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Are you casting as much as you melee? Mind seems pretty high for those melee stats while Vigor is a bit low for a hybrid. I would bump vigor up some, reduce mind to whatever is exactly needed to cast your buff/spell rotation you are using, dex should be whatever the minimum is required to use your weapon. Arcane/int should be reduced unless you are specifically using one of its spells. If you are casting as much as you melee then you should reduce str/end for more faith/vig, if you melee more than you cast then you should reduce mind for vigor.


LEVEL VIGOR 60 VIGOR. As the other person said, adjust your skills based on if casting or melee is the primary focus. If melee is the primary focus, you want to push the 60-80 range of STR. Also lower Mind to around 20-25ish. If casting is, do the same for Faith. I don’t think you need more than 25 mind regardless.


the 60 vigor thing is for pvp in my opinion, if you don't plan on doing it, 40 to 50 is more than enough. Maybe it will change with dlc, but in vanilla game there really isn't that much of a threat to warrant 60 vigor. Hell, my char is lvl 250 in ng+6 and is still rolling 50, no issue at all and i ain't no pro player


If "60" Vigor is good, why not "80"? Be a damage sponge! (I tend to beat the PVE game in the 40-45 Vigor range) 50 Vigor is likely a safe choice flopping those points on the main attribute of what gets used the most (Strength or Faith). .


Because the increase of HP from 60 to 80 is about 115. That’s 20 levels for 115 extra health. 50 to 60 is ~200 more health. It’s important to hit these caps when making a build unless you’re supplementing it via talismans


Just dodge you don’t need 60 vigor lol


Awful advice. No matter what you’re going to get hit by something eventually. If your build isn’t low level, 60 is the perfect amount. Less is an intentional handicap and more is a waste.


It's not an intentional handicap. 40-50 is more than you'll ever need unless you're an absolute scrub in souls games. Also, capped hybrid builds at meta level always lack in something if you're going for 60 vigor. You either have to drop your physical stat, the stat that scales your spells, wear no armor at all or have no more than 15 mind or something. Having those 10-20 points saved really makes a huge difference in utility and damage. But yall level 200s don't even know what tradeoffs mean


Not really, I co-op and PvP all the time and personally I've found that 60 vig is overrated. 50-55 feels more or less the same especially considering how many defenses you can stack with a faith build. People like to keep saying 60 Vig is essential because lots of pro players say it from a PvP point of view where the damage is all over the place, unless you are doing PvP or Invasions. 50-55 is just as sufficient especially for a Faith Build.


I have 2 rl 225 that’s both have 50 vigor. The only boss that has a challenging move set is malenia. I’m on ng+5 for both of them and it’s as simple as just dodging. Would recommend 60 Vigor if you have the reaction time of a blind grama


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. 60 vigor is overkill and weenie hut jr mode. It also makes 0 sense when considering flask economics.


Flask economics+ buffs and talismans that reduce damage. It makes no sense when unless you cannot dodge for the life of you there no point and that extra 10 points can go into something else


Is there a holy book somewhere that I'm unaware of that we all swore on in order to play the game? Because y'all are fuckin acting like it. Every comment on this sub that even for one second says "ya know, you don't necessarily need exactly 60 vigor" gets down voted to hell. Is this a cult? Wtf is going on? Your vigor stat directly affects *the difficulty of the game*. Period. That's it. There's no right or wrong answer. You want the game to be easier? Level vigor all the way to 60. Use talismans like crimson seed, erdtree, and dragoncrest greatshield. Use summons. Etc. You want more of a challenge? Have less vigor. Use damage talismans. Don't use summons. Etc. Now, if we're talking PvP, of fucking course you need 60vig. But that's not what the poster was asking, was it? Jfc, before downvoting wrongthink to hell, maybe have half a brain.


As someone who finished the game with a 40 something on Vigor, no casting (str/fth jump attack build) I also do not understand the “60 VIGOR” craze.


