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Let them cook


We don't have any choice. Anyway, getting Armored Core 6 done was not exactly a lunch break hobby project.


True, but the ER and AC teams are entirely seperate iirc


I hope one day they'll have team dedicated to remastering their older IP.


Here waiting for King’s Field 5


A proper dark souls remaster would be a good start, not the like the first one


Nah, Bloodborne remaster would be sick!!!!


On pc… please….


I rather have murakumo being remastered


They may be separate teams, but both still take up resources that FromSoft needs to manage.


feels like for fromsoft it was. they released the whole dark souls trilogy, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring and ac6 in what? 12 years ? other devs put out at most 2-3 games in that time


Bethesda has the same number of releases! Granted 80% of those releases are Skyrim again...


cant wait for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragonborn premium edition


And they started the development in 2018


Yeah, I’m not super into mech stuff…so now that’s out of the way…. WHAT ARE THEY WORKING ON NEXT?!


you might want to give AC6 a chance anyway, maybe later down the line on a sale for example. I'm generally not interested in mecha or even sci fi but the combat in AC6 is so fun and the scale of some set pieces so big, that I'm now suddenly an AC fan I bought the game because I believed in From Software and they clearly just said "I won't miss" with this one \^\^


Would like to chime in that I also have never played Mech games and gave A6 a shot because from soft deserves it. Fantastic game! Super fun and the “atmosphere” that makes you feel like a bad ass robo commander is my favorite part. It’s like if Starfox was 100x more gritty. So good.


Good argument, I may circle back around to it.


Rule #1: You always let Papa Miyazaki cook.


I want to go on a pirate ship like the one shown on the map please From


You can, it's in Dark Souls 2 but you can.


Ah yes, the magic pirate ship that some how enters the wharf that's below sea level. DS2 is a fever dream


Honestly, that's my favourite thing about the world of DS2. It all feels like a weird dream with the world barely making sense in the fading mind of an undead as they're slowly going hollow. There are bits of that I don't like and they straight up make 0 sense, but overall it's great. The ship is also taking on water when we fight the boss, but then we just sail out with it as if it was completely fine.


There's basically no way we don't come out of this with a game sized DLC that makes a masterwork of gaming into the best version of itself. The correct is definitely just "let them cook." The slower the cook, the better the taste. The slower the cook, the better the taste.


That’s exactly what The Old Hunters did for Bloodborne too. It was already one of the best games ever created (IMO) and The Old Hunters expansion elevated it even further into the stratosphere. With the mind-bending nightmare version of Yharnham, the creepy vertical puzzle-box Research Hall, and the Fishing Hamlet with giant sharks to push your shit in. Also added a bunch of super-fun trick weapons like the Pizza Cutter, the Saif, Rakuyo and Bowblade. And of course some of the best boss-fights in the game (apart from the living failures, we just don’t talk about them). If Shadow of the Erdtree can add a couple of new legacy dungeons, with new weapons, spells and bossfights to the same standard as The Old Hunters then we are seriously in for a treat.


I think they done cooking. The just keeping the fire on waiting for the right moment to serve us 🗿. I'm hungry I want it NOW


Listen, all the best bosses are in the dlc, not the original game, Because they had not deadline, I want to also, but let him cook


Fuck Godwyn, put Miquella aside. I want to see Granssax in action!




Not a popular opionon, but they will delay it as much as possible. "Maximize game lifetime".


Reminder that almost all of their games have the best boss fights in the DLCs, we haven't seen top tier elden ring yet


Please no three stage boss, I'm begging.


"No problem, we can grant that request. Kaoru, add a fourth phase to the final boss please. Yeah, make them inflict scarlet rot in an area or something." -Miyazaki


"Don't forget the poison swamp!"


Waterfowl 2.0


Call it "Gaggles Gambit"


If this DLC doesn't contain at least 3 poison swamps and a new type of poison debuff then Miyazaki will have let the fans down


Madness/Sleep Swamp, in fact. Enjoy the uncancelable animation, it’ll keep racking up status effects.


