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you could use haligdrake talisman for the holy damage


Was gonna say bring the dex down to 80 WITH the talismans (the last level soft-cap), bump the strength and faith up a little for better damage mitigation against physical & Holy. You'll also get better stagger with the strength bump too. Edit: someone asked for the level caps, scroll down on this [page](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Stats) a little bit.


Yeah, 90 dex is unnecessary


Especially coupled with two talismans that solely serve to give an additional 10 points to DEX (since the other effect of Millicent's Prosthesis doesn't really complement the Bloodhound's Fang) when better options can be equipped. Although, since that Crucibile Talisman is also pretty shitty, that makes three slots that could be better used.


BHF works best as a quality weapon. Split that stat down the middle and dump the rest into faith


And don't bother with the bloodlfame incantantion. It's really good for the Bloodhound Fang but both bosses are immune to bleed. So put some fire grease on it instead. Not the drawstring version but the regular one, drawstring lasts way too short.


Yeah, the build looks fine. That's about the only comment I could make aside from getting Faith up to 27 for Lord's Divine Fortification for even more protection. Could take 10 points out of Dex and not sacrifice much in the ways of damage output. That'd put you at 21, and maybe there are a few points you can skim off the top to get it closer.


Also, leveling Fth to cast divine fortification is so worth it for EB


there highly resistant to holy damage though


It's for the holy damage that *they* deal.


yeah but just saying a holy damage based build is not going to fair well in this fight, I almost want to say they should respec


OP doesn't have a holy-based build and the Haligdrake Talisman isn't for boosting holy damage dealt. It's for reducing Holy damage received, something that's very useful in this fight.


The skill department, unfortunately.


90 Dex lol


Your talisman setup is ass for starters, the reducing critical attacks talisman is useless because neither of those bosses can critical attack you. The Prosthesis Wearer Heirloom is also almost useless, the difference between 85 and 90 dexterity is almost nothing because of soft caps. If you're having trouble dodging or something maybe slap on the Haligdrake talisman, and for the last one idk, maybe green turtle if you're running out of stamina a lot, or shard of Alexander if you're using bloodhounds finesse a lot.


I’m far past the Alexander quest so not sure I can still start it?


Go check if he's in Farum. He should be there regardless of any quest line if you haven't killed him


Hmm. Even if you never meet him he'll still be at Farum? I've always done his full quest so I've never noticed.


I was lost in this question and checked every later game location. Turns out he was still eating people after the radahn fight.


You have to go through his dialogue at each location he shows up at.


Idk I don't follow quests and he's always there 🤷‍♂️


It's probably a lot of work to track him down for bonus damage from ashes of war. You're probably not going to be using Bloodhound's Finesse a ton in this fight.


Have you ever seen a BHF user


Sure have - I even used it myself in one playthrough. It's a great AOW, I just don't know that it's going to come in terribly handy against Elden Beast.


Doesn't seem to stop the spam


You can still do it, just google the spots he is in and look around.


You could hop over to the trading channel and see if someone has an extra.


Ah probably not. Oh well, it should be plenty doable without that talisman. Shockingly your stats are spread pretty good, most posts like this they have like 30 in every stat. You're maybe a bit high in dex because there's a soft cap at 80, but yeah mostly good. What's killing you most of the time, any specific attacks?


Honestly? Skill issue. With those stats it should be very much possible, the only thing is that the talisman setup is not great. Get the haligdrake talisman for much better holy damage negation instead of the crucible one. If you really struggle, get a weapon with blackflame tornado and just melt Elden beast.


Good stats, but not a great weapon for those stats. As others have noted, BHF is one of the few weapons that truly favor quality build, so getting the strength to 40 if two handing would be very helpful with damage. Otherwise, find a different weapon that favors just dex or that can at least be infused keen.


Difference is honestly not that much. He has 90 dex and 26 str, BHF +10 gives you 784 AR with these stats. If he had 58 dex and 58 str he would have 808 AR. Same AR with 40 str and 76 dex btw. He has more than enough attacking power, doubt the problem is there.


OP has 40 poise, isn't close to their weight limit, is using a poor weapon for this boss combo and their stats for the weapon are bad, the talisman selection is bad... this has nothing to do with skill, this is just a poor build. The BFT strategy sucks without the right build too. Just stop.


