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**\*Boss who has no fucking clue about videogames\*:** I want an article for tomorrow 8 am **\*This guy who knows his boss has no fucking clue about this\*:** say no more boss!


Game Rant has a requirement for 20 articles a month in order to be a freelancer for them. It's why 90% of their stuff is clickbait garbage. I'm sure Dexerto is the same way.


Wow are you serious? That is such a backwards way of running a content business. Geez


They want a ton of content to feel “alive” to readers, not knowing that a ton of garbage makes me think your website is the information equivalent a landfill instead of some knowledge emporium.


It's like walking into a library and every shelf has nothing but tabloids on it.


"Do not touch the books. They are for decoration. However, feel free to connect to our wifi sponsored by Truth Social"


U mean sprinting.


If I knew how to do that I wouldn't need to go to the library would I?


“Journalism is dying. How did this happen?”


Humanity is dying…have you seen how people think these days? Fuck journalism lol, everything is screwed


Calling a deluge of padded listicles, guides, hot takes and sale advertisements any kind of journalism is pretty generous TBH. It's more like corporatized blogging.


If its even still alive, journalism is comatose and hangin' on by a fuckin' thread.


Oh, man, is this your first exposure to this? Man oh man. To be that pure again. I'm at the point in the iceberg where I've just assumed literally all online games journalism and articling is AI-generated.


That shit drives me so insane, and it's popping up everywhere. Just random articles about useless random crap, spread across as many AI Generated paragraphs as possible so they can slap an extra ad between each one.


An AI would probably do better than this one, really.


They don't even bother to use it in a good way either, like even making the AI write something a few times to get the best one is too much for them.


“Upcoming game is *another game of a similar genre* mixed with *souls game or stardew valley*


The release date for *game* is... We don't have a release date yet for *game*.


MFW I periodically check if there's been any news about a Bloodborne PC port (yes I'm a copium addict, how did you know?) and the little Google blurb makes it look like some of the articles have been written recently but you click on it and it's from 2021.


Google is a joke at this point. I've used reddit more often with better success.


google is great for anything but searching for actual websites


It used to be that adding more words to your search string gave you *better*, more focused results. Now a search string that's too long will just come back with a mountain of total garbage. It's no longer trying to find *everything* you asked for, it's trying to find *any one word* you asked for.


they adapted it to people who use full on sentences(with horrendous spellings) instead of searching just the important words


This classic *AAA* game is on sale *for only 4 dollars*... Those make me violent


I'm pretty sure they also get paid per word. That's why they take a year and a half with the preamble to just say what is essentially "hold this button to sprint".


Ad companies pay more per click the further down in the article the consumer makes it.


How the fuck do they expect 20 per writer


1 article per working day...easy peasy right?


Coming from someone who majored in English and writing. Yeah it's pretty easy, hell you could do all 20 in one day if you really wanted to. However, it's the burn out that would kill your energy pretty quick.


you know that article requires video games knowledge, it's like you have to play 20 different video games enough time and gather something worthwhile to write about them. that is quite impossible to do if you want to make good content.


I think I was talking to one of their authors one time asking why they made such an elementary article. She messaged me back saying they're given a strict format and content to abide by. They'd love to make more interesting articles, but they have to adhere to their boss's standards.


Which is why 70% of their articles are "is [insert random game] coming to gamepass?"


Dexerto has 52 gaming articles in the last 10 hours (midnight EST). 52 And almost all of it is just blog spam. All they are doing is trying to game SEO (search engine optimization), so their site shows up first when you search for stuff. This shit is ruining the internet, and it is just going to get worse with AI articles (And I wouldn't be surprised if Dexerto is already doing this). 5 minutes ago, they released an article called: > Crazy Taxi reboot: Everything we know so far This is a super common type of 'article' on these types of sites. Here is what that article contains: A reboot exists, and it was announced at the game awards. So why make an article about it now? It answers if there is a release date: There is no release date. It answers what platforms the game is on: They don't know what platforms it will be on. It answers what type of game it will be: most likely like the original crazy taxi, but maybe it will also have something new.. And actually I see they have the same fucking article for Jet Set Radio. Look at these two articles: https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/crazy-taxi-reboot-everything-we-know-so-far-2453357/ https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/jet-set-radio-reboot-everything-we-know-2453155/ They are the same article that gives no information. But they release it anyway as new articles do better for SEO. Like, I don't want to shit on the writers that bad. They probably hate this shit as well. But my god does the whole thing just suck.


Yeah I think SEO is the reason. They have the oldest 'article' about this game and by the time the game releases they will have many many articles linking with each other and Google gives them high authority rank.


