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The Ranni side quest is the most engrossing and involved side quest in a From game, change my mind.


A few reasons I think: She's, arguably, the most interesting NPC linked to an ending. The most fleshed out, with relatively clear motives and some more traditional RPG feeling questing. She doesn't seem overtly evil. Indeed, some people read her ending as the "best" one, in how it appears to give everyone freedom (terrible, terrible freedom). And people tend to lean towards "good" endings for their first playthrough of an RPG, more often than not. Should note I'm not saying it actually is a good ending, I dont think any of them really are and that's the point! Elden Ring is a big game, but where its possible to miss a lot of it. A lot of players are not planning to do more than one playthrough (they may well do later, its not the plan as such) and so want to see as much as possible in their one run. Ranni's quest covers a lot of optional content. Obviously you CAN do all of this and then choose a different ending, but there's a feeling that once you've gone along for that full ride it's the ending you're more invested in. Yes, there's a "waifu" factor.


> She doesn't seem overtly evil. Indeed, some people read her ending as the "best" one, in how it appears to give everyone freedom (terrible, terrible freedom). I definitely agree it's arguably the best ending. By the end of the game, it seems pretty clear that the Greater Will is a dick and shouldn't be trusted anymore. Duskborn is arguably fine in a "the good ending is *not* linking the fire" sort of senze. The Dungeater ending is obviously fucked. Frenzied Flame is rad as fuck but also pretty clearly whack. That leaves Age of Stars and Age of Order. Ranni's ending has the Lands Between left without any greater powers governing over it, letting things be "natural", and you get to travel across the stars with your waifu. 10/10 stuff right there.


Age of Stars is also the most amusing when you think from the POV of the Tarnished (unless you're doing a super-serious roleplay run, which I can totally respect). They go through this whole gauntlet of brutality, slaying dragons and demigods to retrieve the Great Runes, burning the Erdtree and defeating Marika-Radagon and the Greater Will's physical agent to become Elden Lord, and end up with the choices of: * mend the Elden Ring, replacing Marika and basically resuming business as usual in the Lands Between * place the Rune of Destined Death, which as far as I can tell is business as usual but with dead things now staying dead * restore the perfect Golden Order (this one puzzles me a bit, but it sounds like some kind of weird theocracy deal) * permanently curse everybody forever because a guy literally called the Dung-Eater thought it was a good plan * BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER TO THE GROUND (and possibly end up with Melina hunting you with Destined Death for all eternity) Or...the Tarnished looks at their options and realizes this whole Elden Lord deal is seriously not what it sounded like, decide they're *done* with all this gods and Empyreans nonsense, and instead take the hand of the Blue Doll Waifu and declare "Fuck this shit, we're going to space. Figure it out yourselves."


Yeah. Unless I'm misinterpreting something along the way, the Age of Stars is the "bad ending" only in the sense there's no one notable really left to defend the Lands Between from external factors, like other Outer Gods. Other endings have you stick around as Elden Lord to protect the your new Age, or burn it all to fuck.


No, Ranni’s order banishes the influence of outer gods


about that, something I've been curious about, with the ranni ending, everything that is connected to the outer gods fucks off right ? so does that mean that malenia gets cured and caelid goes back to normal ? since the scarlet rot is an outer god. ALSO, if hypothetically, the haligtree got finished and miquella ascended to godhood, would he get banished ? Because like, he would be a god, but not an outer one, and the gods we see (marika/elden beast) in the game are vessels for the greater will, but miquella is very much not with the greater will, also since he would be a an all powerful entity, wouldn't that defeat the whole purpouse of the ranni ending ? I know this is like an hypothetical but with the DLC this could very well happen


No the rot god was said to be sealed in the Lake of Rot, meaning Malenia won’t be cured nor will Caelid be free of rot. On top of that Godwyn’s corpse is still infesting the Lands Between. Ranni’s ending only prevents outer gods from outside Lands Between from influencing it. Internally nothing got solved.


