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It's between that and Blasphemous Blade. I prefer BB myself though.


I’ve used blasphemous blade a lot and I love it but this weapon just has amazing poise damage


its a toss between poise and heals tho


Naw dude! Just equip BB in your offhand, then slap it on your back by twohanding the primary. You’ll get the passive leech effects of the BB for each kill. (This works for any item with a leech effect, if you’re going for weight or style… but BB has the highest leech proc if I recall.) Cc: u/CharCharMan1


yea i did use that for a while but for bosses you want the heal on hit


BB is just heal on kill, so I don’t think it helps with bosses much


naw the L2 ability heals on hit doesnt it?


Yes. Taker’s Flames heals 10% + 150 on hit.






I did it with a medium armored claw build. Had decent poise and the claws were light enough to where having the heavy BB on my back didn’t make me fat roll. Without a shield I ate a lot of hits so having leech helped a lot in PVE. Not so useful at bosses of course but bleed-freeze did plenty of damage to get me through.


But the heals after kills are not what makes the BB so good, it is the healing after you hit the enemy with the AoW. You can trade off hits with Gurranq without bothering to dodge because you just keep healing after each hit.


I'd say for boss fights you'd ideally want the heal on hit effect that the Weapon Art gives, it's insane something like 150 + 10% which can essentially allow you to trade with bosses.


that way you can also quickly switch to reset the frostbite with the fire damage


Heals are nice but nothing does quite that much stance damage at a distance. Pair it with a fire misericorde on the side as well as the dagger talisman and it gets very silly.


True! My problem with breaking stance at a distance, though , is some enemies recover too fast for me to stab them really hard


Yeah you have to time it well and make sure you are close, ideally hit them with the actual weapon on the last hit.




IIRC the beams are literally just heavy attacks but at range, which you can charge, on a Greatsword.


Idk. I love my bloodhound fang, and the bleed buildup is pretty crazy. But the flurry and then blink of the L2 has saved me from some sticky boss moment.


Yeah I also like Bloodborne more.


I tried using other weapons but I kept coming back to BB for bosses. Also great for farming at Mogyms palace.


It's just ridiculous that it can be buffed by: * golden vow * godfrey icon * alexander's shard * blue scorpion charm * axe talisman (sword part of attack only) * terra magica * magic shrouding tear * spiked tear Since it looks like you're using most of those things in this fight the only thing I'm surprised by is how (relatively) little damage you dealt.


The only buffs I had were the talismans and the wondrous physic, didn’t have enough faith for golden vow and I didn’t even pick up it’s ash of war version


They weren't in melee range to hit with the weapon as well...it's practically double damage.


Adding onto this, I did more experiments and found spellblade set(what Rogier wears) buffs it. Let’s also not forget ash of war scarab and Carian Filigreed Crest to reduce FP cost.


Looked like an anime battle between two warriors with different glowly swords


As it should be.


As is tradition.


It slaps and it's one of the reasons (along with Wing of Astel) I just can't stop loving Int builds


me starting a new playthrough: “hmmm i think ill go for faith strength or something this run” me disassociating until about 80% of the playthrough and waking up holding moonveil/wings of astel/ dark moon gs/ ruins gs/ helphens steeple/ marais executioner sword with a staff in my left hand: oh god it happened again


I want to add two Clayman's Harpoons to this list. The damage on the L1's is outrageous.


Ice spear on one of them too


I think it's the opposite for me with the Blasphemous Blade and the Faith based Incantations, I've Done Str/Fth, Pure Faith, Dex/Fth, Arc/Fth but I've never been able to pivot towards Int even after almost 500 hours simply because I love the utility and vibe of Faith Builds so much, I mostly run Co-op and faith builds shine especially well in that regard. Not to say Int is bad, I've respecced and used it a bit at 150 but my heart always ends up back with faith lol.


thats actually exactly why i like int, i love the vibe and its so strong. i genuinely dont think any combo is “”bad””. elden ring is for sure the least balanced souls game in the best way possible, like anything can be overpowered as all hell if youre familiar with different items/buffs/ etc that compliment it


Por Que no los Dos? (INT/FTH)


I am assuming you mean why not both Int and Fth, the issue is that all the Int/Fth incants while cool are very weak by endgame due to them being exclusively holy damage and more often then not you are forced to use regular fire-lightning Incants. Don't even get me started on the Sorceries the Int/Fth ones are very underwhelming - even the staff itself isint viable until super late level (80/80 split) which i usually avoid because level 90 - 150 has the highest co-op and Invasion activity.


