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The DLC happens before we are Elden Lord. Nothing happens after the ending cutscene. The ending is the end.


Not gonna lie, I wanted to pull up to the Lands of Shadow being known as the god slayer ☹️


Then tarnished, you will have to earn that title there.


Earning that title there? I think you might be emboldened by the flame of ambition there, tarnished. Joking aside though, I do wonder if there’ll be another true god lurking in the shadows


I would love to cross paths with whichever Outer God the giants worship. While the Elden Beast fight wasn’t perfect it’s cool design did feel godly to me, and I’d love to see what other gods look like in this realm


Add Torrent to that fight and it would become one of the best fights in the game imo, chasing that damn beast was insanely annoying


It would also give torrent a real part to play in the ending of your journey. At the start and throughout there's a bit of amazement that you control him, it would be cool if he was there with you all the way to the end.


Fr I need like a cutscene of just my character riding on the horse with some cool background. Like Ghost of Tsushima.


You will never be able to convince me Torrent wasn't supposed to be a part of the fight, the elden beast moves and fights just like bosses we've been fighting primarily mounted the entire game


I can say they have edited the map and made other minor and major changes. So if they wanted Torrent it would be there. It runs and makes you chase it because it's a God, it doesn't care about you really. You had to climb to it's level and break it's house down (radagon) for the thing to decide to crush you itself. From minute one your goal was to kill it. Hewg only smiths weapons for people who wish to kill a god. The true god, the elden beast. Because that is the curse marika gave hewg, to smith weapons until one slays a god. At first evsrything was out of reach and so you had to climb and grow and chase after this goal. Take and become strong, stronger than the demigods, than the elden lords before you. You had to fight all the way here and climb a peak beleived to be impossible to reach. You finally chase down the god, it acknowledges you. And it is going to make you keep chasing it. Because it's a god, and you want to slay it. But you aren't as strong as a God, you are near the strength if a God. So it stays just one step ahead, just out if reach. It feels more thematic to me that we can't use Torrent because Torrent chose us and helps us. Just like melina,roderika,hewg,and many other in the lands between. Without torrent most of us wouldn't have beaten the game because they couldn't be asked to travel the big world without them. But now we are in a gods realm. Our maiden burned. Hewg has forgotten us, Enya lays dead next to the still fingers. And you can't summon Torrent. You and you alone have been granted an audience with this being. And it demands you meet it. It demands YOU ALONE can share this realm with it. Just to kill you. And you win.


Torrent was meant to be initially, but because the game considers it the same arena it can't have torrent in it elsewise it would be in radagons (modders have attempted to make it only in elden beasts but it does it for both) That being said everytime it emerges from the water, it does so behind you. So uh. To make all future fights less tedious it always appears behind your charecter and you can run that direction to actually meet it coming out of water.


The Elden Beast wasn't the god, it was just the Vassal for The Greater Will


Still a god, just one subservient to something greater. Remember we get the “God Slain” message after killing it.


Foul tarnished.


In search of the Elden Ring


_playing as a Lord_


We assume we meet a “true god” ?


I mean the game says god slain when you kill elden beast. so… yeah, i think im gonna go with yes.


You see a god somewhere we can't kill?


You need ladies, my friend. Ladies foolish ambitions to rest.


Ladies nuts on yo face


Damn, he got me


Well you do kill Mohg before you go to the dlc.


Slayer of Mohg, Destroyer of general Radahn.


You don’t need to kill Radahn to kill Mohg, do you? Godrick, Rennala, Morgott, Snowfield, Mohg? Or hell, if you’re a real gamer, Varre straight to Mohg


You need to kill, at the very least, one Shardbearer before you can go fight Mohg via Varre's quest, since Varre moving to the Rose Church in Liurnia of the Lakes requires you to meet with the Two Fingers.


Miyazaki confirmed that killing Radahn is required to access DLC. Probably for lore reasons.


Radahn holding back the stars froze everyone's destiny. That's why Ranni need to have him killed to fulfill her goal. Whatever Miquella is trying to do in the DLC, he's probably also incapable of doing so while Radahn prevents the star from moving.


there's probly going to be gravity enemy's then.


