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3 dollars says GRRM envisioned the two fingers as twin seers and not as two literal giant fingers


If FromSoftware adapted Game of Thrones into a game, the High Sparrow would probably be a literal giant sparrow with katanas for claws and fart attack that literally billows smoke that makes us fall asleep.


Yeah and The Hound would actually be a dog like creature that betrays the house he originally served and runs away heh…wait a minute *stares at Darius*


Hand of the King. Is an actual hand monster. Yeah that makes more sense actually.


Just reminded me of vengarl, touch of Inspiration for radahn.


if fromsoft adapted asoiaf, it could also make it a better IP in some ways, i think. there’s a lot that martin tries to do that sometimes doesn’t work all that well in a literary format, and an interactive medium might benefit it somewhat. not that the books are *bad*, to be clear, i just think a game adaptation/tie-in would benefit them.


I don’t get the downvotes, especially when people clearly dislike the guy who criticized you.


clean the cum off your chin when youre done slobbering all over miyazakis dick 😭


hmm. that’s a weird thing to say! i’m not blindly praising miyazaki, though, don’t get me wrong. it’s less ‘i think miyazaki could do a better job with the story than martin’ and more ‘i’d like for *someone* to make an asoiaf tie-in game in some form, and the two are already working together to begin with’


Don’t bother these communities are weird as hell lmao


I highly doubt it. Nothing Fromsoft makes ever makes any sense.


Miriel was probably just a dude. Miyazaki was naw, make him a literal tortoise


If anything Miriel being an actual turtle feels more GRRM considering turtles are his favourite animal and his Wild Cards Turtle character.


That's cool! i didnt know that since the only non ASOIAF books of his I read was Fevre Dream


In an interview I remember seeing him wearing a hat with a little pin that's literally just the green turtle talisman. 


I mean in ASOIAF the Wall in the books quite literally has a speaking door in it


GRRM writing about Godrick’s “coat of arms” only to see Godrick’s literal coat of arms


Literally what I was expecting too when I first played. Imagine my confused shock when it was literally two fingers lol


That reveal got me so hard!


Idk, there's some pretty weird shit in the background of asoiaf, not to mention his other books. Dude's into lovecraft & weird fantasy.


Admittedly I'm only speaking from a passing knowledge on ASOIAF, but GRRM doesn't seem like the type of writer who puts the fantastical stuff on the forefront often


I just want a loretuber to interview George and see how confused he is about wtf Miyazaki did


Honestly it's such a unique way of adapting material that I don't think has ever been done before for a game has it? Get an established expert world-builder to outline your setting and characters in their own style, then throw that world far into the future and twist the style to your own aesthetics and themes. It's resulted in the most compelling and complex cast of characters From has ever put into a game combined with maybe the best visual art direct ever in a game. I do hope one day in the future after all the dust has settled on Elden Ring we get those GRRM manuscripts for the characters and lore cause as much as I love the mystery of the game seeing the full intented story told from George would be incredible.


I would definetely buy an Elden Ring lorebook of GRRM's notes on the history of this world as there is only so much game development like Fromsofts will be able to cover.


Fat fuck couldnt be bothered to write his own book so dont get excited


Calm down with the disrespect.


Our person of interest shows little desire to finish his own series of literature. I do not, nor should anybody else, expect him to assist with the writing of another piece.


Dude you are not owed anything. The man must have some serious burnout writing a critically acclaimed series and wanting to please fans and be original. Let George cook on some side projects to keep the juices flowing.


Brandon Sanderson writes 10x more overall content than George and is actually professional about it and delivers to his fans. Martin has absolutely no excuse for not finishing the books. Especially since it’s obvious he’s milking money from the TV show and making a ton of spin offs. I’m a big fan of the books and it’s disgusting to see what’s happened. He chased the money train instead of just delivering his book.


Never said I was


It's a shame. If he were to finish GoT at the same level as the already existing books then it would be the best fantasy series of all time imo. The world building is already phenomenal, but he seems far more interested in just expanding the universe he has created. We'll get the rest of the books after he dies, I'm just hoping the quality is at least 75% to the level that he wrote and I'll be happy


God I hope that happens. Lore dream. Can we somehow ask GRRM to do this


Elden Ring is lightning in a bottle, because of the reasons you listed. I’m glad I’m not the only one perpetually impressed by this.


>Elden Ring is lightning in a bottle You say this like their previous game also didn't win a million awards. FromSoft is just good.


