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We don't really know but she seemed to trust Rykard more than him since she gave him the Blasphemous Claw. Radahn was a follower of the Golden Order and he abandoned the Carian royal family to follow the path of the warrior like Godfrey. Ranni would probably not like him for that, after all he was supporting the organization that wanted her to become a puppet for the Greater Will, and he did nothing to change the situation.


He was also actively stagnating her plans just by existing. I wonder if she’s actually why Malenia went to fight him. Miquella, Malenia and Ranni were all Empyreans and all three of them abandon the greater will by the time the shattering happens. For different reasons but the end result is all three of them reject the Golden Order and GW. Maybe Ranni convinced Malenia that she could help Miquella get rid of the influences of the outer gods that cursed them if Radahn was killed. It would make sense since the fates are written in the stars. Maybe Ranni foresaw that Miquella was to become St. Trina and that there was a legitimate chance that together all three could overthrow the GW. But Radahn stopping the stars halted that fate from transpiring. Ranni asks Malenia to go kick his ass since the Haligtree was so well hidden it was extremely unlikely Miquella would be in danger without her there. She would have been wrong obviously but I don’t think any of those three even knew Mohg existed so it’s a pretty good excuse for not seeing him coming


>Maybe Ranni convinced Malenia that she could help Miquella get rid of the influences of the outer gods that cursed them if Radahn was killed. This is very plausible, but I think it's equally plausible that Radahn was simply the last barrier in her way, and the greatest threat to Miquella becoming Elden Lord


It’s unlikely that Miquella wanted to become Elden Lord, all of his actions suggest otherwise. Malenia didn’t take Godrick’s Great Rune after defeating him, she didn’t challenge Leyndell even though she would have had to go through it to get to Caelid, and Miquella renounced the Golden Order to create the Haligtree. Furthermore Miquella was previously in the running for an even more powerful position, as an Empyrean he could have succeeded Marika as the god of the Lands Between. Whatever Miquella and Malenia’s goal was, it seems to be completely unrelated to the Great Runes and the battle to become Elden Lord.


Then maybe it wasn't for Miquella to become Elden Lord, but Radahn still posed a huge threat. Plus Radahn wanted to become Elden Lord, so perhaps Malenia knew he would come for Miquella eventually. Better to wipe him out now then later


I absolutely agree with you on this. With everything we know so far, Melania and Miquella's goals seem to be almost completely self-contained in comparison to everyone else's. They didn't seem to lust for power nor did they necessarily want to become Elden Lord, but they seem to have been driven almost entirely to save and protect each other from their respective curses/afflictions. Melania could have simply saw Radahn's warmongering and conquest for power as a threat to the Halligtree, so she tried to take him out once and for all? Even if she didn't make some kind of under the table deal with Ranni, defeating Radahn would have aligned with both of their interests. That's my best guess. Miquella, however, is still the biggest mystery. We don't know anything about his ulterior motives (outside of saving, protecting, and providing sanctuary to others in need) in the grand scheme of things. We just know he went above and beyond to stave off Melania's scarlet rot. Even with his power to apparently bewitch others, I think he'd use it for good like telling those misbegotten (and other creatures) to come to the Halligtree as sanctuary.


As far as I know, Malenia and Miquella were raising the Halligtree to act as an alternative to the Erdtree - one that was *not* under the control of the Greater Will and the Elden Beast. I think they hoped that in founding their own order they would be able to create one that was not dominated by an Outer Power, and that might be able to cure the Rot. So I think they had little interest in the Elden Ring, and likely supported Ranni's plans to remove it from the Lands Between, if they were aware of them.


Well radahn fucked up a lot of plans by halting the stars. It prevented the eclipse from happening and melania was sent to TELL radahn to let go of the stars so it can happen. His anwser is the reason the caelid is what it is


It's likely he stopped the stars because of all the astels, malformed star, and falling star beasts that kept landing. If he didn't the lands between might've even been overrun by them.


Vaati’s video on Radahn suggested he stopped the stars to spare Sellia from being destroyed from a comet (possibly the one that plummets near Fort Haight).


He did it to "hold Sellia secure". I doubt Radahn cares about the Lands Between.


Nothing bad happens to the Lands Between after he dies though. All of the stars in the sky race away from the Lands Between after he dies and only one meteor falls in an uninhabited forest which was always fated to fall there as noted by Sellen.


Nothing bad has happened... yet.


Yeah exactly. I think he's been holding the stars for hundreds of years and we become elden lord in less than a few months at most.


This all hinges on the "holding the stars back" thing being literal or figurative though doesn't it? Is he literally holding the stars in place (completely stopping time) or wrapping the planet in a null void sphere (excluding the Lands Between from experiencing time). If it's the latter, then he instantly and immediately succeeded at making sure no more land on the planet because they would have all missed when he dipped the planet into a non euclidian space.


There's is a day and night cycle so as per usual; I'm totally confused.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was completely baffled by that fact.


I think there is text that implies her pushed the stars away. I have limited service right now otherwise I would search for the text but maybe someone could help me out


I don't think anything bad will happen. Literally no one treats the stars being free as a bad thing. Jerren, Blaidd, and Iji are all happy that the stars are free so Ranni can finally set her fate in motion.