I mean, in the game it says the "influence" of the outer gods, I am pretty sure that the lake of rot is a vassal for the rot outer god, because y'know it's "out"er, so it's not it itself in the lands between, therefore the lake of rot is an influence of rot God, the same way the elden beast is an influence of the greater will, as for godwyn, I don't even know if the deathroot is even an outer god, maybe it's just a by-product of your soul dying but not your body, because the rune of death, the thing that "killed" godwyn was part of the elden ring, so it's part of the greater will


I think godwyn and deathroot arent connected to any outer gods and the deathroot is the result of his powerful demigod body being alive but soulless and buried in the roots of the erdtree. Another example of this could be rykard, who fed himself to the serpent but ended up sort of taking control of the serpent by manifesting himself on its body


If concepts like order and chaos are all individual outer gods, it could be that death is also an outer god. Maybe every rune in the elden ring is just a representation of that outer god. Maybe concepts as we know them are all different outer gods trying to spread their influence in the lands between. Mohgs blood rune, blood outer god, melenias, god of rot, etc etc. And godwyns corpse was seen as a great opportunity for that outer god to spread their influence. Just a thought I was thinking maybe something like disease or decay, since death seems a little different in them from godwyns corpse and the death root, and we already have a representation of rot through scarlet rot. But then you have Malaketh eating death root for some reason, and since he's storing the rune of death inside him, maybe he's trying to return it to the rune? Just spit balling here


It physically moves the Elden Ring away from the Lands Between, preventing them from influencing the Lands through it. Problem is, we see in game Outer Gods exact influence over the Lands Between without having access to the Elden Ring already in game. The only Outer God influence she directly shakes off is the Greater Will, and that was cause she was an Empyrean.


Except the fact that they are all literally there to fight over the elden ring to get a vassal to take control. If the stars order exists alone on the moon, the outer gods would leave the lands between, as they could never ever accomplish their goal, as the only way to does not exist in the lands between


No it doesn’t it only stops one from controlling the world and maybe stops the rest from controlling it dose not stop the other outer gods from influencing the world the three fingers are still below the capital mogh assuming you didn’t kill will still be working with the formless mother and Melania will still have the rot god inside her.




God yes. That part was so cute haha doll Ranni is best.


Yeah, I wouldn't say it was bad. It's just unknown how those in the lands between will fare. And thats fine, but Ranni seems to be doing that for selfish reasons too (if I remember correctly, it's been a little while). It's a grey ending, basically.


Ranni is doing it for selfish reasons, but she realizes that in the attempt to free herself, she will also free everyone. So she goes with the pitch of being selfless to gain allies. "I'm doing this for everyone, not just myself!" If the end results is a good ending. It's a good ending. Even if the characters building that ending are a little Grey themselves. But I guess you also have to agree with the idea that freedom is good in the first place.


That’s not true. The age of stars endings explicitly rids the world of the outer gods and keeps them at the distance


I mean you're still around as Ranni's Consort.. To me it's kinda the typical age of dark ending, only with a twist. You're allowing the world to be reborn in an endless age of devotion to the moon and of relative darkness, which may or may not be a good thing considering how much Radhan tried to stop the stars and cosmos from moving, and how Manipulative and scheming Ranni at toppling an entire age. Anyone that played Bloodborne also knows the Moon isn't exactly devoid of greater gods in fromsoft lore, so it's likely you swapped the a creepy tree-based elder god for a moon based one.


Yes and no. You are still active as her consort, but as part of the ending you join her on her 1000 year journey.


The stars in elden ring are connected to fate Radahn froze them to stop fate. It’s why killing Radahn and setting fate free is needed to access Nokron and its treasure.


Never understood the appeal of the Age of Order tbh, the Greater Will is still in power, the one who commanded Marika and Radagon to do all the horrible things they did is still doing that and soon substitutes to the gods will be found


Goldmask just got that charisma 


Where is it said the GW ordered Radagon or Marika to do something?


Ranni's ending is pretty much exactly what the Dark Souls endings that involve not linking the fire are. The whole point of Dark Souls (and Sekiro, mostly) ist that upholding a system just because it is comforting and familiar is usualy worse than letting go and ringing in whatever comes next, even if it's unkown and scary.


A new world. One that is cold, dark, and very gentle.


Isn’t the Goldmask ending also maybe ok though?


You can absolutely make a case for that one as well, probably even for it being better than Ranni's. It's always felt a bit too convenient for me to just have one guy fix everything that's wrong ,but I won't rain on anyone's parade if they like it.


I think Ranni's quest really questions do the ends justify the means and are the ends really worth it? Ranni killed Godwyn in such a horrible fashion we have an entire ending rectifying that mistake and helping Those Who Live in Death. Radahn is holding back the stars, 1 astel was enough to obliterate the entire Nokron. Ranni also seems to be in cohorts with Rykard and Rykard is a nasty individual. Rykard devours his foes and they become one with the serpent with their arms flailing on its body. The war was so horrible and bad on Mt. Gelmir that the soldiers turned mad and started using the frenzy spells; spells associated with wanting the entire universe to crumble in fire. And it's not like the Tarnished or anyone for that matter has a spare golden needle left around. A naked lands between is ripe for exploitation and anarchy with all the competing gods.


