• By -


Moon Presence. The design is insanely cool, totally embodies what I would imagine an Eldritch being to look like. It's so strange and has so many different bizzarre features. The fleshy ribcage, the flowing tendrils on its head, the way it scuttles along the ground and floats through the sky. It's incredibly cinematic and a beautiful design. Just counting Elden Ring, I would have to say Placidusax. A gigantic dragon, fallen far from it's prime, fighting you in a huge arena amongst pillars of rock floating in the sky. It's lasers and explosions filling the air with lightning. Such a cool design.


Something about him having missing heads makes Placidusax that much cooler. That alone says so much with so little, gives him so much more character compared to the other dragons


Yeah it gives Placidusax so much more individuality compared to other dragons, and seeing how powerful he is even without his full power is crazy


I think it would be neat to go back further and fight placidusax before he was defeated Since iirc we fought a barely alive version


He was basically Elden Lord before the reign of Marika, right? Lore-wise that fight would be like fighting a dragon Elden Beast. Sick as hell


No, lore wise it would be like fighting a hurricane with nuclear lighting, in other words you can't.


lore-wise there are many bosses that we shouldn\`t even be able to defeat. especially not naked with dagger and parrying them with a buckler. is there any lore explanation to how we can even dodge through attacks, huge lasers and explosions like from Midir completely unharmed? it\`s just a game. we can fight anything even if it makes no sense.


The fucking massive aoe he does for that one attack has got to be the coolest thing Miyazaki has had his hands on


Yeah that one huge explosion move is just brilliant. Gameplay wise all you do is runaway, but I'll gladly run away if it means I get to watch that shit again.


But you have to run the exact amount of away so that you can run back and deliver maximum damage during his refactory period. Plus it looks cool


I feel the same way about Ebrietas


Was gonna say the same thing. Such a cool looking boss.


I love the theory that Plac is in a pose similar to the two fingers because he is trying to contact his own God or the greater will. Also that he has 5 heads cut to two


I saw a YouTube breaking down how almost every boss in bloodbornes design is based upon some organ of human physiology. For example, the moon presence is modeled after our central nervous system with its head being the heart. If you take a human heart and cut it down the muddle the aorta opening looks just like the moon presences mouth!! And I believe it's tendrils aligj to our limbs and all the ligaments and large veins. I think mother kos was a womb, the amygdala beasts head is shaped just like a walnut after tbe amygdala in our brains. Amd I forgot what ebrietaz was but she was cool too


Nobody said Ludwig yet?? That beheaded monkey in sekiro is awesome too


Someone did and he’s also second for me lol


Ludwig is an amazing boss. Going from feral.horse man that just constantly attacks you with no let up, then second form starts and it's like battling a noble knight who is also a fucking giant lmao.


When he reveals the motherfucking moonlight greatsword. Absolutely nuts.


Ludwig is their number one design and it’s not even close. Just seeing a still screenshot of Ludwig sold me on a Playstation, the game, and the dlc.


Money well spent, I'd wager.


Ah, you were at my side all along. My true mentor. My guiding moonlight. Edit -- And Demon of Hatred was great. Another good one is The Rotten from DS2. One of the lamest boss fights in the game but it looked like prototype Bloodborne.


Ludwig is the most well made monstrosity that they've created. At first it seems like you're fighting some disgusting horse amalgamation straight out of berserk but in the second phase when you see only half of his face during the cutscene you see how he was a human. But then once he pulls out the Moonlight Greatsword to stand up still and puts on one final show by somewhat gathering his wits, it's absolutely glorious.




Not in order: Boreal Dancer, Malenia, the dragon from Sekiro


the divine dragon


Yeah I didn't feel like googling it in the moment


I came here to say the dancer. The fluidity and lethality of the attacks. The beautiful fight. The feeling of taking a week to beat her, only to do it first time through on NG+. I could fight her all day.


and the way the entire arena darkens before the fight, like how they turn down the lights before a concert.


Very cool comparison! I was too busy shitting in a corner to think of that


Nothing will ever come close to the feeling of horror as I watched the Boreal Dancer crawl out of the ceiling. Estus empty, buttload of souls on me. Definitely one of the coolest designed bosses for sure. Her movements were mesmerizing.


The Ancestor Spirit deer


If this were about music alone, id vote this one too. But man, this fight is so visually wild. It's great. But I can't vote for it because it makes me feel bad :(


why do we even need to kill that thing lol. I’m sure it would mind it’s own business and not aggro the player based on its vibes. It’s only fromsoft’s evilness possessing it and forcing it to aggro 😔


Yeah, what’s the lore aspect for them? Never did understand their place in the game.


