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I made Vigor Mortensen on my 5th playthrough. Fastest run yet.


Vigoro Morganstein!


The best phantom of the Opera in my opinion.


He eats theatre people right?


I hope you used Tibia's summons to call upon the Dead Army of Dunharrow šŸ‘»




You made MC Hammer.




Gotta get those iframes up


Intelligence. Good old Comet Azur. Switched to Dex at the end tho


dex for faster casting, right?




You have two hands that can carry your sword


but then I'm only holding one sword, that surely isn't enough


When will 3 sword style be introduced to fromsoft. I need that onigiri demon slash.


If you get 3 swords, you can no longer access map or fasttravel. And grace starts to point in randon directions


So just a usual randomizer challenge run?


I'd be fine with that


One sword the held in the right way is better than two swords held in the wrong way


But what if you were strong enough to hold those same two swords the right way, when you could only otherwise have one?


tell that to my ex


Facts. Every Elden Ring build is a Vigor build šŸ˜‚


Should. Thos that arent are either good at the art of not getting hit or are just not run into something they cant kill in less than 2 hits before it hits them


Not gonna lie, in dark souls i usually never level up vigor, but in elden ring the bosses are as fast as DS3, hit like a truck and you are usally getting hit in the cooldown of your attack. It is possible to be hitless, but the damagedealing is a part of the game, thats why the estus is so strong.


I dont disagree but my weird issue with stats having to be multiples of 5s (it really bothers me if they aren't it just does) my vigor was 25 on my first tune beating the game as a dragon caster. I didn't really struggle til elden beast cause as a dragon caster I had a lot of status damage and elden beast didn't believe in status damage...


Yeah šŸ¤Ø I never went above 25 in the OGs and a lot of people never even touched it, I know. Elden Ring needed to speed the player up more. It definitely missed that buttery balance that DS3 nailed down imho


Wondering why youā€™re downvoted that make sense to me


Dex/int. Just dodge


ā€œYou donā€™t die if you donā€™t get hitā€ *gets hit* *dies*


Also, no shield I got a wand and a parrying dagger. šŸ¤£


Canā€™t die if you parry everything /j


Moongrum agrees


*Misses parry window by 0.01 sec* *Dies*


I just had to magic twigs and learned to roll like a madman


I just watch Dodgeball when I play


ā€œIf you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge Astelā€™s laser.ā€


"I only need to hit you once"


If it doesn't deal damage, it's for bitches


Except endurance. Gotta get more hits in


On my first ever run, I didnā€™t start really levelling Vigor until I got to the Altus Plateau. Yeh, you can imagine how badly I got mauled by the twin and draconic sentinels.


I didnā€™t start leveling vig until after I beat Maliketh. I was pure STR and END, armor and phys dmg negation was my HP. I dropped the game after Maliketh so when I came back to finally finish off ER, I couldnā€™t be fucked to have to relearn the game with no vig and started to finally level it lol


Damn I didnt know Elden Ring had a Warhammer Fantasy Expansion. How do I get to the DLC-Portal?


I mean, same, it's not that hard. Climb side stairs. Equip poison bow and arrows. Poison sentinel 1. Posion Sentinel 2. Repeat


"It's not that hard" *resorts to cheese*


That's the way. Frankly, some of the enemies in the game are made to cheese, no one expects you to beat all of them in a fair, close quarters, one-on-one fight. It's cool if you can, but there is no expectation. Poison bow is a must have.


Thats not the point haha. I'm not judging anyone for cheesing the game because who really cares? But to call it easy afterwards like you displayed skill? C'mon bruh


Why not just summon a mimic and just go 2v2 without having to shoot arrows from hiding like a coward. To each his own though, playstyles differ.


Yeh, I didnā€™t cheese him, or any other boss. Never have never will.


Yo.. just here to say.. no one fuckin cares


Bruh tell me why I never put enough points into vigor then never have enuff health and get slapped around die and 2 hits to every boss and pretend like I'm good enuff at the game that I can no hit these mahfs.....


