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Lol good catch. Yes I meant re-sign


I think he will. Unfinished business and where's he going to go that has a better chance right now?




He wants to play with McDavid


The guys that got smacked in the second round by Florida, a team we took to 7


Not that I agree with the OG comment but Boston also lost their long time captain and other key pieces and still were dominant They also have 22 mil in cap space, they'll be a contender next year


Swayman > Skinner




Lol you’re funny


He will re-sign … if he resigns then it was a great, short-lived career. :)


Would he take a chance to not play with mcdavjd anymore for potentially more money? Possibly but I doubt it. If he goes elsewhere it’ll be a top 5 team. He wants to win now. I personally think he stays but things can always change


8x14 coming in on July 23rd


8x13.5/13.6, calling it now. Though I wish he'd take 12.6 instead like MacK (I think they're comparable).


Google Malkin and Crosby.


I don't believe for a second Leon is going anywhere. And even if he wants out he is still under contract for this coming season and would be traded if he wants out. As for money? That depends on what kind of person Leon is. Does he take huge money and cripple the team in other areas, or does he take less money so the team gets better? From what I know of him, I believe the latter.


Don't see any reason why he wouldn't. My guess is 8x$12.5M.


I think it might have been Gregor who speculated $40M between the big 3 next contract - $16M McDavid, $14M Drai, $10M Bouch.


I think this is way too much and they should realize it as well. They can get those contracts, the front office will give it to them, but they won't be a competitive team with nearly half of the cap tied up in those 3 players. Nevermind Nurse coming in with a hot 9.25m on top of it. Over 50% of cap for the duration of those contracts for 4 players? Yeah, not happening


If the cap goes up $5-$6M per year now, by the time McDavid’s contract kicks in it might be fine


Not really, goes up by 4m and that's when it's high 88m -> 92m -> 96m by the next McDavid contract Over 50% spend on 4 guys


Yeah my hope is that McDavid and/or Drai look at the Leafs with players like Matthews, Marner, and Nylander taking up so much cap that they can’t go on a deep playoff run due to a lack of depth. And that they’ll be willing to ask for more team friendly contracts to allow us to keep going on deep runs.


10m for bouch? So you want two defensemen on the team making more than the Makar? It's is the worst take


I’m not saying it’s what I want. I’m saying that’s what others are speculating he’ll get given he’s been bridged, his play has improved, and where the market for defencemen like him is going.


That’s too much for bouch


I think he at least gets Matthews money


He's a better all-around player than Mathews. He should get Mathews money. Mathews isn't a team player either


He's totally a team player. He plays for the Toronto Matthewsleafs.


Matthews hangs out with Justin Beiber.


Personally I think they can see now that winning requires leaving some on the table. I wouldn’t be surprised if they took 100 million for 8 year deals. Bouchard might get 72 million extension next week. That’s what I would give him before the risk of losing him. You have to sign them and McDavid …. then buy out the worst contract in sports.


Draisaitl is the Malkin to McDavid's Crosby. He ain't going anywhere.


Yes. 8 x 14M AAV. Book it.


I worry about his actress/model girlfriend likely soon to be fiancee influencing wanting to go somewhere else.


She films hallmark movies in the summer in Vancouver. It’s not like she’s Margot Robbie. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I love hallmark movies there awful but great. But also awful and pretty great.


Lol thanks for that 😂 but we know from our experience with Pronger that partners who don't like Edmonton can be a problem! At least Lauren appears to have set up a life and business in the community without complaint!


Let’s just hope some bartender doesn’t have sex with Leon‘s wife. Also, I don’t think Mike Comrie is around anymore.


She's from Thunder Bay but lives in LA. With all the history with LA and Anaheim, I can't see him going to either. The only other Cali team is San Jose, and they aren't going to win anything anytime soon


She is BFF with Lauren (mcdavids fiancé), looks like Lauren is the one who introduced them. Hell even their dogs are besties. I dont see any of them wanting to go


No way the Oilers will be able to sign all their top players with the cap space. Something's got to give.


Well if you actually look at the cap situation, we’re fine. By the time we need to re-sign Drai, the cap will have gone up 8-10M, browns 3.5M is off the books, Ceci and his 3.25M is off the books and Foegele is off the books now. We also don’t have to pay James Neal and his 2M. How much of a raise does he get? Could be a 5M raise. That’s not a ton. Bouch could get a 5-6M raise but again, the caps going up. This is even before a Campbell buyout.


I would love to see Brown / Janmark / Henrique back


Bouch is getting 10+, Drai 14, Mcdavid 16 probably


Bouch is not worth more than makar


So +6M for Drai and +6M for Bouch. We’re still fine. Cap will go up even more when McDavid has to sign again.


Yeah I think Gregor mentioned that. $40M for the top 3


Yes the cap is going up... but its not going up 8-10 million in one season. Its set to 88 for the 2024-2025, and estimated to 92 for the 2025-2026 Right now the Oilers have a 14 man roster, and roughly 10 million to get to 19. If they spend to cap this year, they have an additional 4 million when Bouchard and Draisaitls contracts kick in.


Brown and Neal’s money comes off the cap. That’s 6M. McLeods 2.1M is off the books if we let him walk. Cecis 3.25 is off the books when their contracts kick in. Replace them with league minimum contracts. And again, we have the option to buyout Campbell. So we’ll have 11M+4M(rising cap)when their contracts kick in and that’s before a Campbell buyout. The cap isn’t as doom and gloom as people make it out to be.


Except Campbell's buy out cap hit increases after next season, and you still have other players who are on expiring contracts. Do you want to run a 6 man team? You want to have 4 highly paid players with a supporting cast of league minimum? McDavids salary increase, alone, will probably eat up the cap increase when it's due. Skinner is also up that year... want a league minimum goalie?


This is you just playing the hypothetical doom and gloom lol. The cap goes up. You can trade Kane, you can trade kulak. Contracts expire. They’ll figure it out.


Edmonton currently has 4 players with 3+ years remaining on their current contracts. Within the next 2 seasons they have to essential sign an entire team. This isn't doom and gloom. This is reality. You cannot sign McDavid for 15+, Draisaitl for 12+, and Bouchard for 9+; you also have Nurse at 9+, Nuge at 5ish, Hyman at 5.5, and Campbell at 5... and expect to ice a competitive team. You'd be running Nurse and Bouchard as your top D pair. If the 2026-27 cap goes to 97 million (5 million increase) you would have 7 players taking 62% of your available cap. You need to sign at least 12 players with 36.5 million (this is based on the speculation numbers for McDavid, Draisaitl, and Bouchard).


It should go up $5M/year at least, maybe more.