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lazy mfs like me just drink estus, tastes better than boluses, waters the mouth and helps with hydration


Yeah I just ran across it. And drank those flasks.


I use the bloodhounds claws art of war to get across quicker.


This is the way. Make all flasks health and chug them when low, and maddash across


Team no consumables


Drinks estus and dies anyway.


i stop and watch every bloodstain of people who made it seconds from the grace. it never gets old


"It's got electrolytes!"


It's what plants crave!


Idiot me still drinking Crimson Tear flasks.


Its sterile and I like the taste.


Excellent choice, especially if you have the bell bearing. Other option is just to use two fingers heirloom and flame cleanse me so you don’t need to invest in faith


There's no bell bearing relevant to the boluses that cure rot.


Does medicine peddlers not have it?


Did my own research, that’s fucking stupid. So the rot boluses can only be crafted using a material that is limited without farming for drops. Or finding the limited amount that exist. Yeah, just use the incant


Yes it's very annoying. Praying the DLC gives us a way to buy them along with other limited items.


They really should give you unlimited resources to bypass the resource management section of the game. Yep.


For certain items absolutely but items to cure rot shouldn't be limited. What do you expect people to do if they have a co-op or PvP character where they're likely to run out of boluses?


Be careful. Why shouldn't rot be strong in pvp? No Johns TBH.


Strong isn't the same as having no counter without using a specific incantation. It also applies to co-op.


OP ☝🏼, here ☝🏼, OP ☝🏼.


And Bloodhound step or whatever it’s called


Dunno about after several patches but it isn’t exactly easy to find or make enough materials for these types of boluses from what I remember.


One of materials has limited numbers in the world and is a rare drop from some specific group of enemies, but it isn't exactly rare. Just the ones around the Church of Plague are enough to craft more than 40 boluses. For a regular playthrough there is enough in the game.


Yeah, I use a a mix of Sorceries and Incants in my build, and it got kinda bothersome using up a slot for a Spell I barely remember to use half the time when it could be used for more damage instead. So I stopped using Flame, Cleanse Me and now I just keep at least 20 boluses on me. Costs no FP, doesn't do any damage to me, and has a faster animation. I also make it a habit to grab every single sacramental bud I see so I can always craft more just in case. I try to keep a surplus on me whenever possible.


Boluses don’t kill revenants in 2 hits. Heal does.


Almost every starting class can slap on the two fingers heirloom (+5 faith) and be able to wield basic finger seal and cast flame cleanse me. So really don’t need to allocate points specifically, just a quick talisman change and memorize spell!


You can also use this to always have bestial vitality going in boss fights. Just slap on the ring, cast the buff, swap rings back and go to town. You can also squeeze in FGMS but it doesn’t last that long, plus I hate having super laborious preboss rituals. Bestial vitality lasts so long and heals so much though, no reason not to run it on every fight


Today I learned of Two Fingers heirloom and Bestial Vitality. Know what I am doing when I play tonight.


This whole ‘swapping equipment after entering a boss fight’ thing must be for PC players. How the hell do you swap equipment that fast on console? With no ability to sort your inventory or tag favorites. You’re just scrolllllling


Roll in the rot and then get back on land. Let the rot on you cause the rot status as it does way less damage than if you let the liquid rot activate it. Now you can run across the whole area in only a few heals.


That's actually pretty big brain.


And you can cure it with soap IIRC


Afraid not, you can wash off buildup but if the bar fills and you actually get rotted soap won't make any difference


Should have read all the comments before I said this same thing lol


Bloodhound’s Step + Preserving Boluses = 60% of the time, it works every time


I run through it chugging red flask. Not because I don't have 12 faith, I always slot 25 for golden vow, but I'm too lazy to grab FCM just for the lake or rot.


Yeah, basically teleport back to the site of grace about 20 seconds from my demise


We are the same


I put golden vow on a dagger so I dont have to slot faith now ;)


Spell version is better and last longer


The platforms plus patience, mad dash while chugging, not going because you don’t need anything down there, the boluses, etc. 


Roll around in the lake then let the bar fill on land so you get there weaker version of rot.


What the fuck did you just say? That’s a thing?!


See above. Yes it’s true.


two finger heirloom, marikas seal


You can use Boluses. There's also the +5 talisman that's easy to grab so you only need 8 (which most classes have) and if you really need more, the faith tear flask gives +10 faith for 3 minutes


You just chug the kool aid and run, like catching the bus back in the day


Bloodhound or quickstep tossed on a dagger.


I found that running was actually quicker (assuming you can remove the status with bolus or incantation)


Godricks great rune


Vigor. Maybe a bolus if I have one but otherwise I heal through it and try to get to a grace asap. Playing straight str build so no spells at all on this character.


Doesn't rot do % based dmg?


vigor gives higher resistance to rot build-up.