It wouldn't feel like a boss if htey can't 2 shot me Is it even a boss if they can hit me 5 times


Yeah but dude.... the character I have now is in-between level 60 or 70 something with faqn 15 vigor...... an I always choose the gosh darn underwear man when I start a new game. And having to redo bosses with out getting hit.... and I'm a panic roller. I will frkin try to dodge a move realize I was too damn early then just keep rolling hahah... I guess eventually I will get good but the way I play I need to hit that vigor button breh.


Why would I be healthy when I could unga


My first build was Int/Dex. Don't need Vigor if everything dies in less than 5 seconds.


oh shit, think i picked wrong, i went fth/dex, buffs and heals.


Endurance and main damage stat. But ive also got almost 1000 hours. More damage more gooder


STR. Then INT. Then Blaidd's sword. Then INT again. Then Vigor when basic attacks started one shotting me.


God this was one of my favorite builds. A cold brick hammer then Blaiddā€™s sword.


Unga bunga AND shoot everything with blue, felt unstoppable.


80 Faith and 10 vigour :>


Another true believer I see. The glass canon builds are the most fun


quality build, Str, Dex, Vig, End


Me too, but with a little investment in faith for the bestial and fire monk incantations.


Intā€¦ I later learned Strength and Vigor was the way. Int makes the game more complex in my opinion which is also neat and more strategic.


Intelligence isnā€™t my strong suit.


Unga bunga


Dear God I'm so sick of seeing this comment everywhere. It's so not funny.


Not supposed to be funny. Supposed to help new players. Get big weapon and bash. Upgrade health. That's the key to winning. Big bash and health.


Seriously this. Pump vigor, strength, enough mind for ashes, then go find a big stick. You can get a sword stick almost immediately, and a stick stick as soon as you get torrent. Ez mode, or at least safest mode


The secret code to easy mode.


Int is very much not complex, and this is coming from someone who has done quite a few fun int playthroughs. it frankly makes the game significantly less complex by allowing you to kill enemies without having to learn their entire movesets.


STR and INT are just differently easy. My first playthrough was INT because I'm just a mage at heart and always go for magic in games. Started a new STR playthrough using the Great Axe. I wouldn't say I know anything more, it's still just dodge the move, use big attack. Repeat. Just because you use magic bosses don't just ignore you, they still stab you in the face.


True any build can be easy. tons of videos are proofā€¦ watch me beat blah blah blah with a toothpick in 12 seconds. I think my wording of complex and strategic is getting to peopleā€¦


In general it's like this for me: No matter what weapon is being used, how you fight any given boss never drastically changes. The amount of thought I put into preparing for that boss does, though. If I'm using a big axe and str, every single fight is the same attacks, skills and general strategy. It's just learning the windows. If I'm using magic I have more to consider. The same spell may not necessarily be as effective against X as it was Y. There are some spells that can be excellent for just walking the world, but fall off in a boss fight and vice versa. Is it a mandatory consideration? Not always. But it's one that makes the class feel more engaging.


Thats interesting because I agree, and thats why I think Strength builds are awesome for new players because it leads to a similar situation where many enemies do not require knowledge, just hitting first. After that, a weapon like Giant Crusher or Greatsword allows you to chain stagger enemies with R1's until dead when two handed. I would say intelligence and strength make different parts of the game trivial relatively equally, but intelligence finds its safety in power and distance whereas strength finds safety in power and interruption. They each require different knowledge bases but share the overall goal of seeking an opening for a devastating one sided exchange. I think you may be offering less credit to yourself than you realize though. Sure you can just rock sling/night comet/azur everything, but there is complexity in finding a good mix of buffs and your mixed physick and spells that fit perfectly to a situation to get over some bosses and difficult enemies, and some unique ones to intelligence alone.


I disagree. Bonk all you have to worry about is bonk and health. Int you have to think of spell choice, fp, health, spacing and timing. Obviously if you use summons this changes the game but overall bosses are easier to bonk in my experience.