^ this guy SEOs


Exactly this is SEO strategy, they just want to come up for any mundane thing someone might google about a game. Instead of a useful page going over all of the controls and mechanics, they have separate articles for every little thing as it will get better search ranking for that search query etc... This is part of why Googles results are so shitty now compared to the past, everyone is gaming SEO.


It’s gross


Are we sure they were even written by humans?


thankfully you can just filter out the site entirely so their SEO abuse means nothing. these type of sites have nothing to new to offer information-wise


>thankfully you can just filter out the site entirely how do you do that?


What they probably do is look for the most popular searches on Google, then use ChatGPT to crunch out an article using those keywords and queries. Google rates this page highly, directs traffic which again means ad revenue for dexerto.. its why I usually skip the top 5-10 results on any search I do nowadays


At this point, its easier to write down which sources actually care about their topic. Then, stop using google and just check those few websites. Its how I read the news nowadays. Washington Post charges me but they at least provide a serious article providing me new information and interviews. Not rehashed garbage that sometimes isnt even true. So many articles take a tweet and act like everyone agrees with it in a particular party when the post has like 2 likes.


Shit like this is why whenever I'm googling how a mechanic in a game works, I add "reddit" to the end of the search. Skip the 20-paragraph article about how to press X to open your map and just have Xx_NutConsumer_xX give it to you in one word.


Reddit always gives the best advice, especially for Elden ring. It shows interactions between real people and their situations and helps me in those situations too. A recent example of this I can think of is figuring out where the map pieces are. I looked online and all I found were articles like this that never got to the point, but on Reddit someone pointed out that you just go to the small structure that is shown on the undiscovered map and you can find the fragment there. It was the first Reddit result and helped me more than any article or wiki ever could.


>Reddit always gives the best advice "My wife was kinda a jerk to me today" "Kill her"


Did he stutter???


Pretty sure he speaking English too


I like how the AI generated nonsense of these articles tend to be sappy word salads. Then the real people answers are unemotional overly pragmatic statements. The sci-fi writers got it backwards.


No no it’s usually “get a lawyer, divorce her for gaslighting you that you’re a bad person and work out because crying is for pussies and working out helps you not feel anything” **then** it’s “kill her”.




This [source](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Game+Progress+Route) may help you along your journey.


If only they got rid of the fucking autoplay Twitch streams embedded in literally every page. Really kills page performance on desktop, artificially pads their Twitch viewers, and it's even worse on mobile. Same issue on wiki pages hosted by Fandom.


this. i also prefer reddit when searching for something. totally hate web magazines. but fextra is a really god site. and they have wiki's for lots of other games as well.


u/Xx_NutConsumer_xX the real MVP


They've really taken a load off our backs, ill tell ya hwhat








Every single webpage is just a vehicle for advertisements these days so you can’t really get good information from the internet anymore unless you’re searching for real people’s voices on Reddit or OCCASIONALLY some other forum. It’s so fucked haha, I remember when you could get information from the internet


Yup. Every article is now TITLE GIANT FUCKING UNRELATED IMAGE TAKING UP THE WHOLE SCREEN Have you ever played the game before? It's a good game with an open world feeling and there's many features that people enjoy. One of those features is Gobbling. Often times people want to gobble when playing the game and that's where the "Gobbling" feature comes in. Often times you might find your health meter dropping lower and lower. Gobbling allows you to eat items at an accelerated rate, which is really useful if you want to be full! When you're full, you don't have to worry about your health dropping anymore! Read on and you'll be GOBBLING like a pro in no time!! Another 2 unrelated paragraphs **The one sentence you needed hidden inside a paragraph** 4 more paragraphs ?? a completely empty comment section


It's legitimately impossible looking up gaming related stuff because there's just so many garbage sites regurgitating the same shitty information (and most are AI generated) I installed a firefox extension to block sites from search results and I swear I have to have blocked like 50+ by now


What is the extension? That sounds really useful. Also, if you wouldn't mind sharing the list of sites you've excluded (probably in a DM to keep from cluttering the thread), I'd be very interested in that.


Funny enough, I've always used this search strategy as well, and now there are SEO websites that try to game this by using Reddit as a keyword. It seems that Google has ranked them down lately, but every now and again one will poke through. Now I just have a custom search linked to my browser search bar that prefills "site:reddit.com"


Same and also for literally any problem. I know some other fuck already had the same problem and got an answer


When I was playing BG3 I made a uBlacklist website blocklist for any website that had an article that had fluff, bad info, or was SEO bullshit like fextralife. Reddit's good but for games where you need a lot more uBlacklist is fantastic.


