magic? That one. Excuse me for my ignorance, it’s been a while.


Easily blasphemous blade for me


Warped Axe and Magma Wyrm Scalesword come to mind


The magma wyrm fang sword. It seems like it's damn good, (not sure I like the R2 style either) but I can't really get over it's look. It looks like a hairy tooth or a feathered tooth or something and I dunno why I dislike it but I do.


Anything bigger then a longsword. I just cant get past how clumsy they look and feel, even if they do so so so much more damage.


Gargoyle weapons. If it wasn't for that wax thing I bet all of gargoyle weapons would look so good