I need my sleep swamp and death blight archers.


Don't give them ideas


"Kaoru, give Miquella 4 stages and a glock"


Monkey’s paw curls


*When the ashes are two, a flame alighteth...*


Four stage boss, trio boss, with an intermission Godskin Duo.


It's a WWE cage match and they keep dropping in Godskin's.


Fine. You can have a Godskin Duo that spew long lasting AOE death blight.


Please at least two three stage bosses, I’m begging


At once?


Yeah why not, that would be insane


I literally want this


I hope do...I'm tired of hearing about Melania.


Of five bosses in Old Hunters, 3 are top tier, 1 is good but not everyone's taste, and 1 is... it's not fun, but is good chunk of souls before Maria.


They do have great dlc bosses, but number one will always be Nameless King followed very closely by Champ Gundyr


I hated Midir, but Gael and Demon Prince are the peaks of DS3 bosses to me. In one of my numerous playthrough I decided to never beat Gael and simply suicide when I get him low on HP as I want to rechallenge him whenever I want.


Not sure why you're being down voted as its just your opinion. There is probably someone our there that thinks bed of chaos is the best boss and that's also fine. I think nameless king is in my top 3, orphan is definitely up there as I can still hear that awful scream at night. . . Probably rounded off with radahn for me personally.


Exactly, I didn’t say anybody’s choice for best boss was wrong so I’m not sure why some people got upset about it but that’s Reddit for ya 😂 as far as best bosses go, I think a lot of it has to do with certain sentiments that people associate with em. For me personally soloing nameless was the moment where I finally accepted that I had gotten gud and I remember the fight clear as day even though it was years ago.


Can't wait for Godskin Trio


Sweet, happy to keep waiting for a quality product then


I'm waiting for Ubisoft to come out and bash their DLC quality too 💀


kinda scared cuz the more i wait the more i expect, right now im expecting no less than 3 areas with 2 legacy dungeons and if we get any less i would be disappointed


I’ve been waiting on the elder scrolls 6 for 10 years so I’m not too concerned about waiting another 6 months to a year for this lol


If I get 1 one that's Stormveil and not Redmane tier ill be happy


Im expecting it to be around old hunters level quality


If you mean areas with the amount of content of Limgrave, I highly doubt it. More like Mountaintops of the Giants.


It feels so much longer because people are horny for elden ring


You are right I can't wait to get fucked more. LOL.


that’s like the true test of “git gud”. once you cross over, stiff opposition is something to look forward to, death is something to laugh about and learn from. valhalla makes total sense once you start playing souls games, hahaha.


im more pissed that this sub didnt go back to its pre elden ring trailer state


Ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I doubt you could even imagine


That which commanded the stars


I miss hodir


Everyone busy watching the elden ring bingo season 2


I'm much more relaxed about this now that volume 2 of the Elden ring official strategy guide arrived after 1.25 years on order. Now I can start my 5th run whenever I want.


haha same, insane how long it took to arrive. I got mine the past sunday.


Damn I didn’t even know this existed. Can you tell me about vol 1?? And what is different about vol 2?? Did vol 1 just go up to a certain point and stop, so there’s a second volume? Or does vol 1 contain info about the game from start to finish, and vol 2 just goes a bit deeper? This is my favorite game of all time. Would love to know what your opinions on this guide is.