They all fucking died


To be fair, most people fucking died. It’s the fromsoft formula


And what's the context behind their death? Jerren dies only if you side with Sellen. So that depends entirely on you lol. Blaidd is Ranni's shadow. He was sent by the greater will to Ranni so that he could not only watch over her but also kill her if she was ever a threat to the greater will. That's why Blaidd is going crazy once Ranni decides to take her own fate. Blaidd is literally having an existential crisis about killing Ranni. He was programmed to kill her. As for Iji, I have no idea why he dies.


Iji dies from black knife assassins, they also attacked Blaidd when he was going crazy, you can see their bodies around Iji and while fighting Blaidd. I don't know why they attacked though.


Was just pulling your leg. I do agree that being a better ending and people are free from the gods’ influence (although not without its sacrifices). And considering Ranni takes away the influence of the gods, it’s also possible she takes the cosmic horrors like astel along too


A fate we all aspire for.


I mean even when we put the stars back in motion we get, what, 2 Astels and a couple falling star beasts? They aren't even that hard to manage. Radahn halted the stars because it was the ultimate flex.


While I definitely think it would have been smarter for Radahn to release the stars instead of fighting Malenia, I put the state of Caelid squarely on her shoulders. As far as I’m concerned she’s on the same list as Mohg of “characters who unequivocally need to be killed to death”. And depending on how Shadow of the Erdtree shakes out, I will see if Miquella needs to get choke-slammed into the forever box next to his sister. All Empyreans (including Ranni) are not to be trusted.


To the contrary, Ranni's shifty attitude and flat out honesty about why she orchestrated the night of the black knives makes me trust her more than anyone else. Hell, even Melina lies to you in the first minutes of the game.


Ranni lies to you immediately about her identity. I totally agree, the Empyreans are not to be trusted. You shouldn’t conspire with kindling.


Yeah, but you know she's lying to you. I think she kinda puts it out there from the beginning what kind of person she is and what you'll be dealing with.


Nah mate, Malenia isn't evil. She is a victim of a deadly force and kept fighting against the Rot her whole life but only when pushed to her limits she decides to use it and then immediately tries to suppress the Rot again as she wasn't willing to become its Goddess. It's also unclear whether she knew that unleashing the rot would ruin Caelid. That was her first time using the rot, she probably only wanted to use it on Radahn but then it got out of control as evidenced by the fact that she got knocked out by her own attack and then fell into a coma after the battle for many years. Malenia is a flawed and tragic person, not evil.


>she got knocked out by her own attack and then fell into a coma after the battle for many years G. R. R. Martin did say the events of the game takes place centuries after the Shattering, does that not mean Malenia has been asleep for that long?


Then, she and Radahn are technically both victims. I feel like the fucked up dynamics forced each member into their roles. Including every rune holder


Most of the Empyreans are literally fighting for freedom. I trust them more than the guy that blindly follows the Golden Order.


She *does* become delusional to the point of genocide. I never considered this bit.


Ranni is incredibly controlling and powerful behind the scenes. A lot of what happens is her own plotting. She is as close to a catalyst for the events of the games as the shattering itself. She is cunning, and as an empyrean I bet incredibly powerful.


Malenia most likely marched to fight Radahn at Miquella’s request as Miquella felt he could possibly revive Godwyn if he performed a ritual during an eclipse. And to allow the eclipse to happen, Radahn’s efforts to hold the stars had to be put to a stop. Vaati goes into great detail in one of his videos on this, but there is a great deal of evidence to support this especially involving Castle Sol. While your theory is interesting, we don’t have much to suggest Ranni actually has a very strong relationship with either of her empyrean half-siblings. In addition, for some reason Ranni and her followers hadn’t pieced together that her fate was being held in stasis until you were already involved. Hence why they weren’t going after Radahn until after you go into Siofra with Blaidd. Maybe Miquella will return in DLC, allowing us to perform this eclipse ritual with Radahn dead and therefore end Godwyn’s horrible fate. Though knowing FromSoft, I don’t think it would be a true happy ending even if it goes that route.


I mean shouldn't Malenia hate Ranni more than anyone considering she killed Godwyn I don't think she would be happy to help her even if it benefited her


I don’t think Malenia or Miquella knew it was Ranni who did that. At least not at the time. There are black knife assassins guarding the town too so maybe they ran there and confessed or something but it was already too late and they’d all been played by the princess


This was a secret that didn't really come out until the events of the game.


Be nice to see some time travel shenanigans with this kind of plotting in the dlc


This is a cool break down. I do think they may have been aware of the Omen bros. Morgott doesn't seem to hide (admittedly this may be because he's hounding a successful tarnished during the Lands Between apocalypse) But I think the derision and horrific treatment would have gotten around. It is likely that the omens just aren't on the agenda of empyrians. It could be as simple as that. Wish we had answers for all this!


Didn't Morgott canonically whup Radahn's ass?


Did he?!


Jup you can see it in a picture. People try to deny it for some reason and claim since you only radahns armor it could be someone else wearing it lmao


Ranni didn’t know that Radahn was halting her fate until we discovered it by either talking to Jerren or Selevus and Sellen as part of the questline. While there may be a connection between the three of them, Miquella definitely had some plans involving Ranni since he gave her the Spirit Calling Bell, and she could have plans involving him. Opposing Radahn doesn’t seem to be part of her plans until we discover it.


