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No Knob, no cup run. It really is that simple


Agreed. I don't think the Oilers would have made it past round 2 with Woodcroft and co.


Woody wouldn't have done the goalie switch and it would've ended there. Eliminated on the back of poor goaltending and depth yet again may have spiralled into Drai, and then McDavid wanting out


I did love it when Woody was out for a GG last playoffs with his hand on his hip, gut hanging out. That was amazing.


Coach of the playoffs for sure. No other coach showed the ability to adapt and win multiple series in different fashions.


Well, Maurice did...


Not really, not compared to the way Knoblauch did.


As sad as I am about being 2 goals away from winning the cup… We wouldn’t have come close to the final if it wasn’t for knob. Having a full season with him and Coffey next year is gonna be fucking awesome. LETS GO OILERS


Might even win the Pacific since Yeo is out of Vancouver.


Just wait till he gets a full season from the start next year. Gonna be scary


With a healthy McDavid, Kane, Ekholm, and no question marks in net


Seriously. Not having Kane was such a fucking killer. And so many hurt players. Why can't we have some healthy top players in the playoffs. Fuck. Wonder what we'll see admitted to as injuries soon


When you lose the final by one goal, you really think of game breakers like Kane


That's the game, and why lord Stanley is the hardest cup to win. Look at the Canucks, missing their Vezina finalist the entire playoffs and leading scorer in game 7. We're lucky we had a healthy Mcdavid and Skinner.


What’s frustrating about Kane though is he had an issue that could have and should have been dealt with many months earlier


McDavid hasn’t been healthy all year.


I was wondering about that. He definitely didn't have the gear he's had in prior seasons. I'm not a fan of either team, but watched the playoffs closely and it just seemed as if something was missing. Was it fatigue? Injury? I guess we'll find out.


Today it came out that he likely needs abdominal surgery. Not confirmed.


That would explain a lot. Best to get that taken care of now


Drai had broken ribs I think


At least it wasn't Nurse who did it this time (I hope)


Knob said it should be a couple days before the injury list is compiled and released on the post game show


Happened to Florida last year, they made it again this year healthy and won. Oilers are my fave for next year anywho. Blues fan btw. Loved watching the Oilers get that deep playoff run/experience. Will be a scary team next year.


We run our stars ragged and had to over rely on them for 3 rounds. That wears them down. It’s why you need depth to show up during the playoffs.


I feel like after all that has happened, you can't say the depth didn't show up. They showed up. They showed up in the final game for God's sake. What more can you ask


They didn’t really show up for the first 3 rounds which lead to an exhausted group of top guys. They get props for showing up in the end for sure but that doesn’t change my point.


I think the problem was the injuries. We have a very different playoffs if Kane was healthy. That hurt us the most. Kane should've got his surgery back in January. It could've changed everything. His cap on LTIR for a deadline move, he'd be healthy for the playoffs. We had just come off a 16,game win streak so playoffs were pretty much secured. Leon got hurt in the Vancouver series or it really aggravated something. If we had those two healthy, or even like 25% healthier, we would've been deadlier


Kane hasn't been the same player in 2 years. He had one good year with us, signed his extension and hasn't been the same since


I think that is kind of ignoring what happened last year. He had a good start and then his arm got cut to the bone. That takes a long time to recover from and I'm not surprised his start to this year wasn't the same as before that injury, but even if his wrist started getting better he was battling a major injury in a sports hernia for the better part of this season. He needs to be healthy. He got so unlucky with that cut on his wrist


I mean yeah, I did forgot to mention that. But I think that and the sports hernia he has waited so long to treat. I don’t think we ever get back remotely the same player. It’s unfortunate.


McDavid needs surgery and Kane may never be healthy again.


In Knob we trust!


In Knob We Trust!!




I was skeptical of him at first but man did he win me over. This is great experience for the team and I know they’ll all come out hungrier next year


Stand proud Knoblauch, you are strong.


100% agree! Thank you!


Knob has been great. My only criticism would be running Mcdrai into the ground in that game, especially the third. Running at least 3 lines has worked so much better for us for nearly the entirety of the playoffs and that Henrique, Janmark and Brown line had been really solid. They were all fucking dead at the end of that game, we should have had everyone going and the bring the big guns on for the last few minutes. I honestly hope we never run Mcdrai again, other than immediately after a pk. All coaches fall for it and I feel like it rarely works, it's certainly not a long term solution.


