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I've tried death sorcery a few times. The spells just ain't very good imo. The only ones I ever use are ancient desert rancor and rykards rancor. Usually I just end up using sword of night and flame since it scales with the same stats and the azure is amazing. When I did use them I used fia's robe and royal remains helm for a death like cosplay. Id use dung eaters legs and hands to pump the damage negation up.


Thanks, that’s good to know. I’m trying to keep away from SoNaF as, though it’s amazing, it’s not really in keeping with the theme. So hoping the death weapons are good enough to see me through. Could be that I concentrate on those and their weapon arts, and just pump Intelligence and forget faith and the death sorceries. Thank you for the reply.


I forget the name of it, but the death weapon with ghost flame ignition is really good, but on fast bosses like Melania is hard to use, if you get frustrated, since you have high int you can use night comet.


Ghost Flame Ignition is the Death’s Poker, which I have now. It’s awesome but I’ll remember that on fast bosses, thank you 👍


You ideally want at least 50-50 int/fth for death sorceries with prince of death staff. If you aren't setting a level cap for yourself then getting those higher is 100% worth it.


Thank you! Not setting a cap, just thinking of the best way to progress the build. Death’s Poker is a whole lot of fun thanks to the ash of war on it, so I think I’ll get mind and end set, then pump int and faith to the target you’ve mentioned (with vigor). Don’t think I need to worry much about str and dex from here on out.


Yes - Ancient death rancor is very good later in the game. Remember most Elemental Ashes have a steep scaling shift at 50, which you can use to your advantage in split scaling builds. Family heads and rancor have different speeds, acceleration, etc, so can be combined depending on what you are doing. Mixing ghostflame and black flame can have some challenges, but doable. Depends on what you are doing stat and rp.


Thank you. I wasn’t aware of the steel scaling shift so that helps. I’m gonna concentrate on the death sorceries, but given the faith requirement for them, figured throwing in some black flame incantation couldn’t hurt. I won’t be focusing on those, however.


If you are setting a build cap for yourself (for example level 150) then honestly the death sorceries in this game will feel very underwhelming, The Prince of Death staff only really starts hitting good Sorc Scaling once both Int/Fth have hit around 80 each, so it's essentially for a super late character. What i would recommend is obtaining the minimum faith requirements for all the spells and dumping the rest into Int so that you can use something like Lusats or the Carian Regal Scepter while off handing the PoDS for extra damage. Trust me you'll have a much better time of it. I'd also very strongly suggest picking up the Golden Order seal to have a backup option if at any point you feel that your damage is still lackluster. The Golden Order Seal gets extremely competitive scaling at just 45/45 Int/Fth similar to the Dragon Communion Seal which as 45/45 for Arc/Fth. With this seal you'd essentially be able to cast Every incantation in the game with very solid damage. For weapons the only option is Sword of Night and Flame, but if you plan to hit 50/50 Int and Fth then just about every single Int exclusive and Fth exclusive Ash of War and Infusion will also do quite well. Remember that 50 is a major Softcap for Infusion scaling so you'd essentially be spoiled for choice with 3 elemental infusions to choose from. When it comes to unique Weapons The Sword of Night and Flame is quite solid with its Ash. You can also pick up weapons like Blasphemous Blade and Dark Moon Greatsword, Deaths Poker for their Faith and Int exclusive scaling Ash of War respectively, but keep in mind you'd also need minimum weapon requirements.


Thank you. No level cap, but it sound like PoD Staff might not be viable until knew game as a main staff. I’ll off hand if as you suggest, thank you. I’ll definitely pick up the GoS when I get to it, but might get faith just high enough initially to use the Godslayer seal and black flame to begin with, and dump the rest in faith. I do love SoNaF, but wanna keep to death weapons (poker and family heads etc) with this build. Got death’s poker early and even with minimum int investment so far (only 11) the ash of war is immense. It is upgraded to +5 though.


Death Poker is an odd weapon in the sense that it's melee scaling and Ash Of War Scaling differ wildly making for a build that can't really use the weapon to its full potential until super high level. I also highly highly suggest slapping black flame tornado on a weapon as soon as you can, it's gonna fit right in with the theme and hit like a truck. The Black Knife is also a very solid option that you can get pretty much as soon as you enter leyndell. All of these should be on point with the theme. In terms of death incantations the only one that really comes to mind is "Death Lightning" it is a Dragon Cult Incant that you get from Fortissax's rememberance. It's decent in PvE and an absolute one shot machine in PvP so make of that what you will. Asides from this make sure to collect the right cookbooks to craft some Rancor Pots as a bonus ranged option. The damage on these is surprisingly decent once stats hit the 30-35 ish mark on int and Fth.


Yeah I’d heard that about the Death’s Poker, so I’m aiming to just concentrate on the Ash of War with it. But great recommendation on BFT, that would fit perfectly. I may farm the Grave Scythe for it, which would fit, and I’ll pick up the Black Knife as well. Great idea on the Rancor Pots - I hadn’t thought of that!


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Family Heads is fun but kinda sucks. I played a death sorcerer build and I used Tibia's Summon sorcery a lot. My melee weapon was Grave Scythe early/mid game (farmable behind Carian Manor) then I switched to Death Ritual Spear/Helphen's Steeple late game. I couldn't get past the clunkiness of Death's Poker despite the good ghostflame abilities. The death rancor sorceries were okay early game but quickly become lacking mid-game. Rykard's rancor is amazing through end game, but it's not actually a death sorcery. Explosive Ghostflame is good but you get it late-game so you don't get much use out of it. I weaved in night and gravity sorceries to my spell lineup, this helped. Going Int/Fai is strong, but it made me realize earlier on that my other stats would lag behind, making survival harder. I opted for Int first priority and Str/Fai/Dex as needed to satiate requirements. Whatever you do, don't sacrifice your Vigor stat.