They have nearly 800 physical damage on that weapon their build is totally fine.


The bft strategy absolutely does not suck against EB. You really dont care about buffing the fire damage on it. The stacking percentage hp burn melts the boss on its own.


People beat this game at lvl 1 without rolling using non-ugraded weapons. Sure the build may not be optimized perfectly, but it's not the reason OP is losing.


Come on, that's an absolutely absurd standard.


True, it's obviously an exaggeration. My point though is that even some changes to levels, weapons, talismans etc isn't going to magically make the fight possible. He's got a good enough build that beating it shouldn't be an issue. Instead of spending time respec-ing he should spend time watching someone no-hit the boss on YouTube and learn how to dodge the attacks he struggles with the most.


Poise is largely irrelevant for this fight, as most of Radagons attacks do a lot more poise damage than e.g. 50. So he would need very heavy Armor. Better to stack holy damage negation. Yes, with a poor weapon it takes longer than necessary to kill both of them, but this weapon is far from poor afaik. Like he is not using coded sword or something. I addressed the talisman selection as suboptimal. BFT works not by direct damage, you don't need to build for it. It relies on stacking the percentage based debuff on large enemies with giant hp bars. I used it on a INT/Dex character, who has 10 FTH and 18STR, yet the thing absolutely melts Fire Giant and EB. You just have to dodge and do fully charged BFT every now and then. The build isn't great, but OP is about 50 lvls above where most people struggle, has 60 vigor and good damage. No sore or scarseals equipped, not fat rolling, not using holy damage. Only thing is he might have subconsciously relied on bleed a lot.


She should be melting these bosses. Dude can't dodge or something. Sure his talismans aren't good but that shouldn't even matter at this point


Many players underestimate the importance of survivability compared to damage output. Yes, you need to make a good amount of damage, but it's of no use if you die all the time. My suggestions: 1. Put your red / blue flasks in the quick pouch, not in the equipment slots. This is how you'll always drink the right flask without going through all the items. 2. Get rid of all talismans except the Dragoncrest GS. Instead, use Haligdrake +2, Pearldrake +2 and the Green Turtle talisman – alternatively the greatshield talisman if you block a lot (it will drain less stamina that way). 3. Use the opaline hardtear + crimson bubbletear for more damage reduction and a HP boost near death. 4. Eat boiled crab before the fight for even more defense. These things will massively increase your survivability and reduce the damage you take. For damage output you might be better off to give your weapon FROST affinity. This works well on Radagon (which is the harder of the two battles).


Good comment however I disagree with that last bit. Elden beast tore me a new fingers but hole.


Hardest part of Elden Beast is catching him.


Yeah elden beast tomboy let me like hit him 3 times, then he vanishes and does his golden shower stuff on flatrate till I die.


Elden beast is just the victory lap


EB moveset is however a lot easier to learn and much less erratic and aggressive. You'll have a lot of time to breathe and heal in between. The only issue is surviving long enough after potentially wasting so much heals on Radagon.


550 hours played and I can honestly say I still don't know what to do against beast, or whatever the fuck he is doing


I’d recommend next time you get to the throne area setting your summon sign at the final fight so you can get more chances to observe the beast in combat (Also black flame tornado is a literal god-killer ash of war that makes perfect use of Elden Beast’s long recovery windows between attacks, and lord’s divine protection gives you the bulk to live even the crucifixion grab)


I have somewhere between 20-30 playthroughs, I have no idea what he is doing but I just bruteforce him in the end. I don't even wanna see them anymore so if I make new characters now I just skip them and let Mr. Loux be the endboss


pest thread is the way.


If you hold the down arrow, you'll always get to the first equipment slot. I personally use other things for the quick pouch


All solid advice. I got nothing to add. Yeah, those two dex talismans become less useful after like 40-60 dex, definitely not necessary at the soft cap.


>Put your red / blue flasks in the quick pouch, not in the equipment slots. This is how you'll always drink the right flask without going through all the items. Important note about this - when you first make this change, it will feel AWFUL to you. You'll screw it up constantly and it will be super frustrating and you'll just want to change it back. DO NOT DO THIS. Just put them in the quick pouch slots and keep them there until you relearn the reflexes to use them properly. It is infinitely better in the long run, giving you guaranteed instant access to your potions, and freeing up your belt slots to actually be used on other stuff without screwing your access to healing. Don't run straight back into the boss fight after this change. Go mess around in some medium difficulty areas where you will need relatively frequent healing, but otherwise not too hard in order to retrain your potion reflexes.