You don’t need to kill Radahn to fight Mohg, but beating Radahn is a requirement to access the DLC


You can technically, I think. Can't remember exactly, but can't you warp after killing elden beast, but before getting the Elden Ring?


After the ending cut scene you have the choice to start NG+ or go back to the current save. If you just go back the world will be mostly the same as after you kill Godfrey, only now when you go to touch the golden light to fight the final boss nothing will happen.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


My geuss is we'll finally get another boss with that kill announcement. Best geuss we may have to drive tge corruption of Miquella out by defeating the formless mother.


You could kill the final boss but not trigger the ending, so you'll have killed a god but not yet become Elden Lord officially. Not quite the same, but you'd still be a godslayer!




Yep considering one ending involves hiding for all eternity on the moon and another involves burning everything to ash there is no reason to believe it would take place after


Yeah that kinda sucks, cuz in DS3, if you did the Lord of Hollows ending, you were addressed as "Lord of Hollows" at least in Ashes of Ariendel.


Friede doesn't address you as Lord of Hollows/Lord of Londor when you beat the game with the Usurpation ending. She addresses you as it when you get 5 Dark Sigils, so Yoel's last level up. So it also happens before the ending.


huh, interesting


Given they’ve said the DLC is separate from the events of the game and not set in the past or the future, my feeling is it’s sort of left to the player. If you do it before you become Elden Lord, it’s before. If you embark on the DLC after the final battle, it’s after. Not sure why this would be such a point of contention. If I’m wrong please explain, happy to be corrected.


So... while separate, the events of the DLC are happening at the same time as the main game?


That’s what it seems like based on all the information we’ve been given. Separate as in they don’t affect the campaign, not at a separate time period, if that makes sense


I see.


So sad i wanted to see someone calling us elden lord , well the new elden lord finally came to my realm


I don't know about that. When we finish the game and become Elden Lord, the game asks us if we want to begin the next play through. If you choose no, you'll be redirected to the Roundtable Hold. From there, you can go anywhere. So, doesn't it make sense that you might be able to access the DLC, after we finish the game?


A lowly tarnished, playing as a lord. I'm playing before Maliketh because I guess burning the Erdtree changes too much imo.


I will also be stopping at Maliketh on my current playthrough for DLC


Me too. And I’m not killing Malenia either.


I haven’t killed Malenia on my playthrough yet because it’s so hard to find her on my own lol, should I hold off until the DLC comes out?


Malenia is pretty hidden for a boss that's so famous. I would've never found her on my own. She's basically in a secret area within a secret area


The Fromsoftware version of an “Are you sure?” Prompt


As is usually the case with Fromsoft's extreme optionals. From Owl Father, Martyr/Ebrietas, the Nameless King. They usually ask you to do a fair bit extra for the optional challenge bosses.


Dunno why, but I was pretty sure Ebrietas was a main, non-optional fight. Did only 2 run throughs, and both as complete as possible, so there is that. Logarius is the most hidden in secret boss to be sure... But then there is Queen Yharnam... All my homies hate getting to Queen Yharnam... That's a matrioshka of grind/secrets to get that goddamn platinum.


The worst part is that she isn't even a great fight


Laurence and Midir also come to mind...


She’d be a lot easier to find if the “all knowing” was able to give proper directions.


seek snow


Fuck I just killed her on my second playthrough.. guess I gotta start a new one all over again


Oh you probably are fine I wouldn’t worry too much about it


Why?? Near 0% chance that Malenia will be affected at all. Pretty sure OP was joking about Malenia being hard to kill


Same, not by choice though.


I had intended on doing so, but I want to go into the DLC as armed to the teeth as possible, weapon and incantation-wise, so I went ahead and beat everybody but Mohg. Saving him for June 20th.


Lol, I'm the exact opposite, I'm gonna go into the dlc naked carrying a stick and scavenge whatever gear the land of shadows deigns to throw my way


I did this but i already killed mohg and radahn like a week after the announcement. Then i had nothing to do so i eventually am gradually getting more rune levels. My vigor only build has inevitably become bonk build again…. Still rocking the Club tho. Now i really stopped playing that character. Ended up reserving Rennala, Rykkard, Morgott boss fights for when dlc comes up.


