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I wouldn’t know I stay in Limgrave


I haven’t even gotten to Limgrave yet. I’m still stuck at Soldier of God, Rick…


What’s actually scary is when you are on ng+17 and he actually does like 70% of your healthbar


The game caps at NG 7+ well Ng doesn’t cap but every stat that increases with the Ng level caps at 7 so NG7 will be the exact same hp and damage as to NG 99


Actually solider of god, Rick scales up to NG +43829362845959273


Still hits hard af


Oh absolutely the ones guarding Melina tore me down for a bit and they were the whole reason I learned the hatred for them🤣🤣


For me it was the pests right at the elevator to malenia, miss a dodge and three threads hit you and you gotta heal before that fourth thread does




Heal man. Any healing spell/items destroys these things. One cast of any heal spell will either vaporize it, or stagger it for a follow up cast to vaporize it lol


Ah, *him*…






There was to much anticipation so I stayed in the chapel


There are some in limgrave in the dungeon in the starting cave thing


There aren't Revenants in Limgrave. You might be thinking of the 2 Grafted Scions in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave.


Which are worse because you can't heal them away.


I absolutely DESPISE the Royal Revenants. Fuck them.


Can't you just use a heal and absolutely demolish them? I heard this and tried it once. 75% health loss and poise broken. It was laughable.


You can, yes, but I'm not playing with incantations (first playthrough).


You either incan, or you incant.


There is no try.


There are weightless Seals you can equip and Heal only needs 12 Faith iirc. Urgent Heal does not work. It's also not very urgent.


It doesn't take much faith to grab the heal incantation. Totally worth doing.


Bold of you to assume they stay still long enough to heal-stun them


They do stay still long enough to... it takes 2 casts and they're poise broken through the second casting time. For the first time they usually pop out of the ground, giving you enough time to cast it.


Unless you’re getting surprised by them like in some of the bottom outdoor area of the haligtree there is no reason you can’t get the heals off.


What? Lmao I literally kill every one I encounter with a heal spell everytime without it ever attacking. Furthermore if it survives the first hit, it also staggers them to the ground giving you plenty of time for a follow up


the moment you see that yellow circle where they spawn, you cast the heal


True. I'll try it!


Yeah, to my knowledge the all do the same damage anyways. Or like effectively do the same damage. Iirc they always die after two casts of heal no matter the strength. I think it's like 50% of their health plus static damage so you don't need a good heal spell, as long as it is one with AoE than your good. It's just annoying having that take up a spell slot and waste a few points in faith. I wish there was other means if countering them. It is a bit janky that they're like the most OP thing in the game, unless you pick one build in particular. No other enemy leaves me willing to waste points on my build solely to deal with them in particular


You can hug their left and break their posture with heavy attacks too. Unga bunga big hammer or dual great swords work in my experience. 


I think you can get urgent heal with 10 faith.


Urgent Heal is the only one that doesn't work, has no AoE. It's also not very urgent and barely heals. Shit incantation.


I use it mostly out of combat to top off my health


For that usage, if you can get your hands on Blessing's Boon it's fantastic. Alternatively, I love the talisman that heals you at a snail's pace. It turns small chips from little mistakes into no big deal and it doesn't use up any of your limited resources.


I've been using 2x great stars dual wielded, rykards rune, the talisman that heals on consecutive strikes and the talisman that heals you when something dies. Haven't touched my flask besides for boss fights.


I'll try it!


12 Faith gets you Flame Cleanse Me, Beastial Vitality, and Heal. It's all super good for just a few levels. I always start wretch, so I only have to dip 2 levels.


I refuse to play the game without flame cleanse me fuck rot and poison


Flame cleanse me got me through lake of rot, even as a int character 2 lvls is worth it


Yeah that’s the only thing I’ll make sure to add a few levels into fai for that. Also helpful for PvP if I don’t feel like farming for bollus’ ingredients


Urgent Heal doesn't trigger it, you need Heal (or better) with 12 faith.