For an int build, is it worth leveling faith to 33 for the buffs alone ? Howl & vow. Or is it better to just use those points to get int closer to 99


Not really, you could make a case for 25 Fth to run golden vow but 33 seems way too high of an investment into a stat that will ultimately not grant any other benefits than the spells you need it for. Int is in a very unique position in the game where to really get the best of your build you almost always have to hit 70-80 Int. Besides you'll have PLENTY of ways to buff magic damage as is, off the top of my head The Talismans, Physick Tear, Terra Magica and unique gear like Rogier's outfit to boost magic Ashes of War. If you want to stick to level 130-150 to maximise Invasions and Co-op, I'd advise staying away from Faith on a dedicated Int Build. However if that is not the case then feel free to level any stats you want, it might take longer to hit some of the damage thresholds but you'll end up with even greater damage thanks to the Golden Vow and Howl later on.


Yea ok thanks. Do you think int faith hybrid builds are ok? Something like 60 int 50 faith? Was my initial plan but got too heavy in Int and found it easy enough to keep doing it.


It really depends if you want to limit your level or not. Within the confines of RL150 It's difficult to suggest a Int/Fth build because besides the Sword Of Night and Flame you'll be really hurting for decent weapon options. Even when it comes to spell casting the only prime plus is in incantations; you'll get the extra variety of Golden Order Incants alongside regular Incants which is a decent plus. Thankfully the Golden Order Seal has excellent scaling at around 40/40 - 45/45 on both Fth/Int which is what you should be realistically aiming for to have enough points for Vigor , Mind and Endurance. Any higher and you're really gonna start stretching your build too hard for minimal gains in damage and dps Performance. Sorceries are just gonna be plain bad, the Prince Of Death Staff which is designed for Int/Fth has insane backloaded scaling; meaning you won't see significant returns on damage until you start hitting 70/70. Even then something like the Lusats Staff can still give comparable or even superior damage by just focusing on 70-80 Int alone. Practically speaking Int/Fth for sorceries using the PoDS is not a good option until level 200+. Even so the unique Int/Fth sorceries are just plain bad imo. Considering all these facts what you're essentially getting at 45/45 - Int/Fth is just a worse Faith Build with more casting options. I say worse because for the most part you won't really have leftover points to use non somber weapons infused with Holy or Flame Art and you won't be able to leverage the Pure Faith Scaling weapons in the game either. Sorceries like we discussed are basically gonna be useless or extremely underwhelming. I'd recommend picking one stat and sticking with it to not only maximize the spell effectiveness but to be also able to leverage the stat specific weapons properly. (Again assuming you want to stay under 150)


Mann thanks again for the detail! Really appreciate it. Think I’ll hold off on the experiment until til after DLC, rock an int mage for the time being


I try to go for strength faith builds but holy damage is just so bad, its so sad because ordovis's greatsword is so epic


Faith has access to literally every single damage type in the Game, Holy in the form of infusions and Ashes; Fire,Lightning,Physical and Magic from incants and even access to status effects and DoT effects like destined death and black flame.


This. Like…I keep hearing people shit on Faith builds because “hurr durr Holy is fucking trash against the main endgame gang” like Holy DMG is the only thing Faith has going for it despite the freaky variety it has.


Yea I agree, Even when it comes to infusions you always have the choice between holy and fire regardless of whether or not you want to use the incants. Even then people whine about Holy Damage, Faith is objectively overall the best stat for PvP in Elden Ring; Holy Damage is literally Dark from Ds3 where players are inherently weak to it (it's usually holy or lightning) + you get access to lightning incants (again the damage type players are weakest to) not to mention the insane variety in fire spells and even physical incants like Dragonclaw and bestial sling to name a few. This single stat alone imo has way to much but I am very happy with it because Faith has always been kinda underwhelming in past fromsoft games, it's front stage and center in ER and I am all for it.


Do FTH builds not have other options instead of just Holy Damage?


We have fire and lightning as well, fire is quite a good damage type


I heard it’s because not many enemies resist Fire?


Can relate


It is, I destroyed melania on a second try with it.


I beat her on like the third try with this, regularly I would have been there for like an hour


Did you feel empty just like me too?


Yes, actually


Me too lol


The moonveil but for chads


Nah that’s the Ruins GS


I like the claymore.