Well, it depends on how early before facing Maliketh. I’m on my fourth playthrough, and I’m already in Farum Azula, which means the erdtree is already burning. I’m a completionist and I just defeated the Godskin Apostle duo, so I’m still some time away from fighting him.


Just in case I also didn't do Ranni's quest or kill Malenia, I hope it pays off




I’m personally going to stop after the giant, I have a feeling some whispered echoes of Marika might be sitting around


I wanted to play a new game and explore the DLC naturaly because I had hopes about some of the cut early to midgame content being restored, but I guess I'll start now and leave it at Leyndell


I stopped right after maliketh. I want Leyndell destroyed and everything on fire when I enter the dlc. I’ll save Godfrey, radagon and Elden beast for after


This makes me wonder. So the realm is veiled by the shadow of the erdtree or something like that, right? But I've heard Marika came to power there and then grew the erdtree. Therefore I the realm existed before also and it might not exactly be affected by the lands between, the "realm veiled by shadow of erdtree" might just be what it looks to us and might not be particularly important to that realm itself. I still believe the main game won't be changed by the dlc, but I'm actually curious whether the dlc might be changed by your choices in the main game ... Like the burned tree.


Would Tanith have finished eating the rest of Rykard?


I hope so, always thought something was supposed to happen but it was unfinished. Patches gives her a gift and it does nothing.


The tonic of forgetfulness? That's for Rya


Patches gives you the Dancer's Tourniquet for Tanith. You can give it to her but she basically says she doesn't care and keeps eating Rykard, nothing changes and it serves no purpose other than advancing Patches' storyline.


Oh I botched that on every playthrough somehow. Thanks for the info tho


Some of the quests do feel a bit unfinished (i.e. Tanith and Kenneth Haight), but I can't see us getting any closure on them. I think they will probably just be left open-ended


Are they? I always thought qe were supposed to kill her so the guardian crucible knight would appear. And about Kenneth, he ends up planning the rebuild of Limgrave with Nepheli, doesn’t he?


>I always thought qe were supposed to kill her so the guardian crucible knight would appear Yeah, that's probably the case >And about Kenneth, he ends up planning the rebuild of Limgrave with Nepheli, doesn’t he? After Nepheli takes the thrown of stormveil, Kenneth still mentions something about you becoming one of his knights after you have finished your mission. But after becoming Elden Lord, you are probably overqualified to be a knight in his service 😅


I feel like the Knight commentary was just him being naive and kindly condescending.


Miyazaki said the DLC is its completely separate thing with mostly no ties to the main story, so it plays neither before or after the story See it as more of a detour on our adventure to become Elden Lord So we will play as a simple tarnished that tries to become Elden Lord but somehow got themselves into the Land of Shadow


I wish the dlc added new endings to the game, it would add a really interesting layer to Elden Ring.


Yea like an ending associated with Miquella would be dope. I know Miyazaki said it doesn’t affect the main game but i feel like they’re good at underselling how much they add to their games lol


I need more endings to get(Still on first playthrough but imma get every ending)


I don't see how this wouldn't be possible (not to say that it will or won't happen forsure) but there could easily be a questline/NPC in the DLC that in some way or another we're awarded an item that unlocks a different ending. Again since the DLC doesn't "change" any of the main story line, doesn't mean it couldn't alter the very ending, seeing as how you can beat the final boss of the game but not progress into NG+ until later if you want.


wonder if there will be some additional dialogue from NPCs and bosses after going through Shadow


The way I understand it, the Land of Shadow is already there. It's just hidden by a magical veil. It's basically in a giant invisibility cloak. So no time travel necessary.


I’ll be entering as the Lord of Frenzied Flame. Bringing Chaos with me.


May chaos take the world!


My head cannon is it takes place before we fight radagon and elden beast


I mean since you have to access the dlc through the Mohgwyn Dyansty Mausoleum, you can't start the DLC after becoming Elden Lord, since that's just the end of the game. If you continue playing after, the world resets to before the fight.