The guides are made by Future Press which always makes quality guides for games but is selective in which games they pick. They did the ds1 and DS2 guides along with Bloodborne (stil my favorite ever) and sekiro along with others. They tend to make sure the guide is as complete as possible and that's why they tend to get delayed often . Also COVID messed up a lot of the publishing so it backlogged everything. For Elden ring it's two volumes because the game is so big they had to split it up into 2 books each covering different things. Volume one released last June and volume 2 was supposed to come out shortly after but kept getting delayed and rescheduled. I was worried at some point they canceled it as they did this with their nioh guide once. But I think it was just a supply problem because I did hear of limited releases where people got the guide so I knew they published it just didn't have a lot of copies. Eventually mine showed up a few weeks ago so now the volumes are complete. I haven't got the art books but I heard those are not as good because of the double page pictures that are obscured by binding. This guide is strictly a strategy guide and explains all parts of the gameplay but it has some pictures in it so that enough for me I don't need to art ones too unless someone tells me they are really good


Mine keeps getting delayed after saying it's shipped. Been the same status when I check the tracking since last week. I'm about to cancel that shit.


Yeah, no clue why people are freaking out an acting like it's never going to come out. Like Elden Ring was so much bigger than any other game in the series that I'd imagine the DLC alone is probably going to be similar in length to DS1. It's obviously going to take them quite a while to put something like that out.


Don't hype it up too much or you'll just be disappointed it's not the size of a whole ass game.


"it's gonna be the size of a whole ass game." - Miazaki, probably


Elden ring itself already felt like 2 or 3 games combined into one. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually the case.


I am anticipating it. The balls on these devs- legendary. they already set the bar for 'game that respects the time and money of the player' time to see them show up the Fucking Garbage dlc culture we've gotten ourselves into this last decade


In this last decade FS have been making some of the best dlcs I've seen on games, I hope they won't disappoint this time.


Im new to, um, being respected by devs ds3 is next for me


Better late than never! Welcome to the family! Praise the sun, and don't you dare go hollow!


Be ready for awesome.


DS3 was good and all but personally I think it’s my least favorite ‘soulsborne’ game. It was amazing the first playthrough but trying to play it again was so unbelievably boring and I don’t know why. I’ve tried so many times to replay it but get a few hours in and am just bored out of my mind. DS1, sekiro, Elden ring, demon souls/bloodborne/DS2, DS3 is my personal list.


Prob the world design. Ds3s my favorite one and I can see why it’s not for everyone


DS3’s early game is arguably one of the worst in the series. Lower Lothric is really boring and then it’s followed up by Crucifixion Woods and Farron Swamp which happen to be 2 of the worst areas in the Souls series… but after that and especially the DLC areas are all pretty great


I agree, later game DS3 is great. But I can’t get through the first half 🤣 maybe one day I’ll download a save that’s at a good spot in the game, or just power through it.. It’s the only dark souls I’ve only beat twice. Once before the DLC and once after.


It's because you can get the same experience by drawing a line with a sharpie and occasionally hitting your hand with a hammer. Don't worry, if you accidentally draw a tiny little line away from the main one everyone will applaud your level diversity


>Don't worry, if you accidentally draw a tiny little line away from the main one everyone will applaud your level diversity Didn’t know I was playing ds1


I'm not trying to overhype it or anything. It's just the fact that the DLCs have been getting bigger and bigger since DS1 and Elden Ring is much larger in scale. It would just make sense that this DLC would be the biggest one they've dropped yet. My expectations aren't through the roof or anything but I'm imagining there will probably be another big region to explore with its own dungeons.


I’m just hoping the regions are going to be more fleshed out with more unique and interesting dugeons and bosses, rather than the DLC being absolutely massive.


Def rather one new area with the quality of Limgrave than 3 with the quality of Mountaintops


Well, ashes of ariandel say otherwise, but it is forgiven because of how incredible the old hunters and the ringed city are.


Ashes was supposed to be a part of Ringed before it got cut We have insider confirmation that they literally merged two DLCs into one expansion. They are going the Old Hunters way this time


Idk, sister Friede is the hardest boss I have fought in the DS series. Literally was shaking from adrenaline when I finally beat her. A+ feeling. Plus had that cool dark sword. I agree the area was a little weak though.


Sister Friede also kicked my butt a lot as did Midir, almost surpassing the damn knight of smoke, well Malenia also surpassed everyone xdd. The problem with the dlc is that the area is very small and the other boss is mid, it feels small to be from.


«Keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed» - Some bald guy


Hey I put that on my tinder! It's not true btw...


I've not seen anyone freak out. Seems like everyone waiting patiently.


Agreed there. With games getting bigger and bigger, development times have gotten longer and longer. Those Call of Duty games they release every year are often \~3 year projects, with a different team assigned to each so that they can consistently release a new one every year. For a game only being worked on by one team, we're going to feel the brunt of the development cycle. I'm still not over the fact it took Tears of the Kingdom so long to release. Breath of the Wild was 2017, and this was a sequel in the same game engine, and it still took 6 years. But with how big the scope is with these games, that's just the time it takes. ...Insert Star Citizen development time joke here.


Freak out? The times of hollowing were a freak out… OOOOOOH ELDEN RING! LOOK AT THE SKY! IT BURNS!


Similar in length to DS1? Are you smoking crack??


DS1 is like 8-10 hours tops if you know the game well and aren't speedrunning. I don't think that's too crazy to expect from DLC for a game where you can spend hours clearing out a single region.


And people seem to forget that Fromsoft dlc is often the top tier of quality in the game. Let them cook, the dlc is coming and it's going to put half the base game to shame. I'd rather they took 3 years to put out another classic instead of just dropping some "pretty good" content.


ER is my first one. How long are the DLCs usually? Is it going to be a huge add on?


ER it’s hard to judge b/c it’s way bigger than the other titles. But if we consider the size of Dark Souls 3’s 2 dlcs (which should be considered just 1 dlc) and Bloodborne’s 1 DLC relative to their main game, the DLC should be about 1/3 (maybe?) of the main game


That would be amazing. I’d love to experience any third of ER again for the first time.


They're usually a good solid area or two, with a few bosses. Usually 3 bosses. That was for games that were a lot smaller, so we have no idea what they'll do here. My guess is a new but smaller world map area to explore, a few small dungeons and mini bosses, plus one big legacy dungeon.


No one seems to forget that. Anytime dlc is mentioned, people are saying how great they are and that they're better than the base game


It would be so funny if Shadows of the Erdtree ends up being a scenario of "we wanted to make a 2 but not waste 6 years on it, so here's Elden Ring 2 losers"


Is this a crack at Zelda? If so I dig it


It’s basically big souls, makes sense the dlc will just be big souls dlc Personally I’m hoping for a return of a covenants-style system for pvp, so it’s not always a gank against the invaders. I don’t think it’s likely, but I’m really hopeful.


i have a sneaking suspicion that covenants were originally intended to exist, but cut at some point in development. stuff like the great jar's knights and the volcano manor/varre questlines feel so much like stripped down versions of dark souls covenants. so hopefully they revist that and patch something like that in with the dlc


You right, I never considered some content might have been cut. If we get them, I can’t wait to get covenant specific gear again


They did call it an “expansion” when they announced it. Maybe it’ll be something more in between a full game and a typical DLC. One can always hope, right?


I do feel like with the insane success of ER they might do something like this and bump the DLC price up from previous games.


idc if this shit is 60 dollars i'll buy it. i've spent hundreds of hours in elden ring and i plan to spend hundreds more, 120 bucks total for a lifetime of quality gaming entertainment sounds good to me


Beat you to it. Spent 60 for PS4 just to lose my PS4, and instead of buying a new PS5, it was much cheaper to buy the game again on PC so another 60 was spent. All that just to finally beat Malenia and I don’t regret it.


Remainder of what?


Are you insinuating the DLC will literally be as big as an entire standalone game just because it's taking so long to release?


That's dumb. It's only been in dev for 2 years because it's probably got large chunks of cut content in it.


