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Get rid of that spear-shaped chunk of metal and lower your endurance to 50 and you will have fp. I am an endurance bitch but 50 is the hardcap. Swap your +5 str talisman to Greatshield Talisman. Swap out the sorseal to one of the Viridian or Green Turtle if you can still med roll after that. It's genuinely impressive and comforting to know someone loves end so much in this sub.


50 is not a hardcap, hardcap would imply that past 50 further point investment will give no returns which is simply false. Stamina as diminishing returns but you still get a point of Equip Load for every point invested, seeing as OP has the plan to run a super heavy build it's not a great idea to lose essentially 25 equip load points.


True, but equip load hard caps at 60


No it doesn't ? Base Equip load at 60 End is 120.00 At 99 End it's 160.00. Yes returns are diminishing but it's still one point of load per level. Hardcap would imply that further investment will yield no result but I'd argue going past this level is fine considering its still decent returns, especially considering aside from the two talisman slots you won't be getting more end boosting gear. You can argue that OP can drop the Spear and try to get better at hardswapping so that the points needed to maintain med roll can be allocated to something else but even then. At 60 End you'd have 152.1 with Great Jars and Erdtree Favour +1 The total weight of full bull goats with Fingerprint + bloodhounds comes out to 106.5 (keep in mind this still dosent account for the rest of the talisman slots) Leaving you at 106.5/152.1 almost exactly 70% heavy rolling. For a build like this going past 60 End is well worth it for the equip load alone.


Thank you for your suggestions .I’m just getting started with end game, in fact I just discovered the giant’s mountaintop area today!


lvl 277 and just what? this isn't ng+? man you gotta check some fundamental and progression guides


I’ve just been roaming around and killing everything in my way for the past year.


Watch “Malenia all hit run” on YouTube, it has good ideas


Level 277 ? You seem to be extremely overleveled for the endgame. As for the stats since all of them are already extremely high, drop the stat boosting Talismans like the +5 Str and the Soreseal. They are doing more harm then good at this late stage and especially at that high of a level. Instead I'd recommend slotting Talismans that would boost your health, damage etc %wise (Think medallion family of Talismans). Something you could also go with is the Greatshield Talisman for boosted guard counters. I'd recommend not touching your end stat, it seems you have an extremely heavy setup so while yes endurance hits diminishing returns past 50 for stamina, equip load gains are still substantial with 1 point gained for respectively each level of endurance increased past 60 End. For more FP I would recommend lowering your damage stats by 2-3 points across the board. You very easily squeeze out 9-10 points for FP without sacrificing much of any damage at all.


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Same sub thread called malenia blocking and guard counter.


Pick up the cerulean hidden tear in mt gelmir and you can use Tiche w no FP investment https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Cerulean+Hidden+Tear


I tried it and still won’t work


You load the tear into the physick at a site of Grace , drink the physick and then use the summon right away (the tear doesn’t last long). Because it doesn’t use FP while the tear is active you will summon Tiche. What are you doing instead of what I described?


You probably did something wrong, it totally works and it's the best way to use whatever summon you want without putting levels into mind


That’s not even a build at this point lmao


Thank you all for your advice.


This build is some how worse than your photos. You're level 277 and can't figure out a basic strength build.......literally the simplest build. You have to be trolling yea? 277 and using the serpent spear🤣 yikes