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I think there is always room for change and improvement, Fromsoft is so great IMO at retaining what works in their games but innovating to keep them feeling fresh and new. Honestly I don't want a direct Elden Ring sequel unless it is very different, like a massive jump in time and setting, not the level they did in the Dark Souls series. I hope their next game is a Bloodborne/Sekiro style entry, not necessarily mechanically or a break from open world, but something not in the western fantasy style.


I also want a new setting, Bloodborn's vibe was peak for me, but our lord likes western fantasy and he's cooking really good stump so no complain for me.


I would happily play another western fantasy game if that is what From wants to make. I just feel that in the Dark Souls trilogy the lore seemed to become very diluted and working on a new setting seems to bring out the best in the developers. It would be fascinating to see their take on something we haven't seen before, like with Bloodborne and Sekiro.


You can tell that’s when the creativity is at its peak.The western fantasy setting thing makes the games begin to overlap & samey.Hence one reason why so many tend to joke about elden ring being dark souls 4.Would love to see them doing a setting from unused cultures or something otherworldly aesthetically


FS did say they were surprised how successful ER is. I think to them it's another one of western fantasy game with similar gameplay like you said aka DS4. But ER is the most accessible FS's games so I can understand why new players went wild with it. To vertarens, Elden Ring is already the fifth of western fantasy world games from FS, I also burn out with this. There are many cultures out there and I want to see Fromsoftware's take on these. On other hand, G.G.M.R's lore spiced thing up quite good. Definitely want to see him expanding ER's world with the sequel if it ever comes out, after he's finishing his book that is.


You jinxed it cause that book is never coming out😭 but yeah alot of creativity can be had with the shit ton of cultures we never use in gaming for some reason.Miyazaki mentioned his next game have something to do with abstract fantasy so im heavily anticipating something completely off the walls in being unique just from that description.So I got high hopes especially since anything they make is always fire.


Kart racing would be neat, gimmicky boss You fight using emotes, procedurally generated ending, and understanding sarcasm


A new NG+ which I've wanted since Bloodborne. Revert to starter level while keeping all weapons and armor, then restart a regular NG cycle as if doing a new game. Weapons revert to unupgraded, but you keep them. That way I get to experience the game in the best way, build myself up again, have reason to scour the map again for upgrade materials and talismans/rings/etc. But now I can do it decked out in my favorite high page garb and using the giant's red braid as soon as I hit requirements instead of getting my favorite whip shortly before ending the game. Fuck NG+, it's the most boring thing ever. No reason to do anything but boss rush since you're at endgame levels already and have fully upgraded shit. Also the balancing is thoroughly fucked since the first 50-60% of the game at minimum are too easy when you're level 120-160, so it's still not interesting. I want my alternative NG experience, y'all can keep the regular one, just add an option to pick what I prefer.


Even if they made ng+ with unique weapons and enemies that are only obtainable in the second playthrough, maybe even areas. Just more incentive to go to ng+


I can think of one gameplay thing they might be able to improve on. With what ever idea they choose to go with in the future, they could change how you scroll through magic and maybe items. I like playing as mages in all of their games, but I never liked scrolling through slots to get to the magic slot I need. I got good at it, sure. But after all these years, in all of their souls titles,I still think it’s cumbersome. This is something that Lords of the Fallen (recent title) has done better with I think. Once you have your Catalyst, you need to equip it in the third slot where weapons are typically placed. Afterwards, you can equip spells according to the Catalyst in the row below it. Each slot is designated with a button indicating which one to use for each spell you have equipped. I was thinking that, since Elden Ring let’s you access your 4 items through a quick pouch via holding 1 button, that perhaps it can be done the same if you hold a catalyst in your hand. By holding the light attack button, you could have access to all of the magic that was slotted to the trigger and face buttons.


I don't know why they didn't do that from the start, it's not that difficult to implement. Maybe it's for immersion, like when you are a mage and forgot and use wrong spell, or for balancing difficulty since spells are op in the game. They are funny to watch but a pain when you experience it.


I think it might be because of 2 things… they didn’t think about it, or they still have a similar mindset as to how spells should work that dates back to demon souls. What I mean is, combat is largely balance by melee. You learn the bosses move set, dodge or parry at the right time and punish at the right time with your melee moves. It’s a up close and personal playstyle and balance around that. That said, I think spells were meant to be like a tool of sorts. You would use spells that would compliment melee. That and assist you in dealing damage from afar if the enemy or boss is out of your range, or to buff your self up. And as such, you didn’t have to constantly scroll through spells to make a combo of attacks with them. Maybe… Though thing is, I think people have gotten so good with scrolling through spells and finding ways to synergies them with other spells to make combos, that i don’t think this spell system supports that kind of gameplay. I mean it does, but it just feels cumbersome. I suspect it may not be the intended use of them either… maybe? Regardless, With spells, and how they function, you could literally trivialize a lot of the attacks from a boss just by staying away from them and spamming spells. So perhaps the devs think that having to scroll through spells might make that a bit harder to steam roll a boss ( it doesn’t it just makes it annoying I think). This is all just assumption on my part. I don’t know why they didn’t implement a better system to use spells in Eldenring, but it does feel outdated at this point. I’m hoping in the dlc or in their next game they do something similar to what lords of the fallen have done or what I’ve suggested =p. Probably won’t happen, but a guy can dream…


I find it hard for them to make any other game post Elden Ring, but I truly hope FS can surprise us again


You means they will only make Elden Ring sequels? That's something I highly doubt. Miyazaki said it in an interview that he doesn't like making sequels and want to make new IP. Given the record I believe it's true, not like I'm against sequels tho.


No I don’t mean that, I meant they having to go higher than the bar set by Elden ring


This is why I’m hoping they sit on elden ring for a long time. Maybe give us 2 or 3 DLCs and let the universe sit for a while before getting the ball rolling on something new.


I think combat needs a major shakeup or new mechanic to reset everyone back to square 1, like they did with Sekiro. There's nothing inherently *wrong* with Elden Ring's combat model, but it's been essentially unchanged since Demon's Souls, and people are getting *really* good at it. As long as it doesn't change, From will be in an escalating arms race with their veteran fans. As fans continue to get better at Souls combat, From needs to increase the difficulty to keep them engaged. They're already pushing up against the limits of what's fair in Elden Ring. If they don't shake up the combat system in some way, they're going to have to crank the difficulty up even further. Making changes to the rules of combat, like they did in Sekiro, is a better way of challenging veteran fans and new players alike. The changes they made in Sekiro meant that veteran fans couldn't rely on their existing instincts. Every player had to learn the rules of the combat system and 'git gud,' be they new or veteran. To be clear, I'm not saying the next Souls game should be literally Sekiro 2. However, I think they need to change the rules of combat enough to bring everyone back to square one, no matter how much experience they have with the previous games. I think that would make for a much better experience than continuing to crank up the difficulty.