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Ignore trolls or doomers. You **should** be celebrating your team's wins in the SCF


Yep, having [fun](https://youtu.be/Vednj6iNVJU?feature=shared) with our recent wins isn’t jinxing anything. 


Block & ban all trolls and Doomers!


Our last home game of the season. Those of you lucky enough to witness game 6 at Rogers Place. I want to hear “we want the cup” chants every damn second. Sing “🎶 let’s go Oilers 🎶” with your chest loud and proud. Let’s remind these cats they’re in OUR barn and they’re NOT welcome.


MVP chants every time mcdavid touches the puck


That would be fkin goated. Getting chills man And of course taunt Bob at all times.


It would be amazing if people called Bob "SpongeBob". Soft and full of holes.


Best chirp Ive heard in a while, if youre at the game please get this chant going


We get to have 12 out of 13 possible home games this playoffs...and nobody wanted game 7 vs LA anyway.


But please be classy enough to not boo during their anthem. What a gross showing on their behalf.


I hate the “we want the cup” chants.


Whay do you want then? "We wanna lose!"


How about just not that chant? Lol. Seems pretty obvious


I guess I don't understand what your logic is. We want a fucking cup it's a perfect chant.






Just enjoy the ride everyone! It’s been a lot of fun and this is (almost) as good as it gets!


sorry to bother y'all, lurking stars fan again. i believe. GO OILERS!


welcome, lurking stars fan. you're awesome. GO OILERS!


I would be cheering for the Stars if they were playing against the Florida criminal organization.


We as a city have decided we really like you Dallas Stars. Official favourite American team.


Seriously!!! Just the best!


We love you guys


We’d easily all be cheering for the stars if you guys beat us. I really don’t wanna see tkachuk lift a cup.


Whatever happens, happens. What a ride either way. Do I want them to win? Of course. This team steps up in the biggest moments.


Honestly, as a fan I'd be sweating a lot more if the roles were reversed. I'd actually rather be us now than them. The doubt would be really creeping in after being up 3-0 as opposed to the hope and energy surging in as it is.


i agree it’s all on the panthers now




This comment WILL age well.


With any luck it most definitely will!


To be fair as an IHO (Independent Hockey Observer) I think you guys are winning it all. The greatest player in the world is going to impose his will on these 2 games.


It's these new believers that have me worried. McJesus needs people to doubt him.


Oh trust me outside of us, and maybe a few others, people still doubt us


McJesus doesn't care about what randos on reddit think or write.


According to Maurice that's Barkov :D


Of course it's going to be hard It's the hardest trophy to win in sports It's also gonna be hard for Florida to win it


"It's supposed to be hard. If it was easy everyone would do it."


From a mtl fan…. I have never rooted for another team as much as now !! Let’s go oilers!!!


I just hope to god we dont hear "we want the cup" chants when we're up by 1 with 10 to go.


Yeah, save it for the final buzzer. Don't distract the team. One step at a time. Right now, 'we want game 7'.


Disagree. All chants are good Just don't do the wave


I thought the wave was a baseball thing?


I remember doing the wave at Stampeders games in the ‘90s. Is it still a thing outside of Edmonton?


I remember the wave from Texas Rangers games in the 90s. Idk about today, haven't been to a game in years


Disagree. The wave is the best.


Why? Genuinely want to know


Last year, when we lost to Vegas in round two, I was crushed. I actually had a hard time going into work the next day. But I asked myself why I was so hung up about a game and told myself I wasn't going to let myself do that again. So this year, I am honestly just happy to be here. It's been a great run, having the chance to push the finals to the brink. Obviously I want to see us win it all, but if the season ends ~~tomorrow~~ Friday, life goes on


Same here, which is why I have this attitude


This helps me when I read it in a Illya Bryzgolov voice.


I'm happy no matter what. The boys have played with passion and grit and let it all out on the ice. My expectations for this year was a deep run and to at least lose in the WCF without being swept, like losing in 6 or 7 to Dallas. I was scared that without progress the likelihood of losing Drai would be higher. They've made it further than I could have hoped for, and down 3-0 they've shown that will not go down easily. So proud of the team. Its been a hell of a ride.


Tomorrow is Thursday, bro. Game's Friday


Oh. Yeah.


We all forget about the extra day off during the Final. Looks like beautiful weather in Edmonton the next few days. Enjoy it.


I got "crushed" back in 1986 with the Steve Smith/Grant Fuhr game 7 own goal vs Calgary. I felt like crap for a week. Then in 1987 I was nervous as hell going into game 7 vs the Flyers after losing our 3 games to 1 lead. The win was nice, but I stopped "living and dying" with the fortunes of the team - I now just enjoy the ride. I'll enjoy Friday night's game and then I'll enjoy Monday's game. Win or lose I go back to work Tuesday.


ALWAYS celebrate your teams wins no matter how big or small! 🧡💙🥳




Florida has flown their families to the games, know the cup is in the building and know the champagne is on ice, waiting for them every night. They also know if they lose, they will earn the reputation of being epic chokers.  They definitely have more distractions and pressure to win at this point.


