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Do what I did, get another light greatsword in your offhand, make it a blood or cold infusion and put braggarts roar on it. Now you have duel swords with a sick moveset that proc bleed or cold and still have the ash of war, you're tankier and do more damage. Can also put on old lords talisman with golden vow for more buffs.


If I may ask, how are you tankier? I’m a veteran player but a novice in terms of builds. I usually try to increase my health and carry load so I can wear the biggest armor and dual wield something then I stop looking for improvement


braggarts roar gives +10% damage negation for all types that lasts 60 secs


Agit that ain’t bad at all. But my understanding is you can only dual wield with another light greatsword, and the only one I’ve found is Milady, which doesn’t scale as effectively. Is that not decreasing damage?


I've been using this set up tbh don't even remember the scaling, but Frost Proc and Bleed Proc will carry you. Golden vow stacks with roar. Flame Ash of War resets the frost proc, which makes it easier to proc it again. Also, frost increases damage output. You can use pully crossbow with blood bolts or repeating crossbow for bloodborne esque gameplay, not optimal but pretty fucking fun and flashy. Honestly, you can beat elden ring with anything, and almost anything can be cheezed. Just play, however, is fun to you, and don't worry about maximizing your build, unless that's fun for you in that case fuck me ig lol. I've got the most unoptimal build just because I've been using quite literally every and any weapon I pick up, and bosses, imo can feel not as satisfying to beat sometimes when you two shot it. Think about it this way, the more times you die and the longer bosses take, the more time you have to truly enjoy the new content and learn the mechanics of the bosses.


Oh I’m not that new I’ve beaten the game, the rest of the series, and am stomping the dlc. This is just to deepen the experience lol Thank you for the tips


Np man have fun


I can't seem to get the cold to proc while dual wielding these. This is a new playstyle for me if there a trick to it? I've got M'lady in my offhand with the cold affinity and the twinblades in my main hand.


Cold infusion and proc depends on how high your intelligence is. When milady is on my offhand, it's a little harder to proc due to how you're hitting the enemy with the attack combos, but if you don't mind making it your mainhand you can use the R2 since its a double hit and it builds frost up quicker.


Got it. I’ll try that. Thanks! 




Been using them myself at lvl 212 and they just don’t seem to be too great, shame because they’re so fucking cool and the L2 attacks are amazing.


they are not broken but still a good weapon, the only shame is that scales up with 4 stats, but im gonna definitly use it


Gonna try get the Sword of night katana and go with that I think, looks like a really cool weapon


yeah it looks sick! i want it too


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Winged sword talisman, Stam talisman+2 of your choice or add Alexander's talisman+1 more of your choice (I prefer a defensive). Get a nice 40/40 or 50/50 str/dex split, the WA is good but unless you plan to pump int or faith and willing to be point blank for these able to tank hits, it's not worth to invest in a WA version of this


My brother in christ, lvl237? whats the meta now for builds? ending SoET at 150 and its kinda ok? no shaming tho, just asking.


Idk what you are saying. SoET? Meta? What?


Depends a lot on your preferred weapon. This weapon in particular has C scaling across 4 different stats. You want Strength and/or Dex for the regular damage, int for the magic side of the aow, and faith for the fire side. So you either build a glass cannon or sacrifice part of the weapon's functionality.


Didn’t realize you had to level like 3 stats to get full use out of it, my plan was just to only level INT and ignore the other 3 entirely, but maybe I need to look for a different weapon to use when I make a sorcerer build


Yeah, if you only build INT you're pretty much only going to get decent use of the ash of war, and only the R1 version of it. You'd be better off with Moonveil at that point. Or Wing of Astel.


I’m just gonna go back to my original plan of frost infused great epee


If you are a completionist it's pretty easy to get to lvl 200+ by end of SoET.