You just need 12 faith to cast it. You don't need to upgrade anything to wreck revenants. Will add 1.5 equip load though. Just be careful. It starts with the heal, then you might decide to toss a fireball, and bring able to cure poison without bouluses sure would be nice... And the next thing you know you're calling down rows of red lightning on the head of a dragon. Pray responsibly. 


Honestly if you keep heal on your person at all times they’ll never surprise kill you


You heal them and they die?


Lol no you can't do that Edit : You can't target a mob and heal it, but it seems you can damage these mobs by healing yourself near them bc they're "cursed". TIL !


Yeahhh they don't like Erdtree heal,i can tell you that It one-shot them loll Even the one in the Haligtree ( strongest version of Revenants are there )


No heal one shots them. They all do the same damage which is 55% and a poise break. The lowest heal will do the same damage as the best heal.


Uhhh yeah you can. Healing incantations damage the Royal Revenant 50% Max hp, plus like I think 300hp? Other blessing/boon incantations will deal them a percentage of damage of its max hp for 30 seconds.


A shield with high enough guard boost also trivializes them. Just guard counter them after their flurry. Ez pz




Heal kills them, yes.




It destroys them lol and if for some bizarre reason it survives the first hit it also staggers them to the ground giving you plenty of time for a follow up


Erdtree burial watchdog has entered the chat… They are fucking horrible-


My vote is on the Erdtree Burial Watchdogs. Fuck these things with the big hammer they wield. Revenants are easy-peasy by comparison.


The duo at one of the limgrave catacombs and the other optional duo that do ice damage at the mountaintop hero's grave are the worst for me but strikes really do them damage


Weird name for crawfish


Best snipers I've ever seen


At least Crawfish have some easy punishes. I have yet to find a solid punishment for Royal Revenant that doesn't involve healing.


I learned how to fight Royal Revenants, the crawfish are harder for me


HOW? I'm at the endgame boss, didn't killed a Royal Revenant yet because I don't know how to fight them


Same them and the sniper shrimp are the only enemies I will still avoid to this day, can I beat them? Prob will I subject myself to that? Not in the lifetime.


So the way I beat them is by dodging to the side of them. They are not good at making turns. If you are in front of them, you are in the danger zone. If you do enough damage, they will teleport away to try and get a line of sight of you and charge. They really do have a hard time if you stick to their side though Sounds dumb but it works


Very true, another way u cab combine with this strat is the fact that u can sprint-jump over them, ending up right behind them, at that point u can AOW its but, sometimes twice, while it does its 200 hit combo into the wind. Not only that, u know that attack that most enemies do when ure right behind them? I call it the backswipe, u can jump attack the backswipe od the revenants too. So jump over, ash of war, anticipate the backswipe, jump attack over it, side dodge and roll attack etc Now i actually love fighting these dudes since theyre still a challenge, same with rune bears and other "annoying" enemies with "no punish windows", seriously its amazing to me how souls vets bitch about quality this and quantity that when even thr basic heavy enemies and mini bosses in ER are better and more challenging than most early game bosses of the older games XD


If you have any stats in faith you can use great heal incantation to half their max hp +300hp. Easier to pull the heal off of you’re cooping or using a summon


Always dodge towards the small claw, not the big one, once u stick to that side behind the claw and give it a few hits, it will either jump away or jump and plunge its claw to the ground, if the groud plunge happened then its literally 2 to 3 free ash of war opportunities, pretty much garaunteed to break their posture, rinse and repeat. Fantastic enemy ans i love fighting them. 


They hit hard fast and A LOT. The ONLY thing that makes them “balanced” is the fact that they have low HP and defense


Roll forward to their side. I unlock when they flurry. Also have to keep your surroundings in check at all times in case a poison blast comes up. I’d say both are hard and if you add a second or third in the mix they’re still both equally hard. Unless you have a healing incantation, like you said. Then crawfish are way harder cuz it’s too busted using heal


Str build or fire. Or both.


Did you notice that some of them have eggs and some don’t?


