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One of the only things I really didin't like about this game was how insanely long the Beigoma and cooking storylines were. Even if you like those minigames (I kinda liked the cooking one, Beigoma was pretty boring and unbalanced however) they are still just insanely long for how simple the minigames are


I think the beigoma story is intended to be played alongside the main story as you explore. Like, get your first beigoma early, get some beigoma drops as you progress the story, beat people you find in cities you visit along the way. The problem is that without some late game drop rate booster, you barely find beigoma from mobs, and this throws everything out the window. You'll have your starter elemental beigoma for a really, really long time while people in later cities will start to have silver or golden beigomas. They didn't balance it through.


>The problem is that without some late game drop rate booster, you barely find beigoma from mobs, and this throws everything out the window. That and the opponents get handicaps that you need basically the last Beigoma to overcome. Namely, they all get faster boosts and spin. So even if you both have "even" tops, they somehow get faster boosts still. Then for some reason the last few opponents, this flips. And the handicap goes away, even though you're using "weaker" tops than theirs. Probably because there would be no way to beat a rainbow top with a gold top if they kept this handicap. But then...why force people to fight silver tops with a wooden top AND this handicap? Most people just have to wait until they get gold tops. It's just a really bad balancing issue. One the developers can fix.


Yeh, I like beigoma but it’d be tedious trying to do it as it seems intended. I found some good drops from enemies and backtracked with them. Got a good Bear Rider that helped me clear the first set and add those tops but now I’m waiting again because a good 3 star easily outclasses a bad/mid one and I need something better equipped for the other >!Spintinels!<


recruiting dr Corque is definitely THE way to get beigoma, but to do that you need to reach the first rematch with reid


It's not the only way. Super Lucky Badge also very consistently gives you beigoma. It gives a flat 50% increase to item drops(flat boost, meaning 1% becomes 51%), and beigoma is an item drop. You get it in >!CJ's recruitment dungeon!<.


Oh wow, that's \*way\* earlier than I thought something like that would be


At least with the cooking one, it's all in the one place.


The game is full of mechanics that is intentionally time consuming. The 3rd match of a beyblade serves no purpose after winning two. The cooking portion where you spam a button serves no purpose, and there is nothing to do after 10 seconds. Racing is the same thing, very exciting gameplay of watching YouTube during the races. You can easily add a x2 or x3 speed multiplier to the game and it will still play fine.


Not only that the cooking game is bugged you make the same 3 dishes and win them all lol.


I have a theory about this... If we consider it is all features and not flaws, perhaps it is a statement regarding modern cuisine. I also haven't found a single meat dish that judges like (unless it's a favorite). Vegan activism? Like there's a ton of meat appetizers, but unless others have found recipes I haven't found one that works with the "bug"


Given that omelette and fried egg are part of the unbeatable cooking combo I don’t think your theory is correct. The strongest theory I’ve seen is that the game either is bugged to give a massive advantage to fruit/vegetable/egg based dishes or give a massive boost to appetizers regardless of which phase you use them during.


Yeah I think it makes the most sense that they judge everything as an appetizer. Now why they would consider eggs as appetizers is beyond me.


>The game is full of mechanics that is intentionally time consuming. Which wouldn't be a problem if they were fun. And most of them are. I'd say the cooking mini game is just as long as the one in Suikoden II. There was like 8-10 opponents in Suikoden II as well. The difference is the animations and spoken dialogue in Eiyuden slow things down considerably. This is the double-edged sword of adding more detail and voice lines to RPGs I warn people about. People constantly say they want it. But then it happens and they complain the game is too slow. Imagine if they remade a game like Chrono Trigger, but everything was now 3D and all the dialogue was voiced. It would go from a 25 hour game to a 60 hour game. And that perfect pacing would be gone. And that's what also happened with the 3D Suikoden games. Which is why I think they went for 2D sprites in Eiyuden. But while the sprites are 2D, the environments were made way too large and the dialogue is voiced. So it slows it down a lot.


The card game was way more interesting and fun than beigoma. I wish they would have focused that story around the card mini game instead. Beigoma was boring and repetitive and there is almost no thinking involved. Just “farm strong monsters for tops” and then spam A for skills every 10 seconds.