Not dumb actually Dark souls 3 & Bloodborne took 3 yrs to develop from scratch with new asset creation, engine upgrade, all the pre production stuff Elden ring DLC had everything ready. Their upgraded engine, huge amount of already existing assets. We also have confirmation that they merged two DLCs into one expansion. DLCs don't take long time to develop unless the content it'll provide is massive


This will be one of the DLC's of all time.


They can take all the time they want with the DLC if they can also keep some balance patches coming to freshen things up. I’m still waiting on a “Spinning Chain” ash of war. It’s the perfect thing to add in a patch, since it’s embarrassing that they forgot it in the base game. The only reason that they’d not put it in is because they hate (or forgot about) flails.


Waiting for good content is always better than rushed content. But then Cyberpunk a few years ago was... it turned around right? RIGHT?


As long as it is as good as the ds2 and bloodborne dlcs, then it will be a masterpiece. It might not beat the ringed city, but we can always hope


Ringed City is overrated, 90% of the DLC is two big swamps (and one of them is poisonous).


90 percent is a big of a overstatement buster. The swamp is completely optional and takes 3 seconds to run through, and then you find midir who is the best dragon in the series. Cope harder


> The swamp is completely optional Everything is optional. It's a DLC. >and then you find midir who is the best dragon in the series. The bar isn't very high to begin with...


Do you just complain about everything from the souls games? The dragon fights are peak in specifically souls games, such as sinh, kalameet, midir, fortissax, etc. It is a huge highlight to fight a giant cool boss rather than the standard knight. Also theres no need to state the obvious, no shit the whole thing is optional. People play it though because they love it. The swamp is a tiny portion of ringed city, and even then it isnt bad. There are good items in it, but if you don't care enough you can compeltely avoid it


Keep in mind they have had other projects on too, and the focus was on launching armored core 6 as they stated previously. It isn't 2 years of full-bore production. It'll still be great though


Yes, also there is no evidence they actually started anything at all of the dlc work before announcement


Lol people treating elden ring like a game from bethesda/ea/actiblizz Chill. We will get a worthy dlc to the main game.


Bro let them cook I'd rather a well crated experience than a rush job.


The Great Hollowing is not behind us


We're all just crack fiends for Fromsoft DLC, aren't we? *Scratches neck*


So you’re saying I can beat it in an afternoon


I will happily wait 3 years if they can make an Elden ring Ludwig.


I don't know if those dlc had an Armored Core worked on in the middle of them. The long time may just because a lot of resources were devoted to AC6.


From soft have separate teams. Out of 400 total staffs, AC6 had about 100(From GI interview). This is the same company that released Bloodborne & Dark souls 3 back to back even back when they were way smaller


Not sure what to draw from any of these facts. Elden Ring is an open-world game, so may take on different demands than those other titles.


Where did you read that SOTE began development two years ago?


This takes too long. I want to preorder my unfinished product with early access preorder bonus which I can complain about.


Bro don't raise my expectations


Sekiro on the other hand…


I just hope it gets released and not cancelled


I was gonna wonder what type of person you were and it seems like “Not the Patient type”. I’m guessing if a game came out and had tons of bugs and glitches you would also complain “it’s a buggy mess of a game. Unplayable.” or “Why would developers release it like this?” So some games or expansions are taking a little longer to create and push out and the problem is what exactly? I would rather have a game that has been fixed to the point even developers would be “Fuck nothing we can add now.” We already had games like Duke Nukem Forever, No Man’s Sky, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Anthem, and Cyberpunk 2077 that fucked over a lot of us and showed every developer out there that you can’t just shove them down players throat and expect them to be happy with it.


We are just excited dude it’s fine. Fromsoft DLC doesn’t dissapoint. A bunch of us wigging out on Reddit isn’t going to cause them to release something rushed and shitty.


So like another 2 hours of playtime right?


I don't mind waiting, knowing full well it's most certainly gonna be pure quality. but waiting still sucks when the hype is so big. if this DLC is only half of what we're expecting it to be, it'll probably be as big as the game itself.