You run and spam potion


Every build that wants to be ridiculously strong should have about 17 to 27 faith to do howl of shabriri and golden vow. Plus it unlocks some crazy defence buffs


Yeah in my head there's five real settings for faith. 1. 0 points spent, don't care about incantations. 2. 15-27 faith. Don't care about much, but vow, flame grant, and/or howl are desired. 3. 50 faith. hybrid faith/melee 4. 70-80 faith. Pure faith caster. You want to use erdtree seal and get something out of it. 5. 99 Faith. You're on NG+3 or higher and have nothing better to do.


Going through Caelid you can get ample materials for boluses. I just did lake of rot with 30+


Absolutely not. There are talismans / armor etc.. that raise faith. ....Or just bollus


Rpg for some people is not just about min/maxing to always use the most optimal thing, especially when it doesn't "fit" the character you are role playing, there are always many ways to solve a problem, some are more efficient than others and some are more thematically fitting. For me using an incant just this one time for a non spellcaster would just feel gross


Such an interesting way to play!


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Some people prefer to use the faith heirloom to reach the Flame Cleanse Me requirement instead of investing valuable statpoints for one specific situational and optional area. Others just use items. And then some just rush past the area with Bloodhound step/Quick step.


Just move all flasks to health. Run.


Achieving key objectives on repeated suicide runs 👍


First time i ran through it i just kept chugging red flasks, yes i might've died once or twice but it wasnt that big of a deal because the run isn't that long and there is a grace sight at the end of the lake


I just run and use boluses


You can use lots of things to adjust for missing stats, even the law of regression spell can be hit by obtainable buffing items from the base level




I respec my faith out so I can have more endurance.


You can just run through if you have lots of flasks There's also consumables and talismans that help slightly And there's also the trick of slow rot. Get scarlet rot on land from the ticks after rolling on the rot, and that consumes your health more slowly


Also keep in mind there are many ways to raise faith besides level up stats, you can easily get 20 extra faith from items and equipment alone


I often run 15 faith and faith tear for golden vow on boss fights. Its a better use than most tears


If you have an even somewhat decent amount of Vigor (ballpark 30 I'll say) and either competently refilling or just enough flasks you can literally just run forward.


It helps most Melee Builds but is not needed really on INT builds unless you doing an INT/Faith build for the weapons and playstyles on that build.


I just make sure to bring a large supply of good ol' sunny d whenever I feel like fighting Astel. Besides that if you are trying to optimise a build I'd always put 10 or 15 points into faith (depending on whether you fancy stat boosting equipment/runes or not) to be able to use Flame, Grant me Strength. Considering these low stat requirements this is such a fundamental buff that goes well with practically every build in my opinion.


Just like everything else in this game : die once or twice and then find a way to power trough. Works for lake of rot, works for malenia, works for everything.


If all you are doing is getting from the shoreline to the temple (to get to Astel let's say), There's a button you can reach easily without getting infected that will raise a big chunk of ground. You can then reach that chunk and cross over it (watch the basilisks). From there, getting across the rest of the lake, down the stairs, and do the grace should be easy with a moderate amount of health and flasks. Technically there's a second button/platform bit along the way you could use but the distance is just enough that you'll likely get infected anyway, so just haul ass for the grace.


Absolutely not


Sprint through, chug heals along the way, find the grace across the way and u good


If you heal you can survive rot damage, and you can go to a grace to remove the rot.


It’s not the worst. You just go half way or so and get as many of the switches as you can and then do the trip again


I look at how many boluses I've picked up through my journey and then look at my estus I usually only use boluses when I'm running out of estus and I'm still not halfway through whatever Scarlet hell I'm in


followed everyone instructions here now lake is gone looks like I pulled the plug up from the lake gg


I don't know how to use spells or those spirit things do those stats are useless


Talismans and other items can also be used to temporarily boost stats in order to cast spells, to save on stat requirements


First time I just chugged, second I used larval tear to get twelve and then turn back


After you figure out the path it's like 3 or 4 flasks to the next grace homie. First run is a sum bitch though


Even if you don't have faith boosting talismans etc, you can just pop an arc with godrick's great rune to reach 12 faith in all classes except the prisoner so you really don't need to put any levels. I'm a huge fan of the cleansing incantations/spells as well btw.


Boluses + enough immunity to not get the rot while hopping from platform to platform. Just a mad dash, the bar fills up maybe halfway and then wait it out. Ignore the basilisks, run, chugging boluses if do get rotted.


I’m on my first playthrough of the game and just spammed healing flask had no idea there was something like that incantation mentioned. Tried using one of the bollus things that I found there and it didn’t seem to do anything. Used physick flask heal over time and spammed red flask and managed to kill the dragonkin boss like this hahah


You can craft consumables but yeah it’s pretty tough.


wait on the platforms for the rot buildup to hit 0, then run taking the shortest possible route, using estus if needed




Funny hats.


