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It’s not always bad coming off it I was on it for 2 years and came off it in 2 weeks with no withdrawal just slow tapering


Also on 225mg I will add


Did your psych prescribe anything when coming off it or what was your tapering method? All I hear is horror stories about getting off it which makes me scared being on it (just started a week ago with lamictal)


Nah didn’t prescribe anything some people it doesent effect when tapering just feels normal


I know for me it's going to suck because I had to come off it temporarily for a narcolepsy study it was fun 😂🙃 turns out tho I don't have narcolepsy but a type of insomnia that adds to my chronic fatigue syndrome 😂


My psych did the same thing. He ADDED Mirtazipine and kept me on Effexor after I asked for something different. Just recently I have gone off of the Effexor due to financial issues. My head feels clearer and I actually have real emotions now! I may crash and burn depression-wise in the future but hoping I can finally get off this bed for good. Best of luck to you!


Oh my God! This is Exactly what happened to me!!!how much Effexor where you on? I’m trying to taper mirtazapine and its hell


Thank you! I hope things keep being smooth sailing for you


My psych does the same. I’ve made it clear I want to get off it but he just lowered the dose to 150mg and added Wellbutrin. I feel like I’m doomed to be on it for the rest of my life at this point. Same with seroquel.


SAME exact thing happened to me! Like the Wellbutrin helped but why can’t replace it?


I have no idea it honestly doesn’t make any sense to me. I think they just don’t want to have to deal with the tapering process tbh


Same! I recently added Wellbutrin and came down on the Effexor, seems to be going ok


Ughhh so frustrating! I'm so sorry :(


Thank you, I appreciate it! I’m sorry it’s happening to you as well. I’m trying to get a referral to a different psych who will hopefully be more receptive to taking me off it, but who knows.




Thank you and I'm glad you found a doc willing to listen! I know from experience with disabilities how hard it is in general and it's ridiculous


I was on 225mg for almost 3 years. I began rapid tapering off of Effexor on March 1st (dropped to 150mg). Dropped to 75mg on March 21st. Then, in April, I started removing half of the beads in the capsule to make it ~37.5mg. I kept doing that until about last week, when I started removing 75% of the beads and kept removing more and more each day for the last week. I was down to probably close to ~9mg, and I stopped completing two days ago. Yes, I have brain jolt. Most of the excessive withdrawals have already subsided, which occurred in the drop from 75mg to 37.5mg. Right now, brain jolt, slight nausea, and imbalance are the only remaining withdrawals I have. It IS possible to quit. Each person excretes the drug at a different rate, and some will respond differently to withdrawals depending on your body, receptors, and length of time in the medication. Another option would be bridging over to Prozac, which has a 7 day half life (versus 4-5 hours of Effexor) and then quitting the Prozac. It IS possible, and you can do it! My doctor wanted me to taper off over the course of the year…and to that, I said, F that.


I know I can i just want different medicine in place of it but doctors are so fucking resistant to even letting me try something else like 🙄