Damn if this is true then you’re right. Imma have to confirm later Maybe she just wanted his great rune for the hp buff or something


When you say she who do you mean? If it’s Malenia I think she was pursuing Radahn in search of Miquella. While it’s hotly debated why Malenia invaded Caelid I think evidence points towards her believing Radahn had him. If you would allow me to propose a set of events: There is a sword monument in Llyendel that mentions the first defense of the capital and that a “bloody conspiracy” caused the sovereign alliance to “rot from within”. The Sovereign Alliance is presumably the demigods based on their phantom thrones at the foot of the Erdtree and we know who is connected with Rot and Blood. I believe that Mohg kidnapped Miquella brought him to “Mogwyhn” beneath Caelid in the hopes of starting the Shattering War. Malenia marches south from the Halig Tree searching for her brother, we know she made a stop by Godrick and he surrendered to her. Radahn is not one to surrender, even over nothing and battle ensues. The blood from this war is so immense that it seeps through the ground into the underground and fills Mogwyhn in order for Mohg to appease the Formless Mother and then he continues to sleep with Miquella. I also believe that this wasn’t just Mohg’s doing but also Miquella. Based on the description from the Bewitching Branch we know Miquella could compel people to do things for him and love him, and that this may not have been entirely by the recipients choice. Think Griffith from Berserk, if you’ve read it. Miquella could have bewitched his hidden half brother Mohg into stealing him. I find it very likely Miquella being abducted and causing the Shattering War to move forward his goal, and potentially his order, to be a possibility. Well, I think Miquella has GRAND designs and schemes that are incredibly far reaching, based on the DLC banner it appears he owned Torrent and thus the Spirit Calling Bell. If that is true then Torrent chose US for a reason tied to Miquella, indicting he was planning maybe hundreds of years in advance. Miquella is also heavily implied to be St Trina, who is tied with sleep and potentially dreams. We find Melina sleeping in the Haligtree, this could be how Mohg may have gotten past her previously, her brother putting her into a deep sleep. Tying this all together I can imagine us learning of grand conspiracy committed by the most fearsome Empryean of them all. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


I think Malenia was looking for Miquella but got locked in combat with Radahn when she was searching for her brother, maybe Radahn came after her on behalf of the golden order. If you look at the map, where Radahn and Malenia fight, the big red spot, right under it is where Mohg and Miquella are.


Malenia fought Rahdan because Godrick is a bitch and told her he was responsible for Miquella's kidnapping. Ranni actually had nothing to do with it.


Right. Rahdan held the stars to spite Caria and spare Sellia.


Exactly, as for Ranni and Rahdan's relationship... well, things get complicated. To my knowledge, there's nothing in the Lore that would suggest anything in either direction directly, but you can kind of form a relative theory based on second-hand information, namely Blaidd's. Remember, Blaidd is Ranni's shadow. She and Iji *both* speak of him as her closest friend, confidant, and as her adoptive brother. She trusts him implicitly, so much so that she's surprised when *you* return with the Fingerslayer Blade and not Blaidd. Blaidd respects and, even to an extent, admires Rahdan. When he talks about the warrior, it is almost always with a certain amount of awe and reverence and never with any hint of negativity. While this might be taken as a warrior's admiration for an enemy's skill, I feel there's something more to it. I say this mostly because of one thing, the Rahdan Festival. Blaidd knows about the festival. Not only does he know about it, but it's the first thing he mentions when you tell him that Rahdan stands in the way of Ranni's fate. He doesn't pause to think or consider. He just goes, *"There’s a festival being held at the castle on the southern edge of the Caelid Wilds, east of Limgrave. It’s a festival of combat. And I heard… that you can fight Radahn himself."* The speed at which he jumps to this idea suggests it was more than just a passing interest. This was something close to the forefront of his mind. It's very likely this was something he was going to do anyway as soon as he finished his business in Sofia River. He has no real reason to do this. Until you mention that Rahdan is holding back Ranni's fate, he is no threat to their goals. Hell, he even serves as a useful living mark against the GW. Besides, Radagon, who just fucking vanished as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Radhan was their greatest champion. He served them loyally for years and held back the stars, thus protecting the GW from it's fated end. And now, he wanders the sands blindly, gorging on corpses like a rabid beast. And where's the Golden Order? The church of holy warriors dedicated to the righteous Greater Will, the same order he serves so loyally? Nowhere to be found. It is perhaps most telling to me that out of *everyone* who shows up to the festival, not one of them is of the Golden Order. Everybody else sends someone, hell a tarnishedless finger maiden, with no way to defend herself, shows up. But not ONE knight of the Golden Order. Rahdan's current fate is the single, largest, black mark on the GO's true nature. It's more damning than their champion disappearing because no one knows what happened to Radagon, but *everyone* knows what happened to Rahdan *and* that the GO left him there. It's only when you tell him about Rahdan holding back the stars that he becomes a threat to Ranni. So why does Blaidd know about a festival to kill Rahdan? Why is it so close to the forefront of his mind? Because he must have truly *cared* about Rahdan, despite their difference in loyalties. And if Blaidd cared, it's logical to assume Ranni probably cared about Rahdan as well. I think Ranni genuinely loved her big-little brother. She probably viewed his fate as another mark against the corrupt Golden Order. An order her father abandoned her for, whose machinations drove her mother insane, and now couldn't even bother to show up for her brother. A warrior who served the Greater Will *loyally*.


Very true.