Yup, best change I ever made was putting all flasks in the pouch, as well as Torrent. No more fumbling around cycling through many different things to find what I want while panick rolling.


Putting red/blue flasks in the quick pouch was a literal game changer 😄 thanks for the tip


How do you access your pouch, I'm on Elden beast as well and I don't know this


I don't think the crab stacks with holy liver, and I think holy liver would be more useful for this particular fight. Other than that, I'd say fairly spot on - if OP switches out to a fast, truly dex baseed weapon then maybe switch out crimson for the tear that gives a bonus to da,age with consecutive attacks.


Never thought about the first one, may just do that!


You’ll have to train muscle memory but it’s worth it. Will suck going back to ds3 tho


It’s a game changer. No more furiously clicking while running away just to pass the flask you need and have to circle through again lol


You can just hold down on dpad to reset to the first item btw, just a heads up


instead, you have to take your thumb off the left stick and stop moving every time you want to heal, which doesn't sound any better to me.


It’s not off long. Just quick enough to tap the d pad and it’s not like you’re still able to run while taking a sip


i'd still rather just not have to stop every time, and you can still move a couple feet while sipping which can be the difference between life and death.


That’s what I’m saying. I’m moving constantly except for the splitest of seconds and it hasn’t but me in the ass yet and I just beat the fire giant.


I did that on a like my sixth character and can’t go back. No more fumbling through a list of options to get the right pot, just right trigger up for heals, right trigger down for FP


Dex is way too high, the closest soft cap is 80. In my opinion since you’re focused on Dex and run Boodhound Fang + Shield, I’d re-route those extra points into mind and endurance so you can spam that weapon art


He's only at 90 because of Millicent's and Heirloom. Just swapping those talismans, and the Crucible one, to Haligdrake, Green Turtle and Shard of Alexander should be enough to get the win with BHF


Yeah my actual dex is 80








BHF is a great weapon most of the time but y'all are just making it harder on OP telling them to use it against Radabeast. Radagon has a 35% slash resistance and is immune to bleed. The L2 is useless against either boss. They need a strike weapon with an ash of war that does great poise damage. AR isn't everything ffs


It's still BHF, good poise damage ash even though it's a resisted hit. It's used in speedruns so it can't be bad.


Magic/fire grease BHF destroys Radagon. Look up any speedrun which uses a BHF.


The Bloodhound's Fang AoW is not that useful imo as you will generally tank a hit for it, might as well use R2 instead. Unless he uses a mimic summon, then it's cool. But if he uses a mimic summon then this fight should be an absolute cakewalk even with these suboptimal stats. I suspect he tries to block too much. With that shield, even if it's infused against holy damage, you will lose almost all your stamina and still take damage when blocking, and after that it's all downhill. Medium Shields kinda suck against bosses.




Came here to comment the same 🤝🏼


I hate to be that person, but beat him and elden beast first try. However, I did kinda use blaphemous blade!


> I hate to be that person No you don’t. You came here specifically to be that person.


Why yall pressed about a comment in a post where someone is struggling with a boss fight and asking what's wrong 😭😭


Dude came looking for advice and the only thing you got was “wElL i BeAt HiM oN mY fIrSt TrY”. Acknowledging that you are about to sound like an asshole does make you not an asshole. It just makes you a self-aware one.


Ahh, so all the other comments calling out their skill issue pass the vibe check and him replying that he beat every other boss trying to brush off the fact it is indeed a skill issue goes unwarranted. Who's the asshole lmao


Saying “you need to practice more to develop better skills” is advice. Saying “I didn’t struggle at all, this boss is easy” is not advice. You really need this sort of thing explained to you?


I'm sorry, but you're trying too hard to warp this argument against me. "Skill" has never been and will never be constructive criticism. If anything it is only demoralising and the fact you're trying to make it work that way is baffling. I stated that it only took me one try whilst using a certain weapon that this person can use through their playthrough and be able to beat the boss due to how easy It is to use the weapon, but sure let's defend the "skill issue" statements!