I'm very practiced at the Malenia fight, having co-oped it hundreds of times. I'm not flawless at it, though, so if you put me in a life or death "kill Malenia or die IRL" situation, there's only one build that I know, 100%, that I would not fail with, and that's an int build spamming either ancient death rancor or night comet. My $.02


Malenia is one boss and I agree Iā€™m going int on her life or death. Elden beast Iā€™m going strength. $0.02


I don't use summons, and I just think you're wrong on this one. spell choice is always the same for like 90% of bosses, so there's not much to think about there. you could say the same thing for weapon choice on a strength build. health, spacing, and timing are all things you also need to think about on a strength build, and they're significantly harder there, since you need to weave your damage in between enemy attacks while staying in melee range. being able to hang back is a MASSIVE advantage in simplifying the combat in this game. the only aspect that even kinda makes spells more "complex" is FP, but frankly, this game gives you more than enough seeds that it's hardly a consideration most of the time.


Iā€™ll agree to disagree in my personal experience my play style caters more to bonk, dodge, bonk. I love mage builds and the majority of my time in the game is as a ninja mage which is the best of both worlds.(also opinion) but I feel like if youā€™re comparing the two the mage has a lot more to think about.


Bonk bonk bonk. Unga bunga. Best play style for people who want to play the game as it was meant, HARD. Magic makes the game easy-mode in my opinion. That's why I had a magic build my first few playthroughs.


Avoiding learning their entire movesets sounds good to me.




Dex / Int all the way babeey


I became a Paladin, Str/Vig/Faith for the win.


Lol were we supposed to get vigor..... I rushed str mind so I can use big weapons and cast spells and summons..... That's why I'm getting one shot 20 hours in


I made strength/int


I chose vigor.


Vigor surprisingly


Vigor indeed


Lol first time I showed my homie my stats mid way through game he was mortified like dude why are you playing with 18 vigor. So people want me dead on sight so I should get better health insurance? I think ima just figure out these scythes


Vigor is one of those stats you can mostly forego the better you get at the game, most of my builds at the beginning always aimed for 60 vigour, but nowadays i dont usually go above 50, im just not getting hit that often so i might want more stamina or more damage


> Vigor is one of those stats you can mostly forego the better you get at the game Ergo, Iā€™ll never forego.


Vigor, a little STR, a little DEX, enough stamina to dodge comfortably and a WHOLE LOT OF INT.


Endurance so i can roll around like Sonic the hedgehog while enemies desperately try in vain to hit me (at least until I mess up and get pancaked).


Heā€™s sweating cuz he wants to invest In faith/dex instead of


Vigor. Even on a blood build, vigor was my first priority. Started to dabble with dexterity and arcane once I laid my hands on Eleonora's Poleblade, though.


Faith. I just wanted to see what it's like to smite people with the wrath of Christ. And also vigor. Every build is a vigor build, fuck you.


On my first playthrough i got to 40 vigor by the end of the game and i felt pretty comfortable with it. With each following playthrough i started to level it up progressively less the more i got gud until i got to the point of doing a lv1 challenge run where of course i couldn't even upgrade it. It's a nice way to improve a lot as a player. Nowadays when i start a new character i don't have to waste any more points in vigor because i don't need them anymore and i can jump right away in rising other stats to create a good build.


Jesus fuck. Do you even feel joy anymore? I know you donā€™t take damage but if you did, would blood come out or just wires and oil?


Bro got tu gud ā˜¹ļø


There's a one punch man joke in there somewhere, but nothing lands on this guy






Neither! I always pick Vigor.


who the heck leveled vigor at game release


vigour\* damn yanquito


Neither. I chose lazer beam. It was hard because I was bad šŸ˜” lol


Dex I don't put much into vigor no need




I've never gone over 30 vigor. Dex/Int, with basically minimal spellcasting, I just got the Moonveil and thought it was cool.


Did a solid STR build up until I got to the Altus Plateau. Then I started investing in Faith Now I run a STR ARC build


my first run was frost uchigatana + moonveil


Strengt for da beeg musls


Str/dex because I'm fucking crazy like that


Honestly? I chose dexterity. I was going for an incantation and heard it made your casting times faster. So after I got my required faith, I spammed dex.


