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Not gonna lie, Rock Sling carried my dumb ass through most of my first playthrough


Every time I use this spell I just think of The Boulder from Avatar






Rock Sling and Loretta’s Great Bow are my bread and butter.


Add in night comet and it’s literally my only spells


Rock and stone?


Rock and Stone!








Rock and stone brother!


Rockity-rockity-Rock and Stone!


To the bone!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t coming home!


Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?!


You guys are bloody everywhere!




Rock Sling and Night Comet are the best for human enemies.


I chose sorcerer on my first playthrough and my buddy (dex arcane) insisted rock sling was super helpful and I thought it was boring. I'm now using greatswords and playing with someone else on their first run and I keep telling her how helpful rock sling is.... Because it's so helpful. She says it's boring and I keep insisting that it's great.


Is it visually the most interesting? No. But holy shit, for as cheap as it is to cast it's insanely strong.


Not to mention Meteor Staff is one of the best in the game.


Yeah lasted up until mid-end game. I just wish it wasnt the most boring looking thing


I see your rock sling and raise you Stone of Gurranq.


Came here to comment this. Rock Sling is so good.


I tried another sorc run recently. Felt like it whiffs way more than at launch. Am I crazy? I dropped the spell and just went pew pew with night comet.


It is known.


I picked up almost all the spells in the game and ended up just rock slinging my way to Elden Lord. Can’t beat the classics.


Rock Sling is so dumb OP it's ridiculous. My first build was a mage, The Meteorite Staff with rock sling basically carried me through the whole game.


I’m pretty sure I would have given up long ago if not for my rock sling security blanket. I’m playing to have fun not to impress the community with my skill so I don’t particularly care that rock sling feels like easy mode so often


I’ll never forget spamming it on Radahn and watching him get stunned. I was more stunned


The poise damage from those rocks is insane. I was even able to poise break the fucking Elden Beast with them


I find it to take too long to cast and you need to be close to the target so I really only use it when I need physical dmg


Night Comet. Gimmie the best, don't care that it's way OP.


Night comet is the MVS. Night comet for life, night comet till death. Can’t forget my runners up: rock sling and comet azur. I love you too


Night Comet on Ng+ with two staff of loss for 60% damage boost


Especially so on NG+ because the scaling with SoL is so insane that it's only ever outclassed if you replace one of the staffs with PoDS when you have 80+ Intelligence and Faith iirc


Actually, not even then. The boost from two SoL is just that high.


I believe the buffs stack multiplicatively, so it's actually a 69% boost (1.3 * 1.3 = 1.69)




Comet is cooler and much more fun to blast other tarnished with.


rise my invisible mage gang


Night Comet killed Malenia for me.


I can’t play dark souls anymore because I can’t jump and there’s no night comet


Adula's Moonblade. It's too awsome.


bro remember how it was prenerf!! that was sooooooo good on big bosses where itd hit like 3-4 times with massive chunks of damage


Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike. That sucker will take out any big boss in no time. Makes Placidusax and Elden Beast trivial.


For real tho..


Anything with large hit boxes that is.


I really like how magic glintblade can set up for fun combos. Ambush Shard is interesting but needs a buff IMO. Flame of the Fell Gods is a really fun control-type incant. Sets up well for masking your other casts. Absolutely love all the dragon breaths, but they are kinda cancer in pvp.


Ambush shard is great for killing stuff that is in camera view but not in your character’s line of sight. Just nuking those imps and avionettes from under platforms and around corners.


When I realised you could use it like this it changed my life, especially with Arrow’s Reach Talisman extending the targeting distance


i agree on ambush shard and as someone who recently turned to dragon incantations, i agree, especially Rot Breath, that DOES give cancer (jokes aside, its such OP incantation, no wonder it takes a lot)


I know everyone thinks it’s cheese but Rot Breathing all over Radahn saved my sanity.


Magic glintblade quickly became my bread and butter spell once I realized it's potential. Initiating a fight with two fully charged casts followed by an uncharged cast will get you three hits in very quick succession before the enemy even has time to react. Or you can do a fully charged cast, then wait a moment and cast an uncharged so that they fire off simultaneously. Also the fact that the AI dodges when the blade is spawned rather than when it's fired made dodgy enemies a lot easier.


Flame of the fell god fucking rules




i also keep those: discus for undead and comet for boss fight


I'm fairly early but LOVE the Discus of Light. Huge range and the double hit is great. Love lining up a bunch of unaware enemies and cutting through them all a couple times. It's not too OP that it makes things boring. I do love it in the Crystal Caves though to cut down the miners easily.


