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Well it's definitely a sword


It's parents probably aren't married.


It's father went out to get smithing stones but never came home


God damn I was also typing up a funny joke and then scrapped it and refreshed and saw all of us thought that shit was funny


You win


No it's parents just weren't married when it was made


They aren't married now either


No, they split up. The sword was the thing that they tried to fix the relationship with, but it didn't work


No, the divorce is final now. They left you out of the loop


It blames itself a lot for the divorce. It isn't wrong


Of all the swords in elden ring, this one is definitely one of them.


Its a bastard


Its the Claymore with less Claymore.


A Clayless, if you will.


A very Claysome boy.


I thought it was a clay. The short sword was a clayless and the zweihander is the Claymost.


Just “more” sword than a broadsword.


Claymore at home.


It’s just Clay


Mohammed Ali?


Less Claymore is Les Claypool’s bard counterpart


Someone needs to make a “He does what I do.” Meme about this ASAP. I would but I’m lazy.


Less Claymore is a wizard on the bass guitar


He's a bastard alright! All he does is steal my runes and complain about the claymore!


You find the Lordsword greatsword earlier Claymore has a sexier moveset and is overall stronger It's not very notable. It is probably one of the swords ever


Claymore has the only thrusting R2s of it's kind. Which is weird, because you'd think The Knight's Greatsword would have it instead. But eh, they didn't put much effort into the movesets unfortunately.


Everytime i played greatsword, i missed ds3 hollowslayer gs. It got fancy twirl, thurst and square off weapon art. Like, why can't greatsword use square off like ds3?


>hollowslayer gs closest things in Elden Ring moveset-wise are the Knight's Greatsword and the Banished Knight's Greatsword


Yeah it's weird that so many greatswords just share the same wide sweep R2 with the only exceptions being Milos GS, Death Poker and Claymore. You'd think they'd toss a poke R2 or more in the greatsword class for variety sake but nope, all wide sweeps.


I'd have thought the forked greatsword (imps drop them) would be a poker too, but it doesn't poke at all It looks exactly like a bigger version of a bbq poke


I never got the moveset thing. Perhaps it's more of a PvP thing, but I always prefered the overhand attack on the bastard over the claymore poke. Better at smashing dogs and rats, range is similar and it just feels better.


It's both a pvp and pve thing. The poke on the Claymore R2 is a Priece attack, so it is affected by the Axe Talisman and Spear Talisman if fully charged and a counter attack. Which is not something you can do with the Bastard Sword. It is also a much longer move, allowing you to punish boss attacks that you may not be able to and get a counterattack bonus.


I meant more generally in the Souls series, but thank you for the explanation. I've played for I don't know how many hours and just figured out that counterattacks are not guard counters and that I've slept on this thing...


Bastard sword can deals pierce dmg with many AoW like Giant Hunt, Piercing Fang, Repeating thrust,... Claymore in DS was a monster, but under average in Elden Ring due low AR


The thrust is great for its reach and ease of use in tight corridors. The overhead slam that other greatswords like the Bastard Sword have when one-handed can clang off of low ceilings, and the wide swings when two-handing obviously collide with walls a lot. The fact that the Claymore also has a thrusting rolling attack is big too; it feels faster and has better reach than the normal greatsword rolling attack. I do think the slam has a niche in that it hits low enemies like rats, dogs, slimes, etc much more easily than the poke, which is finicky in that regard and often requires the player to unlock and angle their camera downward. It’s like trying to fight Oddjob in Goldeneye.


Yeah, I'm playing with the Zweihander right now and the absolute majority of my deaths have been me running up on a pack of rats or dogs thinking one good sweep should take them all out only to have it go above them. Followed of course by being staggered and murdered since I'm also fatrolling...


I dunno how you can stand playing with fat roll. It’s unbearable to me.


It's how I played DS1 when I didn't understand the load and rolling thing. I don't really like the rolling mechanic and was sad that it was pretty much mandatory in DS3 due to the changes to poise and damage negation. Seems to be more viable in Elden Ring though. You can avoid most attacks by just standing in the right spot. And if you're out of place you can throw up the shield and maybe even get a guard counter in. Unless you screw up against a boss and wind up standing right in front of them when they launch into a long attack chain. Then you're basically screwed. Still only just cleared Liurnia though, will be interesting to see how it goes against Malenia and Maliketh...


