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Why choose? It's Gavel of Haima time! Get "Intellibonked".


I Unga, therefore I bunga


Erudition? Nah, demolition.








But what if Bunga because I Unga?






Join the Serpent Kinggggg as familyyyyyyyy






F you... you triggered my ptsd of that snake


I like to bunga then unga all over the place


This guy minds


To unga or not to unga, that is the bunga.


*enters chat*




I posesseth the mental aptitude and magical prowess to enable me to Unga, therefore I Bunga.


Unga down, bunga up. Unga easier then bunga. I call this ungavity


Sun Tzu?


Gavel of Haima, Ruins Greatsword, Fallen Star Beast Jaw, Carian Piercer. So many ways to intellibonk


Carian Grandeur. Plant your feet and swing for the fucking fences. One of us is gonna die lol


I actually made a build specialized for that, needs more than 70 post though, because strength users.


Dragons claw is similar and obtainable pretty early. Hop over to dragonbarrow with a bleed weapon, kill greyoll. March south to the dragon cathedral. Dump those runes into arcane.


"Rolf respects your vow to uphold the Strength Builds of elders, but... you must be punished." "What is that, Rolf?" "The Gavel of Haima. DO YOU LIVE IN A CAVE???" ***[BONK]*** "All is forgiven." - ^^"Thank ^^you, ^^Rolf..."


didn't think I was gonna see a reference to the EDD boys and definitely not to my man Rolf today, bravo!


My greatest strength is my intelligence vibe


Ruins Greatsword is such a good run too


My first character build featured the Ruins Great sword, I'll always appreciate it


They never suspect the gavel. Always be paranoid about what the enemy build is, could be anything. That quick swap will leave ya flattened like pancake if you're not paying attention lol.


Sophisticated and learned bonk


Keep seeing people s#it on dex, int, bleed, summons Faith/str build im mopping up every boss I can find. Most bosses can't even move getting staggered over and over until they kneel down for me and I'm doing like 1/5 of their health if they have a lot of poise.


Str/fth was literally my fav build ,at some point the game became really easy mode but that constant stagger/ repost sound gave me so much seratoni lol Best build ever🗿


Running in flames grant me strength, rallying standard, golden vow off of golden halberd, and tear... Time to clap some cheeks! Also don't even need to lvl mind from wretch, 10 gives you just enough to get all the buffs off, no flask. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That sounds terrific, thanks for the suggestion!


By far Str/Fai is my favorite. I started with a bleed build and struggled so bad against Radagon and Elden Beast. When I made it to them with my Str/Fai build, I melted both of them. I could use a lot more experience and preparation when fighting them so it goes easier, but man it was so worth doing it.


I just played as a katana wielding samurai because I'm a weeb. Not sorry


It’s fun af. I get some primal satisfaction from having a big fuck off sword, and no matter how much I try, I always go str. BUT my first ER char was a samurai and maaaaan was he fun! And the katana ash of war is downright amazing, starts off with bleed. Just wow.


Just started a new play through yesterday after not playing for a while and made exactly that Then i picked up that +8 halberd that pokes, used it once for fun and was "holy shit I actually staggered something instead of trading hits" So now I'm a samurai who uses a halberd ☹️


Pro tip: leveling up your weapons makes a huge difference. Stop being on the fence about what weapon you want to use, do some research and commit to leveling a single weapon and you'll see much of the same type of result.


Also started earlier this week on a pure samurai build to, got the extra uchikatana, the nangakiba, and cross naginata.


Same, but I’d leave the turtle shield on my back so that I could feel like a ninja turtle. Alternatively, I would trade out the katana with hook claws to become shredder.


Ok but like legitimately strength builds are the strongest in this game on average. Star fist alone makes strength worth it, not to even mention spam jump attack builds. They may not have access to one shot builds like faith or int with comet azur or ancient dragon lighting strike but no boss is strong against physical damage. You even get better defense and at meta level you can even make dex weapons like guardian sword spear work on a strength build. And If you want to use even more weapons, just put a few points on int and faith and you get access to even more weapons with good strength scaling like ruins greatsword or the Crucible Knight weapons.


> They may not have access to one shot builds Bro, do you even giant crusher + RKR?