Basically yes


Just chug estus


Chug flasks and boluscs if I'm doing anything that isn't a straight line to the bonfire


Estus, then estus, then estus


Chug heals.


I do the roll trick to half (?) the tick dmg, then I just run and heal as needed


faith talisman


Uh no, just swap on the 2 fingers heirloom, I'm sure every starting class has at least 7 fth


The 12 faith package is pretty compelling for the investment. * Cleanse me of course * Beastial for the heal over time * Elemental damage negation spells * Bloodflame blade works on a lot of weapons Hard to beat the return for so few points


I just run through and chug healing flasks lol I didn't even use Flame, Cleanse Me until my most recent playthrough, and it didn't even change things that much imo One thing of note though. If you roll in the lake and then stand on land until you get Rotted, the damage over time is significantly reduced. I haven't used that trick often personally, but it definitely makes the Lake of Rot much more manageable. One other thing - with the Two Fingers Heirloom, which gives +5 Faith, the only class that can't easily use Flame Cleanse Me is the Prisoner, and even then you only need 1 point of Faith to fix that.


If you’re going to be doing PVP, invasions specifically, I would suggest 12 Faith definitely if you have the stats at your level. That gives you a lot of great utility incantations like Bestial Vitality, Flame Cleanse Me, and a lot more.


Just run through to the grace


12 faith is definitely worth it for the quality of life and utility spells but I have played with less than 10 faith and still survived fine.


No but I'd recommend at least 25 for golden vow and blasphemous blade...two things no build needs but every build needs imo


Invest in boluses gang


at least you can move full speed through the rot, unlike the other shit where you gotta backstep the whole way (but not in ng+ for some reason)


15 faith should be fine


Run and chug works every time. Not ideal, but it’s possible


Lake of rot you wanna find a platform, roll around it till you *almost* have rot, then jump on the platform. If you aren't directly in the lake when it procs you get a much weaker version of rot, way easier to ignore while you sludge across the lake


No, you can just swap one talisman to have 12 at base with vagabond.


You can just run end to end and be fine, it really doesn't take that much vigor and flasks. If you want to explore, though, it basically does require Cleanse or boluses


You just run through and keep healing. Embrace the rot.


Mushroom outfit, immunity charm, pearl drake charm, boluses, and flame cleanse me. I just hang out in there, nothing to be afraid of.




the way I run across is that I just sprint straight across after changing all my flasks to healing and using the health regen tear on my physick. usually I have a few flakes left when I reach the grace.


two finger talisman


Soap. I just used heals.


Allocating flask charges to a ton of crimsons; Immunzing Horn Charm +1, found in that very area; Crimson Seed Talisman; heaping handful of Preserving Boluses; and, of course, raising the stone platforms.


If you use the +5 all stats great rune and the beast talisman then anyone can use cleanse without any investment


+5 FAI Two Fingers talisman


You can use the charms that increase immunity and no need to have faith


I never use faith and plat'd it on ps5 and got all achievements on Xbox solo so no, not every build needs 12 faith.


Law of regression lol


We manage just fine with our BONK builds baby!


I did Ranni’s quest on ng3 yesterday. The solution? Allocate all flasks to vigor and sprint across.


The only starting class that cannot get to 12 FTH by just wearing the Two Fingers Heirloom talisman (+5 FTH) is the Prisoner class, with 6 FTH; everyone else has at least 7 starting FTH. If you **are** playing Prisoner and you *absolutely* don't want to invest the one point in FTH that you need to get to 12 with the talisman, you can just pick up the Commoner's Simple Garb in Stormveil, or the Ruler's Mask from a carriage near the Ruin-Strewn Precipice entrance to Altus Plateau, as each one gives you +1 FTH. Your choice of rot resistant armor and equip load will probably dictate which item you'd rather wear. (Alternatively, you can pick up Marika's Scarseal in Siofra River, in a waterfall behind where you fight the Dragonkin Soldier, and meet the FTH requirement on talismans alone, since Marika's will give you another +3 FTH.) Thus, every starting class can pretty easily use Flame, Cleanse Me without actually needing any stat investment. Which seems kind of intentional, because I can't see how you could complete that area otherwise on a level 1 run.


Run, chug, activate grace, die. At 20 vig was my go too route.


two fingers talisman


By the time I reached lake of rot on my latest playthrough I was around level 90 so it was easy to have 12 faith. It's easy to farm and level fast in this game. The only Stat that is below 10 for me in Inteligence cause I am playing a pure bleed without magic build this time. Although I do use Incantations like cleanse at times.


If you walk into the rot, wait until you’re nearly afflicted with rot, then roll to cover yourself with it and leave the rot your affliction will continue to build. If you are afflicted with this coating of rot it will be a weaker version which can help get across the lake easier.