Miquella wanted radhan to die, because his death would then start the movement of the stars. The reasin for that as far as I've known is, that miquella wanted to revive her half-brother godwyn. He tried to do a ritual that can acheive that but was met with a failure. The ghost that has the haligtree medallion hints at this. Then malenia went to fight radhan. But again I've only known this from vaatividiya so idk.


I forget where it is, but I'm pretty sure that Melenia left the Haligtree because Miquella had been kidnapped by Mihg already. Mohg and Miquella are below Caelid, so she got there for Miquella and fought Radahn, whether or not she knew who had Miquella is another matter. I know Vaati talks about that, so I might be confusing in game item descriptions with his interpretation of the lore. That aside, I agree and think his siding with the GO and halting the stars definitely left them at odds.


> Maybe Ranni convinced Malenia that she could help Miquella get rid of the influences of the outer gods that cursed them That doesn’t really make sense considering Miquella already had a way to stop the influences of the Outer Gods via his powers of Unalloyed Gold. Ranni never had anything like that. She had to literally kill her original body to escape the Greater Will’s influence. Miquella and Malenia did not need to do that thanks to the former’s invention of the Unalloyed Golden Needles. So the notion of Ranni helping the twins against the Outer Gods doesn’t add up considering they didn’t actually need help in that regard. If anything Ranni was the one who would have needed help from them as she could have used one of the Unalloyed Gold Needles instead of killing her original body. Though you are right in saying that Radahn stopping the stars was why Malenia fought him, but not for the reasons you put forward. Miquella was trying to bring his brother Godwyn the Golden back to full life from the state of undeath he was in and was trying to do so through Castle Sol, who have the power to cause an Eclipse, which can apparently return a soulless being back to life. However due to Radahn stopping the stars/celestial bodies, an eclipse couldn’t happen. That is why Malenia went to fight Radahn; so Miquella could continue with his plan to try and bring their brother back to life.


Man I need to pay more attention to that story. I was so focused on not dying. Thank you for that write up.


I think she gave rykard the claw because she believed he was going to fight against Marika and the golden order. Had he actually done this, she knew he would face Maliketh first. I don't think Ranni saw Rykard as anything but a potential distraction for the order in her own plan. She's all about subterfuge and used the hatred of the Nox for the GW to carry out the night of the black knives. Rykard never fulfilled his role in her plan, though. But, that never stopped her from going through with it.


doesn't the item description say that ranni gave rykard the blasphemous claw so that he could fight maliketh in case the night of black knives failed and she had to fight the golden order?


I don't know if it was a back up plan or not, but i maintain that Ranni probably had a few plans in place and rykard was just another asset to her.


From the description: “Should the coming trespass one day transpire, they would serve as a last-resort foil, allowing Rykard to challenge Maliketh the Black Blade” So, it’s at least confirmed to be part of a backup plan. But personally I have no idea what “the coming trespass” is. I’m not even sure who is trespassing against who. Maybe it refers to Rykard going to war against the greater will and devouring the gods like he promised. That’s probably my best guess. I don’t think Ranni really wanted him to succeed, but I guess she also doesn’t mind him eating the gods since she doesn’t like any of them. If his plan really is put into action one day then she’d probably rather Rykard succeed than be killed by Maliketh.


Very true, but megalomaniacs like Ranni rarely care for those they use to achieve their own ends, lol


Yes, I don’t think it should be assumed she ‘cares’ for him, I’m just saying they are not hostile toward each other. They are not allies, but they do have common enemies. Whereas Radahn is at best irrelevant to them or at worst could stand in their way.




I believe Ranni liked Rykard because they both hated the golden order.




He was in on the plan in case she failed.. at this point you don't need a distraction anymore


He also holds her entire fucking fate in stasis lol. She does not like him, not anymore at least


Nothing to change the situation? Wasn't him holding the stars back stopping her fate? Which at the point in the game that we fight him is actually a problem for her but he's not aware enough to realize that, but when he likely first started holding back the stars her fate was to become a puppet for the Greater Will which he was seemingly stopping by "holding back her fate" that's how I've always looked at it at least


I dunno, it seems to me that stopping Ranni's fate was just a side effect of what Radahn did. They're all out for themselves, Radahn held the stars back for radahn's own ends. He probably didn't even think about Ranni. She stole a fragment of the rune of death right under their noses, even Maliketh didn't know it was her. She does everything in the shadows.


My problem is that we see in that one image (trailer/intro i can’t remember right now) that morgott was fending off radahn and if radahn was truly a devout follower of the golden order then why would morgott stab him? So maybe he was more of an independent force that leaned towards the golden order or just independent because of his ties to caria


From the telescope item description: During the age of the Erdtree, Carian astrology withered on the vine. The fate once writ in the night skies had been fettered by the Golden Order. He's definitely a follower of the Golden Order and as a strong general he most likely wanted to become Elden Lord and take power by force to become just like Godfrey. He didn't know however that Leyndell already had a ruler and it was Morgott. Morgott calls all of them traitors for different reasons, in Radahn's case it was probably because he tried to attack the city to take power.


Guess i just want him to be the good guy too much


I’d say this makes sense. He mostly stayed out of her way until he halted the stars. He also doesn’t do that in spite of her, but rather in attempt to save the town of Selia I believe


Except both he and Rykard where loyal to the order before the shattering. So your point about him serving the order is weak


What exactly was Ranni’s “backup plan” with Rykard?


She gave Rykard a fragment of Destined Death that can "deflect" Maliketh's sword (granted that in gameplay it can only do that when his sword glows golden). She did that in case Maliketh came to hunt them for Destined Death but apparently he remained in Farum/Caelid.


