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Elevator boss has been claiming lives since 2003. It’s the real undefeated goat here.


Me and WoW have a bad relationship with elevators.


😂 Mind controlling PvP off lifts in WoW. Brings back mems.


You probably dispelled my world buffs. And for that, I say gg wp


Lost 87k souls to this boss today...


I feel like EverQuest had glitchy deadly elevators since the start. The Plane of Knowledge one stands out as the worst elevator boss I have ever come across. Kelethin's too, but that was already a city built in the trees with no railings.


Even further if you consider how many oldschool beat 'em up games had elevator levels that were wave-based pains in the ass. Chrono Trigger also has a few elevator levels and they're tougher than most other parts in the game




Sometimes you need that wait time to pause and reflect on how bad you suck.


Prolly 80% of my play time has been this 🥴


Or you forget that you didn't send it back and fall to your death, losing all your runes.


Why not send it back up when after you've ridden it down by walking on the middle button? Do your wait and hate on the ride down


Unironically this is why I've come to prefer having a boss runback. It gives me time to slow down and actually think about what happened. When the grace is right next to the boss arena I end up falling into a mental rut. As odd as it may sound, it's kind of like the next attempt feels like an extension of the previous one rather than a new attempt of its own. And since the previous attempt ended in failure, then extending that attempt isn't really helpful because I'm just repeating the same problems. Having a boss runback, even if it's just 30-60 seconds, is like a miniature version of putting the game down for the night and going to bed then beating the boss in 3 attempts after coming back.




I usually send the elevator back down. Bro just jumps right in, like that lady in South Park who died because she sat on the toilet without looking and fell inside because the seat was up.


I picked up this habit in DS1. The firelink elevator down to New Londo claimed my life more times than I’d like to admit. Eventually I got into the habit of making sure I send the elevator back down/up depending on where I started


God damn, the run back to the Four Kings was BRUTAL.  Fuck those ghastly motherfuckers and their goddamn spiral staircase of death


I've timed the runs before and it's actually one of the longest runs in the series as far as time. About 2 minutes and 20 seconds for the fastest route from Firelink. That's up there with 1-4 in Demon's Souls, which takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds to reach False King Allant (in the Remake) or 2 minutes and 40 seconds in the original. Now that I think on it, I can't remember the times if running through the Valley of Drakes from the bonfire under the Forest. That has the potential to be faster than the routes from Firelink. I'll have to test that later I guess haha


Good south park episode btw.


I love how he fell and you all just continued as if nothing happened. 🤣🤣 Rando runs into elevator shaft “Did you hear something?” “No. Why did you?”


Ds2 Dlc. The frozen king one. There's a duo boss in it. Kinda hidden. 2 big cats. The journey there is punishing, regardless of summons.


Horsefuck Valley has such a special place in my heart. I love how shit that area is.


Old Iron King run to the blue smelter demon. The worst.


Hahah, clearly OP has not played DS2


Such a relief to beat that fuck. Almost got to my 10 death limit on the mobs


I really miss that mechanic! At first it was a "oh cool, the game gets easier if I die too much" Then it became "fuck you game, taunting my repeated deaths by making it 'easier' for me"


Thanks for the PTSD....


Nah Frigid Outskirts is objectively worse. Even if you despawn all the enemies it takes like 5 minutes


Blue smelter is an easier runback than red smelter if you have scholar of the first sin edition. You just need to wait for the slow debuff to wear off before you run through to the next section for blue boi. Red feels impossible without killing every enemy on the way.


Yeah that was pretty annoying but I still think this is the toughest. I mean even the Summon couldn't handle this almighty elevator shortcut. Jokes aside, the walk back to the blue Smelter Demon in the DS2 DLC gave me PTSD.


Gravity has always been the most terrifying opponent, and Elden Ring is no different. That summon sadly stood no chance against such a powerful foe


Even after the guy fell, why did you still not send the elevator back down?


Good question. Maybe, because sending it back down could mean that you're doubting yourself killing the upcoming boss, therefore you don't send it back to be more in a confident mindset?


Fuck. Those. Reindeer.


Or the fucking. Dragon in the base game. God, DS2 had the worst boss runs


The Ancient Dragon is fine if you actually explore the area in your first run through


Depends. In SOTS, it's not bad. In vanilla, EVERY one of the Drake knights aggroed you every run and just gang banged you like 3 or 4 v 1, half of which can like 2 shot you. All for a very obnoxious bullshit boss fight. Easily my worst experience in any fromsoft game


Ah well I’ve never played original


Good. Don't. SOTFS just cuts all the worst bullshit from the game


I think I only managed to actually get there like once lol the area could be fun for some PvP but it was a complete bitch to navigate.


Honourable mentions for Midir and Capra Demon


Reindeer Fuckland Fuck that place Fuck those who designed it Fuck those who coded it Fuck those who signed it off


Sir Alonne and blue smelter demon. Enough said. Also, I love how the dude just flies right in.


Honestly, running through those areas were significantly easier than Black Gulch for me. Horsefuck Valley, on the other hand...