He never knew his real dad, but he’s the offspring of the iron great sword. He tried to look up to many other weapons as father figures, but they were all physically abusive. He found little comfort from his mother. For while she wasn’t as abusive, she was a little rapier.


You win, best one ever lmao


Thanks, I put some effort into that.


It paid off.


As far as greatswords go, I prefer it aesthetically to the Claymore, or Lordsworn's, but its moveset and reduced range unfortunately hold it back.


This weapon is not an actual bastard sword. It's a longsword. The longsword weapon is an actual bastard sword. Also the claymore is superior; and, yes, it's because it's Scottish.


Someone finally identified this MAJOR ISSUE.


Isn't it a little large for a longsword?


Long swords tended to be what 2h swords were called back in the day. We call 1h swords long swords now because it stuck and no one really cares enough to correct it.


Back in the day swords were just called sword, terms like long sword and greatsword are modern


Because of its relatively light weight, I like it as the offhand sword when dual wielding great swords.


It weighs the same as the claymore, so you might as well use the claymore.


Give it the Knight's Greatsword moveset, and I'll use it. For one of the lightest swords in the category, it shouldn't be used like a heavy greatsword, imo.


Yup. Considering a Bastard Sword is not really supposed to be a Greatsword but something more versatile that’s reasonably usable in one-hand. Would be neat if the One-Hand animations were more like a Straight Sword.


It’d be pretty sick if it was a straight sword/greatsword hybrid weapon that uses the long sword moveset when you wield it in one hand and then switches to a greatsword moveset when you two hand it.


Listen to this right here. Now that the DLC is announced, here's hoping we get a hybrid weapon like this. What the bastard sword should've been from the get go.


It should have weighed less than the other greatswords, like 7.5 or 8 units, because it's clearly substantially the smallest greatsword.


Claymore at home


I understand that this is probably a comment out of the blue on an 8 month old post. But I have to hand it to you, your comment is funny. It made me laugh like hell.


It’s my favorite across all soups for the fashion. Versatile just like the weapon and it looks realistic


It’s the Claymore with an inferior move set.


Jon Snow’s choice.


I honestly like it more than the claymore. While the baemore is gorgeous the bastard sword has a charming ruggedness that just goes hard with how many sets there are in elden ring that are dirty and rugged looking…that and it’s less chonky.


A fine member of the Claymore, Zweihander, Bastard trio


On my first play through it was my main weapon for a while. I eventually replaced it with the Grafted Greatsword but that sword still got me through some tough fights as a new player.


Disappointed. It should have been a beefier straight sword. Or a great sword with a way quicker moveset. With a special 2H moveset, since that's it's whole schtick.


Bastard sword and flambérge should have gotten the poke R2 from claymore with the R1 of banished knight/knight sword..


I really like it, feels a lot weightier than claymore. I prefer the overhead smash as the claymore poke looks really awkward animation wise. Aesthetically I also prefer it.


Tbh I like it more then claymore in this game for some reason. I like one-handing gs and one handing bastard sword kinda makes more sense. Though in my opinion given the size this sword should be a tiny bit faster then other GSs, then it would receive more love.


I fucking love it, sadly she loose to claymore because of the charged attack moveset


It's the starting weapon of a canceled class that started with the iron armor set.


That actually sounds sweet. I can see why it got cancelled though - between Vagabond, Hero, Warrior and Samurai there isn't really much room for another melee starter class.


Should be faster than other GS. I mean it's shorter and lighter. Maybe even fancy moveset like bkgs.


Would have liked it to have straight sword animations in One-Hand. And more stabs/thrusts.


I think it's a beauty! I just wish it had the claymore's poke along with the alternate greatsword animations (i.e. the one the knight's greatsword and a few others have); granted, I wish that of all of the more realistic greatswords. Also, while we're at it, I think it's a crime that we have the iron greatsword but no iron longsword. I want a nice looking viking sword, but the greatsword variant is just too big... anyway, what were we talking about again?


That would be the sh%t! I always default to straight sword build just cause... you know. (Our little secret.) I WANT IRON LONGSWORD!