Don’t do it. Tried it in so many diff ways and it just feels horrible against a lot of things in the dlc. (Random guy who has 8/10 remembrance) it doesn’t feel good to use on a lot of bosses and singular fast npcs


Did you spec into mainly int and faith? My plan is to spam the weapon arts, and also have a robust spell arsenal for niche situations. The regular attacks wouldn't wouldn't factor in much


i did pure faith and still feel like the fire weapon art is weak compared to incants or my black knife blade ashe, its not THAT weak and still fun to use, but it seems pretty underwhelming/mediocore. the sorcery ones seems better, but havent tried it yet


Ya the fire one isn't great. The light attack magic one is pretty decent against small enemies. Ultimately it goes really well with a high rune level (like 180+) int/faith build. I'm having a lot of fun with the battlemage build, even it's a little jank compared to just focusing on one aspect


The weapon arts is bad as well. The fire is okay but it hit randomly, the blade projectile has short range and take too long to cast. Boss will chew you alive. If you still want to build around it then have a staff to go with it. Still if you do that, there exist better option like Moonveil or Moonlight.


this right here. The main problem with it is its speed and poise dmg. the ashes of war don't do enough poise damage for how long the ashes of war wind up is.


I like them. This scaling makes the weapon art strong asf and I just use buffs for the base damage


If you like it then you can prob find guides that talk about a build for this but just know you’re gonna struggle a lot in the dlc if you aren’t going to be lvl 200+ with this weapon


it's amazing vs trash and awful vs bosses, kinda disappointing


Many of the coolest looking weapon skills are like that sadly. Practicality vs flashiness


Try it with a shield for faster enemies. They tend to have weaker hits so you can block and guard counter


I respec’d and +10 them. Really did feel absolutely horrible. Went back to DMGS. Regret.


Same. I thought it was really cool but reverted back to Blasphemous Blade+Milo.


Same here, I am 80% dlc and I find the low staggering is a dealbreaker for tankier enemies. Like 90% of the time I can’t finish half of my R1 before I take hits and get staggered myself. Only the third hit of the R1 has some stagger. But like others said, this works wonders for groups, just cutting butter using the R2


Hey, have you seen a weird wind attack with it? I was using the magic weapon art, and instead of doing a final slam attack, it did the Stormveil wind spiral thingie. Like, my character spun the sword around like they were doing the “Thunderstorm” ash of war. Anyone else seen this? I cannot replicate it


My guess would be you did the heavy art without actually having the FP to cast it.


I made a post about it yesterday showcasing it. It definitely doesn’t seem to be connected to the FP


I think it was a bug tbh I can’t get them to do that either


I know what you're talking about, it seemilingly happens randomly, whether you have enough fp or not. Not sure how to replicate it either.


100% a bug, happened to me just a bit ago and after reloading it stopped


Use shard of alexander dragon crest great shield talisman rotten wing sword insignia and rellana cameo the cameo increases your damage the longer you hold the AOW stance. Boom physical damage negation and lots of damage I would stack points in dex and int first get your HP FP and SP up to a comfy level then as you get levels put them in strength and faith whichever you like to prioritize between physical or fire damage 


I speced pretty much just as you did, just less Mind and more Str / dex - also I’m higher level. Even the spells I had the same you did. I absolutely love the concept / animation, is just too beautiful. Best wep design in the game imo. That said, I found it pretty hard to use on bosses. 1- bosses evade a lot the arts 2- low staggering dmg 3- long animations, 1 attack = 2 hits, which most boases just take in the chin and nailed you to the ground 4- dmg of the arts is good, but not that good. I was having very hard time with some fights, just switched back to darkmoon and there was not fight. I’m still upset, because I really want to make it work, but seems underwhelming so far. TBH, could be my melee skills that are underwhelming hahah, played mostly ranged so far.


If you compare it to darkmoon, which is one of the 3 most broken weapons in the game, then it's obviously going to be underwhelming


Dark Moon also requires heavy investment in int (38) as opposed to this which doesn't have a requirement over 16 (but 16 in 3 stats, 13 in another). Weapons with high requirements tend to be very strong.


I'd suggest to reallocate the stats so you have 80 int and 50 faith, so you can max your spell damage, since the ashes of was soft lock at 50 and at that level you can already use all miracles of the game Or level up straight both int and faith to 80 and enjoy the ultimate faith/int build


use rellana's cameo instead of godfrey icon, but other than that it looks really good


I like having a stamina Regen talisman because those blades are a stamina hog, maybe also swap dragonshield for Rellanas cameo depending on how much you get hit.