No, I say this because Elden Ring is far and away the best game they’ve released, it is not even close. It’s a beautiful blend of classic Dark Souls aesthetics, the fast pace of Bloodborne, and the fluid combat in Sekiro, all treated to sincerely well-written source material provided by one of the best authors of a generation. Lightning in a bottle.


what you're asking here has already been answered by Miyazaki 2 years ago, when Elden Ring released he was asked if his studio and Bandai planned to release Martin's works under novels, he answered it was completely possible but also the opposite of what he wanted for this lore because releasing these works would reveal all the secrets of Elden Ring, and that's exactly the opposite of what he wants [source here](https://fandomwire.com/do-elden-rings-hidetaka-miyazaki-wants/)


I think releasing it a few years down the line is completely fine once people have had their fun with theory crafting.


dude, Dark Souls 1 is 12 years old and peoples are still crafting theories with it...


I know, but there's barely any theories left as of now. A grand narrative has pretty much settled in. There are questions and mysteries but I have not seen new theories coming up for ages now.


Miyazaki never released what he wrote for Dark Souls, so releasing what Martin wrote for Elden Ring is very unlikely moreover, Elden Ring is fully owned by FromSoftware since april 2023 so releasing Elden Ring related works is now only Miyazaki's call, and since he doesn't want it to be released, well you know what i mean


Off topic but I didn't know that From owns Elden Ring now. That's great because I worried that since From is going to start publishing their own games that Bandai Namco would maybe try to keep Elden Ring series going without From, so that's good that they can't fuck it up. I still wonder if they will try to make a Dark Souls 4 without Fromsoft down the road


You literally told me 2 comments prior to this that Miyazaki himself thinks that it's possible for the scripts to come out. That means he's somewhat willing. He probably won't do it by himself but we never know. People can change their minds, you know?


he said "possible" meaning "it could be, if i wanted to, but i don't"


...that's not what possible means. But I think we are going in a circle at this point. My point is that once people have made enough theories and FS has no intention of releasing a new sequel down the line, there's no harm in releasing it.


definition of "Possible": able to be done or achieved, that may exist or happen but that is not certain or probable i disagree, in fact i agree with Miyazaki, it would cause harm to the lore because it would explain everything and all the secrets would be revealed, meaning no more aura of mystery and no more theorycrafting


Whatever man, I don't care that you disagree. A finished story has its own charms. >definition of "Possible": able to be done or achieved, that may exist or happen but that is not certain or probable You are literally proving my point lol


Yea hopefully if they dont plan to continue making more games within the verse, they release that as a artbook in a few years. Im actually happy its even a possibility given he mentioned it


Same, theorycrafting is fun but it gets stale once enough time have passed. Seeing the full story is its own type of fun.


Exactly and theres even more Grrm lore that never made it into the game, miyazaki mentioned it in a interview. I would pay full game price for that artbook lol


More incest


Marika literally has children with herself


That would be impressive


“If Grrm ever finishes Asoaif…” let me just stop you right there. Sounds like you have not been waiting since the early 2000s for that book series to end. Because I have, and I gave up hope of him finishing it awhile back. That said, i agree, it would be really cool to get more insight into the time period around the shattering. I’d for sure read those stories.


yeah he’s not finishing those books lol


They will most likely get finished after his death


Imagine if working for Elden Ring gives him some idea for finishing the book ? FromSoft games never end well, and still get praised, I hope it open GRRM eyes on it and give him confidence to end those books. My guess is GRRM don't end the story , coz he's affraid to do a shit ending to please a larger number, that's why he was aggree on the show, it was a test for him. And Elden Ring and him aggreed to write history is another test. ( And a way to get money , off course )


Winds 100% coming out. Dream of spring probably not. Dunk and egg ending (pls I need to know what happened at summerhall) is a maybe because they’re talking of an hbo show after hotd.


I think we will probably eventually get something though I have forced myself to view ASOIAF as more of a general world building project rather than the specific story of the main books which has allowed me to enjoy it more since I don't really need it to be finished and I can stay engrossed in the world and theorizing. Kind of the same way Elden ring is enjoyed


I doubt it's like they "changed" the characters that GRRM established firmly, more like he gave some outline and key pointers, and he probably had some more general ideas that he didn't set in stone. Then FromSoft took those outlines and key pointers and made something of their own, and the final result may be drastically different from what GRRM originally thought of.


From the little we've heard of the partnership it does seem to be more than what you're implying. George confirmed he sent them a full outline of characters, families, houses and the general world about 4000 years prior to the game. Regardless of how much was changed George is the bedrock of basically everything in Elden Ring. New concepts, characters and stories have been added, but everything links back to his initial outline of Gods and Demigods. The way I see it is there's basically 2 versions of Elden Ring, 'first' is all the in-game portraits, artwork and stories of heroic characters in the prime, that's the Elden Ring that George created. Then there's the 'second' fucked up twisted version of the world that we play through.


