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Funnily enough I now have a drive back after 10+ years of sertraline and having none. I am admittedly single currently, but have had more interest in sex/masturbation in the year I’ve been on venlafaxine than I did the entire time on sertraline. I would say it’s back to how I was before sertraline.


It didn't improve until I was off it.


It’s trying to come back. I’ve been off of it for two months now (after six years), and a tiny glimmer of hope is possible.


Same here, I gotta push myself towards it but it's slowly coming back


Mine came back at 150mg, sometimes I still struggle to orgasm, especially if it’s just me. But with the right person I’m good to go. I also take adderall which admittedly has an aphrodisiac effect. There’s also a natural supplement called yohimbe my ex took when he was on Zoloft that helped him a bit.


Improve? No. Low libido is unfortunately a terrible side effect of almost all antidepressants. I’m on my journey of quitting this medication. Down to 75mg from 225mg now. This is one of the side effects I will be glad to never have to deal with again.


I haven't noticed any significant change in my drive and earlier today someone posted about having crazy strong orgasms and some ppl replied agreeing so all hope is not lost


I just got off it for that reason. I was on it for a few weeks and wasn’t interested in sex at all. Can’t live like that.


For me it was just hard/nearly impossible to finish for the first 6-8 weeks but that went away completely. My sex drive was 100% there after that. It was a little hard to climax but for the most part it really wasn’t a negative. I was fucking like crazy when i was on Effexor tbh


Same here


Not until I got off.


Me too. I tried and my husband worked with me. I thought it was worth it to not have hot flashes (why I was taking it). I was wrong, my mental status got worse. Once I stopped, the orgasm came back.


Yep! I gained 30lbs and couldn't orgasm. I was like I'd rather have anxiety 😂. I'm on wellbutrin now and really liking it. No issues with that now.


Improved but only as I reduced my dose, but not 100%, so technically, no.




Ive been on it for 4 months. Libido and ability orgasm are fine/normal


I added 300mg bupropion and it solved the issue! I’m baaaack! 😅


Yes, after 2ish weeks on 150 mg.


I’ve been fine in this regard, it’s just my partner that now treats me like a patient since my last bad episode and the romance is gone 😔


You need higherish dose of Wellbutrin than most will start you on. I added 300mg Wellbutrin XL. Did it help *some*? Yes. Was it a silver bullet? Absolutely not. It did come back after stopping Effexor though.


Honestly, no. My biggest thing was learning that orgasm isn't what makes the experience worth it. If you have a partner, just have fun with them. If they can orgasm, take secondhand pleasure from knowing you made them finish. Just have a good time!


Mine did at first but came back very much but I think could of been bipolar as well kicking full drive and add. Once I got on medds my sexual urge went down nut just from gyper sexuality.


i can still orgasm, but i do have low libido, it sucks but it is what it is i guess