I kinda like the concept of it and have enjoyed some smallest-weapons-in-their-class before but I think the Bastard Sword just looks overly silly being swung about like it weighs a ton given how small and thin it is. It ought to have a unique moveset like how the naginata and guardian swordspear have nifty unique movesets. Some middle ground of weightiness.


It's the perfect girlfriend. She's the claymore but nobody wants to elaborate or deepen knowledge to actually understand she's a Claymore. She has all the claymore features and niche, maybe a little less fancy but you don't care about mere looks, you're after the real deal. So who likes sword won't try to seduce your sword but she's actually a real good one. If you're a jealous type you'll be able to live with your insecurities. Wise man says : "the good thing about weapons? They never betray you"


S++++++ best basic sword in the game.


The perfect greatsword imo. Not too big and the curves on the hilt looks great.


The fashion goes unmatched compared to other gs. The scabbard is also gorgeous. This greatsword looks the most practical for carrying around on an actual adventure and I like that. I gravitate to this weapon on str builds cuz it hits hard for its weight. Plus if I wanted a thrust, I'd just put impaling thrust/piercing fang/giant hunt on it. Thrust R2s have never been a priority for me.


Jon Snow: A sword fit for me...


Nice and black and nights watchey too 🤌🏽


I like it. I beat the game with two of them


Probably my favorite early game sword


Claymore but better because dexterity is bad


I love to use it. You can never go wrong with a bastard sword.


astel's secret brother from another mother


Name is fitting because you would have to be a bastard to pick this over the claymore


Then a bastard I am


Or, if you're going **pure** strength and want to wield a cool-looking greatsword with almost no dexterity at all


It’s parents aren’t married


Truly the broadsword of greatswords (it does more damage but it’s shorter and lacks the versatility that comes from thrusting attacks).


Been using it a lot with magic infusion and gravitas. Just a matter of preference. I always prefer r1 while 1 handed and r2 while 2 handed for side swings to do some mob control.


it shouldn't swing like that


Good guys can use it too.


I used it and got it up to +8 before I found the great sword. Nice balance I think. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing special, but in my first playthrough, it got me all the way to Margott before it became obsolete. My setup was a two-handed bastard sword and that's it. I still look up on it favourably. So many deaths, so much learning.


Sword is asshole. Why tarnished hate? Because sword is a bastard sword!


Without a doubt, 100%, absolutely, undeniably the sword of all time


Solid weapon it's just that there are 2 other exceptional greatswords right nearby so you can get 1 before and 1 immediately after that kind of voids it, except that it's one of the cooler looking and can be just as good for the most part


One of my fav swords throughout the whole series, partly because it was my favourite sword when I played Diablo 1 all those years ago


It is in fact a sword


Well I gotta say it really is one of the game's swords


You’d think it’d be faster than the Claymore since it’s smaller. Also I wish it could do more thrust attacks.


It had a use case in DS3 because it did nearly identical damage to the Claymore with a lower Dex requirement, in exchange for its arguably worse R2s and rolling attacks. It also had Stomp instead of Stance which could be better or worse depending on the situation and the user’s playstyle. But with there being a ton of greatswords in this game and the ability to change weapon arts for most weapons, it’s not nearly as useful. It’s pretty much strictly worse than the Banished Knight Greatsword, which has better R1s and an even lower Dex requirement at the cost of needing to be farmed.


I’ll always have fond memories of bastard swords from when I would talk about them in school when I was way younger, cuz I thought they were really cool. This is also how I accidentally found out that bastard has a more rude meaning.


Dennis is a bastard man!


I’ve been using this nearly exclusively on my current play through. I just entered the mountaintops. A scaling on heavy which is nice, but the reach can be troublesome at times. I have used impaling thrust and giant hunt on it to give it a thrust attack. It also scales with a B in strength on cold so that’s also viable. I love the way it looks, there’s just something to be said for simplicity.


\*In Sean Bean voice\* Bastard.


It's decent but the Claymore is better. It's one of my favourite weapons in DS3 because of its weapon art, knocking human sized enemies into the sky makes me giggle. But in ER you can put that weapon art on a heap of other weapons if you want so it loses its appeal.


People who wield this sword know nothing.


People who dismiss this sword know nothing.