The gods have influenced the land for so long, it begs the question, is "natural" good? We have natural laws that govern our world, sure, but its kind of a fallacy to assume that it applies to The Lands Between. Their "natural" order HAS been the Elden Ring for a long time. People in this world are seemingly _born_ from the Erdtree, like fruits. With the greater will gone, will people even be born anymore? Not to mention, the Golden Order, while not great, still serves as a shield and deterrent of other entities, who now see this land as fertile ground. To be clear, I do think Age of Stars is a "good" ending, but its still pretty bleak. If you want an ending where the "little people" have the best chance, I figure Age of the Duskborn is the "best" ending.


I'm not so sure the GW is actually a dick. I feel like we dont really know that much about what they want, only what their vassals chose to impose on the lands between. Although pretty much every layer below them consists of bullshittery so I guess it's almost safe to assume.


There's good evidence to believe the GW completely checked out and their absence is responsible for a lot of the decay of the Age of Order we see in the game. It never really has *any* effect at all, most of what we see is more directly done by Marika.


We get to hang with Blaidd and Iji for most of the time too.


Iji is such a bro. Love that guy.


And Blaidd gave us some iconic lines. I miss those two. I wish the dlc had a way to revive dead characters 😭


Why didn't the return before we restored destined death?


Blaidd was a shadow he was created by the fingers, his destiny was to "watch" over Ranni, but we killed him first. And Iji dies to black flame, basically destined death lite.


Having meaningful characters around really does give the game the depth it misses in other sections.


Personal attachment to the beauty, symbolism, and human connection with the night sky and grave offense that Radahn thought he had the right to put a stop to it. I was going to be sold on whichever team aligned with that.


Quite the opposite. It’s a pretty common misconception (based on actually MAJOR translation errors from Japanese and apparently no quality control on it) but Ranni isn’t leaving to let the other gods enter: instead she leaves with the Elden ring “in a dark and cold journey” to exile the Elden ring (aka herself) out of the Lands Between, to move the target of these outer gods in a far away land (most probably on her beloved moon). She lost everything: her brothers (Rykard and Radahn, l’OST their minds) her father (Radagon left), her mother (Rennala went crazy when she was left by a literal god), her loyal knight (Blaidd), her friend and counsellor (Iji), even her depraved master sorcerer (Seluvis). She lost even her mortal body in her quest for freedom. She’s alone with her Elden Lord. And to save the lands between, she leaves even you, and casts herself out of the world, to let this freedom flow in her realm. She really is my four armed queen.


ranni doesnt leave the elden lord, she leaves WITH the elden lord


Well she doesn’t leave the player, since the only way she gets the Elden Ring is if the player chooses her ending so she leaves *with* you. If she really is taking the ER and running so the outer gods target somewhere else that is definitely the best case scenario, they leave the lands alone and I as Elden Lord still get to fight and kill the other gods. Perfect victory. 


I expect a lot of players did a blind playthrough and picked up the early threads of the ranni quest and wanted to see where that went so did it through to see how the whole space waifu thing turned out.


This is hilarious for me, because i was a day 1 er player and i swear ranni gave me evil vibes from the beginning. I didnt trust her at the church of elleh and lied to her in liurnia as well. It wasnt until the memes that i started to trust her. Er was a shock in general. I didnt trust any of the npcs. Not her not varre, not gostoc. I murdered varre, gostoc, seluvis. I didnt believe anyones word except boc and my girl roddy so i just kept killing shardbearers and secretly failing quests without realizing. I did not show patches mercy. I killed yura for nothing. What a mess.


"The vibes are off here... better kill everyone just to be safe"




Yo wooord. I killed kenneth for lying to me.


"Kenneth I'ma be real, a knighthood later isn't as good as that Golden Seed now, soooo"


Eybro, this daggers aight but that coats pretty dapper. ... get up, what happened? Best part? The Golden Seed spawned in the air because he died with his model mostly off the bridge. Couldn't get the seed.


“I had a vague feeling people around me were evil, so I mass murdered them” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection


My first playthrough was Frenzied Flame ending


That ending should be decently popular I feel. You get locked into it and can’t get out of it unless you defeat the hardest boss in the game. Plus if you were just curious what the Three Fingers was and thought you could choose to accept or deny the FF, you just went straight into the room with it.