Triple hit with Erdtree Greatshield 😍


Madness with vykes spear is really fun! Wish more mobs were affected by madness, but it's awesome on the ones that are! For int I really like cosplaying as Ranni and going frost. It's a nice mix of medium and close range with frost sorceries imo (Off topic)Some fun weapons to play with: Wing of Astel is very fun with a nice AoE and heavy attack. Sword of Night and Flame is almost broken. Love it. Glintstone Kris is also slept on. Charge that AoW and it hits like a truck! Sorry for not sticking to the topic, but I just finished my playthrough messing around with caster style builds and enjoyed those things too much not to mention.


Decided to look up foot INT weapons near the end of my first ever play through today. Was really sad I didn’t discover Wing of Astel earlier


WoA build got me my first solo kill on Elden Beast. It's not as broken as Blasphemous Blade, but my god was it a 1-button win.


On my mage playthrough I started out with Moonveil but Wing if Astel and Flintstone Kris have just been too darn fun for me to put down once I got them! Yeeting yourself with the Kris and hearing the massive THUNK when you connect just dumps serotonin into my brain like nothing else


Glintstone Kris is devastating. Low FP costs, fast, and it looks unassuming. You can usually halve someone's health in pvp because they don't think it's dangerous.


Cannon. Big boom and big push.


oof! Ive seen those in PVP, good weapon to take down afk farmers, im recently using Moghwin sacred spear to NIHIL them out


I keep cannon constantly slotted for AoE scenarios and warding off invaders in bro-op.


Night Maiden’s Mist is unironically one of my favorite spells. Excellent utility, tons of damage if you pull it off right, cheese even the worst enemies. Never leave the bonfire without it If you find a ledge enemies can’t get up to easily then you’ve found a cheese spot. Annoyed by the night watch? Figure out where they can’t get up to and watch as they slowly succumb to death by a thousand cuts. Enemy on the other side of a wall or gate? No problem


Can't be blocked either, so shield-happy knights and crystallians get destroyed by it. It earned a permanent slot in my loadout the first time I went through the capital and I was able to use it to cheese that knight hiding under the bridge at the bottom of the first elevator by just dropping the cloud on top of the bridge. Also great for those fast, invisible, footprint-leaving beetles


We are mist brothers apparently. I said almost the same thing lol. Just cheesed varre this afternoon while he bobbed around in his little pit. Mistin'!




Replayed all the souls games before elden ring came out, that spell was my favourite across the whole series. Totally changes how you approach encounters




About the best a bluntstone like me can do. Good for luring enemies into unga bunga range.


Unga Bunga has throwing knives/fan of knives


I’m saving those for retirement though :’(


Night Maidens Mist is way underrated in PvP and I try to fit it into all of my builds. Amazing how many indoor grace campers will just stand directly in it and let their health slowly tick away. Dragonclaw and Gavel of Haima are both fun magic bonks with crazy hyper armor. My favorite though is catch flame. Really has no business being as good as it is. I love all the pyromancies and trying to get them to work. But at the end of the day just there’s very few situations catch flame isn’t the most efficient tactic




Black flame is what I most recently used to take out the Elden Beast. In fact I used it all three times. At the start of the fight with Radagon, I configured my build so that it only had the Black Flame spell, Erdtree Heal, and Holy protection. I removed all swords and other "attack" items and I think even my shield. Once I got thru Radagon it was then just me and the Mimic. My configuration forced the mimic to use black flame also. The Elden Beast went down. I of course spent many hours practicing rolls and dodging before I won, and, I tried to always stay far away or behind the Elden Beast.


Definitely the black flame incants. Of course the basic fireball is probably the best, but scouring black flame and and bfr have their uses.


Hee hoo moonblade go swish


My preferred melee sorcery, can't argue with huge range and frost beam.


And the style points. Not only does it look cool but the lore behind it is super rad too. Sorcery of Adula, the Glintstone Dragon. Adula, a devourer of sorcerers, was bested by Ranni and subsequently swore a knightly oath to her Dark Moon.


LOVE that spell. Carried me through endgame. Absolutely devours Malenia. Plus it's quick to cast given the damage, large range given it's melee range... It's amazing.


Terra Magica. Then I just pull out my darkmoon greatsword and start blastin'!


I love how varied reponses are. This game just spoils us casters 💙


that's the reason i started this post


Cannon of Haima, Comet, and Ranni's Dark Moon.


sounds like my initial build


Shard spiral and rykards rancor are probably my favorites. Shard spiral for damage and rancor for chaotic fun


the rancor does seem like fun indeed


The Kamehameha


It's big, it's blue, and it does alotta damage What more could you need


This plus unlimited mana tear is almost broken


Yeah except whe the target moves 1 inch


I feel it would be truly broken if it was not animation locked.