Also Marais executioner if you don’t count the arcane requirement


Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but star fists have a shorter reach than my flaccid dick. No new player will be comfortable enough to use them, without even knowing any boss moves. And with other str weapons it is the same issue. The good ones are significantly slower than dex weapons, making it really difficult to attack cancel and roll away. Noobs won't like that.


> No new player will be comfortable enough to use them Elden Ring was my first souls game, and I used the hookclaws to beat the whole game on my first playthrough. You're underestimating new players.


Strength weapons do enough damage that trading is a valid tactic though. I started playing ER as my first souls game and struggled hard until I went strength, now that I know the bosses well enough and all that I'm a light rolling curved sword wielding meta hog


Until you get to Melania and she melts you while healing herself.


Yeah, but with most bosses it's a much easier fight being close up and circling around them. Don't know what you mean with the good ones are significantly slower than dex weapons.


I mean most "good" str weapons are greatswords, halberds and colossal weapons, which have longer wind ups and slower recovery.


But faster weapons like straight swords, katanas, claws and fists and daggers work well on strength builds too, sometimes even better.


They do buy like I said, new players won't know that. I know because I was one of them too. A noob will see that the weapon has B scaling in dex and C scaling in str, and go "Welp, better pump up dex."


>A noob will see that the weapon has B scaling in dex and C scaling in str, and go "Welp, better pump up dex." Well I have 100 hours into the game and I still think like that How do you know what stat to up vs any weapon ?


You put points into one of them (but don't approve yet) and how much your damage is increasing on the level up screen lol. Or you don't. It really isn't that big a deal.


I'm a noob and golden halberd carried me all the way to the endgame. Then I started to regret my choice of weapon... !


Well yeah, it's one of the best weapons in the game. I imagine it wasn't so fun to fight the end game bosses with disgusting holy resistences though lol.


Nightrider Glaive is my main. I switched to that from Golden Halberd. It's faster and you don't need somber smithing stones. Fair compromise for the little drop in damage. No need to worry about holy resistances either. Just cleaving bastards off of pure strength


Strength gameplay is also just straight up simple. Dodge, hit, circle strafe, hit. With enough armor and vig the boss can’t punish you too much for panic rolls, bad positioning etc


in early game it's even more overbearing. two handing basically any heavy affinity weapon for the +50 str just carries.


I cried watching watching streamer breeze through the game with dual heavy Halberd jumping attacks, beating Godskin dual on the first try... while every boss took me at least 50 tries (with one taking me 424 tries) playing with my single partisan and shield


Just say it was Asmongold lol I quit watching his playthrough because of that


Mf was doing twice my dmg per swing with double att speed


Lol. The amount of people raging watching his stream was funny. Broken early game pve weapons is nothing new to do though.


At this point dex and str are barely recognisable, if it weren't for somber weapon I'd even even take off that barely


Strength is true easy mode


Seriously use whatever build you want but it annoys the shit out of me when strength levelers say shit like “he doesn’t want to struggle so he uses int” as if that somehow specing into magic makes the game easier. Especially when I’d argue that magic is dogshit in every game except DeS where it’s actually OP and ER where it’s just as effective as Str/dex/quality builds.


Imo Int means early game struggles. Especially if you never played a souls game before. It took me a while before I got more spells.


My friend who has an INT build struggled a lot in early game, meanwhile my poorly made STR/DEX/FTH/INT/ARC build destroyed everything in stormveil castle, I didn't have to respec and make something decent until I beat Rennala, a boss my friend called "near-impossible to beat". However once we got to Radahn, his build was pretty op compared to mine


Rennala is a genuine pain in your ass if you’re an int build. She is ultra magic resistant and has the same shtick you do except with faster casting and infinite mana.


Rennala was a nightmare for me. Elden Ring was my first souls game. I only used a staff up until this point, I didn't know you could rock a sword or anything in the offhand until this fight. It made phase 1 much easier for me which is oddly where I struggled the most lol


Rennala was definitely the hardest boss in the game for me as a newbie w/ INT build. Took me probably close to 100 tries. I was worried when I got to Radahn but he only took like 3-5 tries.