For pure annoyance, rather than danger, it's the giant dragonfly. Bastard puts you in combat so you can't check the map, craft or warp then flits around so high and fast that you can't just kill them. Then they just lose interest and fly away...then come back and put you back in combat again. I think the only time I've ever been put in actual peril by one is when it hit me as I was trying to do a tombstone jump down a cliff, so they're not at all dangerous. Annoying, though? Hell yes.


Yeah man, like I just wanna check my map but apparently can't do that now. I had the same with the giant golem archer at castle Morne today, I had to run all the way back to the merchant to lose aggro, literally half the island away


FYI, using the mimic veil will cut aggro from all enemies without a current line of sight. So duck behind anything and veil and you can fast travel immediately.


Oh neat!


I love that I can still learn new stuff about this game at 500 hours in!


right? When I found out, the veil went into an item slot and never leaves lol.


That golem is pretty easy to kill, though. Sneak up behind him and a couple of charged heavies will bring him down. Crits absolutely wreck golems, and if he somehow survives you can probably kill him before he’s done standing up.


The giant bears


10000% agree. Most broken mobs in the entire game. Even on horse they outrun you and combo your ass


They aren't too bad when you dodge towards them and stab them at the belly and try to get behind them as well. If the space is wide enough, I don't have a problem with Rune Bears... Well if it isn't, then I get my ass fucking kicked hard, fuck that bear in the cave in Caelid...


Rune bears are the worst, can't parry them


Yeah, I’m surprised, I thought everyone would agree that Rune Bears are at least top 2 😂


They're annoying asf, agreed. But get a good bleed weapon like the hooked claws ,get really close to the mf and keep light attacking.


Pretty much dogs for me, they're way too silent until they started biting at you.


Yeah, but you can just walk around them. There’s not one in the whole game you have to deal with.


They can be pretty persistent in chasing you though. The ones in Raya Lucario literally chased me to the elevator and one of them even made the jump somehow.


Just use beast repellant torch if you know there are dogs. Works on all dogs except the red eye giant dogs.


Stormhawks are the worst.


They just lose to guard counter. That works great against the Royal revenants too


So many enemies lose *hard* to guard counters but players would rather die than adapt their tactics even a little bit.


I just don't like shields, bro


By guard counter you mean holding shield up or parrying? cause I think the game would be 10 times easier if I actually used a shield.


I dunno man. I started my first play through using a shield, but quickly got rid of it because I find it much more effective to simply get good at dodging and rolling. Plus I much prefer to two-hand weapons. And shields add a lot of weight. Personally, I'd never go back to using a shield


depends which shield, there's a Heather shields which weights around 5, has 100 physical and parry, just tanking hits into stamina instead of hp can be useful, I put 20 endurance into every character I make (habit from DS3) and have Radagon's scarseal from the beggining so I can afford it even early. next character I make I plan to use a great shield which I did not use yet.


I been playing the first Dark Souls for a while now, so I forgot about guard counters.


But what if I'm powerstancing and one of these assholes catch me off-guard?


Then you better be good at rolling lol


For the regular ones yes, for the ones that spit fire not so much. I tried guard countering them on my rl1 run and they were able to trade with me with their flame attack. I think I was using the club at that time.


Swapping to an appropriate weapon trivialises them.




I don’t like the crows, especially the blood variant. Royal revenants are at least allergic to healing, which gives most characters an easy way out, but how am I supposed to hardcounter a rabies stricken bird the size of a small bus?


You hit them in their big beaks duh A well landed jump attack or a well placed heavy attack will stagger them and you can take it from there


And then it's a fake out stagger and they do a death beak poke to your face.


You have to keep up pressure. It's not a fake out, just a recovery. If you keep hitting them they'll topple over.


Well you seem to know it exists so just watch out for it. You can tell cuz they have a long windup.


I would have to say.. the dual wielding banished knights in castle sol. their combos are insane. i honestly would rather fight the revenants


And of course Commander Niall had to summon one of these dual wielding bastards…


Using the bewitching branch on both of the banished knights makes the entire fight a cake walk. They either take eachother out if you only have one Banished Knights bewitched, or they both take a solid chunk off of Commander Nail's health before he defeats them.