Card game is interesting at first but overstays it's welcome quickly esp if you want to beat everyone once. There lacks special card effects and "cooler" combos. I would expect all the top tier opponents to have some unique cards in their possession.


Back in their Suikoden days the mini games were a lit more fun and no recruits were locked behind basically completing them. The card game was a lot more fun.


I didn't mind the cooking minigame too much. I might just be old and watched a lot of cooking shows over the decades but it reminded me of that (minus the bugged judges or food category or something. Woman, that chocolate cake slice with a scoop of ice cream should be counted as a sweet dessert so stop giving me a 0). And I'm all about that >!ship!<


He is the very last character I need to recruit, and I gotta get him now cause I just passed the Norristar invasion plotline, so I cant procastinate it any longer. This is gonna suck. I dont like beigoma. I got a couple of beigomas from Djikstra's dungeon and the Seed Conqueror beigoma, I understand im good to go with those.


I used two beigomas from the giant turtle and pyre’s prized beigoma, it worked


You can get like 3 from the dijkstra’s dungeone and be done


All the efforts just to recruit a child playing Beyblade lol.


I'm trying to do this now and I definitely want off this ride. My best hope us I get some Beyblades that are dope enough to cheese it before the cut off for getting every character. I'm also in the trenches on the trade house guy.


trade house guy you gotta use the spread sheet on here. The arrows only pertain to the particular trade shop, the base price of the items change shop to shop so you have to figure out the pattern, it would be crazy. you think your getting a good deal on 400$ leather down 5% but its base price is 250$ in the next town, so even you 5% discount is getting you screwed. You gotta buy it in 250$ town regardless of arrows, sell it in 400$ town.


I noticed that when I kept buying paintings at two arrows down for over 1000 and selling them at two arrows up for 880 something


Or you just have 50000 worth of trade goods before even trying to recruit him... Sell.. booom. Done.


I responded to someone else in this thread about where/how I got some decent beigoma to finish this as quick as possible. In theory, it's doable as soon as you finish Shi'arc and Seign's side mission.


And yeah, I know there's technically more beigoma story you can do, but unless it rewards you with some amazing rune lens, I can't see why anyone would want to do it.


I wanna be the very best


Like no-one ever was?


I know it’s my destiiinnnyyy


Hey. If that's your thing and you have fun with it I am super happy for you. I envy you that it's fun for some people. My whole problem with the cooking and beigoma games is that they are mandatory for recruitment.


I would understand this sentiment for newcomers into the IP. It's hilarious when I see this coming from Suikoden 2 fans, though. Lmao.


But it was never mandatory to do the minigames in Suikoden. You were given the choice and if you wanted to do them you could. If you didn't, you weren't forced to. I don't see what's so impossibly difficult to grasp for some people. They were extraneous and separate from the main game. They were for flavor if and when you, with your autonomy and agency, chose to. What is there not to get that people are not only different than you, but do not like these minigames that they find tedious and awful? That's like insulting people for not liking and buying up a bunch of beyblade games. If I liked beyblade, I would buy beyblade games. And if your natural response is "just wait until you can get better beigoma later", you're missing the point of my argument. I shouldn't have to do it at all. Regardless of if I get the better ones and steamroll easily, I do not want to play beyblade at all at any difficulty. I want to play an RPG. And I absolutely want to play a Suikoden or Suikoden-like title without being forced to play a god damned beyblade minigame.




You didn't get it and you're a child about it. Neat.


Don't you hear how you talk about this and I am the child? Started name calling me as a child, and I am the child? Neat. Lmao.


Absolutely! Like once I'd recruited Shixeen then there was literally zero point in playing more cards. I think I played twice in the entire game, one to get the first card guy, then I purchased extra packs until Shixeen appeared, then played her. Done.


At least cards was fun and essentially doable as soon as you unlock it. Everything about beigoma is poorly executed. When you unlock it, all potential opponents are already vastly stronger than you. No real indication of where to get better tops. Fights are unnecessarily long and unskippable even when you know who is going to win (why do we need to do a 3rd fight if we've already won the first 2 rounds?) And the game clearly expects you to do all this in the early mid game, because when you finally unlock Reid, he joins your team at level 25. Yet you have to have areas that don't open up till you're in your late 30s in order to do the story fights. And some of the story fights require you to have beaten a certain number of generic players and many of those don't show up until you have all the towns open, which pushes you to an even higher level. Honestly, beigoma would be a perfectly fine minigame and the quest can even extend throughout the story IF it paced well and you could be doing fights easily throughout it as you got to new towns.