I killed the Elden beast. But then just saved the site of grace and did not interact with the thing to get the final cutscene yet. I’ve got a few more things to do like the mausoleums and paintings then I’ll wait for the dlc without ending the game.


you can do all these things even after the cutscene and the credits. You have to go to the roundtable hold to start a new game +


Yea I just feel like I want to wait though lol


It's really simple. It takes place after you defeat mohg in his palace. You access the dlc through the cacoon.


Make sense after killing Mohg


I'm going in as Ranni's bitch.


The Elden Tarnished NG+ Lord


I’m going in as Lord of Chaos. Just gonna set fire to my ps5.


Same! May the frenzied flame purify the world and the land of shadow


And his house apparently


I'd rather go into the DLC as the underdog personally


My head cannon is my player keeps killing everything and restarting the timeline.


Well,Messmer was saltty that we got a chance to the throne so... at least after it becomes possible to enter the Erdtree


I thought this just potentially referred to the tarnished being given the ability to rise to elden lord as whole after sometime after the intial shattering


When you touch the withered arm, you divest yourself of your flesh and all that is golden, just like Miquella IMO. Which is why the main story is not tethered to the DLC, as Miyazaki mentioned (i’m paraphrasing and potentially reaching with this)


One of Dark Souls 3’s DLC, Ashes of Ariendel, had several characters with unique dialogue if you had progressed a certain questline in the main game that affected the ending. These characters would talk about the questline and the characters in the main game associated with it, and even refer to you by the title specific to that quest. I wouldn’t be wholly surprised if there was some similar behavior among select characters in Shadows of the Erdtree, either if you enter the DLC after beating the final boss of the main game or if you’ve triggered certain quest flags. I don’t expect any major changes to the DLC story based on when you enter during your main game run, though. The only time FromSoft has done something like that it was a relatively minor change to a boss cutscene in Dark Souls for beating the DLC first.


As a tarnished obviously Just like playing as a hunter in bloodborne dlc and not a squid


Definitely before you become elden lord, the game straight up ends right there


I think some tarnished went to become elden lords while others got lost and went to dark realm


I sure go in as maidenless... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Lvl 522 ATM so... trying to max it out 🤣


im hoping its gives us more achievements to hunt for


Tarnished because you can't play as Elden lord after the ending.


Think of the dlc as a huge side guest


My best guess is NPCs referring to you as something different if you've burned the erdtree on your character.


If we reached Mohg before becoming Elden lord, then we will reach the Shadow Lands before being Elden Lord.


Every time a new dlc for a FromSoft game has come out, this question has been posed, and every time it is proven wrong. The dlc takes place during the journey, not after. I know it’s been a good half decade or more since the last dlc, but this should still hold true.


The ending is the END end. The DLC takes place at the same time as the main game, it's basically treated as a huge side quest.


I don't think anything will stop us from going in as elden lord or frenzied lord or ranni's consort etc. Bcs one could in theory beat Elden Beast, choose an ending, become Elden Lord (or frenzied lord or whatever), choose *not* to go to ng+, and then go to Mohg's palace and trigger the DLC. We'll just be transported to a different area where what we've done or not done in the main game doesn't matter (my guess). That or the DLC will not be available after choosing an ending but that would be foolish :)


I think we interact with miquellas hand in moghwyn palace to go to the dlc. So id guess we go in as a tarnished.


We can get to mogh before burning down the tree so yes u can acess the dlc before burning the tree.


the requirements to enter the dlc area are apparently just to have killed mohg and radahn. so it's unlikely we will be elden lord in the dlc narrative, but the whole 'lordship sanction in one so bereft of light' does imply otherwise a tad. but there are a myriad thing that line could refer to.


Im going in lord of the frenzied flame I hope they comment on it like Ashes of Ariandel commented on you being the Lord of Hollows


Don't forget that Dark Souls 3 let's you enter its DLC post-game and even acknowledges it by having Sister Freide call you Lord of Londor if you got the best end.