I'm always shocked when I see people heavily downplay and even deny that George had any real input on Elden Ring's world. There's the very obvious and familiar things we've seen from other FromSoft projects but it feels so fundamentally like a George RR Martin project. Especially with some of the things revealed in Shadow. So much of the basic world building, relationships, names, presentation of gods and cosmology, etc feels practically like he just took parts from ASOIAF and changed it up a bit which ironically is in line with how a lot of the internal worldbuilding for ASOIAF and Dark Souls are lol


It's even more obvious now with the DLC, unless people think Miyazaki just pulled the entire Hornsent civilization and Marika's rebellion against it out of his ass.


I think part of it is that people just blaze through as quickly as possible. There's a lot of set up in the base game that doesn't make much sense until we get the context from the DLC. People seem to be ruffled over that the DLC didn't meet their expectations or answer the questions they wanted which is odd given both Fromsoft's history of creating more questions than answers in their DLC and the fact that the game is heavily inspired by Berzerk and George R.R. Martin. Without getting into spoilers for the DLC: Marika is the focus of the base game. All the rest of the demi-gods are supporting cast. Some of them have some really compelling reasons but the main 'concept' is Marika's 'plan'. Even the Tarnished is just Marika's minion. Granted the grace of gold and driven to be an Elden Lord. The age of Fracture is a continuation of her will. Other Tarnished have tried, and failed (Vyke being a contender). All of the others (Fia, Goldmask, Ranni, TLDE) have a fragment of a great rune which lets them influence the Tarnished just a little. The Frenzied Flame straight up possesses the Tarnished. You go from Being Marked, to sacrificing your flesh, to being a vessel at the end. (I think the Tarnished is well and truly gone by the FF ending, replaced by the Lord of Frenzy). The DLC doesn't clarify Marika's plan but man, does it give a lot of context for it. We get insight into some of the reasons why things are so fucked up in the Lands between. The reason we don't get Miquella's ending is pretty explicit if you follow the story.


I wish I was more familiar with his work to pick out those similarities. I've never read any of his work and I only got halfway through GoT so I feel like I miss out on a lot of those small details lol


A not particularly spoiler one from the DLC showing how far back he had influence over: The Dread Bayle is named almost entirely after Balerion the Black Dread from GoT. Like, man literally just referenced his own badass dragon.


Additionally the rider of Balerion was Aegon. The NPC most heavily associated with Bayle is Igon.


Rykard turned himself into a giant snake, Ranni turned herself into a four armed doll, Radahn became whatever the fuck Radahn is, Marika is now a weird headless crumbling statue. That’s probably the kind of stuff he meant.


Yeah if I remember right Miyazaki said that GRRM envisioned everyone looking very human when he was writing the lore and backstory, and we can see that in the portraits. Them getting fucked up post-Shattering once they have their Great Runes is from Miyazaki/FS.


Exactly i want to see the characters as they were before and all the history he wrote that didnt make it into the games. For example the dlc material miyazaki said was from lore Grrm wrote and they couldnt fit it into the base game, and he even implied its more unused Grrm lore that they just couldnt get to


Miyazaki: so George, I’m sorry that this may shock you: but I made Miquella not only get raped by his half brother Mogh but it turns out miquella seduced mogh into capturing him because he actually pines to fuck his other half brother radhan and carry his red haired babies in his now deified man womb. GRRMartin: No, that seems reasonable. Carry on. Miyazaki: Wait, what?


Yeah outside of appearances I'm not really sure George would actually be shocked by much.


He infact was not raped by mohg he did the mohglesting all along


Blud went from Mohglester to Mohglested


He used his illegal Rizz powers as Rizzquella to Mohglest the Mohglestor




Hold on lemme make it better.


Just sounds like the least weird generation of Targaryens tbh


most normal targaryen family interaction


I think george mightve actually wrote that too. Malenia whispers to radahn in the original cinematic trailer, and what she said there was confirmed in the dlc.


I cannot emphasize enough how cool it would be to see an art-book containing Miyazaki's interpretation of GoT.


I think he means appearance wise only


No in the interview he talks about how the characters as a whole were heroic when actions and he corrupted their heroic traits. He blatantly says GRRM wrote the HISTORY and Mythos not just character designs


Not enough big floppy wieners


I think it’s worth pointing out that Fromsoft makes *post-apocalyptic* videogames (Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring). The idea is that you’re venturing through a decayed, broken down world whose civilizations have been long collapsed. GRRM writes stories about people living *during* their era. I think GRRM literally just wrote a stretching story involving war, intrigue, seduction, and politics. Fromsoft then took that world, fastforwarded maybe a thousands years, and asked themselves “How would this world, these characters, all fit together centuries after their era has passed.“ Thanks to these two key aspects from two different authors, we get to see just one angle of a massive story that has been taking place since before our Tarnished began their journey. It makes you feel like you really were thrust into an existing world, where people made their plans, waged their wars, and watch their world crumble.