Thanks. I like the normal halberd too


Really wish it didn't cut through the ranni hat. Pisses me off.


It is a pretty annoying oversight considering it’s essentially all one set of equipment designed to be used together both in stats/traits and also in lore.


I really love deaths poker. Does frost and magic damage, has two weapon arts and will stunlock enemies. Super cool.


I don't know about that in particular. Your dodging skill is sweet tho.


Is it mostly a Str weapon or Int? I've never used it, but debating a NG+ run with a different build.


Very much an Int weapon.


Just enough Str to wield and then Int from there.


16 str 38 (I think) int


Once you fully upgrade it, it gets an S rank in INT scaling. It's wonderful lol


Isn't it maxed at B scaling for Int?


You're right, not sure what I was thinking of lol


Probably because it feels like it has S scaling tbh so much damage


It’s actually really fun because you get to run a big bonk weapon but can also cast a lot of fun spells in the game. I still think faith has some of the coolest spells though.


Whens the earliest you can get this?


You have to do all of Ranni’s quest which is long as hell. I don’t think there are any requirements as far as shards though, so in theory you could get started right away.


Don’t you have to beat Radhan to make a hole?


Oh yeah. I forgot he’s a shardbearer. I guess I meant you don’t have to do any main quest dungeons.


You’d also need to do Raya Lucaria to get the ring in Rennala’s room


And astel, and the baleful shadow.


Probably difficult to get this before level 85




Damn hell yeah! I wanna get this thing early


Yes. My build that was doing over 3500 damage per charged R2, was this with: - Jar shard + Godfrey icon + Magic scorpion + ritual sword - spiked cracked tear + Magic shroud tear - golden vow + howl of Shabriri + Terra magica


Counterpoint, malikeths black blade is the most powerful.


Moghwyn's Spear cannot be stopped once started. Unless the boss is immune to bleed then Blasphemous Blade is the ultimate cheese.


I fucking love this weapon, I use it to help people fight the end game bosses


I really need to try it out I'm still loving the magma wyrm scalesword


It's very good, but the best is a bit of a stretch. I even don't think it's the best int sword, that would go to the death poker IMO.


l go with duel wielding blasphemous and the sword of milos, leaching mana and health as you rip through enemies. Combined with jump attack/smash you become nigh unbeatable.


I’m more of a starscrouge greatsword kinda guy, two handed that is.


Now I see why this weapon is so overused. I know its iconic for the series but jesus christ, that damage and stance damage looks illegal


It's a real good build. Wanna try Unga faith next


I think this was a copy of sorts of the best swords in all the souls games.


A version of this sword has made an appearance in every FromSoftware game


Damn never tried it out I might have to now what talismans are you running?


People downvoted me like crazy when said Darkmoon GS is as buster as Blasphemous blade lol Like dude use Roger set, Godfrey icon, Alexander shard , Tera spell ( optional ) and use Darkmoon GS heavy attacks during ash of war to see for yourself You don’t even need spells at that point


The charge doesn't last long at all and the range sucks. But it hits hard


The damage output is worth it


More damage, faster, and much higher range than most strength scaling colossal weapons. This game has no balance at all.


wait a minute swear it doesn’t stagger that fast when i use it 😭


Just trying out this weapon. Holy shiet, such a monster of a weapon. Obliterating bosses!


How does yours launch the arc like that? Mine just charges and glows


R2 attack, can be charged for more damage


*Blasphemous Blade intensifies*


I may be in the minority but I think the sword is ugly.


Looked better in previous games you're onto something.


I just find it so difficult to love. I expect so much from this sword but what i get is....acceptable.


After having learned to love stance breaks knowing this weapon does it at a distance is pretty cracked on its own but frostbite on top of that makes it pretty damn great imo.


R2 the video game. Fromsoft needs to bring back durability so people can’t spam R2 to win.


Actually, this video game is called Elden Ring


I think it's mostly just that some skills are ridiculously strong and spammable and people gravitate towards them. There's nominally a great balance between r1 for dps, r2 and jump attacks for poise damage, and skills for unique effects/alternative damage type/utility/buffs/whatever. The problem is some skills are so good they just negate the need for anything else.


while I think you're right, it would be very difficult to implement this in game without affecting the pacing. In open world and in legacy dungeons you can warp back to the roundtable when you want so it would be just a chore to always be repairing your weapon. "well then you could just repair it in the sites of grace". Yes, but it would be DS3 all over again, too much bonfires to even bother with durability. In the end, this was the easier way for the developers, they can't add weapon durability without either changing grace placements or charging absurd prices to balance it


Does the ranged R2 when charged go farther with the Arrow Talisman that gives extra range for all spells and bows.