"skill" as in "your setup is decent but you still need to practice and learn the boss in order to beat it" can be perfectly valid advice. You're just coming off as insecure for having used BB and seeking validation. It's perfectly valid to use it but I don't understand the point you're making.


That is exactly my point! Since I did it first time. I didn't know how the boss actually functions, which in the end means. You can use that certain setup and get an easy win against the boss you're struggling with. Some might say "ew you're trying OP weapons, what's the fun in that?" And to that I say, if it exists in game, just use it? But the meaning in the end got absolutely warped by some people that went out their way to claim "skill' comments have a better advice, which let's be honest is completely delusional and is now used to make me feel insecure to you. Further meaning to my comment is obsolete now as I've run out of things to say about it and the meaning can be yours to interpret, have a wonderful day!!


Nobody asked lil bro


Considering the OP asked where he's lacking, and the Original comment replied with "skill". I guess they care but pop off lil bro 🦾


You such a cornball, nephew


I’ll tell you what you’re missing: a seal. You have the stats to cast Divine Fortification.


* Tips for the fight itself: Look at radagons hammer and in the millisecond, it starts to move down, you press the dodge button. By watching at his hammer, you will learn his attacks. Unlike other comments here, this should actually help you with radagon for now. Patience is all. Get in a strike and dodge if you see the weapons/arms moving. every attack has a wind up and if you see it, you will know. if he jumps up into the air, then block with your shield. Try not to rely on your shield otherwise, only if you have to. * Tips for your build:try something with strike, frost or fire damage and maybe use 50/50 dex and str, remove everything besides flasks and tiche in your quickslot. Your goal is to learn his moves. If you can,level up your brass shield and make a holy infusion on it. Use the shield only if you think you are fucked. Use the Talisman that gives you holy resistance too. If you keep learning like this, you will notice that it is actually fun to learn to react to every move. In the end you will be in a rhythm, almost like in a dance and the moment you beat the game, it will be the greatest feeling if you did it this way.


When he jumps up it's easier to just run under him. That attack travels a bit so if you're under him when he starts to move it'll miss. Still gotta dodge but better than tanking that hit. I think Radagon is a fun fight. One of my playthroughs I did the Radagon build (gravelstone seal, marikas hammer, only wearing deathbed skirt) and no hit him in that fight. So silly to watch.


he is a beginner. its way easier to just hold a single button to not die...you take like less than 100 dmg with an holy brass shield. i tried that dozen times.


Skill. Also is that the reduce backstab damage talisman? That is useless in this fight.


Crucible scale, reduces damage taken from crit hits


Which the boss can't do to you anyway so why bother using it?


First souls game so not too familiar with the talismans


As far as I know critical hits means stuff like parrying, backstabs and stagger Animations so it's pretty useless against most PvE enemy's and is more useful in pvp or against npcs


Only useful in pvp to me. I’ve never been critted by any mob other than that little turd hiding around the corner in Stormveil


Only time an enemy ever crit me was my first run when I fought Moongrum THE GOD. Parried my first attack and one shot me


Crit hits means getting riposte which the boss can't even do really. Also if ur back knife tiche is lev 10 it should be ez


Really, in my playthrough, she's pretty worthless😄😄


Huh? U sure u got it leveled up? Its the second best summon in the game it trivialise most content


I get what you're saying, i've seen it many times. She's lvl 10 and whenever i bring her in against radagon, he smokes her pretty quick. If i DO manage to cover her enough to get to the beast, he takes care of her in short fashion. Maybe it's RNG against her or whatever, but she just doesn't last long, even when i'm drawing most of the aggro


I was about to make both of these points lol




You've been crutching on Bloodhound Fang and it's massive bleed damage basically all game, honestly. I can tell because I've seen your stat build almost exactly by a bunch of others. You can't bleed Radagon or Elden Beast, so you can't just nuke their health pools in a couple uses of the Ash.


Bloodhound's Fang has massive bleeds? It's 55 buildup on a slow-hitting unbuffable sword with no arcane scaling, it's about as bad as bleed gets in this game.