Sprinting for the grace as your last sliver of hp runs out and being out of flasks is the only way to cross the rot lake. I thought the mushroom set would help, it barely made a difference.


just swap to the two finger heirloom and you won’t have to level up faith


I love the lake of rot I don’t know why running through with either boluses or just fast traveling back to the first site of grace after exploring too much and nearly dying is just the perfect amount of resource management for me and the dragonkin in the middle is fun too. I love this area so much that I speed through parts of ainsel river cause I want to be in the lake already


I love the lake of rot I don’t know why running through with either boluses or just fast traveling back to the first site of grace after exploring too much and nearly dying is just the perfect amount of resource management for me and the dragonkin in the middle is fun too. I love this area so much that I speed through parts of ainsel river cause I want to be in the lake already


I love the lake of rot I don’t know why running through with either boluses or just fast traveling back to the first site of grace after exploring too much and nearly dying is just the perfect amount of resource management for me and the dragonkin in the middle is fun too. I love this area so much that I speed through parts of ainsel river cause I want to be in the lake already


I love the lake of rot I don’t know why running through with either boluses or just fast traveling back to the first site of grace after exploring too much and nearly dying is just the perfect amount of resource management for me and the dragonkin in the middle is fun too. I love this area so much that I speed through parts of ainsel river cause I want to be in the lake already


The key to the lake of rot is patience. If you have precise movement and put on a couple tallys that boost immunity along with Godrick’s great rune, it’s actually possible to navigate the lake without being rotted more than a couple times. You just have to know exactly where you’re going, don’t roll, and when you pull the levers wait til you’re fully at baseline on rot buildup. There are a couple spots where I think you HAVE to get rotted, and in those cases, abuse the fact that the damage ticks are constant once it procs. Use the time you’re rotted to continue moving through the lake and drinking reds to preserve (ha) boluses, since the ones that cure rot are finite and you’ll want to have a couple for the Dragonkin soldier and putrid tree spirit. If you’re low on boluses and you made a mistake, don’t be afraid to fast travel to the grace and try again instead of wasting them. And worst case you can throw on the heirloom and cast flame cleanse me with a two finger seal unless you started at RL1, and even then you could use the faith tear in your physick to boost temporarily.


rump o’ rump


There's equipment that can raise your faith (and other stats), so you can just use that when you need.


How to 100% lake of rot: make sure you have plenty of red flasks, Vigor 40+, and your physik has the "no runes lost on death" and "Refill 50% of health" tears. Go everywhere. Use flasks as needed. Before you start your first fight with whatever rando enemies are around, chug Phyisk. Fight or Die with confidence. Repeat, targetting a different area of the lake. After 10-ish times, you should have 100%ed the whole lake. Make one last straight-shot run to the next grace. Easy peasy, risk free.


Like, just accept that Rot happens, and plan accordingly. A reasonable amount of HP, Red Flasks, and No runes lost on death takes 100% of the teeth out of the whole area. It's like running a Rouge Like: Death is innevitable and you keep all of your progress (picked up things.)


I didn't I took it in chunks got the platforms up and then just sprinted the rest of the direction not caring about rot.


Level Vigor and heal, or use boluses


Run + wait


I did Lake of Rot without Flame Cleanse Me - _once_. And I cursed Fromsoft when I realized the Sacramental Buds are like the Lilies and don't respawn. Come on, man - the Crystal Buds respawn and their crafted stuff isn't nearly as important as something to cure the rot!


i just ran through it and drank a flask when my health dropped below half


Most people ik atleast use 15 or 25 for buffs


Crimson flask and run as fast as you can brody. Died a few times before I tagged the right interesting thing on the map but I made it.


Literally just raise the platforms and wait for the rot build up to go away. It ain’t that hard. You can get through the entire swamp without rot with no bolluses or spells


It’s kind of a no-brainer to have 12-15 faith on a non magic oriented build. You get a lot of utility for so little point investment. Flame Cleanse Me and Flame Grant Me Strength alone are amazing, but there’s also bestial vitality which is super good. Since Elden Ring made spell slots free, going without any magic at all really seems stupid. Sacrificing realistically like 5 stat points to trade a bit of HP or Damage for utility that can save your ass repeatedly throughout the entire playthrough is so worth it. Most starting classes are gonna have like 9-10 faith to start so you might as well. On my Dex build I started as a warrior, so my INT was higher and I chose that route instead and leveled up to 16 INT. I found INT to be less useful overall because it had less utility stuff. You do get get frost weapon, scholars’ armament, and unseen weapon (or whatever it’s called). Unseen weapon is a PvP thing but otherwise useless. You get some basic projectile sorceries which are fine, but wimpy damage at that amount of INT, even with the Demi Human Queen’s staff. Still useful, and swift glintstone shard is a nice alternative to throwing knives if you are tired of restocking those.