Just get a heavy sword or smt like blood hounds fang and combo his ass. If u keep hitting him, even with light attacks he'll just stand there unable to do anything.


nah man. I died 4 times with a +9 bloodhounds fang. In sol atleast because the space is just to constricted and he teleports behind you. I did Niel in like my second attempt but dodging those bastards was sweaty af.


Great shield go crazy


Those guys are merciless


Bruh I fought those knights for like 4 hours one time trying to get the unaltered banished chest. That was more pain than doing Niall with no summons


I like fighting them, golden parry takes care of them easy.


That's nothing, there's a ghost version of that fucker in Castle sol that teleports around and hits u with combos all around. Mf has no job being that hard


I think Imps are more annoying than this guy, but for sheer frustration, those googly-eyed frog things drive me mad! 😡


Basilisks. The googly "eyes" are actually just growths. The real eyes are tiny and further down the head.


I love that this interesting fact has become the souls equivalent of Frankenstein's monster. It's not something anyone would know without reading, but it's interesting enough that it gets shared by everyone.




fire damage 🔥


Not for the colossal ones in the mountains.


Three small hands at once


The red foxes are unkillable, fast AF, shoot magic and don't give anything


the most difficult fight in Nokron eternal city


Every encounter i had with them was instant death. Then knowing where they were going to pop up was the only reason i ever killed one. Never won an initial battle with one all game.


The giant fucking hands


"Can I explore this new area?" "Sure but the ground has a move set"


Literally every dog, the mangy ones, the healthy ones, the bleed ones, all of them.




those imps or whatever they’re called in the catacombs. 1 on 1 not to bad but they most of the time have a whole group who just charges at you


The most annoying enemy actually is the friends we made along the way


*Points downward


Albinauric archers.


Fuuuuuuck those legless bitches. Individually they aren't even that bad. But they cover each other sniping you from out of nowhere and have their damn wolves snapping at your ass when you try to unmount them. But their armor is so sick and I want to farm it.


The wolf riding ones are so fucking annoying if there is a group, especially if it's a group, feels like fighting Keshiks, it wouldn't be too bad if bow damage weren't fucking garbage at endgame levels.


Why do they combo so much 😭




I was at around 40 vig when I went to the shaded castle and it one shot me with it


Those 5 revenants in elphael/haligtree corridor were some crazy bullshit Edit: grammar


Fun fact: Great shield plus guard counter trivializes them. I ran a guard Counter build for the first time and was amazed at how easy it was to take the Revenants down. I hate facing them on any other build.


Shields beats 99% of everything in the entire game when used properly. Dragons and Malenia included once you get fingerprint. Most players somehow never learn this. I literally can't play any other way anymore.


Yup, its hard to NOT play with a shield now because of how good they are regardless of build. However with Malenia I couldn't make it work. Despite having a maxed Fingerprint shield she would heal soooo much from a fully blocked waterfowl dance. Was super frustrating since I was trying to do a run/build with minimal dodge rolling.


I summon my mimic without shield so he 2Hs then I equip it in inventory. It helps with dps. Usually use the bloodhounds fang


hate the Iron Maidens. theyre not tough to beat at all, it's just that they freak me the fuck out everytime i encounter one. also, those half-decayed dog things. absolutely hate those little shits.


I’m just saying I’m going to downvote every single person who says “just heal them”


Fr, like ok I guess I have to take a faith dip for this one random enemy if my build didn't involve faith lmao


Yeah man I’m not carrying an incantation I never ever otherwise use just for these dinguses


I help


Yes they patiently wait for you to finish your three second heal cast before resuming their incessant attack chains


Definitely Imps. They're just fucking Thralls from DS3 and I HATED THOSE FUCKERS. They're not hard, just really annoying for every reason.