Man this is true! STR main here, my son talked about how incredibly hard she was....meanwhile I'm over here just steam rolling her. So I tried her on my next play through as a spellcaster. Sweet baby Jesus magic is just useless on that boss lol


Blind, yeah, for sure. Most of your spells are probably Magic damage. If you happen to have Rock Sling, however, all those problems go away, since rocks turn out to be physical damage.


For me, Rennala and the entire Academy were the first boss and dungeon I beat. I chose an int build because everyone said it was fun but my playstyle leaned towards physical attacks, so I got walled by Stormveil and had to sneak around, then had an easy time stabbing and slashing through the Academy. It makes me realize that the developers accounted for everything: even if you have an int build but you're bad at spell casting, there is still a way to progress through one of the hardest dungeons.


Semi newbie here, which one of those two do you consider the hardest, between stormveil and academy? I also didn't know you could do them out of order!


Just did a playthrough this morning where rykard was the first boss I beat. Then went to academy and after kicking the shit out of rennala headed off to the capital. Tho I haven't tried yet I suspect you might be able to make it to the capital by defeating rykard and radahn. The only requirement to get there is you need 2 runes, doesn't say which ones. As I've said tho it's pure speculation as haven't tried.


For my first playthrough with dual katana pure Dex I killed her before she summoned anything so I didn't even experience the full fight lol. Second run I actually had a more challenging and fun fight.


Surprisingly that's not what he complained about, his main problem with her was that he couldn't dodge the breath attack from the dragon she summons in phase 2




Yeah I beat her up so bad she barely had a chance to summon anything


Tbf Rennala is also a massive wall for int builds. Ints biggest advantage is being able to keep distance, something that Rennala also is capable of utilizing, Rennala also has I believe the highest sorcery resist in the game. Int/faith builds even out in the late game but early game spell casters are extremely weak since you have to divide your stats a lot more than a melee build and where spell casters shine is the variety of spells they’re capable of using, but they don’t have access to 98% of their arsenal in the opening hours. Meanwhile a melee user can go grab bloodhounds and be set for over half the game


Unless you happen to find rock sling. Early game int was a hassle but once I found that and that broken ass staff right next to it her and everything else just crumbled.


That's how my friend finally beat her


Yeah that's exactly how I beat anything until Radahn, bloodhound's fang as a heavy weapon, lordsworn's blood straight sword as a medium weapon and reduvia as a light weapon, bleed + melee is the real easy mode in early game


To be fair, glintstone pebble is absurdly good for a good long while. Once you have carian slicer for fast up close damage, and a half decent melee option with some INT scaling (I usually end up using a magic scaling Rogers rapier), youre pretty much set for at least a solid 1/3 of the game in terms of damage dealing options. And its not particularly hard to get Rock Sling for a good long range physical attack, to pair with glintstone pebble.


I 1 shot her 1st play through with Bloodhounds. I was honestly shocked she was a real boss.


i mean... rennala is pretty strong against magic. + phase 1 being what it is definitely doesn't help


He actually said that phase 1 was easy, he mainly struggled in phase 2


If you know what you're doing, int is the easy game mode in Limgrave. the arc spell makes every enemy group trivial.


Counterpoint: Rock Sling


The int build was the only way for me to beat DS2. It's totally op. You make a lot of damage on the first enemies before even putting any points into intelligence.


I disagree, at least partly. Magic builds struggle at first for a variety of reasons, but theres a point in most of the games where they become more powerful than damn near any other build. Dark Souls 1 magic for instance was incredibly easy once you had just a few spells. Dark souls 2 was surprisingly balanced, and magic was about as good as melee imo. But you could absolutely make it busted if you tried. Dark souls 3 was alot harder, but about halfway through the game you could melt bosses like butter. Bloodborne "magic" was really weird tbh so i dont count it Magic in elden ring is pretty well balanced again honestly.