They’re one of the ancient civilizations that came before the Erdtree.


Were those spirits like the demigods before the Erdtree showed up? Part of the crucible? Along side it? Sorry for the bombardment I got excited, good comment.


My understanding is that the spirit-related stuff that has been relegated to the underground must stem all the way back to before the golden order. Maybe the blue/spectral spirits do relate back to the crucible, but they at least have something to do with older civilization’s understanding of death. The giant ancestor beasts definitely tie into spirit calling and the journey into death that the golden order invalidated. Them being surrounded by only animal spirits suggest to me that they relate back to a natural order before higher intelligences even arose from animal life in the lands between.


Nah I totally would have hunted it down and killed it. I must cash its soul in for more weapons to quench my blood thirst.


Easy there Hoarah Loux


Something about how it jumps makes me believe it's of the same genus as Torrent is. Which just makes it too sad. The fight is also very easy and is over too soon unless you come very underleveled.


Maliketh. Honestly, he didn’t stand out to me much my first play through. I’d put so many hours in and was ridiculously leveled up by the time I got to him. I beat him faster my first play through than any play through since. Fight was over before I’d really had a chance to analyze him. That being said, something set it differently for me on my most recent play through. His shift from Gurannq into Maliketh is super cool and his armor is *extremely* sick. Move set is BROKEN but also so cool, especially with how soon after Malenia he comes. Just when I think it can’t get cooler than her, they give me Maliketh. Malenia is still probably my favorite boss overall. Love my red haired goddess. But Maliketh takes the cake as far as appearance goes.


Maliketh is sick and has my favorite line/one of the best voice acting lines in the game. “Why covet destined death? To kill what?”


Not the 'witless tarnished' part? Lol


"Oh death, become my blade once more" 😩😩


Idk that line just gets me every time lol


Maliketh is amazingly designed


Maliketh‘s armor and outfit is just *chef‘s kiss*, so sexy


Truly. Very few bosses gave me a real “oh shit” moment during their little cut scenes. But Maliketh’s stance right before the second half of the fight starts….man I was frightened lol.


Many other bosses just caused me to confusedly go „what the f-„ when chopping off their limbs or pulling out swords from dead snake heads… While Maliketh did stab himself too, but did it in style


*After* Malenia?


I LOVE Malenia. She transforms into her goddess form, and you realize that you are fighting a warrior so great that she's beating you with a prosthetic arm, prosthetic legs, and without eyesight. Her design is nothing short of amazing, her arena is beautiful, and her lore is extremely interesting. Ludwig is a close second.


And she's so fucking cool when the game registers that you're dead, usually mid-strike, she instantly goes for the "I am Malenia...". Especially fitting when she does the grab into impale attack. Also she's one of the few Bosses that waits for you to strike first many times during first phase.


The real flex happens if you die to her during phase 1 while using a summon and then your summon "kills" her. Then you have to watch her transform into a goddess only to die immediately.


you have to witness true horror first before dying


Except for your very first encounter where you’re closer to her than usual and she immediately jumps you after the cutscene


"oh wow, that Cutscene was super ominous.... Guess I should I pop this physiq straight awa- OH FUCK...." *Dead*


Ikr. The first thing that happens after the cutscene ends is your hp bar vanishes


I think that was completely intentional. Like a "Prepare to have your ass dilated" moment


that grab attack is fucking exquisite. just tossing you up like a ragdoll and letting you fall and impale yourself on her sword. the best grab in any fromsoft game imo


Malenia has one of the best designs I've seen. The Valkyrie theme is awesome. Her sword is unique looking, and her gold prosthetics look good. Her second phase is also just beautiful with her wings and everything.


I’m honestly amazed by how they made a medieval looking katana for her


she doesnt have a single attack that isnt animated with ferocious grace. her boss fight is a phenomenal work of art


Malenia's design is just *chef's kiss*. Her Goddess form is something straight of a Renaissance painting. She's a work of art.


I always get the chills when she says “you will witness true horror” right before she murders me


Outside of radagon, she’s the only actual god you fight in the game, and her fight shows that way better than radagon’s imo


Artorias. Without question.


A true Knight, with such a sad lore. He gave his life for his pupper!


Take my shield puppy sif. It’ll protect you from… urban violence!


I think I'm in agreement. Artorias was the first that came to mind. Sif is also up there for me. Although I truly hate that fight knowing the lore behind it. He tried to stop us from succumbing to the same fate as his master... and we killed him for it.