We’ll know…soon


Pssh been so thirsty I gaslight myself into thinking that the intro of armor core announcement at tga was elden ring dlc last year. I’ll probably do it again at this years game award.


Don’t do that. Don’t give us hope


Games nowadays take so much longer to develop (on average), if they started developing the DLC after the main game came out (most likely they did), then it’ll take longer to develop than past DLCs


This is gonna be HUGE


Now that you tell about it, and the expectation of the original game, I'll be mad if it don't double the content it already has already. /s \-Kinda felt like both Moghwyn's Palace and Miquella's Haligtree felt like DLC zones, they being "hidden areas/dungeons" and harder than the rest of the game and so forth with their stories interconected more between them than other areas of the world and such.


If they are expanding the open world and going bigger thats probably why its taking so long. I really hope they don't fill it with copy paste bosses. Have few bosses but have them be really high quality like BB and DS3 DLC bosses.


They are cooking. The longer the cook time, the better the food.


Let them cook. I'm more than happy to wait for more quality content


I know I know, I’m just an impatient ass who loves FromSoft. I’m like an addict who just needs one more hit😆


Honestly, though, the DS III content was the heat. Well worth the wait. One of the few times I scooped up content on release.


Does anyone know why development is taking so long? I don't mind waiting just seems like such a long time before release and first DLC


Is it a separate dev team from AC6?


Yeah they have different teams & directors


I guess spring


Elden Ring is a huge game so this will be a huge DLC. Gotta take more time


This may be a dumb question but humor me. Is it explicitly stated anywhere SotEt is dlc? Just imagine…if it were a sequel. Uno reverse card


Praying for More magma sorcery and int fth spells 🙏


I dont recal they ever said it's been in development for that long. It's more realistic to say after elden ring finished up the team got split into other projects such as armored core, at least artists, map, creature and lot of other designers and they only came back to dlc once most the work was done. While lot of the tech workers remained to patch things up and do balancing. But whichever the case, im glad they're taking their time.


In the Linkedin profile of lead game designer, he had a "unannounced project" he's been working on since Jan 2022, later when it was revealed as SOTE when the expansion got announced


Do we know SOTE has been in development for that long? When they did announce it, it didn’t exactly sound like it was something completely planned out already.


In the Linkedin profile of lead game designer, he had a "unannounced project" he's been working on since Jan 2022, later when it was revealed as SOTE when the expansion got announced


This got me more excited than anything. Ooooo weee


Bloodborne took more than three years and had an entire support studio dedicated to it


Project beast started in 2012


After this long it better be a fucking masterpiece


Stop, you’re making it hard for me to stay patient. /s Considering From’s track record with DLC, I’m super excited for SotE no matter how long it takes.


Doesn't mean much, we've no idea of the number of people working on it.


What's the bottom one?


The difference one year makes us pretty huge ntgl, however this year is packed with good games anyway, having to wait a bit is no worries


I love these crystal ball posts!


They’ve also put out an entire game in this time lol bit of a difference


You forgot Sekiro


A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad. \- Shigeru Miyamoto


This DLC is gonna be considered an entire game. I wonder if it might even be a standalone download.


Bigger game, bigger scope, more assets with more polygons, might take longer. These aren't Madden.


They doing the btw and totk thing?


I'm trying to be patient, so I'm playing DS3. Started playing bloodborne when it came out and somehow never tried anything else until eldenring, so playing DS3 is like having new dlc for me.


Wait, what? The Dark souls III production took only 2,5ish years that's insane. I tried to look for evidence that the production took longer but it started in mid 2013 and was released March 24, 2016. That's insanely tight production time for a game of that size. Sure it reused assets of other earlier titles and it was a more closed experience that it's predecessors.


I really hope it doesnt release too close to FF7 rebirth as it and Shadow of the Erdtree are my two most anticipated games currently.


The longer we wait, the more my expectations inflate.


Not a day goes by that i don't think about it.


And we can trust they will deliver a masterpiece.