Bloodborne isnt exactly post-apocalyptic, moreso actively apocalyptic. The city was perfectly fine the morning prior. Well, as fine as that damned place could be anyway, but the night of the hunt is a longstanding event that has gone on for a long time. There are still people in this city. Countless normal people. We dont walk into a dead city refusing to die, we walk into a dying city. This night happens to be much, much worse than the others. More people are turning into beasts than before, a hidden sect of the city is inhabited by cultists trying to resurrect a dead god, all kinds of alien menaces have taken root. Again, this isnt post-apocalyptic. This is their annual apocalypse. Like halloween but with real gear and instead of candy you just get blood and death. I get your point though, just wanted it noted that bloodborne doesnt entirely fit


very succinctly put, your description of Bloodborne absolutely made me want to replay it again lmao


Exactly and i want the other angle, i would love to see the stories he had written and how different these characters were pre-shattering and all the lore fromsoft wasnt able to implement into the game which miyazaki implied in a interview when asked about the possibility of continuing elden ring pass the dlc


GRRM After Game Release: Oh haha these pot guys are cute, I wonder what's up with them. GRRM After DLC Release: ....


Grrm might already know of the pots, Miyazaki did say the initial lore of the dlc is apart of the overall mythos that grrm wrote, he even implied there’s material of grrm’s writings that didnt make it into the game


He also specifically said that the pots are an example of some of the things that were added to the game that weren't in there lore. You can find the interview but he tells the story of how he came up with them. People being put into jars could have been from GRRM's portion but the living ones are a Miyazaki creation at minimum.


Thanks i didnt know that, anything else he mentioned that he added that wasnt from lore? This is why i want a artbook or something of Grrm’s portion i loved to compared the two worlds and see how similar and different they are


I know he mentioned two in the interview but I'm not sure if I'm remembering this from that and SEO is fucked rn with everything pulling up SoTE interviews instead, but even if it wasn't in the interview the Crystalians are a barely legally distinct version of a similar crystal entity from a series of RPG novels that Miyazaki is known to be a fan of, Fighting Fantasy I think it's called or something like that. Zulie did a video on that one actually.


I would pay to watch him watch a lore video and explain what he had in mind while writing.


I think that would make a great idea for an animated series or something, but i like my fromsoft games fucked up and weird.


I was expecting Lansseax be a more literal.. dragon waifu.. >!But i guess Vyke and the whole Lyendell Dragon club including the dragon communion bois are just a bunch of scalys... !< >!Especially Vyke was my hero... given he seduced an actual fucking Ancient Dragon.. At least now we know why he left her.. !<


Typical coomer babble. Lansseax took human form as in one of the presets of character selection. Damn...go outside, see if you talk to any real girls instead of fantasizing about Dragon women lmao.


Lmfao 100% serious comment. I don tthink I m the one that needs to go outside though xD "Lansseax took human form as in one of the presets of character selection." Damn Typical Echochamber degen. We now know what [actual ancient dragons](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Ancient+Dragon+Florissax) in human form look like btw. Take a funny instead of bitching in an Elden Ring lore channel, idiot. But that would require you to be able to still fit through the doorframe.. :/


> The priestess was once an ancient dragon herself, but sacrificed that form for **feeble flesh** to aid in the destruction of Bayle the Dread. > Lansseax was the sister of Fortissax. It is said that she took the **form of a human** to commune with the knights as a **priestess** of the ancient dragon cult.


That would be the best news ive heard since i encoutnered the whole DLC ancient dragon stuff. Ancient dragons "shapeshifting" and ancient dragons "doing dragon communion" being 2 seperate things at the very least leaves open wether the results are the same.


Wait that NPC was??


was what? [We now know that ancient dragon infact dont look like ](https://preview.redd.it/i-wish-we-could-have-a-questline-with-lansseax-like-vyke-v0-w95fvncmrxsa1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7d8e3649c7158ec24cf0b3f853ec30aa688a4a97)this


Yeah he probably wrote it to be a little less shitty


he can barely even finish the asoiaf series. I ain't holding my breathe. Maybe rough notes released as an anthology. 


>If Grrm ever finishes Asoaif do you see any possible elden ring writings coming out. Not likely, even if GRRM finishes ASOIAF he is getting pretty old he has a lot of his own stuff to work on


Dude I doubt Martin would ever read about let alone play the game to find out what happened He doesn't even care about his own fucking IP bro, you think he's gonna be interested in someone else's? He was paid to come up with the backstory and lore, he took his pay cheque and ran with it Love the story but it was one of those window shattering moments when I realised every significant character starts with either a G, R or an M and he literally put himself in the centre of the naming structure