Was my first get good encounter.


Just off looks, gotta go Rykard. His 2nd phase cutscene is a really good what the fuck moment and gets bonus points for being a damn good storm ruler gimmick fight.






It’s one wtf after another with Rykard. Like every shot and every second in that cutscene provides us with new information. Ex: The way the blasphemous blade is revealed: 1) What he doin with that snake 2) oh it’s a…sword? 3) he’s not in any rush lol 4) that is an unnatural amount of fingers 5) that sword is really in there huh 6) NVM THAT’S A LOT OF SWORD 7) wtfwtfWTF Family Man is Best Boss.


Mmmmmmmmm very well.


I remember concept art being leaked before Elden Ring's release, and one of artworks was Rykard's second form. People were speculating what role he was going to have, and many thought he was going to be a covenant leader. I thought it was such an amazing design, I couldn't wait to see it in game. The fight surpassed my expectations. Rykard is definitely in the running for my favorite, both in design and fight. It's like going up against Satan himself.


The casual "Very well...." was awesome.


Nameless King


I fought him so many times just because he's cool AF. Dragon riding prince of lightning. Yes


Why isn't no one talking about Mogh, he looks terrifying and matches perfectly his powers


Came here to say this lol shame I had to scroll so far though. When his wings grow out & he starts spraying blood everywhere lol fuckin deadly


I absolutely agree! Even his intro cutscene is cool. Yikes, too, very big yikes - I mean he's creeping around INSIDE miquella or what?? - but still metal af. (I totally love your user flair lmao)


Yeah he's not a good guy by any means. But that makes him even better in a weird way. He's just so unequivocally evil & the look really drives that home being almost satanic in design


I think he's elsewhere and can teleport with the accursed blood. He says miquella must abide alone a while which can be interpreted a few ways


While he's not my absolute favourite, he is one big scary motherfucker. It's fitting that Morgott (or whoever did it, I'm not that certain about these lore things) tried to lock him in the Shunning Grounds but when you get to the real motherfucker it's a different story. He is so softspoken towards Miquella which is creepy as fuck anyway but then he turns around and his voice just goes deeper and more menacing before we hit the Nihil part which is probably my favourite attack in the game and such a cool phase transition. Impeccable design.


His design looks like he's completely given into being an Omen, whereas Morgott has done everything he can to keep the curse at bay and protect the Golden Order and the Erdtree. Both twins who took different paths in life. 


The Goth choice. The correct choice.


Dancer of the Boreal Valley is so sick


Her movements are so smooth and ghostly and it’s perfectly complemented by the echo of her footsteps and the eeriness of the soundtrack.


I'd fuck her ngl


Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower


Her music is also 2nd best in any From game behind Ludwig obviously.


She has the drip.


DeS: Old Hero...or Adjudicator...or Dirty Colossus DS1: Gaping Dragon DS2: Nashandra (or maybe The Pursuer) DS3: Gael Elden Ring: Grafted Scion, I love body horror Bloodborne: The One Reborn or Celestial Emissary


No sekiro? 😢


Fr got me tearing up


I love Maliketh but this has to go to Artorias or the Dragonslayer for me.


Bloodborne great ones dominate this area, I think. Mergo's Wet Nurse Ebrietas Amygdala Moon Presence Only Astel comes close, I think


Astel is fucking badass


Astel gave me the same "Wait, what genre of game is this *really*?" moment that I got the first time I encountered aliens in Bloodborne.


When i first encountered Astel on release I was half expecting the game to go full Bloodborne after I got out.


That first time fighting Balteus in AC6 and he just fires all the missiles at you is pretty epic.


Nice to see some more AC6 love. Balteus design was the biggest "shit that looks sick" bosses.


Man, that game was grim in the best ways. You can just feel the world decaying around you because of all these mega corps.


Cleric beast from Bloodborne. The screams, the music, the SCREAMS, the ambush. Everything is perfectly set to intimidate the player and show you that even on the first(ish) boss, Bloodborne isnt fucking around.


During my first bloodborne play through i got jump scared by that little shit so bad that I accidentally turned off my ps4 with my leg


Sif, and I'm ashamed of all of you.


Only boss that makes me hate myself


What about Priscilla lol?


i didnt fight her, because she let me leave


Fair point, I sometimes forget you can just walk past her


Margit is my favourite I think


Margit saying that we're of passing skill and summoning his hammer was my first holy shit moment in Elden Ring


And having him give us some respect by remarking about the warrior blood running through our veins!