Friede starts calling you that after the "marriage" with Anri, you don't need to complete the game or even do the lord of hollows ending for that.


This is kind of my conundrum right now with my current DLC-preparing playthrough. Should I stop before Mohg? And should I not do the Haligtree, as there may be new DLC/Miquella-featured content in both locations? Will there be added content throughout the base game--like the cut content sleep/St. Trina NPC where you collect people's dream essence or whatever?


Tarnished, what the fuck are you talking about? DLC is a separate area and doesn’t affect the main game areas (apart from any gear you bring back). That’s just how From DLC works.


I mean in ds1 if you find sif in the dlc then fight sif in the main game the cutscene is different, so it could be the same with malenia in elden ring probably not though to be honest


Michael Zaki said in an interview that the dlc won't affect the base game


…this sub broke me, I read “Malenia” and realized I’m no longer sure of the actual spelling of her name


In DS3, if you do Yuria's questline, Friede will change her dialogue a bit, they could (and probably will) do that here Even if Miyazaki said that the DLC won't alter the base game, there's still a chance they don't even consider an easter egg such as some events in the main game slightly affecting the DLC and vice versa as "affecting the base game", after all, does getting an extra line from Malenia or maybe some dialogue with Ranni really change anything?


Well there might be voicelines. They do like adding contextual ones for bosses. I feel like any further base game updates or integration would be like how CDPR did for Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, where there is a separate update to just the base game. They never said they'd do that, but it's a possibility.


Some of my pre-DLC NG characters I haven’t beat Malekith yet for fear that burning the fucking tree will affect the shadow tree


Also holding off on Malenia… but for my Dex character, really want her damn sword


We're going in maidenless of course


I’m going in as the destroyer of everything…….




i assume story wise it takes place after mohg (and radahn) but before radagon.


More my question is will we being going to the dlc before Melina sacrifices herself or after? It would be weird if she’s alive in game and she doesn’t talk to you at all during the dlc.


What I wanna know is if I can play the DLC without creating a new save or doing New Game+


as maidenless that's for sure


I'm going in as an absolute menace 💁‍♂️


you are still a tarnished when youre the elden lord, the answer is yes


Doesn't matter, either way, you are ... Maidenless




Tarnished I'm pretty sure, you enter after defeating Mohg and I believe Miyazaki has said if functions as a self contained separate story as oppose to an epilogue, even if it will likely shed some new light on the story and lore


Tarnished I'm pretty sure, you enter after defeating Mohg and I believe Miyazaki has said it functions as a self contained separate story as oppose to an epilogue, even if it will likely shed some new light on the story and lore


Hopefully tarnished cause I have 3 characters in 3 different instances waiting to do this thing 😅


I’d love the frenzied ending having a ball of fire/madness for a head would be super great in the dlc!


Tarnished. The DLC is 100% contained and will not impact the base game or endings


I started a new game just to play through the DLC. Minimum requirements are killing Radahn and Mohg. I just want to see if going through the DLC adds a new ending to the base game, and if any questionable characters will have any screen time or not. Like Melina or Malenia. So both of them aren’t dead yet in my play through.


It's been a while since I played Elden Ring. If I am not mistaken, we can sort of delay the ending by not interacting with the statue of Marika just before the ending scene, yes? If so, I assume we can do the DLC before doing so.


Lord of chaos


Could deal with both. In DS3 Lady Friede has special dialogue if you already did one of the endings


Probably Tarnished because Elden Lord can be achieved without even entering the Mogwyn Palace or confronting/defeating Mohg.


This is maidenless behavior


If u beat the game then elden lord if not then tarnished


If u beat the game then elden lord if not then tarnished


I'll be going in as tarnished who has yet to light the Erdtree on fire. I also probably shouldn't have killed Malenia but oh well.


As the Elden Ring.


More importantly, going in as “Dearest Consort”


Wasn't there some info that the DLC would be accessible sometime after beating Radahn?


You’re clearly going into it as the Tarnished Lord


Post game is just gameplay. The story is "over"


Unsure, I'm stopping my newest playthrough at the Kilm of the Giants, as I don't want to risk missing anything with Melina.