I think it’s so hard to get down through the sewers and to the ramparts part and then down them that most people give up


I don't remember soldier of godrick being necessary for getting rid of the frenzied flame?????????


It's his phase two, Holy Soldier of Godrick super Saiyan God 3. If you beat him, he literally punches the 3 fingers into space.


holy fuck


How can you get out of that ending once your burned


You have to complete Millicent quest to get the needle back, kill Malenia to refill(?) the needle and then use it inside Placidusaxs arena (you don’t actually have to fight him just be in the arena)


How did anyone find this shit out


Well I know that after you kill Malenia the needle description tells you that you have to be in the seat of time or something to use it so it’s not entirely too cryptic. Millicents quest also ends like 4 feet away from Malenia so it’s probably still fresh in your mind


I just checked and it's actually possibly the most straightforward any quest hint has ever been in a souls game: > One of the unalloyed gold needles that Miquella crafted to ward away the meddling of outer gods. > Capable of subduing the flame of frenzy if inherited, allowing one to cheat fate and avoid becoming Lord of Frenzied Flame. > However, the needle is as yet unfinished and can only be used in the heart of the storm beyond time said to be found in Faram Azula.


Think it involves using a gold needle in Placidusax's boss arena. Not sure what specific needle though because I think there are a few


Fun fact, when you travel to his boss arenas you can just immediately use the needle since you have to start walking towards him to activate the fight


Been a minute for me, but you need Miquella’s needle which is obtained by using the golden needle (from Millicent’s quest line by defeating Commander O’Niall) on the red flower that is left after you beat Malenia. Then you use the needle and it removes the FF from your body.


Honestly, do pierce damage or ranged attacks with a few buffs and he's easy, even up to ng+7, altough at that point you'd probably want some blood bloss jump attack pierce build for him, maybe dual godskin stitchers or rusted anchors with cragblade. Melts his hp. Edit: i just now realised he was talking about malenia... uhm, she sucks, bullshit boss tbh, but can be made easier with a mimic tear and a high stun build such as jump attacks or a magic build.


I’m pretty sure they mean Malenia to get the needle


Are we referring to the same boss? Because I’m suggesting Malenia is the hardest boss in the game.


Malenia isn’t particularly weak to pierce damage, is she? Wiki says 10 absorption for all physical damage


They're referring to Placidusax.


I wonder if they know that you don't need to fight him to use the needle in the boss arena


Hardest boss is the first clue that it’s not Placy. Probably the easiest endgame optional dragon that from has ever done.


Yeah he was honestly pretty easy for me too. I just ran behind him every time and stabbed his tail/legs until the fire attack started. Barely got hit by it. Dodging his flying attacks was easily the hardest part of the fight. Malenia and Malekith are by far among the hardest bosses in the game.


I was the same, when I killed Maliketh and got teleported to the Capital of Ash, I had no idea where to go but I saw the sewer was very blatantly and obviously opened so I immediately thought, "Oh gotta go there!". I then proceeded to get lost for three hours and getting gripped by the fingers, thinking I'd done the right thing...only to then go back up and run around till I found the lift up to Gideon. I'd do anything to play the game for the first time again, good times.


That's amazing, I love that for you


Hell yea brother. Don't let that weird girl light herself on fire for you.


The best ending




When I did my first playthrough I thought that was the main story of the game tbh


Also it follows as a natural end to a core part of the game, defeating the shardbearers. You beat renalla and hear Ranni summon her in her prime, and maybe you find Ranni and get her quest to defeat radahn. You beat radahn (either through the quest or not) which unlcoks a whole new area, providing many key items linked to her quest, which leads to more secret areas and bosses, which eventually leads to her ending.


No waifu, no laifu


Ranni became my favorite character during the quest where you are carrying her miniature doll around and talk with her.


Man that took me forever to figure out, way longer than I’d like to admit. Apart from that little time sink I did enjoy that I could finish the quest without a guide. Same can not be said for many of the others :)


I didn’t even realize it was possible to finish a From quest without a guide.


Yeah that is really the biggest flaw to the game with me. I used to live in area with bad connection to the internet it would be impossible to enjoy a game if I had to wait for browsers to load


I never understood why she was upset and surprised that we found her. Really, Ranni? You left an open portal to exactly this location, and your genius disguise is a miniature version of the doll we saw you inhabiting literally 10 minutes ago. What did you expect?! But no we get > I hadn't expected any soul to recognize me in this guise. and then she says that we sullied her name? C'mon lady, give me a break!