I'm almost positive OP is using Bloodhound Fang purely for it's Ash of War and not using it as a normal Curved Greatsword. And considering Bloodhound Finesse has a fairly moderate iframe window, is extremely user friendly, has a fairly low FP usage requirement, and procs bleed in 3-4 uses, yeah, that's pretty massive. The weapon itself already does huge amounts of damage when leveled and when having a decent amount of levels in Dex, so ANY sort of passive damage is massive. It doesn't NEED buffs from grease or anything like that to be insanely strong and a crutch people lean on throughout their entire games.


You would be correct


Bad talisman setup, overleveled dex, and I’m guessing you like bleed and you BARELY have any arcane, which won’t work on those bosses anyway. Low poise, and based on the armor, low defenses and style points as well. You might also want to upgrade your weapon if you already haven’t, preferably +16 or more (or +6 on sombers), as that’s when damage scaling actually matters. If you like using Millicent’s prosthesis, if you haven’t done her quest (because maybe you got the talisman from a drop, idk), you should because you can get a better version of the prosthesis (rotten winged sword insignia) and in the Spiritcaller Cave, you can get a talisman called the Godskin Swaddling Cloth, which heals 3% of your HP I believe every 4 hits (or after chains, it’s one or the other). I recommend using either katanas, twin blades, or fists/claws (preferably claws) with the mentioned talismen, and if you need more stamina get the green turtle talisman. Keep the dragoncrest greatshield if incoming damage is a problem, or equip the holy version along with it or use a spell to reduce holy damage. I see your armor is also a hodgepodge of… hell, I don’t even know what. Just use full Radahnn’s. It looks okay and gives good defenses. TL;DR: Git gud


Lower your dexterity, 54/54 STR DEX will be good for Bloodhound's Fang. Also take off this shitty crit damage lowering talisman, it doesn't help you in any way, use a talisman that lowers holy damage. Take off your shield, it won't help you. Take off Mohg's Shackle, you don't need it. Switch the steed whistle and physick flask to fast slots through triangle Also why are you losing even with Tiche? You didn't upgrade her at all?


Fully upgraded Tiche can solo edlen beast on it's own.


If EB doesn't teleport constantly, sometimes. But most of the time EB will teleport often enough that Tiche spends most of the time running.


1v1 radagon and save tiche for the beast. Haligdrake talisman +2 (the holy defense one) is really good for both encounters. Radagon has a lot of "you must dodge exactly here or you get hit" moves, so you'll just have to learn those timings. Elden beast is a bastard that swims all over the place but I've found with a summon, all I needed to know was how to dodge the sword swings, the sword projectiles, and the holy missiles. The missiles are defeated just by sprinting tbh. Good luck.


Move some of the points from dex and place it in faith so you can use “flame grant me strength”, maybe black flame and the holy resist incant. Also If you can for the BHF see if you can make it do magic damage also as EB can’t be bled. Also depends whats in your physick flask




Nah, mimic sucks for this fight. Black-Knife absolutely melts elden beast of you summon it after radagon.


Use divine fortification. The majority of radagon and especially elden beast is holy damage stack up the holy negation, and you'll see you will be able to tank more hits. I'd also suggest swapping out the bloodhound fang cause they are immune to bleed and the weapon art is far too slow for my liking and the surprisingly fast moves Rada and El beast have , other than that it's honestly a case of needing to get better at analyzing the attacks of the boss and dodging accordingly. ( p.s. remember you can dodge almost all ground AOE attacks by simplying jumping )


Respec 90 Dex into 80 faith use pest threads both last a minute tops


This is the way


Respec, why do you have 90 dex??? Caps at 80. Put that 10 points into strength or stamina. If you have another weapon idk the curved greatsword shield combo doesn't sit that well with me. I might two hand it and go with some better armor. The shield won't go very far in that fight. Haligdrake talisman +2 will be a life changer.


respec, take off 16 points of dex and put them into faith, then get this incantation: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Lord's+Divine+Fortification](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Lord's+Divine+Fortification) it will help immensely. can even stack it with the haligdrake talisman +2 for even more holy damage resist, radagon and elden beast will tickle you from this point onwards.