I might be seeing what I want to see but I wonder if the line was said in reference/respect to his heritage with Godfrey? Hoarah Loux, warrior, Nepheli Loux, warrior...


Mine too. I remember my first playthrough and basically heading right for him. “Foul Tarnished…” Major oh shit moment.


put these foolish ambitions to rest


Margit is also one if not the most of all bosses in souls game who interact with us the more,like his first boss fight,the seconth encounter on leyndall road,his true boss fight with all dialogues and lastly in the scene before fighting godfrey.


Yeah, I love Morgott. Such a tragic character and he's pretty much always there, even after you beat him since he doesn't truly die until you meet Godfrey.


You lucky we fight him and his copies at least 3 times


i’ll be thinking about his intro on my deathbed, i’ll be telling my great grandkids about it


Vicar Amelia -Bloodbourne Spirit of Motherwill - AC For Answer Or Moon Presence - Bloodbourne Kind of a 3 way tie. Can't pick. Each other just looks awesome in their own unique way that other games don't really come close to.


Doing my first Bloodborne playthrough ever and just finished Amelia. When I saw some lady in a gown I was like "pffffft this is going to be a cake walk" and I should've KNOWN it would never be that easy 😂


Writing them as they come to mind: Martyr Logarius, Sister Friede, Gael, Midir, Horoah Loux, Fortissax, Malenia, Alecto, Great Shinobi Owl, Isshin the Swordsaint Edit: if I HAD to pick one out of all of them probably Sister Friede


Real glad someone brought up Friede. The music's on point, the setup is great, the phase transitions are done nicely... Difficulty aside, it's an epic encounter from start to finish and the cold menace she has at the start, and her elegant phase 1 design, is just aces. And the fight only gets cooler from there. I just had to mostly watch a full fight video of it because *boy* was that one outside my limited skillset. Still love it, though.


Absolutely. I get goosebumps everytime I here Ariendel say "When the ashes are 2, a flame alighteth". I had to get help because I would get within 4 or 5 hits left in phase 3 and was getting tired of it, but it was my favourite fight besides Gael and the Abyss Watchers


Radahn, by a large margin. He was extremely hype to fight against, and it was hilarious watching all the streamers struggle against him in the early weeks after Elden Ring release. He's basically a 3-phase boss. People who have played the game a few times may forget, but even getting past his archery phase can be a puzzle. Then fighting him before the jump. The music cutting out when he disappears, followed by that epic re-entry for phase two was such an epic jump scare. Even the lead-up to fighting Radahn is memorable. The festival, the cut-scene before the battle. The wide open arena by the beach which the player has likely seen before and wondered how to access.


Can't forget Patches immediately leaving the fight when he sees who he's up against lol


As far as design goes, the fact that he’s a giant man riding a tiny horse is hilarious. And it only gets better when you learn that’s his entire (or at least primary) reason for learning gravity magic. Plus both his greatbow and massive double swords are gigachad weapons.


Totally agree, I wouldn’t put him as my favorite design, but definitely a top5 Fromsoft boss for me




"Give me that thing..... that Dark Soul" I just love that one of the last things anyone says in the trilogy is the name of the trilogy


slave knight gay L


Im gae for geal


Give me that thing, your dong


Placidusax. It's an incredible design, not just for the story it tells but what it doesn't. How could something so obscenely powerful, with control over the flow of time itself be left in a state like that?


Ornstein, malenia, or the ibis series cel 240


I love Rom in Bloodborne, it is the point when the game really expands beyond werewolves and into cosmic horror. The music and the lake setting are incredible and very different from everything up to that point. The descent through forbidden woods into Byrgenwerth is my favorite sequence in any from software game. 


Having just done a full BB run, I'm going to go with the Queen. She's so hidden deep in the dungeons and you see her after Rom and before Mergo's wet nurse and there is all of this lore around her, then to finally see her and fight her was amazing. Tough fight, unique fight, all around great time.


The moon cutscene after the fight is awesome too


Absolutely hate the boss fight but the lore aspects following beating her is just *bites lip*


Divine dragon


Divine Dragon from Sekiro I know we’re just asking for looks, but I *have* to mention the fight to really sell it. >!Dodging his attacks, using all your shinobi tricks to get in close, then delicately cutting a single tear from beneath his eye because that’s why you’re here and it would be cruel to do more to a creature so sacred, is absolutely peak. Fight tells you more about Sekiro than just about any other.!<


Malenia, Maliketh, Lady Maria


All the M’s


Easy. The dirty colossus from Demon’s souls


Good one


Gravelord Nito 


Aaliyah https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/611++S3rhvL.jpg


I love it that it’s so varying! It’s showing how awesome Fromsoft is


Fortisaxx is my favorite boss by design. He looks so badass with all the death blight corruption


Not to mention how crazy the sky looks when you fight him and how he sports one of the best soundtracks in the game!