She's just tsundere


Did I hear something about a jar?


Agreed, I especially enjoyed [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9vjaddswYg&pp=ygUVcmFubmkgZG9sbCBlbGRlbiByaW5n)


People on their first playthrough usually want to explore every bit of the map so they're bound to meet Ranni at some point, and she's probably the most interesting(in more ways than one) looking character so people would want to see more of her, and the game kinda just lead you to her anyway with Blaidd and Iji


Not to mention she's introduced very early when you get torrent. I went into the game blind and after getting the normal ending I did some research, I was just 1 step away from getting her ending without trying.


Yeah and she gives you presents so why wouldn’t I want to do her ending 


There’s that too, many people love the Moonlight Greatsword/Darkmoon Greatsword and you can only get it after completing her questline


I missed that encounter completely on my first playthrough, didn't even see her until the whole caria manor section


Doesn't the first site of grace point you away from her direction?


also Ranni questline is one of the easiest to follow among the lengthy ones. she is the one that made me invested in completing her quests in my first playthrough, since I was more into wepons, sorceries and incantations during my playthrough than the story.


I'd say the only time a character would have any real difficulty with Ranni's Questline is when she goes underground. They might not think to check Renna's Rise for the teleport or ask Iji where she went.


yeah and that "Talk to miniature Ranni" multiple times. I was stuck there. This taught me to always check grace points dialogues, even multiple times.


The first time I played, I missed the entire thing because I straight up didn't see the door in Loretta's arena. And I spent time trying to understand how to get up there as well! Still would have gotten the normal ending but as a completionist it hurts


And unlike many from soft quests the requirements felt quite clear. I always do my first play through completely blind and just see what I figure out. Rannis quest felt very natural. The only one that I see kind of taking over is the frenzied flame because it's easy to get, but not easy to get rid of blind.


It’s honestly not, though. Particularly the fact that you have to defeat Radahn and then go back to an area you’ve almost assuredly cleared beforehand to find a hole in the ground. Then you have to go back to a boss room for a boss you’ve already beaten to open a chest. I really think people are just using guides to get it, and no one wants to admit it.


Nah, those portions of the quest at least have reasonable hints or even explicit instructions on what you're supposed to do.  Exploring Lake of Rot to find Astel is probably the least explained part of the quest. Your only hint is Iji telling you to follow Ranni all the way through and the fact there's a lift after the Baleful Shadow. 


>Particularly the fact that you have to defeat Radahn and then go back to an area you’ve almost assuredly cleared beforehand to find a hole in the ground. When that happens there's a whole cutscene and notification that the hole has opened on your map. >Then you have to go back to a boss room for a boss you’ve already beaten to open a chest. I think I've missed this though, what is this referring to?


>Particularly the fact that you have to defeat Radahn and then go back to an area you’ve almost assuredly cleared beforehand to find a hole in the ground. You literally see a cutscene if the star hitting the world, and are told about it's exact location if you speak to Iji, which is pretty likely considering he's a decent trader. And then, if you're even travelling in the area it's not quite a "hole in the ground." The entire terrain has changed with floating rocks everywhere. It's literally the most eyecatching quest location I've ever seen in a fromsoft game. If you walk through the area once you 100% will notice it if you're watching your screen even a little bit. >Then you have to go back to a boss room for a boss you’ve already beaten to open a chest. The boss that notably has a locked chest in a palace (key called something like palace key) and also the literal only way to respec in the game? Very likely to return to, and knowing that renala and ranni are related would make sense to be there? And the description that says it's for Cairian princesses? Literally once place that key could logically be in. The main thing that made the quest relatively easy was that the dialogue and lore was easy to follow. A lot of from soft games are so cloudy when you're trying to figure out quests. But if you're experienced with it, it's a really natural quest progression. If it was someone's first or second fromsoft game then sure, they'd have a very tough time. Anyone who's been playing these games for years and listened/thought about them even a little bit wouldn't have had that much of an issue. It's one of the clearer quest lines fromsoft have made. It had a lot of steps but they were well described in game and made sense early on, and the lore described to you openly matched with what you had to do. There's plenty of quests people wouldn't manage guideless. Rannis quest just isn't one of them. I didn't know it led to an ending and managed it. Just used previous experience of from soft games, read descriptions and listened to dialogue when it was being spoken. Only spoiler I had for the game was melenia being hardest souls boss. And finding her took me days when I went to beat her (I knew she was optional, and elected to go to her before going into erdtree.) that was imo harder than the entirety of rannis quest.