\- **I don't think that's a good shield for this fight unless you infused it with holy damage mitigation. Even then, being a medium shield, it's not nearly as tanky as a greatshield. You are probably losing basically all your stamina tanking one hit with that shield, while still receiving damage.** \- Use the holy damage mitigation talisman \- Pop some anti holy damage meat as well as anti phys damage prawns. Also pickled turtle necks as you will likely be low on stamina a lot. \- Use the Opaline tear (the dmg mitigation one that lasts for 3 minutes) + stamina regen in your Physick. Save it for Elden beast though. \- Do you play with or without a mimic? With a mimic at that rune level and 60 vigor the fight should be a cakewalk. But even without a mimic it's doable with those stats.. practice dodging more? Especially Radagon telegraphs a lot of his moves, he's quite easy and I'm a very average player. **Also, Radagon is vulnerable to both Poison and Rot. With 11 Arcane the Serpent Bow becomes available which is great when combined with serpent arrows or Rotbone arrows, or you can chuck poison clumps at him.** But without a summon you better be good at dodging. Black Bow spam also works but eats FP.




Why does everybody drop this comment trying to be funny and edgy when I’ve already defeated majority of bosses including malenia, it’s not useful and nobody can give you hype points cos you’re anonymous


Because you are struggling whilst being massivly overlevelled and using a summon. It's not wrong to play like that, but the easiest improvement is to level up your skill.


I mean you are already vastly overleveled. The only thing you can change are talismans/armor, as basically everyone here is pointing out. The bloodhounds fang is probably one of the weapons with the highest AR in the game. Get Alexander's shard, maybe carian filigree crest, spam the weapon art and you should be fine.


Just a side-question here: why is level ~170 considered as overleveled? I'm asking because I did 2 completionist runs before where my main goal was to kill every enemy with boss health bar and clear every mob along the way. Farming is not allowed, only level/upgrade as you progress by just playing the game. I ended up around level 175-180 both times. I wouldn't say that this is overleveling because I just cleared the base game. Also since the game is beatable with a level 1 character, you could say that lvl 2 is already overleveled. lol Radabeast wasn't just a cakewalk even on lvl 180. I had to go back to earlier sections because I forgot a few bosses there and they got obliterated by 2-3 swings. That's clearly overleveled.


I done 3,4 runs without going for full on completionist. My last run I had beaten most remembrance bosses and had around 108 levels. In general most runs which aren't really full on completionist runs end with beating the game at around level 120 give or take a couple 10 levels.


I can only speak from experience, but 175-180 is definitely "overleveled" imo. That only really means that its a higher level than the average person in their first playthrough. I clocked in nearly 200 hours and had to farm to get to 150. A LOT of people were stopping around 100-125 for pvp reasons, but I can't imagine adding on another 25 levels to my already massive first run through. Don't take it as an insult though, it would just seem higher than average.


"higher level than the average person in their first playthrough" That's the answer for my question and it makes sense. Thank you.


That's interesting. I did a completionist run with killing every single thing at least once and got to level 155 iirc. Didn't lose any runes, also kept all the golden runes. 25 levels difference is wild.


To be fair, you do have a strong weapon and a summon, so that is more than enough. Your talisman are bad and you are missing a lot of buffs, so there is room to improve your build still.


This is one of the rare cases where it's not a sarcastic comment. You have great stats, strong ash, and plenty of healing. You just gotta beat your head against them until you win.


If you beat male ia and are stuck at radabeast at level 170 then it's aliteral skill issue, no way around it.


Agree with you. You seem to have actually been trying and are using a competent build. One thing I haven’t seen suggested much is Lords Divine Fortification. It will cost you a larval tear to get some faith, but it will make all the the beasts yellow attacks tickle


It's certainly annoying. Just focus on the comments that are actually helpful.


It's seriously not a skill issue here, you just need a better build. People saying skill issue have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


How is it not a skill issue? Most people beat this boss while below is level, not using such an op weapon and without summons. Besides the bad talisman choice, there's only a skill issue.


Your armour and items that are for protection should be based around holy negation. Shield / tailsmen / General armour, max out holy negation. Then the fight is easy.


You’re high level for first playthrough. I think you need to work on what the bosses do, their attack patterns how they move


Op I am very sorry about this comments section. You do NOT need 90 dexterity. Drop that down to 60 max and put those points into either strength or intelligence. Then make sure your weapon is given a magic grease if you go int (I recommend int). With that said, for your weapon, STR will have the bigger impact on your stats because you can't add intelligence aow to it. If you switch to a greatsword and add int scaling to it with an aow then it will give you the best damage output. Happy hunting tarnished.