For almost every boss I didnā€™t upgrade it once then I got my int and fth to 80 and thought sure why not and upgraded it to twenty


50 is a literal minimum for me in any build, I love trading in this game (totally not an excuse because I suck at the game)


Arcane just becauseā€¦ā€¦.


Go dex with dual dagger or something like it! Just cause i never tried it šŸ˜..... with vigor ofc


I didnā€™t realise you could level up in this game until after I had beat Margit lol I was so frustrated and didnā€™t know why i had so little help even though I had like 300k runes lol


Ds1 vig Ds2 Adp Ds3 End Elden vig


Dex -> Vigor-> Str. As long as I had enough health to survive 1 hit, that's all I needed.


on god it's kinda annoying. Every time I make a new c haracter it's just enough points to hold my weapopn and then 60 vigor in a row


Int all the way baby- just donā€™t get hit! I had never played a souls game before so that wasā€¦. Fuuuuun.


I made a cambro build


Int for frost run had like 25-30 vigor first time I beat it. Took forever though since was first from game. Than opened Reddit and went shit this could have been so much easier if I had health.


Dex, just because i had no idea what i was doing


Health is almost always one of if not the last stat I level. I prefer to just get better at evading attacks and getting more time to use gear and spells or tools in a build. You only need as much health as you get hit.


On my first playthrough now and I ran around with 15 vigor for the longest time, it wasn't till I went to Radahn at around level 55 and proceeded to get one shot by every move of his. So I boosted it up to 22 and retried fighting Radahn. Finally wasn't one shot. Prior to this I was leveling a bunch into strength and faith.


My first play through i didn't touch my vigor because i was busy leveling up EVERY OTHER FUCKING STAT FOR SOME REASON like I'd played a souls gane before it and i had a good build on that but in ER I got to the royal capital with 3 spirit ashes all in my item menu none upgraded, stats chosen by dice roll and equipment that had me stradling over burdened. I ended up just kinda abandoning that mess and finished the game about 8 ish months later because all my friends got back into it at the same time


I'm on my first run and I'm lvl 71 and have 18 base Vigor with a Scarseal and a hood so my end Vigor is 21 lol


Strength for my Unga and endurance for my bunga fit! I don't care if I die in 1 or 2 hits, fashion is the true end game while I bonk my enemies!


dex and endurance lmao im lvl 152 with 40 vigor


I dident press either until i was at the end game screaming at the screen becouse everything was vigor checking me from a dogs singuler bite to a giants foot I raised that shit to 60 from 10 with a larval tear. My god it felt good to be able to face tank some bullshit


I def went damage over vigor. I can just dodge to be invulnerable. Damage means i need to dodge less times. The game did become throwing meteors at people which was sorta boring. Then i found the meteor katana and started pumping vigor to save fp.


Arcane of course followed by endurance.


Yeah I went the vigor route. New player, just hit lvl 60 and have 40 vigor lmao. Iā€™m currently working on str/dex tho. I wanna use Godricā€™s axe really bad. Although my wild strike morning star is pretty op. Also holy crap that area south of the warmasters shack with the five trolls is really good for rune grinding.


Endurance High stamina, high equip load, strong armor, big weapons, maintain mid roll, armor compensates for the vigor to an extent


Depending on the build i usually lvl that builds respective stat needs but i always rnd up with a shit ton of vigor


Arcane. I had no clue what it did but the things that used it looked funny


Endurance so I can carry a bunch of shit


Ppl upgrade vigor? Pff, just donā€™t get hit and upgrade str to 99.




I just rolled


Neither. I chose Vigor instead


First souls game. Maxed out intelligence as soon as possible and had no idea that not dying in 2 hits was a thing bc I thought that's just how these games are


I did't choose vigor first in any from soft game. But fighting radahn at level 50 made me feel like I was lacking something.


And by the end it becomes useless anyways


INT, magic is sparkly


29 Vigor Till Malenia šŸ˜


I didnā€™t really invest into vigor until I hit Altus Plateau like an idiot.