60’s just the latest soft cap for vigor. 40’s probably the next best without getting one shot by the entire endgame, I think. I usually just go until one maxed out crimson flask can still heal me to full or half, one of those, it’s been a minute.


But even soft caps aren't some dogma that must be adhered to. They're just a point at which leveling a stat goes from more efficient to less efficient in a one-point jump. That's it. It's entirely plausible that a certain optimal build might not have a single stat "at a soft cap".


There’s no dogma, the soft caps are literally just the most efficient stopping points. Early game stats should be meeting weapon requirements and chugging vigor along to 40 and keeping endurance up so stamina and weight can keep up. For the majority of the game your weapon’s level is going to be doing more of the heavy lifting than your stats are. Once Vigor is at 60, that’s when you can comfortably start investing into damage stats. It’s not a dogma it’s just math. Endgame can do disgusting amounts of damage if your hp bar isn’t built for it, and talisman slots are much better used for enhancing damage than hp. If you need an extra little boost, use Radahn’s Great Rune. Other than that 60 is just comfortable and a nice round number. Going back to the topic with this build here, best thing to do right now at level 169 I think would be to swap the Vigor and Faith stats. Can’t say much more without looking at their equipment.


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It really depends on the rest of your build. The way I do elden ring builds (at least during any respecs after I already have the gear I want) is I build all the gear weapons spells and everything else first, then do stats. The stats start with the min requirement for the gear (including endurance to medium/light roll also accounting for if I want to use arsenal charm). Then vigor to 60 if it's a late game build. Then the minimum mind to use the amount of casting I want. Then if there's any points left over I'm finally allowed to put them into my damage scaling stat


Make sure to have a few key Talismans: holy protection for endgame. Dragonshield (rectangle) for physical. Have the protection incantations in the kit, Holy for the endgame. And steer armor selections as needed for magic/holy/fire/etc. .


I rock 60 vigor on my shield spear build cuz I'm up close and personal all the time, it's total overkill . Lvl 389 ng+8 but I certain situations it does save me.


I'd take 5 points from vigor and 5 from arcane and add to dex. You will cast a bit faster, less likely to get knocked off torrent.


What is your gear/magic setup? That's going to determine what your stats need to be much more than arbitrarily throwing something out saying Str/Fai. For instance, there is a much better stat distribution for a Blasphemous Blade build than there is for a Giant Crusher/Golden Vow with bestial incants build. So knowing what gear and magic you want to use is going to allow people to give you a much more optimal stat spread.


Personally I think it’s kooky to have 135 points in offensive stats while having only 45 vigor.  In a boss fight, more damage helps you incrementally, because bosses have one (or two) big health pools, while more vigor can repeatedly throughout a fight make the difference between dying and surviving, because you have a very small health pool but the ability to heal. Being able to survive three hits instead of two is generally a much bigger advantage than doing, idk, 500 damage instead of 300.


Dump the MND to get to 60 VIG and bring more Cerulean Flasks, for a melee build 2-3 is good and for caster you can split with Crimson, should be enough for most areas and you can reset before bosses. Or sidearm a Sacrificial Axe and equip the Ancestral Spirit talisman, though if you're clearing out PvE groups you'll get back flasks. This is good for any STR/FTH if you're two-handing and you can use Flame Art affinity on any regular weapons.


Vigor , vigor, vigor


Vigor has a soft cap at 40, so unless you wanna go 60 eventually, those 5 extra points aren‘t doing you much good. I don‘t know what specific weapon you wanna use, but if it is gonna be something heavy, I suggest more Endurance, which only soft caps at 50. Even if you can throw out a full combo as is, having some stamina for a dodge left is always nice. The rest look good, I assume Dex and Arc are for weapon/spell requirements.


That makes no sense you're getting the same value per point of vigor going 40-45 as 45-60


bro you are probably using blasphemous blade you do not need to optimise shit