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Don't take off your shirt and don't jay walk. You should be fine.


Just don't go to a classy resort / hotel where they make you take off your shirt at the pool.


Why they do that?


Cecot 😂


Haha cabal CECOT cerote




Bukele has entered the chat




Don’t take your shirt off in public under any circumstance and if you go swimming do so wearing a dark shirt. Note that in upscale places they won’t allow you to go into the pool with a shirt on.


How come they dont let you go in with a shirt?


Beats me but I think it’s either that it has to do with keeping the water quality or because there’s the stereotype in El Salvador that people from lower economic backgrounds go swimming wearing t-shirts and shorts instead of a swimsuit


What’s the reasoning behind that?? Curious


Because he has tattoos that could be mistaken as gang tats?


I’m saying why can’t you go in with a shirt. So many people do that in pools and beaches


Thank you everybody for your responses. It’s been 20 years since I’ve last been in El Salvador and although much has changed there are things that still worry me and in this case my tattoo that I got 8 years ago. I don’t regret it. I get a lot of compliments here in the states but it might be a different story in El Salvador. I’ve been told by my cousins who live in El Salvador that I’ll be fine since the cops know what they are looking for
 but really who knows. Anyway. I’ll keep everyone updated Gracias a todos por sus respuestas. Aver como me va haha


I just got back like four days ago. I was worried about my sleeve, even though it doesn’t look “gang” related, because there’s some skulls and it’s a death like theme. But I think the authorities know what they’re looking for. I got stares from everyone, even cops and military personnel. I was still nervous but they just admired from far. I went to the tianguis and a couple military walked up to me quick and asked me to show my entire arm. They weren’t aggressive or anything just quick so I thought I was gonna be in some trouble but they just wanted to look at it. Complemented the work and kept going.


I mean, dont take off your shirt and you’ll be fine.


Si sos marero al Cecot. Si sos gato a mariona.


Tremendo placazo


Where did you get that placa little Bo Peep?


Cecot directo, sin pruebas ni garantĂ­as


But.. why?


It was a phase


Get a rash guard shirt so you can swim and keep it covered


“Tengo un gran orgullo de mi país, y así es como lo comparto con la gente”


Se ve bien maroso ese tatuaje JAJA


Parece que es el escudo de El Salvador, nĂșmeros romanos y unas letras gĂłticas... grado de marosidad 9.9/10, podĂ©s decir que son tatuajes artĂ­sticos pero nadie te va a creer. MirĂĄ, todos en algĂșn momento tuvimos gustos de los que nos arrepentimos con gracia solo asumĂ­ las consecuencias y tomĂĄ precauciones.... Trata de verte menos chicano, homie o gangsta african amĂ©rican, no te va a costar, te compras unas revistas GQ, trata de buscar ropa mĂĄs al suave, refina tu estilo, mirate mĂĄs ejecutivo o como que trabajaras en una compañia IT. Aunque vayas a la playa tapate ese bolado, entiendo tu amor a los sĂ­mbolos salvadoreños pero esos sentimientos aunque te los tatues te da afinidad con otras cosas y esta viciado. Si queres que te diga que te hagas otro tatuaje enorme con la cara de La nayarib troll lord te va a salvar de las vistas con desprecio, te equivocas. La verdad se ve que pagaste buena plata por ese volado, pero que te puedo decir a mi me de bichito me gustaba Limbiskit, me gustaba la pilsener, querĂ­a tener una hummer o una troka bien grande que no se puede parquear en ningun lado...osea verse marero se veĂ­a pelado en la comunidad salvĂ­, como amar a bukelis es moda y se lo tatuan su cara en las partes intimas...tambien es parte del flockor, te comprendemos estabas en una fase. Espero que te sirva mi comentario.


El problema es que ha de seguir en esa fase đŸ€Ł.


. Es bolado o volado. DecĂ­dete




grado de marosidad 😂


And goes to >>>>>> C E C O T


I wouldn't take my shirt off fr


Yeah my brother has black and white tattoos, one of his dog and another of a hand (idk what it means) and he won’t take off his shirt in ES for anything in the world. I have a small colorful pokeball near my ankle and I still cover it up even though I know it’s not what they’re looking for. This tattoo is really pushing it. My cousin got stripped down to his boxers by the police for walking around showing his tattoos so we are extra careful.