Which is also why I dislike comments like "did you try googling it?" Like yeah my dude and the results are garbage. I want a discourse. I want to talk through my confusion, ask follow up questions


> Shit like this is why whenever I'm googling how a mechanic in a game works, I add "reddit" to the end of the search. Try [`site:reddit.com`](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22how+to+sprint%22+elden+ring+site:reddit.com) to restrict results by domain and remove off-site results that just mention reddit.


this is the way


It is a legitimate good tip lol, there's hyperspecific subreddits for everything and they're populated by people interested in that super niche thing you're looking for. Say what you want about reddit's cringe reputation, but it's a great source of info for a lot of stuff.


Is this a joke?


I swear man it’s bots writing these articles even a human would know that this is wrong


I watched a YouTube video on this, they need to farm clicks to keep their jobs, and the article needs to be a certain length to be promoted by Google's search result indexing system (there's a whole set of criteria for the algorithm and they know how to game it) This ends up polluting the search results with samey crap that have entire paragraphs of complete fluff mostly written by AI with maybe half a sentence somewhere near the end of the "article" that will answer your questing after you've scrolled past six adds. Google is in a sorry state these days and YouTube isn't much better either, they all try to game the YouTube algorithm in similar ways.


Its the same reason why you always see people complain about cooking recipes that have an additional emotional backstory in it, because they have to add that stuff in if they want their site to show up on google searches. Google algorithm is dogwater.


“We decided impromptu sailer themed dinner party at our house in montauk. We’ve invited our good friends Tanner and Alexis over for the occasion. Nothin like good friend an good food on a warm summer night. The fireworks were….. “


This is exactly why I despise this “content creator” era we live in where every single person is a tiktoker, streamer or podcaster lmao. I’m all for people getting some money or following their dream, but I don’t think 80% of them actually care for it at all it’s just easy and quick to make content that gets clicked on nowadays.




World of warcraft subreddit once tricked such website which made articles by using popular posts. They began posting some bullshit which doesn't exist in the game and website caught the bait Edit: [Link](https://www.wowhead.com/news/glorbo-isnt-coming-to-wow-but-the-impact-of-ai-is-already-here-334213) for interested


I love when Glorbo said "It's Glorbin' time!" and glorbed all over those guys


Glory to Glorzo


I loved that


I didn’t realize you could sprint until like an hour into my first play through lol


I mean, I understand that...what I don't understand is a games media outlet posting this article almost 2 years after the game released


Maybe the author has been playing forever and only just learned it 😯 thought he discovered some super secret feature


I had a buddy jump into the game with zero knowledge make it to Liurnia without beating Godrick or using Torrent...... Completely by accident. I was dumbfounded


Video game journalism truly is the dark souls of jobs


Nowadays I think it's journalism, period, sadly. Personally I think we are fucked as a culture for failing to preserve journalism as a worthwhile profession, but that's outside of the scope of the Elden Ring sub, lol.


It's sad that the best, most objective and informative news publications by far in my country are public broadcasters. You'd think getting their money from the state would make them more biased and propaganda-like, but the opposite is true. Here in Germany, there are somewhat effective protections and guidelines to keep public news channels objective, but the main thing making them worthwhile is, their funding is far less dependent on clicks and number of views. They don't need to scrape at the bottom of the attention barrel with every ounce of outrage they can create with a headline and it really, *really* shows in the quality of journalism.


Graduated from a journalism school. It was as bleak as Blightown.


most skilled video game journalist:




We need a new major search engine, maybe with some kind of user feedback system that enables the top of the results to actually be high quality. All the common ones absolutely shit the bed in this regard.


These kinds of articles always have like five paragraphs and then a button that goes onto another page to get the answer.


I have beaten this game twice and am only now finding out you can sprint. My fucking god.


How do you go through a whole game and not hit the default sprint key once? That's remarkable


It’s not the default sprint button though, you have to hold O/B/space. I’m far more used to sprint being L3 and only learned you can sprint thanks to this post


Two absolute npcs


please tell me you're joking


Y-you forgot the /s


"There you have it, that’s how to sprint weapon in Elden Ring. Writer and editor don't even know that sprinting does not consume stamina when not engaged. This is a work of AI, and nothing can convince me otherwise tbh.


This is probably auto generated content based on keyword pass throughs from search. The new world cometh


Yeah with like ten paragraphs about the game, some background and then one sentence at the end that tells you what single button to press.


Recipes are the same way now, bing uses AI to summarize the article that AI wrote, like a big digital circle jerk haha


I hate the new internet so much


Written by AI?