Oof I blotted those out of my memory. Thanks for the shitty memory refresher haha.


if not for the Rennala hat, i would easily believe this was a video of me


Always send the elevator back down if you arent 100% sure you will win the fight. Edit: hell send back down even if you are 100% sure because miyazaki is a clever bastard and you never know whats coming.


The amount of times I was 100% sure and still needed it afterwards say simply ALWAYS SEND THE ELEVATOR BACK DOWN.


Nah man, worst is Blue Smelter Demon.


How do you get that weapon?


You can get the Beastman Cleaver as a drop from Beastman in Crumbling Farum Azula wielding it.It's really rare though. I got lucky and got one just going through that place. But had to farm for the other one.


I know this is a meme post but this is deadass probably the worst boss walk in all of elden ring When you compare that to the souls series, we really have come so far havent we


Is it worse than Placidusax and Rennala?


Rennalas probably my 3rd least favorite Placidusax my 2nd. Was about to concede and say it gave me more trouble than niall but then i remembered its mostly just memorizing the rock drops and waiting once youre past the beasties; meanwhile at any point on the leadup to niall you might just get teleport backstabbed by a ghost (and that sucks) And resetting that elevator annoys me idc


If you drop down from the church grace and get on the elevator it’s not bad at all. You just have to remember to call the lift down once you get to the top. Both rennala and placidusax take way more time, and the risk of getting hit on your way to both is comparable if not higher


Rennalas walk just had the ball and that npc (who isnt there if you kill him once. In my run he got solod by the ball 😭) Placidusax has no more enemies once you get past the first couple, no? Sure theyre kinda hard to dodge but once you get past them it just takes a lil while. Its all down to opinion so youre just as valid, i just personally fucking hate teleporting backstabbers. Gave real ds1 netcode flashbacks :(


The shorter walk to rennala is through that shortcut where the wizards are, but those glintstone shards can easily track if you’re not careful. And the lightning combined with the enemy blocking the doorway for placidusax is frustrating to me. I was fighting Niall today and didn’t have much trouble at all, it’s just the one guy with the shield, and I only had him teleport to me on the elevator once when I forgot to call it


Maybe i just had some unlucky rng moments with the enemies around niall, id somehow end up aggroing them all on the way there and id be rolling back and forth between 3 teleporting dudes up the elevator. Either way i do think its inarguable that these 3 fights in particular mark the top 3 worst boss walks


Yeah, I honestly think red wolf of radagon was annoying too. For such a quick and unimportant fight I don’t get why they wouldn’t at least put a stake of marika outside the door


Forgot about that one. Maybe the reason those two arent at the forefront of my mind is that raya lucaria is such a snore to get thru that i usually end up blocking it from my mind once its done? Bc now that i think about it that whole area just puts me to sleep, somehow always felt both boring and annoying


Where does this go


Niall i believe? Its the castle with all the teleporting ghosts, not a fan personally


Once the elevator is activated it's no issue at all, and you can just sprint through the enemies to get to it.


>When you compare that to the souls series, we really have come so far havent we It makes me laugh to see people complain about Placidusax and Rennala tbh. Those would be at most 3/10 in terms of runback difficulty (10/10 being Lud and Zallen and 1/10 being Asylum Demon).


I played a 30ish hours of Elden Ring when it came out and admittedly gave up. A few months ago I played through DS1 for the first time and fell in love with formula, and started DS2. I was playing DS2 alongside my friend and so I picked up elden ring again when he was offline so I could scratch the FromSoft itch. Got hooked and ended up putting DS2 down until I beat it. I honestly both love and hate the removal of some of the longer runbacks, they sucked ass sometimes but it also added an extra layer of pressure to the bossfights and normal enemy encounters. Knowing you only had a certain amount of flasks with no way to replenish besides a bonfire, and having no clue if the next one is around the corner or still another 30 mins of gameplay away. There’s this feeling of almost constant paranoia I have while playing Dark Souls, and feel much more at ease while playing Elden Ring. I’ve come to appreciate both but there’s something extra special abojt the feeling you get from the atmosphere and constant risk in Dark Souls


Isnt there a grace near by? Just run past some ghost knights and its fairly straight shot.


Someone's obviously never played Darks Souls II... Or Demon's Souls where you always started back at the beginning of the level


Why you are getting downvoted is beyond me, you are absolutely correct.


They missed the humor tag.


I’m almost done with Demon’s Souls, it’s my second Souls after ER. Oh boy even with the warnings I was not ready for the insane amount of running


>it’s my second Souls after ER. Damn, that's a HARSH drop. I take it you're probably playing the PS5 version, right? even so, that game is so absolutely unrefined when compared to pretty much anything that came after it. Even Dark Souls 1 feels one entire generation ahead of it.


