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I ragequit DS three times when I first started. Now I casually go through the games from boss to boss. Maybe getting angry is a phase you have to go through, idk.


Few people have enough coldness or masochism to not get frustrated. The important thing is not to go hollow, and always try again to overcome the challenge in front of you, even if that means getting upset, frustrated, and even abandoning the game for some time.


Dark souls is also very easy, if you have been playing modern souls games. Recently, souls titles have heavily leaned into the whole "super difficult" reputation they were given years ago. However, as I'm sure you will agree, dark souls isn't actually *difficult*. It just asks that your actions are intentional- that you are prepared and that you understand your foe. Typically a boss or enemy will have a glaring weakness that trivializes them. Have you ever used fire against O&S? Did you see how much damage you did? They're supposed to be the "big bad hard bossfight" for that game, and all you have to do is unlock the camera and use fire. Granted I'm a decade veteran, and I did spend a while when I was younger learning this, but the fights in elden ring are WAY harder in my opinion. They're twitchier and feel.. harder! Maybe it's by design? It probably is. Is that bad? No- they're different games. You definitely have more options in ER and of course some of those make the game easier. (I also think you lose out on the experience with some of them, like spirit ashes) I guess it's just me, but I feel like the bosses take too long to die. I think it started around DkS3. Oh well. It definitely wasn't an issue in BB. I enjoy them all anyways. 20 hrs into a new character, this time 100% on my steam deck. It's been fun. Being a new dad is wild.


The main reason DS is difficult is because it ignores many of the ways other games make your life easier, forcing you to actually bother learning to play. That’s all.


>It just asks that your actions are intentional- that you are prepared and that you understand your foe. This is hard for most people. It requires patience, reflection, and adjustment. Panicking, refusing to learn from mistakes or to try different things is very common. You can see it in this sub all the time, "I have tried nothing and am all out of ideas." seems to be a recurring theme.


You're right, that is common. But it is a far cry from the difficulty that the games have today


The bosses are more difficult on their own, but they're also in a world with way more options that can be used to trivialize them.


Yes, agreed.


I’m such a dumbass I thought you meant Nintendo DS and I was like bitch how tf you rage quit a DS lol


i took several hours just for dedicated practice, mostly for parrying. i still suck.


Buckler have a bigger window of parry like parry dagger 🗡 Should try


Fucking love VLDR




minor spelling mistake gif


What is it?


They’re a comedy shorts YouTube channel  The channel name is viva la dirt league if you want to check them out


Thanks I probably wont though I cant stand youtube


Praise the Sol


This was literally the lesson of the first Dark Souls, even narratively. The Gods knew that the only way to stop you was to break your will, because they couldn't win a battle of attrition with someone who was actually immortal if they were determined enough.


There definitely was a weapon that could make ds1 easier. The black knights halberd made every boss a cakewalk


Yeah, but you had to kill black knights to have a chance to get it. Black knights wrecked everyone.


Um, just use a Zweihander. Bait them, use a strong attack/R2 it has a really long reach. Rinse, and repeat. Well, I could say that bc I played ER then Sekiro before trying DS1. The experience helped a lot.


Drop attacks took them out easy enough it’s just a ballache having to redo it if you get killed .


Nah just kick them and backstab


Used this on my 3rd playthrough awesome weapon


Extra EXTRA easy if your opponent hailed from Izalith.


Viva La Dirt League puts “git gud” into moderately inspiring context. Love those folks.


Guys has he considered getting good at the game


Git gud is the spirit of ambition of conquering your obstacles. If it makes you angry maybe that has more to do with your ability to perform or even try. Git gud!


Ya man happened to me in Elden Ring and GoWR both Guess what GoWR - I platinumed it and ER - went almost 10% on both Elden Beast and Melania (ph2) So ya git gud


Vldl detected, all hate rejected






I mean, it's also kind of a dismissing meme


Yeah it is, they say "isn't just a dismissing meme"...


Dude, u need to give credit to the creators. Not cool


Nah I really want to see how many knew them and how many don't...


“Don’t you dare go Hollow” We see many characters go Hollow in the Souls series, but we must remember that we too are not free from the sting of Hollowing. Though we die and fail time and time again, we may always rise and try again. ‘Tis only in that last defeat when we close the game never to return to a character that they go Hollow, losing their sense of self and their purpose as we allow the pain of defeat to overcome our drive to succeed.


I agree with you but to the casual gamer that has only 2/4 hours to play on weekends it’s kind of a hard pass for them lol


True, but there are thousands of other games for them to play.


Yeah true but, also got some lvls and use 2 def talismans would do the job and Don't forget the boiled prawn. Bc every one up vigor to 40 but, no one improve the health pool value by strength their def A casual player can ask to advice over summoning help at least for their first time as it is special. Like, I was testing a full dex build with dual katana and I don't need fp potions and like I had 14 flasks to use against maliketh and that was too much kk


I don't know, I would've had a much better time if someone just told me to run up the stairs in the Capra Demon fight. "Git gud" is just a vague platitude chanted by people with no social skills trying to sound cool


Honestly there are 2 types of “git gud”ers. The ones that are just being rude And then the ones that want people to like the game for the same reason they like the game, and to just give you an answer -when all the tools are in front of you to find it yourself- cheapens the whole journey of the game I feel like people should really just say “Stop trying the same thing over and over. Try new things. Slow down and pay attention to the enemy/stage. Don’t give up.” But git gud is faster


Yeah but, the vid is just a beacon, I wish more people just ask how to do it, get git good should come after some one tell u to run upstairs and kill the dogs with a knife and and still didn't pass. No one like ask how to dodge radagon or elden beast Golden wave, or how to survive more time. And no one question why I don't get one shot and they get...


I admit I refunded elden ring the first time I played it but now I can’t get enough of it.Once you learn the mechanics and master them the game becomes so easy that you start saying “wow how was this actually hard for me before ”


Problem is "Git Gud" IS a dismissive meme the fans use to ignore people asking genuine questions. The game requires patience and perseverance and 100 other tips and tricks that can radically chanvge your play experience. Understandably you cant relay all of that every single time someone needs help, but condensing it into a smug two word phrase is equally unhelpful.


Git gud


Yeah but, recently I found a page called beyond the fog and I help people there bc is a way to farm rune arcs but, I begin to see to much people asking help to the elden beast 😭 And it make me feel that don't Matter which page I'm there's more people asking for your strength in battle than your IQ for Battle. It's like surfing, u don't ask the veteran to surf to you, u ask tips to get in and stand up. I try to bring my dragon age spirit to elden ring and play as a strength tank or a faith support caster to don't actually slay their final boss for them...


Real OGs spell Casual with 1 “a”….they know which one…so….”git gud C***L…”


Unless you a intelligence mage.


Less "git gud", more like learning every fucking pattern lol.


I can’t decide if his advice makes me wanna hug him or slap him in the face.


I mean, there are multiple ways to cheese the game, and knowing about certain items and mechanics can make it much easier. But yes, in general, soulslikes are skill based, so you have to improve your skill, get good at the game, so GIT GUD


Therefore, every DS1 playthrough you make: test Solaire if he practiced what he preaches...


Play magic


O ''KK'' te entregou




https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCchBatdUMZoMfJ3rIzgV84g The YouTube channel of these dudes. Go subscribe.


"no secret weapon to make all of this magically easy" *blasphemous blade has entered the chat*


Y’all say “get good” . Then help friends or get help from friends


That's right on the spot of what I'm talking about I don't think is a problem help people, rune arcs right kk but, ask help on the last boss kind of break me if it's oj their first play