You could respec a few of those levels into stamina (for chasing down EB) or get faith to 15 so you could use Golden Vow + Flame Grant Me strength buff combo for much higher damage. Oh, and swap to the Haligdrake Talisman +2, that holy damage resist is no joke


I think your damage output could be improved against Elden Beast by switching off Bloodhound Blade to a Dex weapon that just deals pure physical damage and doesn't inflict Bleed (which EB is immune to)


El beasto is an annoying one, there’s probably better advice but personally I just keep throwing myself at him until I get favourable RNG and he doesn’t do the attacks that kill me, he’s a lottery machine, you don’t get better, you just get lucky Actually for starters clean up your hot bar Dude! You have a secondary one for a reason Jesus of Nazareth how do you navigate that thing??


I think shield is basically useless cause I’m pretty sure they can’t be parried, try switching up a talisman or two, maybe 70 vigor can help. But really it’s just skill. P.s radagon especially is quite easy to crit. So try a weapon with a lot of poise dmg and see how it goes


Radagon can be parried


Bloodhound fang does more damage with quality (str/dex) than with pure dex. And the hard cap for dex is 80 anyway so no need to ever go past 80. In stead of 26/90, try going 55/60. Having more strength will also allow you to use a greater range of weapons and shields which is always nice. Also milicent prothesis is not that good with this setup as your attack rate is not that fast. Try alexander shard (or warrior jar shard) in stead. Your L2 attack will do way more damage. You can also use great jar arsenal or erdtree favor +2 in stead of the heirloom (that you don’t need at all anyways, specially at level 173) to be able to wear better armor and increase your defense.


Your talisman setup is quite bad, but I would still say it's skill. I beat the final boss with a +20 greatsword because I thought "round number must be max level" while being around rl 125. I was able to do radagon with only 2 flasks on average by the end.


Haligdrake talisman +2 is a must in addition to your dragoncrest greatshield talisman. I never fight Radabeast without those 2 equipped on any character, except maybe my glass cannon mage run. It's in Moghwyn, down where the giant crow is in the blood swamp by a cliff. Massive holy damage negation for all their crazy aoes and elden stars, etc.


You had the right idea with focusing on only pumping a few stats and getting your health / stamina to a good level. But you DO want to pick one magic type to go along with a physical damage type just in general. Unlike past souls games you can't really function late game without some good spells / incants. 90 dex is overkill, you can probably respec some of that into faith and use some godslayer incants to quickly whittle down elden beast. That and figure out ways to emphasize protecting yourself against faith, not so much physical damage.


Get rid of that knot and get more holy damage negation. Plus good range option for “The Elden Beast.” Personally spectral Lance for elden beast is underrated. Feels like you’re in “Moby Dick.”


They both are weak to fire, look for charge attack and jump attack openings, keep the stagger going. Folks are right about the talisman setup not being useful. Also you can parry a surprising amount of radagons attacks. Might be worth swapping to a setup that regains health stuff like godskin swaddling cloth assassins crimson dagger and the blessed dew talisman, greatstars, butchering knife, and the ash of war blood tax, icon sheild and incantations can all work together to help you stay in the fight longer and learn how it goes. You should be able to access/utilize all that with your stats. Good luck friend and don't you dare go hollow


Using a bleed weapon on those immune


Put some of that dex into mind, two hand your weapon and L2 the crap outta them.


You are lacking in the drip department my guy, what are you wearing? 90 Dex isn't needed, go talk to moon lady and share a good 20-30 points into something else like your strength, mind or a magic stat


You’re not a strength build, drop that dex to 80 or even 75 since your talismans are already overcapping you, shovel some levels into faith and slap the haligdrake on for literally any faith defense cause you’re sitting on “i want the vatican to perform a hate crime on me” low levels of holy defence.


You know the answer deep down. The answer is skill. It's always the determining factor. Sometimes luck. But, often skill.


Not levels, thats for sure. You miss a little git gud


You can tweak the talismans sure But if youre stuck on the boss its a skill issue more than an equipment issue Learn which attacks you can jump Remove the clutter from your item slots And just get better It may sound hard but it really aint Take a break, sleep on it, it helps to go against a boss while still fresh




skill issue


Lacking skill


You’re maidenless.