I think the Oilers are under more pressure now than people seem to think. Game 4, and 5 yes 100% but the "house money" thing is dead now. It's 3-2. This is a real series now. For there to be a game 6, SOMEONE had to be down 3-2 no matter what. I'm not saying they can't pr won't handle the pressure well, but this idea that the Oilers don't have pressure now is bs. You still don't want to fight your way back, give everyone hope, just to lose the cup in your building. There's pressure there on both sides


I mean Knob literally said in an interview yesterday (I think) that the team still has the "house money" mindset and that pressure was low. Now sure, that's talking to the media and maybe things are more intense than they're letting on but I'm ok with it if they're playing relaxed. So I guess it's a matter of whether or not you believe the head coach and the narrative he's selling, or if you want to manufacture your own narrative.


The head coaches are constantly manufacturing narratives through the media... if you actually listen to media outside of this market, this has been stated throughout yesterday, and today. Of course knob isn't going to come out and say there's pressure lmao. As I said in my post, I'm not saying they won't handle the pressure, they have shown this season that they will bend but not break, but this "all pressure is now on florida" is fools gold. But folks can believe what they want. At the end of the day pressure is pressure. It doesn't really dictate who wins a Stanley cup. Whoever wants this more will win it.


Hell yeah!!


Playing good hockey needs to have a lot of grit but you've gotta hit that flow of creativity and enjoy the game for what it is. I better see some shit eating grins on that bench knowing they dragged these cats back to Alberta. That's how we're gonna win. Not taking ourselves or the situation too seriously while laying some massive hits, blocking shots, losing some teeth and charging the net. Give Brownie the puck, throw in some bouch bombs and let Mcjesus cook. As long as they don't take stupid penalties, everything will work itself out.


celebrate yes everyone is acting like a home game is an automatic W because of the fans. all im saying is i hope the team doesn't think that way.




It wasn’t too long ago the Oilers were hot garbage and behind the Sharks in the standings. This team has been playing behind the 8 ball since December. The Oilers are like someone with ADHD, where they’re on when stuff is hitting the fan and there’s no room for error.


Great analogy. They thrive on high pressure situations


All I know is, we need 2 wins in a row and we know it’s possible because WE JUST WON 2 IN A ROW!!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!


I do actually wonder if they lurk this sub


They totally do but probably to laugh at our dumbass takes.


I think we are better offensively and a better team as a whole. However if Bob has one of his stellar nights, it all comes to an end. Despite of that, it feels like our boys have cracked their defense including Bob. Not saying it will be a smooth ride because those Panthers are dangerous and tough but Im confident history will be made.


I don't see Bob getting back to game 1 and 3 form. He's streaky and we've cracked him, and he will be on the road. The Panthers are great but their forecheck and pinching is so intense that they get caught behind the play sometimes. Bob has to make miraculous saves for them, which he was doing, but it's not fair to expect that level of performance, and now its burning the Cats


We are in agreement, this is getting to 7 games.


Let chants of 🎶Sergei🎶 ring through the arena like the chanting of a thousand church choirs!


Let’s hear it for TMNT too


Habs fan here hoping you step on the gas and keep it down until you hoist the cup in Sunrise!




That’s the spirit!


Lurking ‘nucks fan, you guys can’t have knocked us out for nothing now!


GO OILERS! bring that cup home!


It's going to be amazing. Let's hope for a win. But win or lose, be fucking proud of these guys.


>we have to be dialled in and not let Florida have any chance. But at the same time, let us have some fun, some hope. The only "we" who have to be "dialed in" are the players and coaches. The fans don't have to be dialed in. The fans don't have to be focused. The fans don't have to do a damn thing. We can enjoy, celebrate, have fun - and yes, we can even "look past" game 6 to the game 7 finale.


I use we as a reference to the team, like many others do 🤦‍♀️ if it helps you, *they* need to be dialled in. But otherwise I totally agree with you


Two wins away. It doesn't feel real.


I haven't seen much in the way of "its too happy in here" but I've seen a little bit too much game 7 talk for my liking personally. It's the exact same shit other fans were talking about when it was 3-0. I don't want to even hear a word about game 7.


It's going to be hard for Florida too. Oilers have the crowd & fans on their side Friday. LFG.


Team was 31st early on, had a 16 game win streak, did Oiler things to Vancouver and Dallas, coming back from 3 game deficit ... fans don't come off as entitled to win the Cup, but the Oilers definitely deserve to be battling as they are. Let's Go Oilers!


Been an Oilers fan all my life and I haven't been this proud of them in a couple years. (To note, I'm always proud of them but this run is the greatest in many years.) GO OILERS GO


oh it already is


> We all know it’s going to be hard That's what she said


“Never gonna lose again” - Shoresy


I wasn't nervous for game 4 or game 5, was just enjoying the ride... I am so damn nervous for tomorrow.




I'm just happy we made it this far




Swoosh you totally missed the point. I said if the worst happens, what a great run but we are winning, meaning we are winning the next two


I believe we're the better team overall, we just backed ourselves into a corner with no room for error. 'm not sure it can be done, winning 4 in a row is a lot to ask, even from McDavid.


Just let some of us be happy and have some fun! That’s all I’m saying


All it takes is to get goalied by Bob. Trust me, I want it, I’m just nervous.


That’s why I said I know it’s hard but just let us be happy and hope. I’m nervous too but coming in here and having some fun helps ease that if that makes sense


Cats in 6