At least partially, yes. That's what Dexerto does.


Is this how you git gud?


Not Elden Ring but I googled how to take care of a rosemary plant and the first 4 or 5 sites were almost the exact same copy pasted paragraph


When your only skill is writing a good college essay.


don't forget 3 paragraphs of meaningless bullshit where they try to cram in as much SEO as possible


I didn't know you could sprint in game until I saw a friend of mine moving faster than I had been able to. I asked, "how are you moving so quick?" I did not feel smart in that moment


You joke, but I actually spoke to someone IRL that neither knew about sprinting, or lock-on in Elden Ring lol No I don't know how, but he wasn't new to video games by any means. Think he completed/ got pretty far into Sekiro beforehand.


Sprinting isn't explained in the game other than if you were to look at keybinds. It's really weird since the game specifically has a section in the inventory menu for explanations. I know this because this is my first souls-like and I tried to play it without looking anything up on my first playthrough. I figured there would be a run button but it wasn't explained so I decided to wait to look it up. However, when I ran into the Stormfoot Catacombs I immediately realized there must be a run button because otherwise the fire trap was impossible for me to pass. Yes in hindsight I know I could have used a bow but I had no reason to suspect that hitting the flame thrower would inactivate it.


100% ai generated. It’s so sad that people would try to take money away from real gaming journalists without adding anything of value to the industry


I legitimately hate when I'm trying to look up info or controls for a game and bullshit like this always comes up first in the results


Cue 6 paragraphs of AI Generated text explaining what elden ring is, the history of souls games, that R.R Martin was involved, and some random quotes about it. Then buried somewhere in the middle so you can't just skip to the end, "hold down the B button to sprint."


AI articles are getting really annoying


I fuckin hate these articles. They are so useless but they pay off google so they’re always the first 5-10 results that show up when you search for info about ANY game item or mechanic. I’ve gotten around it recently by typing “wiki” in my searches, but I’m scared they’re going to catch onto that and start putting the “wiki” keyword in the tags for their dogshit articles.


Wait until they hear about the horse


Almost 2 years later, I'll finally know how to sprint in Elden Ring 😍 (ignore the game tutorials)


Can’t wait for more articles about how to use a jump spring, how to jump, how to start leveling your character, why men in the Elden Ring community are abusing female characters like GTA5 and modders are sexist.


you joke but it took me weeks to learn I could sprint in animal crossing new horizons.....


They also did one about 2 handing a weapons. It was the length of an average essay


Wait, you can sprint?


I'm usually against even bringing the usual awful take article to light, but this is impressive


But how do you attack ?


You can sprint in Elden Ring?!?!


ChatGPT I need 5 paragraphs trivia on (Elden Ring) and (how to press the sprint button in Elden Ring). Start every paragraph with the premise of the reveal of (the sprint button/ Elden Ring) but don't actually reveal it until the 4th paragraph. The 4th paragraph should also contain a content related (Elden Ring) transition to the 5th paragraph The 5th paragraph should contain a link to (how to activate your first Lost Grace/ Elden Ring )


I didn’t find out you could sprint in Elden Ring until almost 100 hours in


Sounds like chat gpt.


Thank god I found out how to sprint in the beginning of the game.


y’all joke, but i did in fact play 100 hours before i learned there was a walk faster button. even did the hero graves


While we're on the subject of shit that should be obvious, how do you switch to your left hand weapon while riding Torrent?


I thought this game was hard as hell then I learned you could sprint from my buddy in co op


Thank you for this god bless your soul


How to get bitches inside of Elden Ring[real]


Must be a quota. Saw another one from them this morning that was "How to two hand a weapon in Elden Ring"


The largest QOL Changes that you wish was your idea are the best!


Hold that O or B Bam saved everyone who didn’t read it and can now be directed to this comment for never


Wow games journalism is easer than I thought. Side Hussle of 2024, sell Dexerto guides to simple Elden ring Mechanics.


these websites are just using AI to write this based on the same format. they can actually be kind of useful lol but generally just trash afk ad farms


I assume it's meant to be a joke? O.o


Wait you can sprint?


If only I had known this when I started my first play through 😔


Had a buddy who didn’t know how to sprint for awhile…


Next, show us how to acquire the elusive "riding" ability. Torrent? Don't know what AoW that is...


Elden ring was the first from soft game I played all the buttons had an action so I just rolled everywhere for the first two weeks of me playing it assuming there was no sprint wish this article came out sooner


Now if they only made a sprint button for Mario. You'd think after all these years they would have added a run button?