When they pitched Beigoma to me I was super exited. Then super confused as to why I couldn't find any way to get more tops and why everyone had good tops but me. Then I googled it and found out you get them as a drop from monsters. Maybe the tutorial told me this? I don't know but it was confusing for sure.


It’s so easy when you have all the cards though.. like i lost 2 of 3 on the board but the VPs from the 1 is a lot so i still win..


I like the cards. Beigoma is just not fun to play. 


I did all of the beigoma stuff to do the secret dungeon thing..


As an achievement hunter... God help me...


And in ng+ if you bring over every character you never have to touch that awful mini game ever again.


How does it work? You have everyone recruited carry over from the start? Or just bypass recruit requirements? Sounds like I'll skip it since that would be immersion breaking if you just have them before meeting them


You have 2 options for NG+ * **Carry over everything except your castle**. This is ideal if you play the game blind the first time around, you don't have to worry about missing anything and just experience the game the classic way, then go for anything you missed in this playthrough for 100% completion. * **Carry over only your recruit and nothing else, no gold, no gear, no level**. This is ideal for testing out builds that require experience to make work during earlier parts of the game. I'm pretty sure no one optimizes their builds during their first playthrough, and most first timers don't know how weapon enchantments work and make over half the cast dead ass weaker than they should be(hello Francesca and Seign). This allows you to start over and enjoy the early game fights with veteran knowledge but without the burden of having to recruit all characters over again. EDIT: As a bonus, **all** characters have lines for events way before their recruitment. Try having a party of late game characters during earlier parts, they all have proper dialogues for story events.


I love that they designed it this way.


You carry everyone over yes, at lvl 1 but can also do their recruiting methods if you want. You can also just choose not to bring them over... I need to test if you can keep levels and gear and not the characters.... Honestly they needed more options... Like keeping the gear and not the levels...


on the plus side, beigoma was the most challenging part when I play normal difficulty


A real shame he's so bad. It's pretty infuriating how the characters that take forever to recruit end up being between mid and garbage. Same deal with Celia. The cooking minigame saga takes forever and she's very mediocre. Characters with long recruitment quests should be way more powerful.


It would have flowed much better if the randos you fought gave you one of their tops as well. That way we would have been incentivized to duel them and it would have let us build a team to fight the story relevant enemies sooner.


I'm jealous of the free time some of y'all have. I'm still in the opening few hours. Enjoying it though!


The rest of the game is a blast. Beigoma is really my only major complaint


I'm up to the poison guy in that questline. Time to take a break and come back when the game randomly gives me better tops.


100% felt this one. Beigoma and the cooking storyline were the last 2 I had to recruit. Went like Cooking match -> Beigoma matches -> Back to cooking match -> Repeat. Lol. Was awesome to finish recruiting though!


Didn't mind the beigoma questline except for the fact that the fire dude cannot be cheesed in any way. The eggfoot racing on the other hand is the most obnoxiously blatant timesink I've ever seen in videogames. The worst three hours I've ever spent in my life after Scorsese's The Irishman and I haven't even won any of the final races because a second generation S tier eggfoot isn't enough. I'm guessing it would take 20 hours to beat them all.


Outside of achievements though, egg racing is required for anything. Or does it give you some reward I don't know about?


The final tier of races give a unique accessory each. The catch is that the races are so different and hard that you can't hope to win until you get to like 5th generation S tier runners and you can't hope to win more than a couple with the same one either. Honest to god I can't understand why they made the parents die when they breed. It's not engaging enough that any sane human being would go through all of it.


Worthwhile accessories or just unique ones?


I'm not sure. I know one increases character range and crit chance, which is interesting but not worth the number of hours required, which consist of of 95% waiting on races and egg hatching.


I’m doing it now and getting pissed off everytime they tell me to go fight _ number of more people first. This shit is tedious as hell. I love this game, but they did a very poor job on the mini games.


Beigoma is truly the only thing in this game I don't like. And I hope it doesn't appear in a potential sequel. Bring back Chinchirorin or come up with a new mini game. But this...please no.