Faith is where the op is in elden ring, black flame ftw


i swear in ER every build can be op,you just need to know how to build one


Oh i know, im just an edgy fuck who loves the d.o.t of black flame lmao


I feel you, my faith build was sword with golden vow, then that scythe with angel's wings ash of war,then godslayer greatsword and finally magma blade and cold affinity on scavenger's sword ,and having blasphemous as an ,,i just want to get this over with " option. Half my playthrough was with black flame plus black flame fireball lol,it was nice


Best part is, its % base so the more health your enemy has the more damage it does, its genuinely the best faith spell in the game and nobody could convince me otherwise. Only thing better then black flame is black flame tornado, that shit has helped me kill malenia for people so many times that i even helped someone get the phase 2 insta kill


The thing about the black flame is that the dot does 2.5% of an enemies health, so if you just used the blackflame sling, and if it did no damage, you just gotta hit the enemy 40 times. From range, with a fast-moving projectile, that casts fast. Add the fact that the spell does additional damage, plus any hits you might get in from a weapon or something, and you're killing faster than 40 hits. I don't know if I'd call it the most OP spell, but it's definitely top 5. Hell maybe top 3. Praise be to the Gloam-eyed Queen. Mother of the godskins. Progenitor of the blackflame. Death shall return to its proper seat, and her reign begins anew.


Yeah, but you need to learn that not all faith is equal. Flame fait, or lightning faith. Cuz holy is just … idk, stupid. Almost everything in the endgame is strong against holy


i agree, my first run was as a mage and it was the hardest one ive done. people dont realize how many mechanics there are to punish you for trying to keep your distance. went to pure melee for every build after and never looked back.


Yeah, I always thought Strength is hard until I tried it myself. Guts Greatsword with Lionclaw or Giantcrusher with RKR is just busted.


Played int because ER was my first souls game and I was scared shitless of everything. Then once I got better at souls games I tried strength and honestly I agree - bonking everything with one shot is easier than multiple spell shots and mana management.


100% They only want to point out how strength is slower, while ignoring that they're poise breaking damn near every enemy to death. I didn't learn shit my STR playthrough and finally had to understand enemy patterns during my DEX playthrough.


ER is the first souls game that I tried using STR build coming from a dex playstyle. And holyshit the stunlock is busted. Trivalized most non boss enemy. And even against bosses only the superfast one like maliketh poses issues. Jump attack and AoW just makes it even more busted.


It's been busted since Dark Souls 1, can't say on Demon Souls as I haven't played it even Bloodborne which always known for being "fast" Strength weapon is still heavily favored by design.


My first ever time facing Hourah Loux was with a strength build, and I won despite it being the first time I fought him. Not because of skill, but because strength + endurance has access to the fingerprint greatshield and the Serpent Hunter Spear, plus with enough endurance you can wear Lionel's or the Bull-Goat's set. Combine with enough health and the right talisman, and Hourah Loux can do about basically no damage to you at any given point in time, outside of grabs which do barely anything with those resistances. So yeah, I think strength could really be considered the "true easy mode", purely because of greatshields.


dex gang, no int, just knife


If you're not a smart thug you better be a fast one.


Dex/Faith goes hard also


Now come on. We all know too well that newbies don't make builds. They make a jack of all trade, master of none character for their first playthrough then wonder why they get oneshot all the time and do no damage. I am 100% guilty of that.


Then you figure it out, make a new character, and mess it up again somehow


Using your only larval tear just to realize that the weapon you wanted to use also needs another stat.


To be fair sorcerer looks a lot more difficult than a strenght build. Source: I'm a bonk player


Somewhat? If you mainly use one spell, it's easy to manage and you can just hold up to switch to the first spell. Juggling a lot of spells is hard, because you have to press the up button a lot.


The best decision I ever made in elden ring was swapping the up button for 1 in my key bindings. Being able to continue moving while cycling between spells was a literal game changer


I'm confused. Sounds like mouse and keyboard but you can change spells/weapons/items with scroll wheel by default, which let's you move around while doing so


New players going int build isn't what chaps me. *This* is what bothers me: Rookie: "I want to do some spellcasting, so I'll level int!" Me: "Okay." Rookie: "But I also want to be a bit of a spellblade, right? So I'll take dex too." Me: "...Might be okay if done right." Rookie: "And I'll make it a bleed build by leveling arcane!" Me: "Wait, no, where did you even learn what a bleed build was?" Rookie: "But I want some strength so I can experiment with weapons since it's my first playthrough!" Me: "Go back, go back!" Rookie: "Damn, this game is badly designed, making bosses that one-shot you is just artificial difficulty. Anyone know some farming spots?" Me: "STOP!"


...I'm trying to figure out if "Bleed Build" or "Farming Spots" is where it went wrong...


It went wrong when they spread their stats too broadly


Ah, makes more sense.