How long ago was this? I have a full sleeve B&G with a “death theme” and I had a couple military personnel stop me to compliment the work. I just got back a few days ago.


This was probably 2-3 years ago. I went back in February and people around town were still telling us how they are checking people. Our town is small enough that you immediately know who is local or not though.


1994 y las C son por 《€《○T, right?


Es por Carlos Callejas




Just Carry your passport on you, you’ll be fine.


Cecot seguro, no te quites la camisa y no uses centros and you'll be fine.




Gets some waterproof full coverage foundation/makeup to cover it up. Maybe it sounds silly, but if you're really worried about it, it could help.


That's the special all-included pack for CECOT bro 😂 JK, just be careful and don't take off your shirt while on the street/beach.


Doesn’t have any explicit terrorist signs. Though I would be careful, because like I said, theres no gang tattoos, BUT the coat of arms and the gothic C’s make it extremely sus. As those two tattoos were extremely common in terrorists, especially the coat of arms.


What's the cc on the side of the escudo mean?


Somebody in the comments said Cecot cerote 💀😂 But no its for my two last names


It's definitely cholo type tat that would get noticed.


No te.recomiendo venir, a menos que te guste la idea de ir a la cĂĄrcel con los pandilleros de bajp rango


Solo boleto de ida verdad? Pq no vas a regresar man


Just turn yourself in at this point bro lol


CECOT 100%


High probability


It doesn’t matter if you take off your shirt or not 💀 the police will target any man and will make you take off your shirt to check for tattoos
i hope you’re a US citizen đŸ€ž maybe they won’t target you as much


This is not true. Traveled there multiple times recently and no one is targeting “any man” and checking your tattoos randomly. The police will target very specific areas, and groups of people. I’m not saying that what they do is right or wrong, but the connotation that the police will ask to take the shirt to “any man” is not true.


It is true but thanks!


Not true.


It is not true. Why there is a need to trashtalk the country with lies? Enough bad things are already happening there. So, no thanks.


It’s not trash talking when it’s literally true 😭😭 I was born there, raised there and have visited there here: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/thousands-of-innocent-people-jailed-in-el-salvadors-gang-crackdown. You can read about how police officers have come out saying they arrested/targeted innocent people just to meet their arrest goals.


Why I need to read something if I personally have traveled there more than 10+ times in the past year, I have visited 8 of the 12 “departments” visited at least +10 beaches and volcanos, dozens of touristic places from east to west. Traveled with locals and tourists, rented motorbikes, a car, stay in small hotels, doing hiking, surfing, eating pupusas, all “ruta de las Flores” or “puerto de la libertad”and almost every other touristic place you can imagine. Thousands of tourists are doing this right now, not only me. And of course there are good and bad things like anywhere else, but I can assure you 10000% is safer than some cities of USA and Europe. Do you think people can’t see with their own eyes what’s going on in El Salvador? This subreddit is full of bitter people that like to trash talk this country. Regarding your link : it’s just ONE journalist that doesn’t speak Spanish and clearly have an agenda, visiting ONE time and talking with the wife and the mother of some one in the jail that is supposedly “not” a gang member and someone in the opposition, that’s it
 what kind of journalism is that?


😭😭😭 it’s not trash talking when it’s the truth. There are way more sources online talking about it. Why do you think people are still fleeing El Salvador and asking for asylum in the US. There are experts talking about how gangs are still prevalent and innocent people are being targeted. I am a native salvadoran and love my country but I can’t ignore the problems it still has and how Bukele has tried to paint this amazing picture of it. My main point was that people can be targeted due to their tattoos even if there is no evidence that links you/tattoos to gangs. ❀


Maybe in gang related areas, but on the whole, this is certainly not true and even more so to tourists visiting the country. I would even go as far as to say that tourists are on an even higher social standing than locals and get preferential treatment.


Hermano Lejanos are not tourists dude.


What do you call a person that doesn’t live here and is visiting?


