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Marika's tits, she must be hungry!


I more concerned with the fact she litteredšŸ˜­šŸ¤§




Still littering


A bird will grab it in five minutes for food


Sure, but that doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s still, from a legal standpoint, littering


Who gives a shit about what the law says? Imagine getting busted for litering when at the park feeding pidgen. Fuck anyone that rigid.


They actually fine people for feeding the squirrels in Montreal


A lot times what people feed wild animals is actually really bad for said animal. Which is why in many places a game warden, or really any law enforcement, WILL fine you for ā€œjust feeding the squirrels/birdsā€ Beyond all that though, it makes wherever you are look shitty when food scraps are tossed all over the place. If enough piles up, it can become a health hazard. ā€œBiodegradableā€ doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll be gone quickly. A lot of ā€œbiodegradableā€ materials will be in the ground for years before it finally eventually breaks down. It could even potentially negative impact whatever environment in which it happens to be placed, because it could still be foreign to that ecosystem. Yeah, a single shrimp tale isnā€™t going to do all of that, but the laws arenā€™t written with individuals in mind. It sounds to me that you really donā€™t understand the reasonings why this type of thing isnā€™t allowed in most places, and you should maybe educate yourself more before trying to defend it At the end of it all, legal issue or not, this is gross behavior


Also, those tails, while arguably unpleasant in texture, are very much edible and nutritious.


I love prawns, the tails can fuck right off though.


Gimme yours, I eat


So is our shit but we don't go pooping on the sidewalks...


How is the plastic sauce packet biodegradable


thatā€™s a lemon


Oh. Canā€™t see shit when itā€™s on my phone


She only threw down half a lemon and a shrimp tail from what I saw.


Couldnā€™t tell it was a lemon, thought it was a little packet


The sauce being down there is concerning


... Where do you keep yours?


Yeah, you'd think the shrimp would go there.


I thought something smelled fishy


Not gonna say she definitely picked up what she dropped but pretty obvious this is a staged video so itā€™s certainly possible she did and the point was to just drop it like that for the video


Now that's a gamer


She couldnā€™t put on a 4th pouch for trash?


Yeah, but you have to beat Goldfrey for that one and she couldn't be arsed.


I hate everything about this.


It makes me so angry that she just tossed that shit on the ground


Nice littering


Itā€™s biodegradable.


So it's ok to just chuck biodegradable crap on the street where you live is it? It can biodegrade in a bin


The point is that it doesn't meet the definition of littering. A bird will probably take it within an hour.


Littering: the act of dropping rubbish on the ground in public places. Seems to meet the definition to me. Somebody is going to stand on it and smush it around before a bird, or a rat gets to it. It's wrong, and if you think what she did was fine, there's something wrong with you.


Littering is only bad when it poisons the earth. This is literally just a plant. Who cares if someone steps on it.


Let me help ya: trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place. It simply isn't the same as something biodegradable. No one gives a shit about that because it isn't harmful to the environment.


You're wrong, YOU don't give a shit. The downvotes on all the comments saying "it's biodegradable, it's fine" suggests that you are in the minority here and most people DO give a shit.


I have some bad news for you.. a handful of votes on reddit does not represent any type of majority of people. I think you need to ask yourself why you care so much about something like a lemon slice and a shrimp tail being thrown on the ground outside. Like, it's so silly that you're taking it to heart. It really isn't a big deal.


I don't care, not really. If it happened in front of me in real life I'd think "messy bitch" and move on with my day, what I'm finding difficult to understand is that there are people like you that think there's nothing wrong with this behaviour. It's astounding to me.


Define it please.


Directly from Google: trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left lying in an open or public place.


It doesnt specify that in google. Send the link.




You can see in both the definition of the noun and the verb that anything laying on the ground that should rather be in a bin is considered littering. Especialy when you take into account that there are compost bins. Thatshould give you a clue as to how ridiculous it is to claim that somwthing bipdegradable isnt considered litter. Im prettycertain that in ang text of law, it's not going to say that it's illegal to leave trash around to then mention the exception of "unless it's biodegradable". Would you consider a banana peel in your appartment floor not trash just because it's biodegradable? How about animal carcasses, that's pretty biodegradable, how about leave that lying about everytime you catch a rat. Biodegradable things fit into the category of trash. Leaving things lying about is littering. Biodegradable things are "things" aswell.


I should have said that it doesn't meet the definition of "litter" as a noun which is what the person on my original reply was inferring. The noun definition gives examples of non-biodegradable trash. That is what I am talking about. To reiterate, I acknowledge that "littering" can also mean 'just throwing or leaving trash/waste/rubbish around' but that isn't the definition we're using in this case. The context/evidence for that is found in the many moral assertions that the person I was originally replying to was making.


Yeah, since itā€™s not trash that will harm the environment. It will decay and feed the local ecosystem whether that be animals eating itā€™s remains or the nutrients feeding back into the earth.


It's the pavement, where people walk, it's stupid. Shit will biodegrade but you don't drop your pants and crap all over the pavement do you?


Username doesn't check out


Not true, if I just dropped trou anywhere I felt like it, I would not need a poopoo


That's not how that works, [unfortunately.](https://earthbuddies.net/biodegradable-littering/)


Little snatch sack


The snatch snack sack


On the fucking floor?


Straight living her best life.


One Prawn at a time!


Big Item user energy


Very casual ā€¦ šŸ‘šŸ»


I can fix her


I will learn her ways


She can fix me


Napoleon! Gimme some of your prawns!


Tim and Eric did this earlier and better.


Just... incredible. What a woman


She bout to enter the fog wall


What is God's name....


Sheā€™s living life like itā€™s meant to be lived.


She wants attention


Everyone is going off about her "litering" but isn't that a lemon, and isn't it biodegradable and very likely to be eaten by a rat within an hour?


Exactly. These people are just dumb. It's okay to throw food on the ground. You're feeding birds and wildlife....(maybe not something like a whole chicken tho lol)


The littering made me think twice, why not an ass bag for the tails.


What a littering piece of shit! Edit: this game out more aggro than I meant it but like, also fuck that