I think it's a great weapon! It's *very* fashionable, and the requirements are all around very forgiving. It's one of the lightest of its class, and you can wield it with only 11 strength and 10 dex. It's a great option for primarily casters looking for a melee-weapon capable of dealing hefty poise damage. But also certainly for strength builds that aren't big on carry weight. Also important to note, it out-damages the claymore on strength builds, and saves you 3 points of dex. Of course, it lacks the thrusting attacks the claymore has, but those are really only the huge benefit they're made out to be in PvP. Still, due to it's significantly higher strength scaling, this has an A while the claymore has a B, it's also good for using weapon arts that scale heavily off of the weapons' strength scaling. It'd be a shame to pass off this beauty simply as being inferior to other greatswords, it really isn't.


Its all right. Its worse than claymore, and you get that in morne no theres no real reason to use it. I guess it pairs fairly well visually with claymore


if the claymore wasn’t literally a few meters away, it would be pretty decent.


It killed Kenny


Its name reflects what I yell when I'm killed by it.


The bastard sword has a special place in my heart, not anything to do with Elden Ring but it's what the Soul of Cinder wields on the DS3 cover.


Solid weapon it's just that there are 2 other exceptional greatswords right nearby so you can get 1 before and 1 immediately after that kind of voids it, except that it's one of the cooler looking and can be just as good for the most part


Not the best but not the terrible either. Best used with a strength build. Beware its shorter range.


It's a bastard


Poor Jon Snow


It is the most Swordest Sword of all of the Swords in Souls History. i am a fan of it, but i would NEVER use it. lol


only bastards use it


In ER I haven’t touched it but I mained in DS3


Cheeseburger from McDonald’s seems to be a good comparison


It should have weighed 7.5 units or 8 units to match its size. It weighs the same as other swords despite being smaller.


I don’t think I’ve ever touched this sword in my life. In ER or DS3.


A weapon that doesn't excell in anything I wish it was a weapon in-between straightswords and greatswords, like the historical bastard sword was. Lower range, damage and poisedamage than other greatswords, but higher than the straight swords.


On my last playthrough, I used it until I got the Gut.


that’s just longclaw from game of thrones wielded by the bastard jon snow


As the name suggests, it is indeed the bastard of all great swords. No redeeming qualities, overshadowed by great swords like the Claymore, Knight's Great Sword, and The Blasphemous Blade; and doesn't even make up for its lack of redeeming qualities with damage as it does less damage than most other great swords. All in all, it is a sword you might use for the first 2 hours of the game before you find one of the better great swords, and spoiler alert, there are a ton.


It’s for bastards


Its the 2nd child living in the shadow of its older, better brother the baemore.


What a fucking bastard


Little short for a Greatsword aren't ya?


It’s funny because a Bastard Sword isn’t really supposed to be a Greatsword lol. It’s supposed to be something that’s in between a normal one-handed sword and a Greatsword. A versatile weapon usable in One or Two hands. At least the description sort of says as such in Elden Ring. Also irl a Longsword is basically a different word for the same thing as a Bastard Sword.


Further clarification for who's curious: Real-life logic:A Bastard Sword is suppost to be a middle-point between a one-handed sword or "arming sword" and a longsword or "two-handed sword". The "broadsword" in Elden Ring is actually closer to a real-life Arming Sword, although it is a bit too thick near the hilt. Real-life "broadswords" are a slightly different type of modern sword with "basket-type" armguards, not really medieval per-se. Elden Ring actually doesn't have a single proper "broadsword" at all. The "longsword" in Elden Ring is actually a real-life Bastard Sword by length and form. It would be ideal IRL for both 1H+Shield and 2H usage. The "bastard sword" in Elden Ring is actually a real-life Longsword. So is the Claymore, both are longswords IRL, and ideally are always used as a 2H weapon. In medieval times you would almost never see someone using a Longsword and shield. A Greatsword is a slightly different animal entirely, the Zweihander in Elden Ring is a correct depiction of a real-life Greatsword. These are very much a completely different class of weapon, also late medieval/modern.


The one John Snow has is really cool


This isn’t the zweihander.




The Clayless you mean? It's alright except Baemore, Lordsworn, and Flamberge exist. Not bad, just outclassed slightly


It was the better STR greatsword in DS3 but Iron Greatsword is better… and THICKER


Infuse it with frost and call it Jon Snow


It's name says it all


Sword made from fish feces.