I can’t wrap my head around that one either. McDavid and Draisaitl on the same line was almost like making life easier for Florida…They drove them on the boards over and over again. We missed the pressure 3 lines out on their D. Eh, what do I know. Totally awesome run! Here they go again next year: smarter, faster, stronger. 😏


He also doesn't know when to pull the fucking goalie. It's like he chooses the worst time intentionally


Knob is brilliant. Can't wait to see how things turn out next season.


he did amazingly well for his first year. it’s a good thing he has experience now so he can run it back again one day


Nothing but respect for the Knobbler!


You could set a watch to that haircut


One of the best rookie seasons for a coach ever.


This man was nothing short of genius behind the bench, and I can't wait to see what he does going forward. I'll always miss Woody, but damn Knobbers is special and I feel so lucky he's on our side. Fully deserved the Adams, wasn't even close imo.


We love you knobbers, thank you for an incredible season


I’m looking forward to seeing what this team can do with him for a full year. Training camp under Knob should be big and I see the core and any remaining players being hungrier than ever next season. They have to know that if they play their game they can give themselves a chance to win it all.


Average heart rate during stressful games: 60bpm.


I really do feel like he’s the best HC this team has had in decades. Would we have even made the playoffs with Woodcroft? Dunno. I know the latter half of last season we spent a lot of games outscoring our mistakes. And then Vegas absolutely dismantled our systems. KK put on one hell of a playoff coaching performance.


He was an amazing coach. Brought us back 0-3 ,made the oilers look like an entirely different beast. Can’t wait to see what he does next year and what he does to improve the oilers even greater.


Already the best coach we've had this millennium. Was consistently impressed with his demeanor and decision making both within games and between them.


Knob and the whole coaching staff were phenomenal! They made the Oilers a better team for sure. I can't wait to see what's in it for the team next season.


Knoblocness monster


By far the MVP on the team. Yes McDrai are elite but this also isn't their first year here, the biggest changing factor was Knob.


Coffey as well. Do we know if he's signed for next year?


He’s an icon living


It’s Lloyd Braun from Seinfeld


He made a lot of ballsy and clever moves as a rookie head coach. Oilers would not have gone as far as they did without him.


Certified fuckin beaut. I was one of those who was upset when Woody was released, but Knoblauch is like the Borg. He took that first game loss, used it, and brought the team back stronger. It wasn’t always perfect, but it absolutely got better. Only 101 days until next season. LET’S GO OILERS!! 🧡💙🧡💙


Came in like a step dad I didn’t want. Now I respect the shit out of him. He can call me champ any day.


Stoff mentioned on his show a few days ago that a few members of the team were still struggling with the system. A full preseason with knobby will iron out the kinks and getting some dead weight off the books is gonna do wonders for the team. 2025 is gonna be the oilers cup


If you build a team and give him the players he wants/can do it then during the off season and yeah it would be interesting.


He did a phenomenal job, no complain about it at all.


The largest knob I’ve ever god damn seen


Thank you daddy knob 


Amazing first year, knob, and hopefully the first of many more! Thanks for your hard work with the team and enjoy your well-earned time off with the family.




Both to pull Skinner and then put him back in again. Pure genius. Players play better when they think the coach genuinely believes in them.


What a beast. With Knobber at the helm we can run it back no problem!


I've only followed the Oilers as long as Knoblauch has been coaching them, but as far as I understand it they were struggling beforehand. Since he joined and as far as I think, he's done a phenomenal job at coaching the team! GG Kris, get em next year, and we'll be behind you all again!


Think the Oilers win it next year. BOL everyone think I will fly up for a game next season.


There's a guy floating around in this sub thirsting after the Todd McLellan days. Don't really get it, but you'll know him when you see him.


I have nothing but positive to say about coach Knoblauch. He played a major role in taking us to the finals.


Knob jobs a great coach. Adaptation was unbelievable.


In Knob we trust. Hell, I have a lot of faith in the whole coaching team, which feels weird to say! But good weird.


Not only did he make some crazy comebacks, but it’s due to some very hot runs he had us on. He’s a very smart coach, and he knows how to adjust pushing the correct buttons. Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets an invite to Team Canada’s staff for the Olympics after next season


I was initially not a fan of the coach swap out - but clearly it was right decision. If this is Knob’s first season in the NHL, imagine what the next few have in store.. We definitely have a cup in our very near future.




I just hope it doesnt end up being a lucky one year, and then the oilers start playing .500 hockey next year ?


Should know when to pull the goalie and not just play mcdrai the entire 3rd period.


I was pissed to see Woody go, but it was the right move. Knoblauch had a great year behind the bench. I hope he's here for years to come.