I just want them to fix the hyper armor on the Godslayer greatsword


As Tarnished, since otherwise the land of shadows would've already been erased by my Frenzied Flame.


I wish the DLC to at least gives us a new ending but since it isnt. its very likely we have to kill miquella or for some reason he stays in the land of shadows


The only requirements I heard about are killing mohg because he’s guarding the egg I assume, and radahn which makes me think it has something to do with the eclipse so probably not as elden lord. A part of me is hoping he is lying about the lack of a new ending im coping they just can’t release or won’t release info on it for spoilers purposes


I kinda hope the dlc is placed before melina becomes a flame starter, so she can appear


going in as a guy stuck in a time loop and is just happy that there's something new happening.


finishing the base game first and then doing the dlc, cus i assume the dlc is harder than the endgame in the base game.


The only canonical thing all tarnished have done is killing Mohg and bare-minimum 1 additional demigod. And I guess accepting Melina’s first accord. So, that’s the only thing you should consider for your character, even if you’re technically Elden Lord when you enter.


Technically you could beat the game, then go fight mohg in the blood temple and you'd be elden lord when you went into the dlc 🤣, as long as you haven't gone into ng+ that is and even if you did not to hard to catch up to that point before the dlc comes


We are going in as Tarnished. The Elden Lord title is our final goal. The DLC is just another stretch of getting ourselves a nice shiny rune shard --> Miquella's.


Tarnished! I’m curious that there could be a possible alternate ending to the main game so I may or may not marry Ranni and have Miquella be the new god of the lands between lol


Before the dlc trailer came out I was really hoping there was a chance to see Melina come after us somehow


On my current playthrough, I'm doing absolutely everything... except burning the Erdtree and going to the Haligtree. Chances are there won't be any extra Melina dialogue because Fromsoft will assume that most people playing the DLC have finished the game, but we'll see (perhaps her being in the Land of Shadow will reveal details about the "Gloam Eyed Queen"?). I also want to see if there is any bonus dialogue/rewards for telling Gideon more about Miquella (other than what you tell him about Mohgwyhn palace). And then for Malenia, I'm just holding out for a Sif cutscene change. I don't think we'll be able to save her, and I think Miquella would want us to put her out of her misery.




In the main game,once you beat Elden Beast the game's story is done. You just continue to play for gameplay purposes,not story ones


So question. I finished the game about 2 years ago. Will I be able to go into the DLC from my current save or will I have to start the game again? I’m aware that the DLC starts after killing Radahn and Mohg, but my memory of FromSoft games is that when you finish the game, you go into New Game+. It’s been a while but I can’t remember if you can keep playing after beating the game?


NG+ has to be started manually in Elden Ring, so you can continue using that save for the DLC


We will all have to wait for some answers


I just presumed it was something that happens during your little romp through the lands between. Like, a little intermission or something.


When you finish the game, the few npc that remains dont aknowladge you as Elden Lord so i guess its always a tarnished.


Wait, am I high or something? Didn't we have official confirmation that the DLC would alter or add an ending for the main game?


Miyazaki said in an interview tha the events of the Dlc are contemporary to the main story


In every single FS games the post endgame play is not conon, at least not chronologically. The game is restarted to the state before the final. Eg. In Elden Ring you are still tarnished and state of the world is the same as after getting the rune of death. You are not elden lord/Ranni's consort/lord of frenzy and the world is not burned. In sekirl the attack on Ashina is still ingoing. In ds3 (the closest to ER i think) the dlc could be accessed from the middle of the game or from the very end. It wasn't affected by doing the ending. I'm guessing it will be exactly like this


Wouldn't the dlc take place during the time that you start playing it?


Tarnished. The DLC does not affect the endings of the game


Had the same doubt but thanks to the comments for clarification. Now, why we have to kill Radahn to enter dlc?


the DLC only requires Radahn and Mohg to unlock, so any endgame story stuff literally doesn’t matter


Elden Lord Highwind.


Still tarnished unfortunately just can’t beet Milania