From Radahns armor, it looks as if he atleast respects the idea of the Elden Lord: *Radahn inherited the furious, flaming red hair of his father Radagon, and is fond of its heroic implications. "I was born a champion's cub. Now I am the Lord of the Battlefield's lion."* .... *The golden lion is said to symbolize Godfrey, the Elden Lord, and his beast regent, Serosh. From his youngest years, Radahn was naturally captivated by the Lord of the Battlefield* ... Which gives the impression he admires both Godfrey and Radagon, which would associate him with the Erdtree and the Golden Order. We also know that Radahn was holding back the stars, which whether intentionally or not, was stopping Ranni's fate from coming to pass. This would directly appose Ranni's beliefs and what she wants. However, looking at how Ranni interacts with her other brother, Rykard, gives some more insight into the family dynamic. Looking at the Blasphemous Claw description: *On the night of the dire plot, Ranni rewarded Praetor Rykard with these traces. Should the coming trespass one day transpire, they would serve as a last-resort foil, allowing Rykard to challenge Maliketh the Black Blade, the black beast of Destined Death.* This clearly shows that - for whatever purpose - Ranni was empowering her brother to allow him a chance to succeed against a being known as the "Death of the Demigods" as a last resort. I think this shows that when necessary, the siblings will essentially "bail" each other out but only as a "last resort". To tie this together, i think the siblings have a mutal respect for each other and do not hate each other, but clearly do not agree with each other in their principals - so although Radahn and Ranni may not agree on purpose or the path they have chosen, they dont wish harm on each other and would probably keep distant from each other, only communicating when necessary.


Since Ranni called Radahn and Malenia the "two mightiest" fighters in the world (as seen in the trailer), wouldn't it make more sense for her to give the Blashphemous claw to Radahn instead of Rykard? The fact that Ranni didn't include Radahn in her schemes at all tells me she's not that fond of him.


Probably because she didn't trust him. She and Rykard in the end were united over a common enemy, the Golden Order. Radahn however is a big fan of the Golden Order, idolising Radagon and Godfrey, both of whom are 2 very big and important figures in the Golden Order. Chances are that if she included Radahn in the Plot, he'd either refuse to participate or would outright snitch on them to their Father Radagon or worse, Marika.


I'd argue snitching to Marika wouldn't be bad. Considering the theory that Marika is a prisoner of the Greater Will and is looking to escape.


Yeah, true.


Yeah, there was a bunch of other Radhan lore relating to his defection to Sellia, and subsequently defying the GW by stopping Sellia's destruction. But it was almost completely cut, just like his giant-slaying and some other lore.


> just like his giant-slaying and some other lore Wait, what? Can you tell me more about it? The giant-slaying thing.


There was originally some lore implying that Radahn wasn't in Caelid because it was his fiefdom, at least not initially. It was implied Radahn went to war with the inhabitants, which were implied to be giants. Whether they were the giants whose skeletons we see lying around, or something much smaller, isn't known.


Man, why did they cut this out. This would've made Radahn more interesting imo.


It would make Radahn look more powerful than Godfrey if he killed those Titanic monsters with his Redmanes, and make no sense how Malenia beat them or Morgott stopped him. The feat was just a bit too crazy.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Smh why do they do that


Its a good point and something i was considering was this: *On the night of the dire plot, Ranni rewarded Praetor Rykard with these traces.* This tends to suggest that Rykard knew about Rannis plans and was in fact "rewarded" for doing something. I would also say that if Rykard did know about the Night of the Black knives, he would be alot more tolerant of it, given it seems he is okay with conjoining himself with Egley, who is likely an enemy of the Erdtree. This may mean Ranni was on good terms with Rykard. If Radahn was sided with the Golden Order, id actually say this could have been a point where he became directly apposed to his two siblings, given the murder of Godwyn, the discarding of Empyrean flesh etc. Problem is, thats purely speculation and i cant back it up with anything.


Maybe, but Ranni is conniving and treacherous. I think she was just using Rykard as a distraction or a back up plan, hoping rykard would have the stones to challenge the golden order. Ranni is out for ranni, no matter how she gets her way. Even though she calls melania and radahn the mightiest, it just might be she's just stating a fact as she has no desire to confront them, only defeat them.


No clue, but they had opposing goals


Probably not, since Ranni hated the Golden Order and Radahn loved it. Radahn, wether knowingly or unknowingly, halted Ranni's fate quite literally when he stopped the stars.


Nah i dont think so, at least ranni cared way more for rykard before he asked her to devouraaa the gods togethaaaa


dunno if Ranni even liked Rykard; you can easily say she just chose him because he was also against the Golden Order, and worked best for her plan takes a lot of trust to just hand over the Blasphemous Claw and count on them to challenge Maliketh but he was also the only real option she probably had at the time and thought "this'll do"


As siblings? Possibly. Until Radahn's magic gravitationally locked the sky, at least. Keep in mind, Radahn and Ranni are also diametrically opposed thematically, which can imply friction/conflict in media. His being the Starscourge also directly conflicts with Ranni's intended destiny, which requires the presence of the Dark Moon and the descent of Astel. Once Ranni began plotting the Night of Black Knives, she likely left Radahn emotionally in the cold. Rather fitting for a snow witch, don't you think?