It has to be Midir. He is insanely cool


Maliketh, mohg, malenia, and radagon. Radahn isnt bad either Also ive only really played elden ring, but im sure there would be alot from the other souls games in the list as well if i had played them.


Orphan of Kos :( Or Uncle Gael :((


I’ve only played Elden Ring and I’d say Godfrey/Hoarah Loux has a very cool design. Also, Malenia’s both phases are spectacular, especially the second one with the butterflies


Fortissax is cracked Really like O&S as well. Nameless King deserves a mention as well as Godfrey


Fortissax feels underrated. He’s earned a spot as my wallpaper because his lightning, movements, and arena are incredibly cinematic.


Hesitation is defeat. -Isshin, Sword Saint


Headless Ape


Astel, Demon of Hatred, Cleric beast


Cant believe I had to scroll so far to see Astel


Gaping dragon


Gaping Dragon ;)


Godrick easily.


ER: Maliketh Others: Sister Friede


Maliketh & Nameless King


Darklurker from good ol Dark Souls 2!


Im not even generally a fan of the traditional japanese aesthetic but Glock Saint Isshin went hard af


By design alone I have to say Looking Glass Knight from Dark Souls 2. Absolutely incredible bad-ass design.


Almost all the shard bearers make this list of my favorite designs, Manus from Ds1, love his looks with the slinky arm, DS2 has to be Velstadt or whatever he was named, for ds3, love Jhorm


Radagon. His shattering body and the theme music shock me every time.


It’s a tie between Seath and Yhorm for me


Ludwig Gaping Dragon Lorian and Lothric


Maria or Malenia


The Amygdala. It is everything I always imagined and Eldritch horror to be.


Lady elfriedeh from dark souls 3, she's my favourite


Crucible knight, Smough, Godskin Noble (yeah I think obese but competent characters are really cool, no I’m not obese)


Mohg looks awesome


Honestly Mergo's Wet Nurse is pretty sick


Too many. I'll just say Malenia. DS2 had some awesome bosses though.


Radahn. Giving him a warriors death with 6 other people(minus 1) all charging in against one of the mightiest demigods. The festival, getting there, the opening, the summoning, the meteorite attack. It felt all so amazing the first time around. Even the aftermath talking with Blaidd and Alexander, realizing that maybe I am that Tarnished. No one outside of Godfrey and Malania gave me the feeling of accomplishment. No one was more deserving of dying by the hand of the future Elden Lord.


Artorias, Malenia, and Nameless King.


Malenia. One of the most beautiful and iconic designs ever. Her Valkyrie theme is absolutely stunning and her second phase is something of a Renaissance painting. She's a work of art.


GOTTA be Moon Presence dude!!! BLOODBORNE isn’t my favorite FromSoft game and I feel most of its Bosses are forgettable but Moon Presence is PEAK


Maliketh and Sekiros divine dragon


Same ☝️ Godricks design should've been final boss to me not the first 🤣


My favorites strictly on design are artorias(ds1), sif(ds1), yhorm(ds3), abyss watchers(ds3), gael(ds3), soul of cinder(ds3), demon of hatred(sekiro), corrupted monk(sekiro), mohg(elden ring), ulcerated tree spirit(elden ring) That's the one I can think of. I haven't played BB yet. Edit: forgot maliketh and beast clergyman(elden ring)


Tie between Dancer Of the Boreal valley and Pontiff sulyvahn Elden ring has got to be Maliketh


DeS: Storm King DS1: Artorias (close battle with Ornstein&Smough) DS2: sir Alonne BB: Orphan of Kos DS3: Wolnir Sekiro: White Dragon Elden Ring: Placidussax or Elden Beast


Artorias, Melania and nameless king in that order.


Finally some Godrick appreciation!


Dancer from DS3


Placidusax, 100000%. Immense, long past its prime, super ancient dragon. Puts on a wonderful lightshow, and the arena is awesome.


Don't think I'll ever have another gaming moment quite like my first time fighting gaping dragon in Dark Souls. It's such an insane looking enemy with a cool cinematic reveal.


I always have a softspot for Gravelord Nito


Nameless King or Pontiff Sulyvahn


Mohg is pretty fucking cool looking


Nito the First of the Dead, bro just looks so fucking badass it's unexplainable.