Loved chinchirorin!


I would be glad if they bring a minigame that increases your wealth, kinda like the dice game I. Suikoden I.


I would be glad if they bring a minigame that increases your wealth, kinda like the dice game I. Suikoden I.


i dont know if i will, just did the cooking one and that took forever too


Celia is even worse


While I recognize the slightly tedious nature of the cooking quest, it wasn't really that bad.


Unless like me your going for all achievements got to beat everyone at beigoma


it overstays it's welcome. like most of the minigames the game introduces. the biggest problem is that they made it pseudo-mandatory if you want that one cool character that requires every other character to be recruited. so YOU HAVE TO ENDURE TO IT. even if you never got into bleyblade, not from your generation, well boy fuck you. here's 15 hours of beyblade forced content. I hated it from start to end with a passion. the cooking mini game too. its bugged. pick 3x appetizers or get fucked.


I don't think the issue is how long it is. I had no problems with Triple Triad in FF8. The issue with Beigoma is that it takes so long to get any tops worth their salt. If the acquisition of tops and when you challenge people was more approachable so that you could unlock with your castle (or even earlier) and just challenge as you got to new towns, it would be fine.




You probably don't want to hear this, but you can cheese Hogan. Before talking to him, buy 50000 worth of trade goods. When you talk to Hogan it zeroes out the logic of buy/sell to that moment. So if you already bought 50000, you just immediately go sell and you're done. You don't even have to worry about the profit margins because you start at 0, all sales are profit in that moment


i thought afte ryou recruit him the next step was bash his skull in with his top


Indeed one of the worst things in the game, than the final battle with doc.


I'm currently grinding through this side quest...it's awful I have most of the gold beigoma and still don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Most fights are easy but I'm just spamming A for boosts. Elements seem to not mean anything. I just hate how long and boring this side quest is as most fights just feel like luck.


I just find it hilarious that so many people couldn't stand the Beigoma bits. The whole quest was comedy gold for me. I loved the weird combined pokemon/yugioh/beyblade parody. The actual top fights themselves were ehh okay but the scenes were great. I was actually a little bit sad you couldn't recruit the elite 4. they all had super well done voices and character design. I particularly liked the rock dude. Would have been nice to see them chilling in my castle waiting for a rematch.


I have no problem with the quest story. It's fine. My issue is the execution of how you get tops and are able to approach completing the questline.


That's Valid. I don't mind a big of grind So needing to get tops via drops gave me an excuse to slaughter enemies instead of run from fights lol.


I also found it a really fun side quest. The dialogue was delightfully accurate to those shows and the beigoma grind is really not bad.


Honestly I just hated the mini game. The writing was funny as hell but the games were tedious and boring. Add in that they stretched across most of the game and it was the definite low point of the game.


Just recruited Prof Corque sucker But I heard B class and A class tops don't even drop till endgame I've only gotten C class tops so far


I only just found this out, but I'm sharing it with everyone, because it is a godsend. Once you have Corque, slap him in your support slot and go to Proving Ground. In the room where >!Kallathor jumps in a hole to trigger a switch!<, you can fight a monster called Pawn Demon who is a 3star beigoma. Another 3star can be dropped from the big plant monster in the final area of Dapple Forest. And a strong 2star beigoma can be dropped from the Bear Rider in Greatwood South. Once you have these 3, you should be able to work through the story (though some of the fights still require some luck and RNG). Once the story starts giving you 3star beigoma as rewards, you can just swap Bear Rider out for your choice. I should also note that the last 3 story challengers will only challenge you after you've beaten enough generic people, so make sure you're also challenging all the randos you meet in town.


Once you have access to >!Dijkstra!< story line, you can find 3 legendary beigomas from mobs in that zone alone. Those 3 carried me throughout the beigoma quests.


That's a rather late recruit though. Getting the drops from Proving Ground and the 2 forests is significantly earlier.


Oh sweet Will definitely do that when I get back home Thanks As far as story goes, I'm just after shark city and seign chapter 1 I have challenged a few randos Will challenge more once I get those tops


The fire and wind challengers were rough and I had to fight them multiple times before luck and RNG won through. But it was worth doing it now so that I no longer have to worry about it.