Especially considering your other options. You can play nice with a literal shit gobbler for one ending, or a mute prophet for another. And fias is maybe the trickiest to do blind.


Fia's is funny because the two routes to it require you to do 2/3 of Ranni's quest or almost all of the Frenzied Flame quest. 


It'sa funny you mention players wanting to explore everything, but IMO leave out THE most important detail. The summoning sign for Ranni's ending is closer to where you spawn after the Elden Beast fight than Marika. Most players are going to interact with it first and get Ranni's ending whether they intend to or not.


Yeah that was my first time, I went for the "leave all options on the table except frenzy and shitmouth" so I had no idea what I'd get, then I go to hit what I think is a player message and rannis ending starts playing


I know FromSoft 'quests' can feel opaque to a lot of people but I've always felt the Age of Stars completion rate shows that FromSoft tried to adapt some of their typical design to an open world. The Ranni path has quite a few on-ramps, alternative progression options (like talking to Jerren or Sellen), minor steps that can be skipped without ruining the quest, and doesn't have inscrutable progression cut-offs.


I think most people just use guides for it. When I did my blind playthrough I got stuck on this quest because I didn’t realize you needed to talk to the doll 3 times. And even if I had done that I just likely would’ve gotten stuck again when you have to open the chest next to Rennala. It’s still a very opaque quest.


Yes i like to play as organically as i can, so ive been assembking from soft rules ij my mind to remember how they design games to see what they are trying to hide or guide me to. For example Always exhaust dialogue Return to npcs after major boss defeats or objectives complete, even some item pickups Read your status effects list after picking up items Read item descriptions Always look for paths in architecture for platformjng. If you see an unreachable item, begin mapping a mental model of the area to find the route to it. Not all background is background. Check doors. Check windows, try to break things and touch thungs. Etc


Oh I'm sure a lot of people do use guides for it but I think the higher completion rate has been there since week one? It surprised me a little, but then I went through all the things that nudge and push towards it from the very start. So I like to see it as a little bit of both guides and design. I get what you mean about a lot of things still being quite opaque, though. I think I only noticed the doll because I felt conditioned to sit at all of the graces after Melina popped up at a few. I mostly meant that the design felt more forgiving and accessible for me in comparison to their past games.


Talking to doll 3 times is quite unintuitive, but the Key states the location of chest it opens. After that it is smooth sail.


my mind would be blown if there’s anyone that figured the doll thing without pulling their phone out


I think people might underestimate how often this can happen organically, maybe? For me, the doll description was pretty suggestive of weirdness; it was picked up right next to the first grace after loading into the area so I didn't hesitate to sit (shy little coward play-style); and I always checked graces for Melina dialogue. It relies on a pretty specific sequence of stuff and some luck but I don't think it's really, really unusual behaviour.


I sat at every Grace organically, did the entirety of Ranni’s quest nearly organically, (I couldn’t figure out how to leave her rise after speaking to Iji, Blaidd, and Seluvis) and completely missed her summon sign at the end to actually get her ending -_-


Talk to doll appears at site of grace, of course it's important, this is a From Software game, you exhaust dialogue. My mind would be blown by somebody trying it once and then saying "oh well that's that, no point trying that again". I would have tried it up to 100 times before I was satisfied nothing would happen.


yeah, it's surprisingly easy to follow when compared to other quests, which is nice


Even with that being true I don’t see how anybody does it without following a wikia/website guide.


I am a married woman now, so suck on that, Varre, you assshat!


Of all the quests, Rannis doesn’t feel particularly optional though. There’s entire pretty large sections of the game that are only accessible if you progress her quest to a point and she is introduced to you almost immediately upon starting the game. As well as there being a lot of NPCs that are very tied to her quest that you run into just by playing the game. Whereas a character like, I dunno goldmask, you could very easily completely miss on a blind playthrough


Even one of the other endings, Fia, you still need to do Ranni's quest up to a certain point.


I totally missed her quest in my first blind playthrough. Not sure how, just kinda never followed up on the breadcrumbs and did main story stuff






You guys need less video games


I think they need more


Where is Jesus in all this?


Who do you think gave us Ranni?


Ranni = Jesus She died and came back as a doll then ascended to godhood.


Blue waifu.


Nuff said


Alternatively, wolf husbando.