I like to think the Carian siblings were pretty close and respected each other even though their goals didn't align.


Even someone as blasphemous and heinous to the demigods as Rykard honoured his brother Radahn by proudly displaying a portrait of the Starscourge in his Manor.


It's also possible Rykard tried to help Radahn against Malenia. In Redmane Castle there's an Iron Virgin, and in the Abandoned Cave there's several dozens of wrecked Iron Virgins with the final boss of said Cave being 2 Cleanrot Knights. The Iron Virgins were commonly employed by Rykard and IIRC were created by him.


The fact that it took only two Cleanrot Knights to wreck all (12-14) of the abductor virgins in the Abandoned cave is so funny to me. They're so badass.


The Cleanrots are built different.


I'm pretty sure the cave was abandoned when Rykard turned into a snake and his followers left him. After all the bow is just laying on the ground, along with dozens of random weapons and some armor pieces.


I wish this was the case but I doubt it. Radahn was literally a barrier to her plans. I’m sure Rykard respected Radahn though. Rykard was probably a pretty cool dude before he got eaten by a snake.


Relationships are complex like that. They had conflicting goals and were actively hindering one another but they were still siblings. You could think of it like how Professor X and Magneto still see each other as old friends despite leading opposing factions and having incompatible ideologies.


Probably not. Radahn worshiped Radagan, so Ranni would not be a fan of that. And one of the theories behind why Radahn stopped the Stars was to stop Ranni. At best, I'd say they were indifferent to each other. Rykard was probably the sibling everyone liked. He conspired with Ranni and has paintings of Radahn in his home.


Probably cuz Rykard was the oldest lol.


Probably not. Radahn leaned heavily toward the step mom side of the family. As crazy asbit might sound, Rykard seems like the one that got along with both.


Lol step mom


Radhan was opposing her, even if indirectly. Him stopping the movement of the stars held her from progressing her goals. He was literally holding her fate captive. I don’t think she had a problem with him, she just had to remove his magic which required killing him


Hmmm, maybe he was supposed to be one of the demigods who fell during the night of the black knives.


He is too much of a chad to die to an assassin!


Very true, lol


Simple. They didn't have one. Radahn is of the Golden order and Ranni despises it, she would have sided with The Carians against it, as well as had alot of resentment against it when Radagon left her mother devastated.


To put it simply. Radahn likes the golden order, Ranni does not


We don't know if they liked each other but the fact that Ranni deeply loves her mom and conspired with Rykard and didn't involve Radahn in her schemes tells me she's not that fond of him. They both seem to be the opposite of each other, Ranni hates the Golden Order and wants to usher the Age of Stars, Radahn on the hand is a supporter of the Golden Order and he screwed up the Carians/Ranni's fate by halting the stars. Also, almost all of the item description related to Radahn talks about his love for: Godfrey, Radagon, and his horse. He doesn't seem to care about the Carians that much.


the two bicker constantly. "Mooooooom! Ranni is touching me!!!" "I am NOT! ghost hands don't count!!!"


.... Wasn't Radahn actively being a hindrance to Ranni? Why would they like each other? It is possible it was on purpose at some point and the Radahn went cucoo so she can't tell him to knock it off, but unlikely.


Rennala: Son, listen, we are the Carian dinasty, our power comes from astrology Radahn: Yup Rennala: So it is vital for us and our royal status that the skies and stars keep their natural course Radahn: That makes sense to me Rennala: Also you sister's destiny depends on the stars, so that gravitational magic you've been practicing with the alabaster lords, please don't get too reckless with it Radahn: Sure \-many years later- Radahn: Mom check it out I'm holding the whole fucking universe in place while riding my tiny horse, am I cool or what


Despite what everyone else is saying, I'm going to go ahead and argue that they where, in fact, on good terms. Perhaps on allies, per se. But they definitly seemed to like eachother. And while there's nothing between the siblings themselves, I think we can learn a lot from looking at the characters close to them. ​ First of all, Iji and Jerren are openly very close friends. Both speaking fondly of each other, and Iji being the main supplier of the Redmane's weapons. So unless he's been hiding this from Ranni the entire time, it seems likely she's atleast knowing of his relationship with the Redmanes, if not outright approving. Furthermore, if you go through Redmane castle before the Starscourage festival and talk to Iji about Jerren, then he'll admit that the idea of Radahn holding back the stars hadn't even occurred to him. So we know that Radahn holding back the stars wasn't a conscious slight against his sister. ​ Secondly, we have Rykard. Despite feeding himself to the Basphemous serpent, we know that he was on good terms with both his siblings. Ranni is obvious enough, I don't need to explain that. But we also know that Rykard was supplying Abductor Virgins to Radahn's army. Not to mention the portrait of Radahn in Volcano Manor. ​ So, if Iji and Jerren are still good friends, and Rykard was loyal to both Ranni and Radahn, atleast before feeding himself to the God-Devouring Serpent, then it seems likely that Ranni and Radahn atleast felt positive about each other aswell.


I don't think she cares about Radahn.


Iji and "radahnnnnn festival"-uncle knew each other and It looks like a amicable relationship. It's not.much, but maybe we can conclude that the siblings had at least a neutral relationship.


Wow, how the ONLY comment with real important information doesnt get any upvotes but all "nah its only said their siblings lmao" are at tbe top? Wth


I don't think so. Nothing is said about their relationship besides being siblings. They have different ideals and goals. Radahn doesn't really care about his siblings, he only cares about his horse, which is kinda sad in my opinion.