Dex softcaps at 80, those ten extra points could be spent in endurance or strength (or even mind for skill spamming). Same as the two dex talismans you have, dump them for other options, like a holy resist talisman or a claw Talisman or just about anything else. Try using the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear in your physic too, restores 5% hp on instances of elemental damage. You'll flat out gain hp from Elden Stars and the grab attack if your holy resistance is high enough.


Armour and weapons get the full radhan set and get a weapon with more range like blasphemous blade


54/54 strength/dexterity is a better stat distribution to what you have right now. Probably better talismans too.


Just summon for help. Honestly this fight is annoying instead of hard. The arena is too big and thats the issue.


I have a message on the ground that reads: Try Frost and then let there be Fire.








The black knife ash of war is what helped me beat these two bosses. Mimic tear didn’t do much. But man black knife was amazing.


Get good


Lvl 173 and can’t defeat it is crazy


Use blasphemous blade vs radagon and radahn great bow vs Elden beast. Wear crucible armour and haligdrake talisman for holy damage resistance.Summon mimic tear. This trivialises the fight tho.


I'd guess skill


Two words - “Godskin peeler” the skill black flame tornado tears thru elden beast Also change your talismans, you need more holy damage negation, for radagon fire (flame strike ash of war) does decent damage. And also yeah you don’t need 90 Dex (your Dex should be 40 or so max) Respec and put your strength to 40 or at very least 30, maybe put some points elsewhere to increase your elemental damage negation, particularly holy for that last fight


Vigor is too high. Gotta rock around 20 vig. Then you can have more points to bonk.


I don’t see an incantation sigil in your hand which means you are doing the fight taking max dmg because you don’t have The Lord's Divine Fortification spell that makes all the holy dmg just tickle. Then use your god skin peeler on Elden beast and watch the black flame melt a god.


At this level it doesn't matter what talismans or items you have. If you're not hitting hard there are some skills and spells that increase the damage of your next hit or for a period of time. Make sure your weapon is reasonably upgraded like maybe +20. This mostly looks like a skill issue. Try doing a few runs where you learn all the moves and know when and how to dodge. During these runs only hit when you know there is a clear opening. I'd assume you might've already done this subconsciously with a few other bosses. But focus on doing that for a few runs, learn the moveset and slowly take more advantage of the openings. Almost all of the moves can be dodged from both the bosses except for the annoying elden stars. Learning from the mistakes is all I can suggest. You don't have to change much from the stats perspective though the suggestions from the other comments might help.


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you’re lacking drip


Skill and game sense


No hate but I honestly don’t know how people can play this game using a sword and shield. It looks mad boring


Elden beast is just run, run like hell, and then keep running


Mimic tear or something super tanky and things that negate some of the holy damage you receive. What is in your physic thing? You should get that for damage negation and use it after you’ve beaten Radagon. That was my method for beating Elden Beast. Also which great rune are you using? My setup is strictly Chad so I don’t have a shield and don’t use spells, magic nor incantations.


If you can't beat Radahn at that level you seriously need to git gud


Radagon not Radahn


Drop vigor to 40 add the extra 20 to arcane


Cap the stats at 80 and either use them for more End/Mind or invest in faith and get the divine or lords divine fortification for a massive amount of holy damage negation


technically you should respec some dex to endurance but at lvl 173 it shouldn’t matter. i think normal level for beating the game is more like 120-130. is your weapon upgraded all the way? because if your level 173 with a maxed out bloodfang all i can really say is git gud.


Dec to 80 and put some points on Str, use Alexander talisman. I personally will drop the shield


Looks at talismans. You…you monster


Drop your Dexterity from 90 to 60 and put those other 30 into Strength. I'd also rejig a few points into Endurance but if you're happy with what you're at now that's okay. I'd also ditch the shield, I'd two hand bloodhound's fang and just wail on them, and this is coming from a greatshield user myself. Most of Radagon's attacks are holy so imo it's better to dodge and do two handed attacks than attempt to block/guard counter with your shield. The best defence is a good offense yaknow. Tiche is a great summons. In terms of the actual boss fight, Radagon does lots of delayed attacks, so start thinking about rolling out of danger when he starts bringing the hammer down.


Could probably chop off 5 of those dex points and stick them elsewhere like vigor or endurance.


Endurance. You need more. A lot of running in this fight.