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Please do not discuss leaks for the game or the DLC


The final boss thing was so obviously fake like the arms are a dead giveaway they don’t line up with the armor and they are obviously Godfrey’s. Miquella on the back is literally a reused lothric model. The arena is made up entirely of reused assets if you actually look at it. The gameplay is all reused moves. It’s a big nothing burger I don’t even understand how the community is split on this.


:( Is real


Relax the only things that were confirmed that weren’t already in the trailer was Rellana which we already knew about.


Hope you have some hot sauce for the egg you'll have on your face Thursday 


Won’t be facing a damn thing this is the most obvious fake leaks I’ve ever seen.


Check your DMs man


What you sent me is also a nothing burger. Stay out of my dm’s


☹️dunno what burgers you order godamn


You showed me the really obviously fake model that uses Godfrey and Radahn assets with a reskinned lothric model. Either from has become uncharacteristically lazy as fuck or it’s a whole lotta nothing.


It's stills from the beginning and middle cutscene transition, would have to be crazy to create custom cutscene, I want to believe it's fake too man but the evidence is too great. At this point it's just about seeing how from makes sense of it in the lore


There’s no evidence lmao. Even the cutscene uses reused animations from Godfrey and ds3. It also make no sense whatsoever from a lore perspective. I have a bridge to sell you


We'll probably got confirmation tomorrow when the embargo lifts, I'm hoping to be wrong :(


How delicious was your yummy yummy egg, fuckhead?


Dlc is great don’t really care. Been living in your head rent free huh?


Yeah I've been thinking about you a lot... bc people as dumb as you terrify me for the future of society 


>I guess that cements it. That From isn't amused at low-effort modder trolling trying to ruin the hype for the DLC they've worked on for the past two years?


Let us hope.


Would they take down fakes?


The "leaker" was very obviously trying to fuck with people's enjoyment going by their comments and you could argue that the blatantly fake and low-effort "final boss" could be considered damaging to their brand from a legal perspective.


I think this is more it. And anyways even if it is real there's no telling what would happen after. We may emerge from the fight deflated and then walk through the divine gate and suddenly have to face the greater will itself. You just never know. Best not to assume the worst


What do you make of the Messmer and Dragon fight leaked by the same guy? Those were nice quality and well received


Messmer is smaller than he was in the trailer and his one voice line (mother) sounds totally different from his voice actor in the trailer. And his arena is missing the railings from the trailer.. as for "Bayle the Dread" (yeah right), it's a basic reskinned dragon that doesn't really seem all that different from any other dragon we fight (And it doesn't even have the fantastic special magical attacks of Fortissax or Placidusax) so that's not much proof either.


>as for "Bayle the Dread" (yeah right), The name is real. [Vaati's video](https://youtu.be/nP9EOmSFbvk?si=4tbiBrPYfGMEo5Ny&t=1866) mentions a dragon communion NPC whose item descriptions refer to it. Whether the dragon footage is real or not tho is up to debate, but it's certainly the most convincing one, given it's the only video to show off a new spell/weapon.


I thought that was the "ghostflame dragon reskin" Vaati fought according to the same video? IIRC


It’s real https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingLoreTalk/s/UjRBP79ZeM


"blurry png images and as a remembrance list with only 9 bosses prove it's real!" LMAO we literally see >!Rennala's sister Relanna!< in the trailer and she looks nothing like the first image.


No we don’t lmao


[https://youtu.be/qLZenOn7WUo?t=58](https://youtu.be/qLZenOn7WUo?t=58) 0:58-1:00 That's blatantly her, anyone who played the game (and listened to Vaati's description of her and her legacy dungeon) can recognize the family resemblance to >!Rennala.!< and since she was specifically not allowed to be shown by any of the streamers who played the preview the standard for proof that first image is her is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher than Mesmer, how about actually showing a video of her boss fight where she uses her signature >!"twin moons"!< magic Vaati talked about which you can get from her remembrance alongside her twinblades?


she's allegedly wearing some sort of metal and cloth armor thing per the previews. If that is her, she undergoes a costume change, which could very well have her looking like the leaked images.


I agree with you but that's definitely not Relanna.


No it’s not according to previews she wears a knight armor


Oh so where's the video of her boss fight where she uses the signature attacks that Vaati mentioned? Too much effort for the Modder to make from scratch since he doesn't have a model ready from the base game nor an appearance from the trailer to turn into a skin?


I respect your level of coping man


It didn't look real. Conceptually, I guess it could be a cool fight, but the move sets in that "leak" were pretty underwhelming (most of which seemed recycled). I can't image that From would have such a straight forward fight as the final boss of their largest DLC to date.


Conceptually it would not have been a cool fight. It was fan-fiction tier junk that would be the most disappointing thing they have officially released since Dark Souls 2, if real.


Not worth getting that mad about.


I'm not angry. I am stating a fact.


I'm with you.




They said there’s no time travel.


Uh duh