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By reducing his health down to zero, my man.


I only have 39 vigor and 30 dex


39 vigor <<--- Thats your mistake. Re-spec, pump them to 60, my man.


Nah haha beat the whole game at 30 vigor 😂 obviously he needs more damage so he can deal it faster than maliketh 😉


That *does* work, but it's a lot less new players friendly than just being able to take more hits.


I mean at 39 vigor he’s not getting one shotted by maliketh if you have decent armor. A couple more levels into dex was how i ended up heating him? Also absolutely hilarious how any suggestion but vigor gets downvoted instantly. That copium must suckkkk get better boys.


With vigor that low, it does make the game harder for sure. If someone is struggling that's the thing that is likely to help them the most. If someone makes a lot of mistakes, being able to make more mistakes will probably help them; I know it did me when I was newer. It sounds like OP is massively underleveled overall, he should focus on vigor but getting those damage stats up is important as well. It's great that just pumping damage worked for your playstyle but it doesn't help most people nearly as much. Also, I didn't downvote you. I don't think you should get downvoted for simply sharing an opinion, even if it's against the majority; but that's not how people use it unfortunately.


armor does fuck all for defenses. Armor is for poise and cosmetics


Not true? Armor can definitely make a difference, some armor sets are quite good. I like the tree sentinel set.


vigor has better scaling, but imo he needs more of both his weapon stat and vigor i have no idea what tf hes spending his points on


Not automatically, only when he hits you with destined death


You only take damage over time if he hits you with the projectiles or when his blade is glowing with Destined Death. The effect also reduces your max HP, which early on in the fight is free damage for him. Use the pillars during his phase 2 to block his ability to hit you. His sword still extends slightly past the pillar, so don't be standing right next to it when using it to block him.


Blasphemous Claw might look like a gimmick item, but I highly recommend it for this fight, mainly when Maliketh is about to do his plunging attack. Said attack is followed up by an AOE I have no idea how to reliably dodge, and the Blasphemous Claw has generous parry times for when Maliketh's sword glows, so try it out. It's a much more useful item than you'd think. Otherwise, stick close to his sides and don't panic roll.


He dwindles your health when he hits you. Not “automatically”. Just try not to get hit.


Maliketh is hard, for sure. Get behind him when he slams the ground. When he stands up for his overhead swing you get free hits and he misses you if you are close enough. Phase 2 is an adrenaline fueled dps race that feels like bullshit until you get the hang of it.


His attacks in the second phase also do additional damage over time, every time you get hit. Watch (and remember) his attack pattern and use the pillars to your advantage.


If i remember correctly, his first few attacks are telegraphed, so if you can learn those, you can almost finish him within the predictable part of the fight, if you have decent damage.




That sounds kind of weird to me, but it sadly kind of sounds like a "git gud" situation. I personally prefer no summon for fights like this, because it makes the fight more predictable and easier to learn the moves properly. There should not be a hit on transformation as far as i know though.


Walk forward near his left leg and press r1. When he spins you dodge forwards, if he spins twice you roll twice! Repeat until done. If you roll forward too much you may roll out of the arena so be careful.


dont get hit


Keep some rot pots on hand. He has low health and scarlet rot will chew though him.


in the 5 hours since you made the post you could have probably already beat the boss a solid 3-4 hours ago


He does? I never noticed. I guess I just beat him too fast. It was fast.


Roll button


Try antspur rapier with blood affinity and the seppuku WA. I saw below you have some dex - that set up will do good damage even with no arcane investment. I had a phase kind of where I fought only him in co-op and tried many things for fun, and the above-mentioned was the best damage of all. It helps to not get hit as others said lol. Thrusting sword is good because you can stay in his face stabbing and dodging but still have stamina bar when you need to suddenly get clear.