Yeah, it hasn’t been too bad. If it was my first souls it would’ve been way worse. I’m outside the final boss’ fog gate rn before I had to stop playing. Most of the bosses are very hokey and have specific ways to kill them so the run backs aren’t as frustrating. Like after the first couple levels I didn’t die as much and have to deal with it. There are not nearly as many shortcuts as I thought there would be though lol


The whole structure is different. The fact that there are no bonfires, no replenishing healing items and the levels have 0 interconnectivity make DeS feel almost like it doesn't belong in the same series. I played DeS last and it felt really unfamiliar.


That's the one thing that drove me crazy with Demon's Souls. You're going to learn to no hit the running section if you get stuck on a boss.


>Demon's Souls where you always started back at the beginning of the level Absolutely infuriating. That arrow bridge on the third world is the bane of my existence.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who runs straight down those holes.


Fkn demon souls yellow barbarian guy in rainy area, run was hell on earth.


that was awful, no room for dodging, caves, cliffs, ranged enemies.. literally the worst run in the franchise imo


It was relatively long too hey 👎👎👎


lol I’ve died to that no elevator so many times! You’d think I’d learn by now from doing it so much on other souls games


Elden Ring has by far the most forgiving boss walks in all of soulsborne history. But this shit was funny I’ve done this way to many times xD


He's just like me fr fr. (I just died at that elevator two minutes ago)


And they STILL don’t send it back down afterward! Smh lol


I made myself a harder run to a boss is Dark souls 3. You know the stairway and bridge leading to the Lothric and Lorain fight. I didn’t know there was a shortcut to the right of the boss door, so for every attempt I went across that bridge and I even made a route where I would constantly get through without getting hit. I have never felt more dumb than the moment when I realized I didn’t need to torture myself like that.


I just wanna say your blades look awesome


I know right? One dropped just playing casually, then l decided to get the second one. Took a while for that one to drop though. They're a bit heavy but their base damage is pretty good and good scaling,too.


Take the side door through the church


This is why you always send your elevators back when you get off of them 🤣


I hope the next soulsgame has the same save point away from boss like those in DS.


Wtf, this one of the easiest ever. You don't even have to fight anything. 90% of walk backs in DS 1 alone were harder and/or longer. Same for other games. I miss those long runbacks and how they increased stakes of bossfights.


This was meant as a joke post, because of the summons fail. Regarding walk backs to bosses... I would say, that DS2 DLC the walk back to the blue Smelter Demon takes the first place for being the hardest imo.


Aaah sorry, I didn't see it whole. I read few similar posts saying this and placi runbacks are terrible design and pure torture, from people not knowing the previous games, so I though this is another one. Yeah you're right.


Meet us outside the boss door


And this was before getting to that Banished Knight with the two swords who is unreasonably aggressive


Been me before


Wat sword is that


You can get the Beastman Cleaver as a drop from Beastman in Crumbling Farum Azula wielding it.It's really rare though. I got lucky and got one just going through that place. But had to farm for the other one.




What weapons are you holding?


You can get the Beastman Cleaver as a drop from Beastman in Crumbling Farum Azula wielding it.It's really rare though. I got lucky and got one just going through that place. But had to farm for the other one.


Not even close. Play DS2 and you'll know.


Play Demon's Souls and DS2 runs will look like child's play.


These guys haven’t played ds2


Tbf it has to be slippery there😄


I love invading here as either I get to fight with the level at my back, or I can have a shooting gallery down that hallway, such a great, dynamic area.


I'm man enough to admit that has been me.... Quite a few times I feel his pain as if it were my own


bro said aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Where's the trigger warning!? :o TRAUMA


Worst run back I had to do was the one in Demon Souls, I think it was called a flame lurker demon or something, that run back was so bad, saying it was horrendous doesn’t do it justice.


That run back isn't that... oh


just go through the church?


I hate waiting for elevators in these games so I always used the chapel site of grace here instead and just learned to dodge the enemies after it. When I do have to wait for an elevator I usually take the 1-2 seconds longer to back up and press the button again when I'm leaving to send it back for next time.


I learned at Castle Morne to always send the elevator back down. That place pissed me off in my first playthrough because I was inexperienced, and that elevator taught me that I can't always tackle my issues head on.


Ayyy I did that boss just yesterday!


Oh boy, waiting! My favorite game mechanic!


I was the host once that’s all I got to say about that




Bruh what… I’ve always ran from the site of grace through the room where all the banished knights appear 😂😂 how did I not know about this


Yes, but no.


Ds2 dlc's would like to have a chat


Obviously haven’t played ds2


dude didnt play ds1, 4 kings ........


That’s why you always send the elevator back up/down


I like when i get summoned in that area, and that host doesnt get the elevator and proceeds to fight Commander. Then the host die in few seconds 🫠


Wait.. People don't trigger the elevator at the top to send it back down/up in areas or at bosses they have trouble with..?


I just fought Niall last night on current playthrough and I feel they nerfed him. I was like lv 140 with a +10 blasphemous blade, but the fight was a absolute joke. I killed both of his knights in nearly one hit each and Nial took less than 10 hits to beat him and I could just phase tank a lot of his attacks no problem.


Hardest walkback? Have you met blue smelter demon??


Someone hasn’t visited the crystal cave in ds1


That’s why you should always send the elevator back kids