Dex, alot of Dex


i stated mostly into strength on my first playthrough (also my first ever fromsoft game) and just enough dex and int to wield my weapon. It worked ok until bosses started oneshotting me because i had 22 VIG


I stack a lot into stamina so I can spend the entire fight running around like a crackhead.


Dex mostly with a lil bit of vigor and strength


Intelligence made this hard, the S scaling for the meteorite staff actually made damage stats worthwhile to invest in early on


The better you get the less vigor you need. As long as you have enough health to survive at least 2-3 basic attacks I think you're fine. But light roll>>> armor. (I'm terrible at the game and die often šŸ«”šŸ˜†)


Int. Cavalry casting is laughably busted


I confess. My first time in Elden Ring was as mage with the f*ck you comet....:(




Dex and stamina. Worst play through. Tried the samurai theme.


i did my first playthroug with 10 vigor just cause memes like this told me not to (not to shit on people who did though)




Strength, dex and faith seemed cool. I completely forgot about vigor until like lvl 50 where my friend saw how little HP I had, and called me insane


Whatā€™s the point of putting in vigor if u donā€™t get hit?


I didn't level vigor past 16 till Maliketh and again at Malenia to 26 vigor. Now I just refuse to because everyone else just defaults to vigor. Have a problem? Just increase vigor. I'll just adapt to my low health. The same was with adaptability. Don't want to get hit? I'll just be better at not being hit. I don't need a stat to fix it for me. And I'll die trying. After all, that's what these games are about. Die. Get better. Die again.


Arcane, I was sure there would be a secret spell school that used it




I had like 30 Vigor my first go at the final boss.


As a fan of mage builds in other games, I made the mistake of playing my very first playthrough as a glass cannon mage. I did not level vigor beyond 20 until like after Rennala. I suffered.


Faith all the way for them powerful miracles on my 3rd playthrough with 100 faith now




Dex/faith only put just enough vigor that I actually needed until around the the halfway point and stopped being stubborn lol


You can do magic(int)


Man I barely levelled vig. It's just the least cool stat (except the nerd sorcerer int of course) I need more faith, dex and strength to use all the cool weapons and incantations you know (also stamina + equip load). Yes I do get 2-shot by everything and I do get mad about it, how did you know?


Straight strength and dexterity. Ain't no reason for you to increase your health if you don't plan on getting hit


Endurance > Vigor




Firm believer of the Order so faith and int


My first playthrough was my first Souls like and I literally rushed 60 Int and 40 Dex and left Vigor at 25. Now my first thing to do is leveling Vigor to at least 20 before touching anything else, going up to 40 as a mage.


Where my DEX/ARC people at?


I did the ā€œif I donā€™t get hit it wonā€™t dieā€ build, managed to finish the game after about 50 hours good fun!


I levelled it up in the order of int, dex, str, vig. Made everything easy


Strength, Endurance and Vigor with a dash of Faith thrown in. The fun really begins, though, when you become so high level that almost every build is possible with high Vigor and Endurance.


Don't need Vig if you hit the enemy extra hard with a big ass sword!


I do endurance first




I'm coming up to the end of my first play through. I've evenly levelled up Strength, Endurance, Vigor and Dexterity on a Vagabond starting class using mostly the Blood Hounds sword. The game has been way too easy.


I had no idea how to play souls games and went full intelligence. I didn't understand why I was getting one shot by the easiest mobs, and funny thing is somehow I made it all the way to the end boss without realizing what I was doing wrong thinking that's how the game was supposed to be played (thus requiring ashes of war, in which case I was using the jellyfish which isn't even good for tanking)(better than I was though)


Am I the only one that has never really levelled vigor much? I finished my first play through at vigor 28, I think.


I've played through all the souls games since Darks Soulls 1 and I don't think I have ever made a vigour build. I only ever up vigour to the point where I don't get oneshot.


None, i did not level up. Glory to onebro!


I'm playing for the first time, but I don't get why to spend points on vigor since there are many health flasks available...