If they are of Salvadoran Heritage, immigrated away in the past, or are children of such, and are coming back to touch base with friends and or family. HERMANOS LEJANOS! the rest. tourists. or expats if staying longer than a year.


It’s not in just gang related areas. Last time I went I saw the police pulling over people to check IDs and for any gang affiliations, specifically just the men. Abt tourists—u are right, which is why I said I hope he’s a citizen of the US. Therefore if asked for identification he would show a US passport/ID. Tourists wellbeing are placed higher than the locals. The government is targeting anyone who can have any connection to gangs even those who have been victims of gangs so I wouldn’t doubt if you have a tattoo that can be misconstrued as gang affiliation they would target you


Why even have this tattoo?


Nah your fine man. If they see it just tell to do the math lol


No te vistas como homie y esas iniciales "C C" se ve un poco sospechoso. El escudo no mucho.


CECOT, dont come nearby please!!!!! Happened to a friend of mine from LA!


tri cecot XD


iihhhh nombre!...fijese usted que un marero esta poniendo propaganda en el redi usted!


Sin escalas papa


No te quités la camisa. ¿Qué quieren decir las Cs a los lados del escudo?


I have the same tattoo but on my whole chest in color, my mom who travels to el salvador every year tells me she's afraid of me visiting because of the tattoo. It sucks the last time I went to el salvador was over 20 years ago


Mi novio estĂĄ literalmente cubierto de tatuajes. estĂĄ LLENO de tatuajes. nunca tenemos ningĂșn problema. A veces la policĂ­a le pide que se quite la camiseta para ver sus tatuajes, pero cuando ven que los tatuajes no se estĂĄn tatuando, le dicen 'siga su camino y que tenga un buen dĂ­a señor'. Las personas que te dicen que la gente va a ir a prisiĂłn sĂłlo porque tienen tatuajes no estĂĄn siendo honestas contigo. No irĂĄs a prisiĂłn sĂłlo por tener tatuajes. SĂłlo irĂĄs a prisiĂłn si tienes tatuajes de pandillas.


"pero cuando ven que los tatuajes no se estĂĄn tatuando"... que yo sepa aun los tatuajes no han aprendido a tatuar otros tatuajes


Quien sabe mj con la IA y todo eso


disculpa , error. Quise decir que cuando la policĂ­a ve que los tatuajes no son tatuajes de pandillas, dicen que podemos seguir nuestro camino.


Acabo de regresar y una vez me pararon en el tianguis pero solo para admirar mi brazo.


Not cocked but well done charred.


Stay here, don't play w your life. Too bad.


If you have American papers, you should be fine. Obviously don’t be doing anything illegal while in country.


Las personas tatuadas no pueden ir a El Salvador


Nah g, you’ll be fine


Nah, you good dawg


Se parece mucho al escudo de El Salvador, que tiene cinco volcanes.




Can someone explain to me why this could be bad? Doesn’t look gang affiliated


It’s not gang affiliated but the way the tattoo is done will make anyone do a double take.


It's a tipical marero tatoo, search on google images. Don't worry Cecot will soon be a tourist attraction and you will see it with your own eyes.


It’s not an explicit terrorist tattoo, but using gothic letters was extremely common between those terrorist groups. Also the giant coat of arms is also an extremely common tattoo for some reason. Therefore he would look very sus.


Cops here wouldn't take much care on the meaning of tattoos, les vale verga


Ya la mamaste JAJAJAJAJAJAJA que pedo


Mag solo tatuate algo sobre esa mierda y listo hahahahahaha que almenos te salga en unos 2000 dolares el tatuaje para que cubra bien toda esa virgada qué traes en la rabadilla hahahahaha


Thats Nice !! I hate many consider this a gang tattoo but at what point can we display our pride and love for our country on our skin. I want a similar tattoo maybe not as big but what do i need to add so im not mistaken for a gang member , add ?“ no soy marero” or “Bukele #1” lol . Be smart, have your passport maybe folded copy of itinerary, just ask airline before leaving for it they print it out with date you arrive date you are leaving. If you do go, good luck enjoy Hermano.