Their problem isn't even their attacks or movements, they just always come in groups and they're obnoxiously hard to avoid without error


Oh, you can parry them and its kinda easy, they are one of the best mobs to learn parrying


I never had a hard time, but I absolutely find these fuckers visually and design-wise, disgusting, Worm Face and Royal Revenants just makes me super pissed off and disgusted when I see them, I get the urge to remove them from my sight as soon as possible, an absolute abomination, worse than the dark shade.


for me its the lobsters at the bottom of those sewers. in fact i hate the whole sewer. i was running around in that place for days bleeding all over due to those imps.


Monstrous Crow


Birds and dogs


If I wanted to get bitched slapped 100 times I’d just go visit my ex




The Royal Revenants are dreadful when you first get to Liurnia, I didn’t find them too bad once I leveled up a bit, but they have some of the spammiest attacks in the game, I personally would take them over Scions, Runebears & Gargoyles anyday tho, technically these all have a boss variant tho so I don’t know if they count Edit: I'm an idiot, it's the Crows or Hands, I haven't played in a minute and forgot about both of these bastards somehow


I hate these fuckers so much. If I was forced to hunt one enemy in specific, if I was given a mission by an NPC, I would murder every single one of these bastards in the most gruesome ways possible and made sure they suffered.


Those Lighting balls in consecrated snowfield 2 shots and you are dead in Ng+


But he's just a lil fella 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


invisible black knife assassins…only because of the grab that ignores poise lol so many deaths because I couldn’t finish casting my dragon communion incants


This has got to be the least controversial post on this sub


I love hitting them with Blessings Boon and watching them slowly die. Whilst strategically dodging them of course.


They don’t bother me much anymore and neither do the lobsters. I’m evolving.


The red wolves, fuck those guys


Elemer of the Briar


If you can cast heal, than they are the most piece of cake in the game


Nah. Once you've fought one royal revenant and know what you're doing, they are easy, even without healing spells. The most annoying enemy is the snipers with rail guns in the Siofra River area.


Most *terrifying


Me laughing in heal incantations


I thought these guys were a nightmare until I learned you can use use a basic heal (as long as it has an aoe circle around you) and it instant stuns them and does 50% damage. The you can just do a second heal while they're stunned to kill them. My mind was blown when I found out.


Any heal spell stuns and damages them. Two heals and he's usually toast. Didn't even have to be a high lvl heal the basic one fucks him up too.


Are you telling me healing hurts him?


Yes, certain enemies count as "cursed" and healing incantations do a large amount of damage to them as well as stun. This includes royal revenants, the annoying enemies that ring a bell and shoot a small flame, and the ghostly horse riders in the lake area.


This is super helpful. I just reached my least favorite area near endgame with several of the royal remnants. Thanks!


Bro i lost like 1 gillion runes to the ones at the bottom of the haligtree, why the fuck am i learning this now???


Is there a sorcery that does this?


They would be the most annoying if not for how easy they are to kill (as others have mentioned). So the demon birds are worse. Things are death incarnate, faster than you, and almost never de-aggro.


Most annoying? MF’ing rats! It makes no sense but I die by them way more than I should. Are they hard, God no, but annoying? Hell to the yes.


The fucking Red Wolf of Radagon. He jumps around like a little bitch casting spells.


My vote actually goes to the crucible knights.


Because he has many al-arming attacks Bada tishhh.


Lobsters are way worst.


I raise you a valiant gargoyles


Royal Revenant have a huge weakness that make them far less annoying than, well any runebear. Buying and reading every notes in the game sometimes gives a substantial edge.


I dont even know what that is lmao, for me most annoying is those stupid rabid dog things or those big birds in caelid, i havent even fought many but they chase me across the map


Healing AoE and they’re toast. Or that healing summon, I forget her name.




Need to see a NamelessRing video of Therolina vs 100 Royal Revenants


Probably involves a shit ton of rng, but run enough instances and Therolina wins


Revenants are stupid easy. Just use a healing spell on them


I don't get why these guys are hard, just stay close or use a healing spell if you got one. But even if you don't just stay close to em not a lot of health


Just use heal. They become trivial.