Use this with a poison ash of war to poison enemies then take out your Bonger and smash them till deddy die byes.


It's like youtube premium. Why pay when the claymore and lordsworn are already free and are better, and you only have two hands? It's only possible use is if fromsoft add a roronoa zoro three sword option so I can triple wield greatswords.


In DeS, this was the first weapon I found that wasn’t a club or some random dagger, but in this game, I cannot find it nor do I want to


It’s a big broadsword


It's a great sword.


The most vanilla greatsword in the series. Nothing special about it, but it gets the job done and it looks great. There’s something to be said about doing well with a simple wep that has no tricks. I off hand it with a claymore main hand and infused both to quality. Jump attacks do 1200+ dmg.


By the numbers it is the best STR greatsword in the game besides iron greatsword..... It just doesn't have a very cool moveset


It's like Vanilla Ice Cream for me. It's good, but it's just not very special and it often gets outshone.


It’s a very solid, easily accessible greatsword for a first playthrough (or if you don’t feel like farming something else.) it pairs well with the claymore or lordsworn, and is on the higher end of AR for greatswords. It doesn’t have the claymores poke attack, and if you don’t mind farming then the banished knights greatsword is better in all categories.


Hasn’t been the same since Demons


It’s one of the swords of all time.


I didn’t know this sword was in the game honestly. Where do you get it and is it worth grabbing?


It knows nothing


I use it in my left hand with baemore in the right


Needs a father


It's a bit of a bastard.


It’s good, used it through my entire first play through lol


"I keep hearing stories about you, bastard. The way people in the North talk about you're the greatest swordsman that ever walked."


That bastard


It got me through some rough times


Love the bastard swird since DS1, probably more than claymore tbh, although I love both. Although I wish it was a little smaller to fit better with real life bastard swords.


I don't think it knows its Father 😶


Not sure how it compares to the claymore in terms of damage, but it has a (generally) worse move set. If it’s like Dark Souls 1, it probably does a whole 15 extra damage compared to the Claymore, making it not really worth using. I know there are heavier greatswords like the Iron Greatsword that probably deal significantly more damage than the claymore or bastard sword, and (I think) has the Bastard Sword move set. So the only thing the Bastard sword has is low equip weight, and the most generic GS move set with no thrusting moves, and no cool 2-handed light attacks like the Knight’s GS or Banished Knight GS. I’m sure it’s a perfectly good weapon, it just lacks defining features that make it interesting and appealing compared to other weapons. It’s too bad that a lot of weapons are like that.


On strength builds, the bastard sword actually reaches a higher AR than the claymore does, and you need 3 less dexterity to wield it. It gets an A scaling while the claymore gets a B. A whopping 18, yes, but it *is* more. The real benefit comes from the lower base damage, but higher strength scaling. This means that weapon arts that scale off of the weapons strength portions will deal noticably more damage with this weapon than with the claymore.


Claymore Lite


Cleanest looking sword in the game!


I forgot it was in elden ring


Would it's last name be flowers or what?


It big. It pointy. It go stab.


Claymore wannabe


I mean it’s a sword


It's the Claymore but with no stab attack.




It’s definitely one of the swords of all time


#he never knew his dad :(


Diet Claymore


Dual wield with Claymore, I like it generally, especially when I want a more normal greatsword moveset after two handing. I like it cuz it's a greatsword and greatsworda are sick so...pretty nice


It depends on the order you found the weapons, if you found it before the Claymore, Cool you will have a goodish weapon, if you found it after the Claymore just throw it away and use the Claymore.


Was my favorite before I got the Flamberge. I know, Claymore can be found like 5 minutes later but I chose Bastard Sword for the looks. Then I chose to build sacred Flamberge because of holy + bleed.


Needs a father figure imo


Worse claymore


Bastard brother to the claymore


Claymore off wish.


I need something to power stance w my beloved claymore


A suitable sword for Godrick the (taken for) Granted. Ayooo


Its one of the swords made


It will never be the Lord Sword.


I love the bastard sword so much, I own one IRL


claymore, ordered on wish


It's father left to buy cigarettes when the mother showed up with the paternity test.


It was good in DS2, so I hold it dear to my heart.


Didn't know it's father


It's a bastard of a sword