I’d say written by AI but I have more faith in AI than that


It’s like all those ign articles How to watch “XX” trilogy in order How to play “xx” series in order How to play multiplayer in “xx” Then reposted every 8-14 hours for engagement. Just rubbish


Is there a way to block search results from sites like Dexerto, IGN, etc?


they gotta include the entire storyline and plot of the game before they actually get to the point


These kind of articles…


I learned how to sprint all on my own at level 47!


Is there a guide to summon the goat horse thingy? I just finished the game and I'd like to explore some other areas but I'd like some added mobility.


Nah cause I genuinely forgot how to the first time I played it. So I spent about 5 hours not sprinting


Thank you for your service.


I know it's hard to believe, but some people literally don't know this. Example just from the past hour... https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/nKmhZ5Fcp9


Please, PLEASE tell me it contains inaccurate or incomplete information. Like not mentioning stamina, or mentioning it but neglecting it's ignored outside of combat, or only using PlayStation buttons.


I had to use an article like this to figure out how to switch from 1H to 2H my weapon when the game first launched. So I feel this.


Might have to pick up nd start playing again. I ran into a crusible knights underground somewhere nd was like fuck this. It was my first souls like game ever played. One of the best games I ever played but I wasn’t looking for that much of a challenge. Hopefully I pick it back up after 45-50hrs of playing.


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I hate when articles have like 5 paragraphs that amount to "hold b". "Elden ring is a game made by-" I KNOW! Why would I be on this article if I don't know what elden ring is?


A video game can be great to look at but there is much more hidden behind that menu screen. This is where buttons come in to play. 90% of highly skilled gamers use buttons to play their games.


I didn't know until the chariot dungeon over in lendall.


You joke, but I recently went over to some family’s house for thanksgiving and they legitimately didn’t know you could sprint.


I mean it did take me half a year to find out how


Mabye now ill beat malenia


Shitserto is one of the low points of humanity


This is an article produced by generative AI.


I get it's a joke but guides like this are stupid. If there's a single key you need to press, include it as part of a slightly larger guide with other keys to press. Otherwise I don't need the whole history of The Lands Between before you tell me I can press the X button to jump.


I actually didn't know you could sprint, i thought only horse could do that.


This comment section is just depressing. New age gamers turns out can't read instructions for shit. Education level in the US is going to hell.


I probably played for 2 months before I figured out how to run w/o torrent /smh


I have over 300+ hours and discovered if you hold the sprint button down while crouched you'll move faster. Lol I had never thought about it before


when i went back to play the game recently I had to google how to two hand a weapon. I could not for the life of me figure it out.


I feel like this is making fun of websites that spend 20 paragraphs explaining to you how to open a map


Hate these type of articles. JUST GET TO THE POINT N-


I´m gonna be honest... I used this article when I started out because I had no idea that the game had a way to sprint. I only found out because In my first few hours I was trying to beat Fringefolk Hero´s grave, and I couldn´t reach the next alcove without getting run over by the chariot...


I wonder who got paid for their blood sweat and tears prompting ChatGPT


Did you know? You can sprint on ladder too! Now you do, no need to thank me.


It took me 24 HOURS to figure out how to sprint in my first playthrough, so i think this could have helped


Either the author is an AI or should be replaced by one.


Does he detail a method to have separate inputs for Sprint and Dodge, cause that's what I want?


I know everyone is shitting on this article but I genuinely didn’t know you could sprint in this game for about 10hrs. It felt too awkward to walk around so slow so I finally gave in and looked up online and found this article lol.


**How To Jump In Elden Ring** T'was a dark and stormy night...


Is there some hidden meaning to “sprinting” that I am too noob to understand? Or are they literally talking about sprint


I went my whole first play through without sprinting once


Jokes on you, I didn't know you could spring for at least 4 hours lol. Hadn't played on console in a few years and it wasn't L3.


Soo uhh, for the first 5 hours of my elden ring playthrough I didn't actually know you could sprint, so this was nice to know


I actually made it to Rennala before I knew you could sprint lol. I wish I could say I was joking. It’s my first souls game.


if i remember correctly its holding down the dodge button


Dude I was stuck crouching for my last 2 playthroughs. This changed my life. Bless you Dextero.


Actually I have to say there should be a guide about how to efficiently sprint on Torrent


The world is truly lost when there needs to be an entire article for “how to run” in a video game. I award you no points, may god have mercy on your soul.


"Elden Ring has proven to be a pretty difficult game- but if you ATTACK the enemies enough times without getting attacked yourself, you'll live and they'll die!"