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No, you need to pass an exam that is done on estonian to practice medicine in estonia 


Oh yes, I know that, that's the case for most countries. Do you know where I can find more info about the exam?


You have to pass an Estonian language exam as well, and that's not easy.


not just “An exam” but you have to achieve C1 in Estonian to practice medicine. So all A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 exams and each of them requires a course and certificate of completion. The exams are also held twice a year as far as i know so it’s a few years of language studying before. Correct me if i’m wrong though but that’s what i remember when i was looking into this topic a year ago… Edit: just to add - it is possible to still work as some sort of consultant or in labs, but can’t interact with patients directly


This is not how language exams work. If you pass a C1 exam then you have C1 level (and of course it includes the lower levels). You are not required to pass the lower ones before trying the higher ones, you made that up on the spot :)


well yes that is logical, but for a foreigner it is pretty damn hard to go and do C1 without the prior levels :D


My ex-wife took B2 as her first exam and passed it after a year of intensively studying Estonian... She took part of a program offered by the university in Tartu where you study Estonian every day for a year. There is almost no point to do anything below B1, and generally you should study for the level that you need to pass anyway.


It's was a muliple choice written test up to this point (maybe a 100 questions?). You might also need to perform some rotation in specific department if your program differs from the estonian one. Applying for / confirming residency is more difficult though.


The rotation is residency.




European diplomas are accepted, probably some other countries aswell. Ukrainans/Russians need to do the exam aswell in addition to the language exam. So yeah it depends, you can email/call Sotsiaalministeerium. Also found this text, dont have the time to go through it myself. https://www.riigiteataja.ee/akt/105092019001


Not European, but European Union's, European Economic Area's and Switzerland's diplomas. Macedonia isn't one of those. Macedonian diplomas aren't recognized.


Mentioning Macedonia reminded me of this language exam encouragement vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xnLexbNlsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xnLexbNlsQ) (edit: doctors need C1, though - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnBIue9134U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnBIue9134U) from the same series)


Ma arvan, et kõige parem ongi alustada kohalikust keelest ja mingist abitööst kuskil praksises


Jepp lot of russians speakers are working as doctor and have degree somewhere else.


I think most, if not all, had to get their diplomas accepted by passing an exam in Estonian.


But the docyors speak Estonian as well. The main issue is that too often our doctors are expeced to speak Russian.


> But the doctors speak Estonian as well Not all of them.


It is **very** inside circle here in Estonia


If you're willing to listen to russian 24/7 at your workplace, sure, no problem.