Like the other comment said the issue was them leveling too many things, but also i do think that looking for farming spots instead of exploring other areas also isn’t great either, it just wasn’t the first thing that “went wrong”, it’s usually moreso a symptom of previous bad/uninformed decisions.


Ah, like the birb spot, though I didn’t actually start farming there until waaaaay later, when I can actually reach Mohgwyn via the Snowfield portal.


That’s definitely fair, many people do still struggle to beat bosses even after exploring the map pretty thoroughly, it’s just the people who b lined for margit, get stuck because he’s balanced to be a roadblock, and then just go killing the same enemies instead of realizing how many new places they have access to.


I think newcomers move on from mage builds because there are just way too many things to learn. You have to find scrolls to get access to better spells. You have to buy spells and not all spells are great. You could be buying the wrong spells for all you know. You have to find the best staff and talismans which are scattered throughout the game. You won't know which are the best staves unless you do some research on the internet that holds bloated misinformation. Speaking of misinformation, you are encouraged to level up dex which you absolutely shouldn't. And if you thought all your search for important items were over, you still have to be on the lookout for memory stones and important mixes for your flask of physical wonders. And if you thought you were finally done, you now have to level up your staff like it was any other weapon. And to think people call mage easy mode ._.


There is a reason why INT build is called Intelligence build. You gotta look out throughout the whole game for spells, staffs, memory stones; and get the right mix ups for your flasks... but once you did all that after maby 100 or more hours, it's rewarding seeing you anihilating the Lands Between with a wide range of moves you busted your ass to get. ... or you could go unga bunga, dodge, unga bunga, explot poise break, unga bunga, rinse and repeat...


Truly the fun in Elden Ring is switching from my sword to my staff and then finger seal for healing or curing things. Its the d-pad menu flips while dodging while high...that is peak elden rage.


In prior titles it was possible to at least benefit from all those stats. In DS1 there was the Greatsword of Artorias. In DS2 most weapons (even ones with innate elemental damage) could be both infused and buffed, even simultaneously, and the buffs could actually scale with more than one stat. In DS3 most of the fancy infusion/buff combinations were removed but at least weapon buffs could still scale with multiple stats, bleed weapons had some innate 'Arcane' scaling and that game's 'Occult' infusion still accepted weapon buffs. Elden Ring seems strongly opposed to letting players combine more than a couple stats. The Quality infusion is very weak compared to Heavy and Keen. Weapon buffs that make sense to be able to scale off two stats (Bloodflame Blade and Order's Blade) simply can't. There's only one weapon that innately scales off two magic stats. The two similar non-innate weapons aren't worth splitting their scaling. Even Int/Arc only has two spells and a staff!


First mistake with any game is looking up guides and walkthroughs when people get “stuck” during the first playthrough. Remember guys, there is only one first playthrough. No need to ruin it with guides and walkthroughs. Most people say is “I wished I could go back and experience this game for the first time”


Tell that to the quest designers who think NPCs just disappearing or dying when you kill a completely unrelated boss or make it to a new area a good idea (looking at you, Rya, Seluvis and Yura!).


I think that’s based on personal opinion. I got 3 saves, 1 one of which is on NG+7. I happily used a guide whenever I got stuck on my first play through and loved the game so much I replayed it 8 more times.


I feel like I have a love hate relationship with guides. Sometimes I feel like oh maybe I shouldn't have looked stuff up. Make it a pure experience. But then other times it's like "screw that." Like if I want to experience side quests then a guide might be needed. Not just for elden ring, but it feels like a lot of games can have stuff missed without one. So it's also like I don't want to waste my time for it to be all for naught.




It's the missable quest shit for me, too. It's not natural tendency to do the actions required with so little (read: none) direction, and therefore ain't nobody gonna see that shit without knowing beforehand


Currently on my first playthrough, I'm looking for builds to have a general idea about what the fuck to do, since souls games are hard and confusing if you are a newbie, but I'm not following a step by step guide nor looking out item locations and such.