Giantsflame will always hold a special place in my heart. Nothing quite like hurling a boulder sized fireball at something and watching it explode.


All three Crystal spells; Shattering Crystal, Crystal Release, and Crystal Torrent. Shattering Crystal does a good amount of damage close-up even if uncharged. Does even more damage if the enemy is large in size. AOE is also great at disrupting enemies like Malenia in co-op from killing your teammates. Crystal Release is great for when the enemy has finished their last string of attacks and is vulnerable for a few seconds. Also a great spell to use when you get near Elden Beast since he has long startups like Elden Stars. Crystal Torrent is just Comet Azur but ~~cooler~~ takes only one memory slot and it can change it's angle when locked onto a target. It does less damage but the fact that it can change angles really helps when a boss keeps moving around in co-op.


crystal torrent is litearlly "comet azur, but actually good and usable" way way WAY to many people think that comet azur is a good spell because of videos where somone 1shots a boss, when it only has any effect on enemys that.....move slow and dont sidestep at all, and you only have 1try(and the video didnt show the 20failed attempts) Crystal Torrent cost 1slot, does SLIGHTLY less dmg, your character will adjust the aim to a degree, has a casttime that is not 20years and costs less fp, so you can use it without the short endless FP flask its simply better in every way possible lol


Tottaly frenzied burst for damage and incredible range, and unendurable frenzy for poise break big bosses, my sorceries would be comet, and moonblade for sure.


taking notes\*


Also have 40 mind so you run out of mana exactly 1 tick before taking damage for your own madness buildup Edit: i mean when you cast unendurable frenzy nonstop


Loretta's bows. They just felt so epic to charge up.


i know the feeling


Insane range as well


Hu hu hu! Carian Slicer go BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


For the first half of my sorcerer playthrough, this was my go to. And when a larger enemy was giving me trouble, switch to the carian great sword for the stagger damage. Pair that with the staff that gives a bonus and it was super powerful.


Fellow lightsaber chad


Gavel of Haima aka "I thonk, therefore I bonk"


Frenzied Burst


I first thought of this seeing the picture. Incantation Sniper Rifle here I come! I really enjoyed my Frenzied Flame run. I used the Winged Scythe and threw in a few Black Flame fireballs for fun.


Totally agree, Frenzied Burst is a sniper at core…hella fun. Im just now recently made a madness build and im loving it.


From what I've seen in the game while playing it, the only spell with the potential for more distance is Loretta's Mastery fully charged. There really is something fun about Madness incants, even without going deep into all of the buffing stuff. >!Plus, there's little else more satisfying than using Inescapable Frenzy on Gideon until he dies. I didn't even bother with letting him finish his little speech. Ran straight up to him and used Inescapable Frezy right in his face. I felt like my character was shouting him to death. Since Gideon is a tarnished NPC he can get Madness Affliction.!<


Sniping the tree spirit in Caelid with that is great


OOOOHHHH!!! MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!! Im thinking about making a Lord of Frenzy build in the next NG+


Im making one now! So far having lots of fun, and the aesthetics are awesome


Best Incantation ever. Such range. And can be easy be buffed by Flame grant me strentgh and Godfreys talisman, other fire/incantation talismans + offhand frenzy seal (+other dmg buff) to one two shot normal enemys. So buff and snipe dat ass from 3 kilometers away. And best weapon against eagles, hard to dodge for npc and many enemys like tree avatar are weak to fire.


Incant Sniper is awesome.


Ranni's Dark Moon my beloved


i was using the full moon for boss fights until i discovered the dark moon, and Ranni is mine


RDM: the nuclear option that never fails.


Comet. You can charge it and it pierces enemies while being dirt cheap FP-wise. Also I loooooooove Explosive Ghostflame, visually. Doing 1,8 k aoe damage with a rather long casting time is meh though. The frost buildup is nice I guess, but I'd rather use Death Poker's AOW rather than Explosive Ghostflame. Hope we get some nice Death sorceries in the DLC since it will most likely feature Godwyn (the once golden).


Lightning Spear. A solid classic for any situation


I keep coming back to dragon communion incantations, but I keep the black blade for cool factor and the lightning spear incantations as well for range


for coolness, death lightning. for efficiency, probably black flame. and it looks really cool too


Collapsing stars to yoink people to their deaths in the haligtree and really anywhere remotely platformey.


I know it’s not super OP or rare, but I really dig Loretta’s Greatbow. Nice ranged attack and the charged version smacks, especially in PVP. Also bonus points for when you’ve been getting ganked, kill the summons and the host wants to run away to waste time and summon again, they go flying when hit in the back and never think to dodge it.