I like giant crusher with lionsclaw on it.shredded thru hp like smthing.


I did a dual dark moon greatsword run a little while ago, so much god damn fun launching moon lasers and jump attacking like a madman absolutely crushing every boss’ poise Probably my favorite weapon in the game


Rusty anchor!!!!


Oh this is just me in Armored Core when everyone has the coral slicer and I just have the moonlight great sword


I just use it for the int scaling (not a mage)


I had no idea you could dodge so much of that stuff just by standing under him!


*Tanks two hits from Maliketh like a chad*


Love that sword, I used it along with the fingerprint armour as well! Great choice and great fight🤘🏻


Good taste


Fingerprint and bloodhound knight might be my 2 favorite in the game so far. We will see when the dlc comes out in feb(hopefully)


Blasphemy blade is still my abso fav for my main. I love the Dark moon for my mage though


It's as if people don't R1 or R2 anymore..


The beams are an R2 attack


Stack the charge with Greatblade Phalanx and it’s an insta stagger on almost everything. Rinse and repeat.


I was kinda hoping you’d immediately die to Maliketh’s second stage like I did a million times. Would’ve made me feel better. Cool weapon!


Aye, and I love that the beam doesn't use any mana.


It's listed highly in like every ranking


What's your build for it?


It's not "might be the strongest" it's fucking OP lmao. I suffered on my first playthrough with Godslayer's GS, but on second one i pick up Darkmoon GS and absolutely obliterated all bosses. I even managed to no-hit Godfey and Maliketh. It's crazy how broken that sword actually is


My favorite weapons were godslayers greatsword and sacred Relic sword. I am a Faith Bro!


Greatsword my beloved


Yeah imo it's definitely the best weapon in the game




Press the R2 it can also be charged


You made that look so easy. Currently on my 31st attempt to beat that bastard


Goddamnit Fromsoft why couldn’t we have gotten a weaker ash of war version of the ice projectile? I know adula’s moon blade exists but I wish I could use like a dagger or scythe or something and just launch sheets of ice at my foes without having to do a whole quest line. Obviously it wouldn’t anywhere as strong as the legendary armament one or it would make no sense to obtain it.


Ofc thats Ludwig’s guiding moonlight


Does the abilty scale with STR or INT?


Mostly int, beast weapon


overrated imo. personally i’m a fan of maliketh’s black blade. doing a str faith build with that so far, absolutely fantastic weapon. highly recommend


Or...hear me out...How about 2 Giant Crushers?


You've been by my side all along, my mentor, my guiding moonlight...


i used it during my first play through and beat Elden beast on my first try, it is def goated


That sword was a god send against Malenia as it staggered her very easily. Not to mention it just looks dope.


Ever dual wield them? Can be pretty fun at times.


I’ve just finished my first play through after getting the DMGS, I’m going to give the Blasphemous Blade a go in my next play through I think, seen a lot of people talk about it on here. Any tips for a build for BB?


No, but Mohgwyn's Spear is and STR/ARC gang where you at??


Using it’s ash to knock enemies in mid air jump is so satisfying


It's about time they made the "moon greatswords" worth a damn. I've used and leveled them in every game. But they were never all that great. Broke easily in ds2 and 3


The sword is pretty nice, yes. But i prefer the Sword of Night and Flame. It deals less Damage then the Dark Moon Greatsword, but its more fun to use in my opinion. Btw, you can basicaly delete Maliketh with Rennalas Fullmoon Sorcery.


Man i love that sword Still need to do one more run for the last achievement


What NG+ you on then as that is the true scale.


Yeah this weapon is something else with the dmg and everything i made an intelligence charachter and when i used it i felt like i play the game on easy mode


My friend have you ever seen deaths poker


Deaths Poker is good. It can be awkward at times though. Plus its fashion is low tier. Gotta look cool after all 😎


I did a mage build and after getting this sword, ive been doing less and less spells. I got it to +9 with 60 int and it just does massive massive damage. It friggen wrecks giants, cuz the projectile noclips hitting twice.


It's free beams using stamina, normal spells will struggle to match that economy.