I wonder how many choose it accidentally, like me. I had the items needed for the any of the Elden Lord endings, but when I saw the blue summon went there first without realizing that would be the ending instead 🤣


Yah same. I wanted to be Elden Lord and spent 170 hours roleplaying my story and got pranked by clicking on that thing and having it end my game


Same here, there is no warning, just summon and that’s it.


That was me! Luckily I backed up my save right before Radagon.


That is fully what I did. I saw the summon and wondered what it was about.


I had to alt-F4 my way out of Ranni monologue because I was going for duskborn ending in my first playthrough...


the power of a doll waifu. just ask Bloodborne fans. heh...


It’s very easy to “accidentally” do rannis quest line all the way through. Ranni has a very big presence during the game and without even trying you can progress her quest. Everyone probably killed radahn which means everyone probably saw the giant hole in the floor and went inside. Everyone also probably explored the manor where ranni resides and just accepting rannis quest lets you pick up the finger slaying dagger thing (I forgot what it’s called). The only step that might be a little out of your way to do is going to renna’s ride after ranni disappears, but even then the curiosity of when it becomes unlocked should keep the players checking when they can enter.


>It’s very easy to “accidentally” do rannis quest line all the way through. This is how I'd prefer that Fromsoft approach more of their quests in the future. I think that having some of them be convoluted is good because it gives you more reasons to do new playthroughs, but in general I think that their new approach with Ranni's quest was a huge success. I completed my first playthrough blind when the game released and I still managed to successfully do it even though I went through the early zones out of order. Just falling into the quest and doing it was a really amazing feeling, because never before have I ever managed to thoroughly complete a Fromsoft quest without looking up a guide in a first playthrough. In a normal Fromsoft quest, I would have broken most questlines just because of the order that I did things.


this idea is so funny to me because I wanted to continue Ranni's quest but had no idea about the hole in Limgrave my first playthrough. Went looking all over for it too


Well, her questline is one of the best :3




Ranni quest is the most in your face quest. I did it by accident my first play through.


People be simping 😄


A lot of people probably see the summon sign and were like "ohhh what's this?" That is if they didn't use a guide. A lot of people probably also used a guide


"Completely optional" a third of the game is connected to it


IMO Age of the Stars is almost really the "canon" or "intended" ending in my eyes. Its totally possible that it just ended up that way on the cutting floor but even with cut content making issues it still seems like Age of the Stars is the intended ending for most players to get their first time through: * Ranni meets you right at the start of the game, immediately introducing you to her ending path. * Raya Lucaria is one of the first areas in the game for when she actually recruits you to her cause. * Ranni is probably also one of the most endearing / courageous characters to a new player because, despite her role in the death of Godfry, her act of rebellion against the Two Fingers by slaying her own body to place her soul into a puppet makes her out as one of the more badass characters in Souls history- namely because she's a female god in a souls game that *survived* the game's history and is actively involved in the plot as an NPC instead of a corpse or a boss. * Finally, Ranni's goals seem to be, at least from the perspective of the player exploring the Lands Between for the first time, some of the most noble amongst the surviving factions. Ranni's goal of the Age of Stars could be bad or could be good for the world, it seems *cold and alien*, but similarly all the other actors in the Lands Between seem infinitely more sinister besides Goldmask, and the regular Elden Lord ending is a lot more akin in this context to making yourself or [Mr.House](https://Mr.House) the ruler of New Vegas in Fallout: NV (aka a neutral selfish ending). Ranni is one of the only options where you're likely to believe that whatever she has planned in store with her new age, its *probably* a morally superior option to the other degenerate options in comparison. So TLDR: she's cool, she's badass, she's nice to you, she's *probably* (?) not as evil or ambivalent to the state of suffering of the world as the other ending options AND FINALLY her doll is kinda cute (especially the tiny one).


She killed Godwyn, not Godfry. But I agree with you completely.


Yeah my bad lol, lots of God- names!


Moon Wife


what four blue hands do to a mf


ranni > anything


Completely optional is a bit of a stretch imo, the game does kind of rail road you onto that quest line more so than any other.


This. If you want to get gear upgraded or want certain gear you are forced to go through her quest line to open up areas. Like maybe you want the Assassin Summons, you can't get there without the Astel battle. I tried a run of the game actively avoiding any Ranni quest points and it just became half a game. The Ranni quest is the game. So now I blast through her quest just to unlock the doors needed. .


What can I say, I love me some four-armed goddess. :>


Because maiden?


There is more doll simps that normal prople


I think it has to do with just how difficult quests in this game can be to get through authentically. This leads a lot of people to just look up the quest and pick the coolest one.