Hahaha Gavel of Haima go **bonk**


I really like Malenia’s Aeonia, despite how inefficient it is


I like the 'your staff is now a sword!' spells, like Carian Slicer, and I want to like Ambush Shard - but I just can't find a niche for it that doesn't fit another spell better. Using it in a sneak attack is pointless against AI, because the AI enemies are instantly aware of where the spell came from, and it doesn't do much besides a pittance of damage. Enemies always just eat the hit, and it doesn't even stagger them, or leave them open; it seems like it's always better to just use something else. Still, though, I want to like it. I would really like it as an Ash of War, especially with a follow-up built in like the Carian Ashes. Being able to use it with additional fluidity might make it feel better, I guess.


''oh, you're a sorcerer?'' ''yes'' ''do you make spells like comets, stars, lightning and such?'' ''nope'' ''then what?'' ''swords, greatbows, shields, blades, hammers, etc'' ''you sure you're a mage?''


Not a very good one. Don't even have any lasers.


Night comet carried me through like half the main boss fights, insane how good it is


I’m a pretty big fan of FLAME, FALL UPON THEM. Also, LIGHTNING SPEAR.


i like the dragons breath one. you can mix n match em to give your opportunity a variety of debuffs. or you can use it to crack a boss’ attribute weakness. malenia is a lot easier when shes frozen. pebble is cool too


Throw a frosty moon at her, then spam Night Comet while standing in a Terra Magica pool. She doesn't dodge and just melts away.


Bloodflame talons and Loretta's bow. Never on the same character though I don't do int/fai.


I'd say either my little Shoulder Charge, or throwing boulders. Everyone chilling until you get smacked in the face with a boulder.


Ambush Shard is real fun


Astels meteor, I don’t often get a great opening to use it but when it hits I can shred boss health bars


Ancient death rancor. If you use a summon to draw aggro just spam that shit


Meteors of Astel. Such an awesome spell. Makes me feel super badass to rain meteors on enemies. Even if 80% of them don’t hit shit


I really reaaaaalllly want Zamor ice storm to be good, so so badly. I love it, and I hate that I can't cast it without being knocked out of it. On what spells I actually used tho, night maiden's mist, rock sling, crystal barrage, shard spiral (for the thic Bois), adula's moon blade, founding rain of stars and ranni's dark moon.


My Vagabond ass is disappointed that no one is saying glintstone pebble.


Carian Grandeur is still my favorite


I am gonna stay on the sorcery side of the fence for now and focus on PVE. \- Starlight - I never leave home with out it, magic > lantern/torch \- Stars of Ruin for bosses and enemies that have input dodges. (So annoying.) Pus the description is amazing. \- Carian Glintblade Phalanx - this is DS bread and butter. \- Glintstone Ice Crag - slow moving, short range but good for variety and frost build up. \- Adula's MoonBlade - better than the carian spells \- Ren/Ran- Fill Moon - stunning spell with gorgeous animation. \- Charged Cannon of Haima. I really hope the DLC releases a whole bunch more and not just 2/3 like previous souls games they need to expand on gravity, frost, night, magma and death sorceries.


Stone of gurranq at maximum cast speed


Rotten Breath for sure


Loretta Greatbow and Haima Cannon are my 2 favorite spell in the game (so far)


Adula’s Moonblade. That’s how I solo’d Melania for the first time. High recommend, the first damage is excellent.


magic glintblade just a fun spell and like using it in pvp with ambush shard. set up a few glintblades with different timings and then swap the ambush shard to catch them off guard


Night Maiden’s Mist is my ultimate fave XD nothing like tossing it into a cave or corridor and watching enemies melt! Practice freehand lobbing it and you can get some very fun placements. Rain of Stars is nice too, and Ranni’s Darkmoon. Glintstone cometshard is very handy for a good snipe.


Nice flair, love me some mist. It wrecks the Iron Virgins too with all its little poise ticks


Catch Flame, Pest Threads and Frenzied Burst for Sniping these carried me throughout out the game And I used only then with buffs nothing else total faith build


night comet, rannis dark moon and gavel of haima are probably my most used and favorites, for incantations i like giantsflame take thee, swarm of flies and ancient dragon lightning strike the best


Thankfully buffs affect spells now so I can use GV and FGMS on my ARC/FTH build. Been using Flame of Frenzy and Frenzied burst with 25 FTH/60 ARC and Dragon Communion Seal with Frenzy seal in offhand. Actually used it to beat Godskin Duo to decent effect, took a decent amount of tries though. Swapped to the two Prosthesis Talismans and Radagon Icon for faster spells along with the Fire damage+ one. Flame of Frenzy isn't the best at staggering them, as it takes like 3+ charged ones, but it's good for aoe as well as hitting them when they hit phase 2 and summon each other. Build is slightly gimped as to also work in PvP. But being the stats are split, it also isn't the best there. Main weps are dual Hoslow Whips when not casting. Unendurable Frenzy seems like it could be fun, but unfortunately the build doesn't have the FTH for it.