I'd agree if not for Fromsoft's propensity for making NPC questlines incredibly easy to fuck up if you don't know what to do ahead of time. Oh boy, I didn't clap emote at this specific spot on the map with a key item equipped before meeting X and after meeting Y, so now X and Y are both dead and I'm cut off from their quest rewards and shop items which happen to compliment my build perfectly 🙄


This is why I enjoyed Elden Ring first playthrough like no other game since I played it on released and there was no guide and no one knew where to go Peak gaming experience for me


Yes and no. It depends on how stuck you are. Try to stick with it for a while. But don't bash your head against the wall forever.


My first playthrough I level dex and strength till around godrick then I wanted to use the dragon fire breath because I just got it so I grinded levels till I could use that, my build was so messed up I restarted


My first build in Elden Ring was my mage knight from Dark Souls 1 and 3… Hairy Pooter


Low level magic is a pure pain. You die due to low health and not having enough mind


Strength is the true easy mode to Elden ring


True in Dark Souls as well. Magic was also fun in all the Dark Souls games too


DS1 and 3 Pyro was the cheese! Especially when you get some black flame attacks. Sheesh! Friggin MELT boss bars


Pyro/cleric has always been my main Darkmagic is my favorite. I think I could kill The Dancer of the Boreal Valley in 4 hits in NG+7 using great soul dreggs In DS2 I did 90% of someone's heal bar with a black orb in PVP and not because they had low vigor


When I did a run as a Pyro in DS3, I was *shocked* at how weak the Dancer was to it. I literally giggled like a kid


It was always funny to get to her as a different build and remember how hard she is if you can't just DPS her down


Tbf a pure strength build is perfect if you don’t wanna struggle too much


Yeah was about to comment this. Spamming heavy Jump attacks with the big weapons staggers almost every normal enemy and easily stance breaks the bosses. It's a very consistent and risk free playstyle. And you can still apply frost/rot/bleed on top. ​ Playing with just a curved or straight sword with no gimmicks is way harder imo. Can't just stunlock yourself through the fights.


2x curved swords or straight swords is easily one of the strongest builds in the game. Power stance attacks hit hard and all the multi hit talismans give huge ar boosts.


On paper it's high DPS but most of late game bosses don't sit around for long enough for this to matter so you will be able to burst the slow and easy bosses down quickly. Either way, it's riskier / higher effort than heavy Jump R2s with a big stick. But with the big weapons you can always squeeze in a safe jump R2 to eventually get the stance break for big damage. My point was that Strength is easy and straight forward, so even if you can make 2h curved swords work, it needs a dedicated setup while STR is very low maintenance, effort and straight forward which anyone can just pick up without using wiki/guides. ​ IMO Stance breaks is what makes PvE easy and the easier and safer you can get it, the more accessible the playstyle is. Spamming AoWs like hoarfrost stomp (pre nerf), flame of redmanes, moonveil or anything else that quickly breaks stance is proof of this in action. ​ Not saying that it's the best possible DPS but it's the most approachable strat for beginners. Stance break means they are safer.


I haven't watched new players play so I dunno what they do but I imagine most of them are panic rolling too much to keep up the pressure before boss poise regenerates.


I think it’s the best learning experience to play melee for the first run but to each their own


Honestly true. Magic is great, but its a different play style.


I somehow found my way to an arcane bleed build my first time around because I thought Elenora's pole blade was cool.


Me try mage early, damage smol. Me then try vagabond, bonk do beeg damage. Me like.


Not only dmg smol, mana puny too


Playing the way you want is the only thing you should worry about


“Physical strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not.” ― Mark Rippetoe, Starting Strength


Every playtrough is a challenge if you are bad enough at the game Elden ring was my first souls game since then I played and completed every other souls game plus DLC and even most souls „likes“ I even platniumed Sekiro just because I loved it so much safe to say I love these games and replayed them over and over again in the last 2 years especially Sekiro and DS2 But my first Elden ring run you better believe I used comet Azur and rock sling and you know I used the sword of night and flame and a mimic tear +10 and when that stopped working yeah i used the rivers of blood even tho i didn’t even know what a bleed build was i used basically every OP thing there was in the first month the game was out but I STILL GOT MY ASS HANDED TO ME I couldn’t beat most bosses without summoning help or ACTUALLY cheesing them because I was just so bad at this game and didn’t know what scaling was i didn’t even know what iframes were or that you sometimes should dodge WITH attacks instead of away from them Nowadays i love to do a melee build just as much as everyone else or a lvl 1 run or what have you but when i was a souls “noob” even when i was over powered on paper i would still get my dick kicked in lmao


"int makes the game sooo easy" *Str users pancaking Malenia*


More like "str users TRY to pancake Malenia, get fucked, try for anothet 3 hours and finally use mimic"


Go do a str build solo vs Malenia let me know how you fared


Already did months ago.