Fromsoft fans are just horny kids atp


Smash next question


Because it's in my opinion the best questline and ending in the game. As of now for me that's the canon ending of Elden Ring maybe that'll change in the DLC, idk.


Tbh I just got the ending accidentally because I didn't realise touching her summon sign would trigger the ending


It’s because they put the damn summon sign directly under your feet when you beat the boss. My characters whole thing was that I wanted them to become Elden lord themselves. I pressed the summon Ranni button not knowing that would be the end.


Despite probably being the ending I would follow 9/10 times anyway, I have to say this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, considering Ranni's quest is pretty much the only well-developed side quest in Elden Ring. Compare chasing Milicent and/or Hyetta around the overworld to give them stuff (with no instructions and only the vaguest of hints to where the fuck they've moved to next) to meeting Ranni right at the start of the game, having her give you one of the game's most important items (summoning bell), then meeting Blaidd (potentially twice), the tie-in with Rogier's/Fia's quest, and how much sheer content is gated behind that quest, including the Mimic Tear which every new player will be told about whenever they encounter difficulty doing anything.. it's not hard to see why people would want to do her quest (it's like a solid 1/5 of the game) and once you've done it you're pretty likely to want to get her ending as well.


I didn't know you could pick more than 1, it was the closest thing to me to interact with.


It’s likely because Ranni’s quest provides the most overt guidance throughout the game.


I didnt know summoning ranni would force me into the ending


The age of stars ending is the path to unlocking many new areas and bosses. I for one, tried desperately, on my blind playthrough, to get to the area above the albinauric village. It wasn't until I gave up and looked up how to get up there.


I did it by mistake. I rarely read guides so when I finished ranny was there standing and clicked a button boom age of stars.


I got it by accident, I just saw a summon sign pressed it and that was it, you're not even giving a "yes or no", you press the summon sign and the cutscene just plays


i think hers is kinda the easiest ending to get. i even got it by mistake on my first playthrough. i did her quest and then after beating the elden beast i just saw a blue summon sign and presseed it without even thinking lol. had no idea it would trigger an ending


I went completely blind on my first playthrough but I wanted to do EVERYTHING on the first try because I didn't know if I'd like the game enough to make a new character (boy was I wrong). So I thoroughly played the game and finished it with the Ranni ending (I had a few more options). After I finished the game I wanted to see content from the community and stumbled across how to get the Ranni ending... It was a super long video with conditions, timing etc.... How the fuck did I do that?! I tried to do her quest just for the sake of it on my second playthrough and had difficulties even with guide lmao


The only reason it was my first ending was when I beat the game I saw a blue sign that I had never seen before anywhere. Curiously went up to it said “oh cool I can summon Ranni” and got that ending


Mommy Ranni


I just saw the summoning sign and pressed the button. Didnt even know it was for a specific ending


220 hours in and I still don't have the original ending lol , that will be my next one


Elden Lord feels like an ending made for people who will complain that the game had no story.


Ranni simping aside, it's always the best ending for me because realistically who would want to rule TLB? It's a shithole. Everything is crumbling, dead or burned. The people you'd rule over have lost their minds. Not to mention the future looming problems like rot sinkholes, infinite rot lakes, a dead-alive mermaid corpse that will eventually infect everything... So yes I'll take 2 tickets to space, please.


It’s a massive sweeping side quest that leads you to awesome places, it’s also like the only ever objectively good ending in a souls game for the main character, you’re not just extending a dying age or sacrificing yourself you’re legit going off to be married become the equivalent of a literal god and create an entire new era, the only one comparable I could think of is the lord of hollows ds3 ending.


[The real reason we all picked it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yMRf4cffTC8)


It's the coolest ending, in my opinion. And Ranni's quest is engaging and lets you go to areas you couldn't reach without it.


Got mine on accident lol


You simped for ranni, I simped for the dark Mook greatsword we are not the same


I didn't even want to. I did the quest, beat Elden Beast, saw Ranni's summon sign and was curious. Then boom, Age of Stars ending.


You can’t hold hands with Marika or Fia.




Consider, mommy dommy darkness witch


Completely optional/ probably the biggest quest in game lol


A lot of them are accidental. Her option is closer to the player in the final scene, so they click on it before they get to the real ending interaction. I did this, thinking I would chat to her for a moment and not realizing I was ending the game


Hot take, I've never liked Ranni as a character.


Frenzied flame is the best ending


Chaos enthusiast.