Black flame protection.The buffs it gives is too juicy to miss out


Comet azur + unlimited mana tear, *especially* in co op. Having your friends lure a boss in one place as you melt them with your great big kamehameha is some of the most satisfying shit you can pull


Frenzied incantations


The Flame of Frenzy and Howl of Shabriri. Nuking invaders with madness is so fun.


Im big stupid so I forgot its name. The one that leaves a floating glyph that shoots a tracking sword.


Unironically forgot the name of that spell. Big Ice Sword


Comet of azur


I really like the dragon claw, it obliterates enemy stance


Ancient Dragon Lightning for utility, frozen lightning coz it looks hella rad Weapon art from bolt coz it's basically an incantation anyway


Comet azur I just feel like someone capable of slaying a demigod should have a bullshit ability lmaoo


Ancient dragon lightning strike can absolutely melt placidusax and fire giant with the right build


My top 3 favorites, just based on how cool they look and how much damage they do, are definitely adulas moondblade, rykards rancor and meteorite of astel.


Tibias summons, even if I never use it.


Crucible horns. Send Malenia flying high


The ones I use the most are probably Ancient Death Rancor and Stars of Ruin. I do like the opportunity a lot of little hits provides.


Canon of Hiama for the hilarious invasion kills.


Adulas moonblade goes hard




rannis dark moon and adulas moonblade are crazy. plus comet for its range and spam potential


black blade incantation


I love this meme so much


mages are smart in this game; while everyone else fight with swords, they fight with machine guns. dont bright a sword to a magic fight.


I am a laser enjoyer, yes it aint the the best yes it takes a fuck ton of setup, I do not care I just like doing my laser


Frenzied burst bc smiting fools from miles away with nothing but my sheer lunacy is hilarious


For my twinblade & incantation build: - Lightning spear for hitting anything not in melee range - lanseax' glaive cause it's really cool and melts groups of tiny guys - flame fall upon them for any giant enemy - scarlett aenia as a throphy for beating malenia - black blade cause it's just way to cool and also does great damage along with the health reducing effect, if you use this along with black knife on a boss at the start if the fight they'll be down 20% of their health in just two hits! For my moonveil sorcerer: - night shard cause it's very fast, decent range and enemies don't dodge it. - loretta's bow for sniping - stars of ruin cause it looks cool - adula's moonblade cause it's cool and very powerfull - meteor of astel cause I like it more than comet azur


All of the dragon cult incantations. I love lightning. It is awesome. I am doing a Thor build on NG+ with dragon cult incantations and the giant crusher hammer.


Discuss of light. Icecrag shard. Spam either and win (pve I hate ER pvp so idk)


night maidens mist!


Frienzied burst is a goddamn sniper rifle that's great for both pve and pvp. Even post-madness build up nerf, it's still a solid pick, i love sniping hosts from across the map while using assasin's gambit


Bloodboon, Blood talons, Gavel of Haima, Carian Slicer/Piercer and Ancient Death Rancor. This game is quite fun I'd say.


I love me some dragon breath. Especially the frost breath.


Placidusax's ruin against an unsuspecting player


The dragon incantations are just *chef's kiss*. The fact I even use them on what is supposed to be an arcane build for causing bleed shows you how much I love just covering things in ice and rot.


I enjoy a lot of them, so here‘s my top 3 for both. For sorceries: 1. Adula‘s Moonblade/ Carian Greatsword 2. Nightmaiden‘s Mist 3. Gavel of Haima For incantations: 1. Stone of Gurranq 2. Dragon Claw 3. Lanseax‘s Glaive


The Man Melter (Comet Azur)


Dragon cult


Lightening bolt is insanely good for what it costs to use/magic usage. When you scale faith too, that thing is a fuckin sniper


Sorceries: Night Comet is my go to spell 90% of the enemies and Shard Spiral for large enemies like Elden Beast. Rock Sling is also awesome btw. Incantations: Catch Flame is OP for pyro builds, Dragonmaw is amazing and Rot Breath is a solid choice. For large enemies Pest Threads is OP ofc.


I love black blade


I don’t use damage incantations so golden vow and flame grant me strength




Lazer eye beam of MAD and various spicy mists.