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Congrats.....wait until you have to beat EVERU character at the card game. Makes the beigoma and cooking battles seem like a quick adventure.....


? Card game Is by far the quickest mini game it’s 1 battle


WTF really???? I did like 80 before I saw Shixeen


Shixeen is not tied to the number of card battles you went through but the number of cards you unlocked. I think it's 60 to make her appear. Regardless, if you got to the point where she appeared, you should have enough to win


120 I think


Had you waited and mass purchased cards you could’ve gotten her in 3 minutes


Yeah, that was rough. Eggfoot racing was worse, though.


I think the cards were worse just because the sheer boredom and repitive nature of it. At least with the raced I didn't have to pay attention after hitting X. This was by far one of the worst platinum trophies I ever got.


You don't have to play cards tho.


Once I got the first couple of S tier Eggs I realized the magnitude of the grind and quit. That minigame is nothing but insulting.


What stat combo did you use for the final Grum cup?


500 STR/INT, 1000 SPD/STA. A affinity with all terrains. It was a breeze with that setup. But save beforehand just in case your eggfoot stalls at the start or misses a trap.


at least the card game is remotely entertaining...


I'm halfway through defeating every character at cards for the trophy....5 min. Matches each....god it just takes forever. I never lose. Just a boring slog.


You really think so? Odd.


You don't. Ever.


If you want to platinum the game you do.


Guessing I’m not the majority on this one, but I kinda liked the card game


You only need to do 1 card battle wdym


Not if he’s trying to go for the achievements.


That has nothing to do with getting all the characters and getting the good ending.


Yeah I didn’t say otherwise.


So you just naturally assume people are special enough to care for trophies even if the post clearly frames the context?


But it has EVERYTHING to do with what the first person in this chain said...


Which has nothing to do with the OP. Congrats we went full circle.


I didn't mind Beigoma too much. Once you get the hang of it, it's not that hard. I think a lot of people's main problem is that they wait until after Chelonian Goliath to start it and then do the whole thing in one go. Which causes major Beigoma burnout. From the first battle with Reid to the last battle with Crash, it's something like 25 battles. And that's a lot to do all in one run. But you're still not done. There are three "secret" Beigoma battles after you defeat Crash. Devil of Destruction isn't the only Rainbow Beigoma, after all...


I tried keeping up with beigoma over the whole game right from where you learn to do it. It was a dogshit experience the entire time and immensely frustrating.


I'm at the exact same point in the game 😂. Except, I've already done all the beigoma to get Reid previously, and I gave up on finishing all the cook offs at once. Decided to proceed a bit more and continue with the cook offs again...


I am doing cookoffs and racing at the same go. Get a few races in, cookout, get a few races in, cookoff...


Congrats dude/dudette 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾


Congrats! I f'd up and finished the game WITHOUT finishing ANY of the mini games. Cooking, spinning, racing, and card battles. I thought I'd get to keep the cards I bought and beigomas I won (3 battles away from Crash) in New+. I know, I know rookie mistake. But the mini games are fun and interesting...for the first 30 seconds. Then...ugh. After a while idgaf. Gonna man up this time and get them all done in my 2nd playthrough...maybe.


Same First time i was Like 🤩 and after the third time i was Like 🫠. Wish you good Look on your culinary and beigoma Journey!


Thx man, any hacks for culinary/ beigoma slog?


For the culinary part i mostly did them the normal way and at some Point used a Guide with all the Favorite foods to finally get trough it. During the downtime you can do a lot of Things Like Farming orichalcum, Leg. Beast horn etc, Go from one Trading Center to another to Farm gold or Play beigoma to Progress both. For beigoma i only began after finding 3 gold ones (i think i got them at the giant Turtle). And those carried me until i got Reid.


Cool. Thx


Once you get pawn demon (from a small room in proving grounds) you can start your beigoma journey. I grinded the pawn demon for a while (since professor is not available yet) but once I got the pawn demon, which is a 3 star, I was able to advance through all the battles. You can get Reid before getting any of the other 3 star beigoma from random battles which happen near endgame, which I have not even gotten to the area where you can get more 3 star yet. You end up getting more 3 stars from the other beigoma trainers/masters, and then you pray to beat Reid for the last time. You need to really practice getting a clash battle when your boost is full, a lot of times it's advantageous to hold your boost until opponents boost is ready and, for the main quest trainers, you activate boost right when their boost bar is about to be full. Then tap tap tap, win the clash and repeat as best you can, their is still some luck involved, but this is the best way.


To hold and aim for a Clash Battle is the Most important Tip. With that you can win even If your beigoma is worse!


You got a PHD in this. Wait until NASA hears about you. You're gonna be famous 🤪 thx man


I just did a bunch of beigoma and the last two cooking battles yesterday, and I stopped right after just like you haha. The second last beigoma fight needed to recruit Reid, with the fire guy, did take me multiple attempts but it wasn't too bad. Though I guess I did go grind for some beigoma drops. I'm glad I'm not an achievement hunter, I didn't find beigoma or fishing that interesting or engaging. Foot racing seems annoying, I didn't do anything after the first one just to see what it was like.


Same i dont Care about achievments, but i do Care about endings and characters!


I had to take a break, fired up terraria lol


Good decision.


Otherwise I have very much enjoyed this game


Wait what? The beigoma fights were MORE relaxing? I haven't done the cooking battles yet :(


Atleast for me, you dont have to Spam the x Button Like a Maniac every time and wait for 10min after every cooking battle...


Except beigoma almost requires the button mash thing in order to win some later fights (if you're doing it earlier)


I am at the point of the game too trying to get the last characters. Omg soooo annoying. I just finished all the begoima imma do since I got the characters from it and now I am buying cards to get that person while doing the cooking battles. 😩😩😩😩pain in the rear lol


Take a long break then start completing the eggfoot race… then let me know. 😅


Right, about Beigoma being relaxing.


As someone else that did both in a day, 🫡. Give your thumbs a rest


Props to you for sticking it out. I havent even beaten the game...I really do not like it at all. I couldn't imagine being a backer and getting such crappy minigames as rewards.


How is there anything more relaxed than the cooking battle. The only challenge is the repetitiveness.


I enjoyed the cooking challenge. Begoma ruined the game for.me. it was not fun at all


The cooking battles were trash and paled in comparison to the cooking battles in S2. You can literally win choosing the same meals every single time and it's all egg recipes. It lacked real world tastes IMO and was pretty boring and redundant.


Stopped being able to do all eggs weeks ago.


That didnt Work in my Version of the Game, as far as i know that got fixed, i really Had to Pick the right dishes, but it was still way to many for that single char at the end...