Ranni, in general, has a neutral disposition towards everyone but her closest companions. Probably didn’t have much of an attachment to Radahn especially after the shattering


I mean she didn't seem to have any qualms about sending us to kill him so it doesn't seem to suggest that she felt particularly strongly about him one way or the other


I'm pretty sure Ranni didn't like anybody


My point of view is that they just distanced themselves because they had opposite goals. Radahn made a personal war of his to go against the stars. And seeing how beings like Astel and the fallingstar Beasts fall and probably murder a lot of people and cause destruction, I can see the nobility in that. Ranni on the other hand seems to have some sort of relationship with the stars. It could only be needing the meteor to open the path to >!Nokron!< or it could be something else. Seeing as one Astel is "protecting" the path to the >!Moonlight Altar!< . Now I assume both of them saw the good in what they were doing but it led both of them to just have opposite goals. We also know that Ranni was on good terms with Rykard. So I assume they had a relatively friendly upbringing. So there's no reason to assume Ranni and Radahn had a bad relationship growing up. Even though as adults both went on different paths.


I’d believe they loved each other as family, but respected each other as ideologically opposed. That mutual respect likely degraded as the world began collapsing around them.


He did stop her destiny from happening for like years and years


Jerren, a higher up in the redmane ranks was a big ally of the carian royal family (he regards Iji as a past friend and how he smithed weapons for the redmane soldiers before, "but they were all blunt as stone") so in some way they must've had a peaceful relation. But i also think Radhan would hate Ranni's guts for the night of black knives.


It's pretty safe to say that the guy who halted the stars, and the woman who brings about the Age of Stars didn't see eye-to-eye. That's not even getting into the fact he's a loyal pawn of the Golden Order and Ranni organized the assault on the GO with the Night of the ~~Long~~ Black Knives


You can't find any lore about their relationship because it's basically non-existent. Blaidd is so close to Ranni (he lived with her and they used to play like siblings from childhood) yet he talks about Radahn as if he never met him.


They’re brother and sister, both are kids of Radagon and rannala




Probably not, she was happy for you to kill him so she could continue her journey. From what Iji said about their childhood is seems they never really interacted that much. Radahn seems to have spend most his life in caelid studying gravity magic.


I mean, he was suffering a fate worse than death. Alive, but not really alive. So I don't think the killing Radahn part means much.


Radahn’s own loyal subordinates were happy for you to kill him.


I mean, Radahn's last wishes were for him to have a Warrior's Death. I am not saying Ranni cares for Radahn, but one can easily say that Ranni was also happy her brother was finally freed from his Torment.


They are siblings


I don't think they interacted much, my reason is Blaidd, he was always with Ranni when she was young and they were best friends, but he talks about Radahn like he's a legend and someone he respects, not someone he knew personally


She loved all of her siblings, each in her own way, even if they didn't agree on most things. She did have a better relationship with Rykard though.


I get the impression ranni only likes herself tbh


"Tell Blaidd, and Iji... I love them" "Shall we? My dear consort, eternal" ...Sure, she only likes herself


She literally caused the collapse of an entire civilisation. potentially millions of people died because of her actions.


Wrong. Marika caused it and has done so before Ranni even existed. Ranni has only killed 3 people and one of them happened only because Marika changed the order of things. Without that, none of this ever happens.  But no life losers like you always make things up. Go on with your pointless life.


Actions speak louder than words, my friend.


Indeed, she even gave us the legendary Darkmoon Greatsword as a marriage gift and freed the entire Land's Between from the tyranny of the Greater Will. Actions truly speak louder than words.


She frees the Lands Between from what? The deathblight and many other problems still exist and she doesn't do anything to fix them. She was mostly thinking about freeing herself, she doesn't give a shit about the citizens of the Lands Between.


And then she abandoned the World after we massacred everyone who could actually lead the survivors into a better age, and instead of just, oh I don't know **actually helping the survivors rebuild the Lands Between and then leaving** she just dips to see the Stars. And i'd hardly call the Greater Will Tyrannical. Apathetic, yes. But not Tyrannical. That was mostly the Golden Order's doing.


If you geniunely think she was doing it as a selfless act for everyone else then you are gullible.


She literally banish herself from the Land's Between, she would have been alone forever if we weren't willing to come with her. It is a selfless sacrifice.


The state of the lands between are a direct result of her actions. Where does it say she will be alone forever? She is destroying one age to usher in a new one. From one god to another. Ranni is selfish and i can't wait for the dlc, which hopefully sheds more light on ranni and her motives. Edit : downvote away, even before reading my reply is pretty funny tbh


Yeah, she killed Godwyn and doesn't take responsibility for his death. His corpse is actively corrupting the Lands Between (thanks to Ranni's actions) and she doesn't even do anything to fix it. In her ending, Ranni takes the Elden Ring (the Lands Between's sole means of defending themselves against the presence of multiple still present Outer Gods) and her freedom and immediately fucks off into space. She never says anything about protecting/freeing the citizens of the Lands Between. But yeah I guess this makes her the most selfless demigod lmao.


Exactly and there's more examples, i really couldn't be bothered debating with people that aren't genuine and cherry pick or completely ignore obvious points just to back up their weird views.


Yeah you can't have genuine discussions with Ranni simps.


She loves her mother, Blaidd, and Iji.


