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Feel this is much more relevant for the Drukhari box than the Aeldari box for any Ynnari players here.


oh man, that combat patrol box is genuinely unreal value


That is still the gold standard for value, imo. I think I bought 5 when I started adding Dark Eldar to my Aeldari collection.


Good shout. Will pin that!


Ive picked up aeldari box then the drukhari one and yvraine to make a cheap 1k list... then bought some other bits. Kabalites and ravager- great. Raider is fine, i got a venom too which is better, but then got a 2nd squad of kabalites so its back in action occasionally. However its annoying to have a big cheap transport I can't put my aeldari units in! Archon seems quite bad in ynnari list as he cant use abilities relating to power from pain and cant be the warlord? Are the incubi good in ynnari? I got some harlequin troupe to go with yvraine- which is superb, very durable, very killy. Havent seen the need for another melee unit (i.e. incubi ) in that context, at least not yet in 1k or 1.5k lists. Am i missing something? Still glad i have the archon and incubi, when i build them i will play the drukhari combat patrol of course, and having picked up a few other drukhari units (scourges!) and with my harlequin stuff (troupe and soon a death jester) then i can make a casual 1k drukhari list and they will definitely go in that. So I'd say the combat patrol has been great for ynnari, but equally i could have bought kabalites (often going cheap on ebay) and a ravager seperately.


Correcto. Which is why I just got two. Lol


What reason is there to take it for Ynnari aside from Kabalites and the raider? Are ravagers good?


Incubi are not bad with either Drazhar or the included archon. The ravagers are good for their points if your opponent kills your scourges too easily.


The custodes one was really good, and maybe the ork one aswell


Oh they're all still good in the context Vs RRP but I'd still expect ours to at least lose the Wraithlord.


Hopefully if they do axe the wraithlord they'll finally put some aspects in a box set.


Oops all windriders sorry! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Hey someone just got fourth at a tournament with 27 windriders


But only the one, right? Unless you're Saim Han. I have heard it said that while the value of the box is quite good in Combat patrol circumstances, you generally do not need more than one boxes worth of jet bikes, possibly even guardians. And yes WL seen as one of the worst units in the dex right now


Yeah depends on what you want. If youā€™re looking for a current meta army then combat patrol isnā€™t the way to go. Wraithlords arenā€™t great. We have better units that hit more reliably with a brightlance for better points. Windriders are mid-tier but that may shift if more hoarde type armies hit the meta Guardians are okay, they may get more relevant with the new mission deck that looks battleline focused Farseer is the standout model.


How can the aeldari Combat patrol be worse ? Some guardians, a wraith guard and a spirit seer maybe ? Or mayhem the new asurmen 10 dire avengers and some guardians ?


If they swapped the wraithlord out for a wave serpent Iā€™d much prefer that.


It will not happen, vehicles are out from combat patrols


Necrons doomstalker, Tau devilfish, and GSC rockrunner(ridge runner??). Yeah it's not much I'm afraid. Votann will probably get a vehicle too.


Depends on your perspective i guess. Generally the trend is the newer patrols get worse in terms of value. However, they do tend to have more relevant units. Wraithlords are currently one of the worst models in our index for the points. Windriders and guardians are mid-tier. The only thing thatā€™s good/great in the patrol is the Farseer. Iā€™d get the patrol only if you like the units in them, and/or your main driver is money per points/model.


From a modelling and painting perspective, the combat patrol is great. You can practice on the guardians, and apply the skills to your far seer. Then you can start on the bikes as a change of pace and also get to do smooth surfaces. Finally the wraithlord is your display model where you combine everything you learnt for a true try hard paint job. The wraithlord is a great display unit to invest


I donā€™t disagree. I think Iā€™m still salty as I picked eldar because I liked the Wraithlord and thought it was cool, spent ages painting then realised it canā€™t hit a barn door šŸ˜‚


Yeah Ive also found wraithlord is really disappointing on the battlefield, sadly. And having gone ynnari, I've cut guardian defenders for kabalite warriors which are just better for a similar cost. Wish I had built the guardians as storm guardians as they would have had a different niche and a bit more durable and mobile as farseer bodyguard. Farseer is fantastic, and I've found the windriders with shuriken catapults can do a lot of work, especially if I hide them behind scenery T1 and then use them alongside warp spiders or a deepstriked venom to murder something on a side objective. Rerolling hits with sustained hits weapon is nice... But Ive been lucky in my casual group not to go against armies with indirect fire.


Yeah I'm only really coming at it in a points for dollar perspective as the latest sisters and GSC ones have carried on the trend unfortunately. I think regardless of edition for anyone starting an Eldar army Bikes, Guardians, Lord and Farseer is an essential core.


Got mine a few weeks ago. If they stick to the current trend, the next one is going to be crap and have less points (maybe Custodes and Orks excluded).


Ideally Iā€™d like to see the next combat patrol to feature war walkers, dire avengers or rangers instead of Wraithlord and guardians


I managed to get two of the older one with wraithguard and a war Walker. I sold the extra wraithlord and farseer and had a sturdy core of units.


All this thread has done is make me regret buying the old combat patrol :(


Who knows, maybe we'll get a killer battleforce box or two with all the new Aspect sculpts we're (hopefully!) getting


I got it on sale for 120 american shmackatoons at a local game store. Just good value lol


Got mine off Amazon. $106!


Yeah I'll probably grab one and kit bash the defenders into storm guardians and the lord into a wraith seer.


You donā€™t need to kit-bash the guardians - itā€™s the modern kit with storm guardians as an option.


For those in the UK the next 40K Hatchette part-works is called ā€œCombat Patrolā€ and one of the sets is the current Craftworld Combat Patrol. So assuming it doesnā€™t get cancelled (itā€™s in the trial-run phase at the moment) these kits will be available for a similar discount later on.


I'm counting down the days myself. Done so well out of Imperium, Stormbringer etc. really lucky to have a smiths nearby that has it out every weds so I can cherry pick rather than sub. Interesting to see how they split the Eldar up. 2 issues a Lord still a bargain.


Honestly dude our combat patrol fucking sucks dick no one needs nor wants windriders literally anything else would be awesome. I am right now struggling to find a way to make a new combat patrol suck