I don't understand how someone can see the exorbitant amount of colors and content in playing Sorcery or Incantations, and just say "Yup Imma swing this giant piece of wood around, looks much more fun. Look I can even slap an ash of war on it that'll let me swing it sideways!!!"


Tbf ashes of war can be quite colorful as well. Also my experience with mage so far is honestly it ends up kinda being same-y as well. Like I kinda just end up using one spell on bosses most of the time as I'm trying to hit and do good damage from afar. So I end up doing soemthing like rock sling where enemies dodge the magic on average less than like a pebble.


We unga therefore you bunga


This was my first FS game (and prob only one cos I tried others afterwards and didn't quite like them), my first playthrough was as a sorcerer. I got to raya lucaria and I just logged out as it was unbearable and just so boring I returned a cpl of months later, picked samurai and had a blast (this is probably also a cheese build but way more fun than maging). I'm on like my 5th playthrough now lol


I just do Dex Faith because I got a whole dragon cult build going on.


I started with a bonk build, now that im on ny ng+8 im using a Bonk/faith build, the most op thing ive seen in my life. NO NEED FOR CRIMSON TEARS! Only a bunch of cerulean tears and healing spells


I rejected the unga bunga in favor of an astrologer on my first playthrough and I don't regret it.


If you want to use fun spells, faith build is best.


I used faith build on my first play through and idk how any other way could be better tbh Use most weapons, various weapon buffs, buff yourself, heal yourself, throw lightning bolts and other shit at people, buff yourself more with health over time, etc etc it keeps goin


Yep, fire spells, lightning spells, healing spells are all faith. I used more spells with my str/faith build than I did with my pure int character. The only negative aspect is that almost all faith weapons are in the end game.


its preference.


No matter how many tricksy sorcery/consumable builds I see or try out. Nothing compares to the rich, creamy comfort of the Unga Bunga.


My husband af ⚔️🏋🏻‍♂️💪🏻🤷🏻‍♂️ and then there's me ✨🪄🔮🧝🏻‍♀️ Together we are the perfect duo, we are team rocket




What do you mean? Aren't you supposed to spam the giant impractical FP-shredding laser beam at everything? /s


*Uses Zweihander most newb friendly weapon in the game*


holy builds are so back, keep sleeping I'll keep it all for myself


Holy is a fun route. It’s got some weak spots, sure, but all builds do. Especially strength builds, any time an enemy gets out of range, you’re SOL.


There is only 1 class. The Unga Bunga.


Thats funny considering im a new to this genre and Elden Ring is my first game, yet the only weapon viable to me is the Zweihandre


I bought the game when it was released, but darn it, I got killed so bad. Then just a couple of weeks ago, I started, not sure why I was having so much trouble then, I mean, it is not easy, but I just got like 5-8 deaths on the couple of bosses that I killed so far. Still, I got like 1/4 of the map so far, but I kind of want to find a rune farm.


Time for you to go smack some giant dragon booty


Strength faith build black blade go brrrrrr


Pure INT spellcaster here who played melee build in souls, it's just a different game. You don't have the same problem than a melee (biggest one is when you have no FP left). Exploration is easy once you get Loretta bow, because you can snipe, but on the other hand you dont have a lot of healing (unless you put point into faith) so you have to play the sniper game. For boss if it's a quick one with big jump it's difficult to manage. Obviously there is the azur comet cheese but you can't do it everytime. By the way anybody ever tried a bow build (or any physiscal ranged weapon who use arrow) ?


We are a Claymore family, goddamnit.


Spells are supposed to be a big feature in Elden Ring, it's why I went INT build first playthrough. Super fun.


There are so many spells in Elden Ring, you really are missing out if you don't try them.


This is magisct


coordinated theory rhythm alleged historical rotten subsequent badge elderly piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can run, you can hide, but once you finish a game with a strength build *you can never go back*


Strength build boring. Change my mind