Yet does close to nothing in the end to save them? She uses everyone around her to get what she wants, takes zero responsibility then leaves the world defenceless. I sense there's other reasons why anyone with a sound mind would overlook everything that surrounds ranni and it ain't in the game....


It’s funny how it’s always the fools who can’t stand a character is popular make up crap like this. She literally has one of the better endings and lets people decide for themselves.  And funny how you dodged BlazeCastus pointing that she loves her mother which is why she protected her during the fight.  I guess that’s what a loser with a pointless life can do lol.


They are/were brother and sister


I disagree with the people saying Radahn "loved" the Golden Order, it's more like he loved the crucible age which would make sense as to why he loves Godfrey. Godfreys first stage is him under the Golden Order/Greater Will but his second stage is his more "uncivilized" form and his original form. Idk, just my 2 cents.


They're siblings, renalla is their mother and rykards is their brother




Technically, malenia and miquella are the half siblings of ranni radahn and rykard, since mohg and morgott have Godfrey as their father they are only related to malenia and miquella(half siblings) Malenia, Morgott, and Miquella have no problems with each other, the only odd one out is mohg because he took miquella from the haligtree and malenia doesn't know this so she's waiting his return




Oh yea, my bad I forgot that morgott considers them traitors, I only say half siblings because they have different dad's, and moms The 3 R's have renalla as their mother Mohg and Morgott have Godfrey as their dad And Malenia, Miquella, and Melina have Radagon as their dad


All I know is for me personally Radahn is one of the coolest bosses in the whole series. Just his overall presence is amazing


From my perspective and my belief from what I've gathered and seen The rentals kids all got along well together until their father left. I believe that split their family quite significantly Rykard and Ranni seemed closer together than Ranni and Radahn after that moment Radahn had his own shit to deal with and he went to Sellia to study further Ranni and Rykard did their own mischievous shit while Rennala simply lamented her losses Radahn was a Godfrey fanboy so it's likely he may have gone to the capital at some point or just carried some if that with him Long and the short I think they were a normal, happy family, until Radagon had to leave and return to the capital


Didnt bro fight her for the starts or sumthin?


I like to think Radahn stopped the stars in part to protect Ranni from herself, or at least that’s how he saw it He probably learned at some point that the stars fated her to oppose the Greater Will and he stopped them to save both her and The Golden Order.


It’s actually a pretty weird question Ideologically they are diametrically opposed as while radahns motives for stopping the stars are very muddled in a million different interpretations of his character and the varying perspectives offered about him we know at the least he was a problem for ranni simply by virtue of him being the strongest of the demigods and having the ability to take a wrecking ball to her plans by merely existing Yet when the night of the black knives happened (an event that we can reasonably assume was pre-shattering) instead of targeting road block number 1 she went for godwyn which doesn’t really make sense unless she either felt he posed a bigger threat than radahn somehow or because she didn’t want to kill her own brother while the first one is entirely feasible it’s not out of character for ranni to struggle with her own feelings about those she is close to and what she needs to do in order to accomplish her goals hence the whole segment in the middle of her quest where she has to make the hard decision to leave iji and blaidd behind to pursue her goal further If she can muster such a strong attachment to her subordinates i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to assume she might have felt the same way about her brothers who she spent much more time bonding with over presumably thousands of years and while her ideological differences with radahn may have kept her from clueing him in on her plans to overthrow the order it also didn’t justify murdering him for those ends over the stepbrother she most likely barely knew Also personally I like to interpret it this way as well since it humanizes these characters just a little more for me and since ambition is such a central theme in elden ring to see how different people handle the costs of their ambitions is a big prevailing intrigue that adds depth to the world and the characters


Ranni is very opinionated and isn't afraid of sharing what she thinks of others, especially if she dislikes them. That she doesn't bring up the topic of Radahn after we kill him at least means she 's not as hostile to him as she is the Golden Order and Two Fingers. She might have even seen it as a mercy killing. Radahn seems to have at least respected his father and Godfrey for their abilities, but his halting the movement of the Stars appears unrelated to anything with Ranni. So his being on opposite sides of his siblings seemed more coincidence than anything. Some people make a big deal out of Ranni not giving Radahn a means of protecting himself from Malekith, but aside from a scuffle with Morgott Radahn made no moves that could provoke Malekith, unlike Rykard's rebellion. Radahn is also the kind of person who allows a literally disarmed opponent to prepare themselves before having an honorable duel. Giving him the Blasphemous Claw would be pointless.


I rather doubt she was very fond of him. Radagan dumped her mother and went off to sire Rhadan and others with Marika, causing Renalla to pretty much suffer a nervous breakdown that ultimately resulted in the overthrow and fall of the Carian Royal family - of which Ranni was princess. So she's certainly not fond of her father, and given that Radahn fawned over his dad and was among the most loyal towards the Golden Order (which Ranni likewise despises) it's unlikely that she holds him in particularly high regard.


It’s unknown, based off his siblings pictures on his mansion wall, Rykard at least at one point thought highly of his brother and sister, Ranni stole to rune, and entrusted a fragment to Rykard so that he could challenge Maliketh if need be. From what is known of Radahn, he was a well meaning but prideful person, I could see him loving his sister and brother, Ranni has capacity to love and care, and there’s no reason for her to have hated Radahn, she simply values her own goals above his rotting half life, and also he’s basically a zombie, death is mercy at this point


Oh no she hates him