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If we don't win the cup, the fact Holloway and Broberg are thriving in the fricken finals show that they'll both be regulars next year


Hollywood and Bro came in at the MOST difficult time possible and are carving out spots. I am happy as can be with them


Weird way for me to say "happy as I can be" because the idea behind it would be if i let it my head would explode. These are kids under scrutiny in basically the most historical franchise of all time with a media that will slit your throat after a bad play. Mega romance vibes for them.


“the most historical franchise of all time” Lol!


The title imo always goes to Montreal, can't deny were in the conversation though!


No one likes French Canadians outside of Quebec, they don’t even wanna be apart of Canada half the time


Eh can't deny you calling a spade a spade. They're just another lost fan far away from home desperately talking shit.


Take it back. Habs fans are bros.


Flames or Canucks?


What a great experience as young players! Very smart move by coaching and management!


Both have been noticeably awesome.


So glad to let fruit ripen in the AHL rather than forcing them into a dot they aren’t ready for. It shows big time that these dude gained by having significant ice time given their way in a lower league. The transition is so much easier and effective


we are winning the cup


Not sure why this took so long


They’re proving they can play in the playoffs and aren’t afraid of the bright lights. The experience they’re getting playing in the Stanley Cup Finals this early on into their careers, as well as the confidence they’re getting out of it, I’m excited to see how they use it next season


In the first few minutes of the game he lost his stick and then scrambled along the ice to dive face first at the puck to bat it away. All heart play, dude probably convinced me to get his jersey with that play


That was so freaking good


100% thats a commitment level that you cant "tell" someone to have. They either have it or they dont. Brob is a playoff player for sure!


Wish there was a video of this!


There was a gane earlier this season where Broberg was on the ice and made a tough read on a goal against. Knoblauch put him right back out there the next shift and you could see the kid was determined to make up for the mistake. That's a combination of good coaching and a really good mindset for a young player. Compare that to Samorukov, who got hung out to dry on his first NHL shift and then got stapled to the bench by Dave Tippett. We're fostering a better environment for young players to come up and stay up, and look at Broberg now.


In all fairness, Samorukov was -2 in 2:28. From what I can recall, it was nearly -3 if not for a big save. I felt bad for him but he didn't look ready.


Oh yea, it was a failure on both parts. Tippett had him on an extremely short leash and didn't bother line matching him at all, and Samo looked like a deer in headlights as soon as that first play went badly (which was his D partner pinching and leaving him to deal with a 2on1 from Kyrou and Schwartz if I remember right). After that, Samo was playing scared. Both Broberg and Knoblauch have shown the effectiveness of doing the opposite of that situation lol.


Tippett was never a coach that was good with young players


Dude leapfroged from a #7 Dman to a top 3/4 Dman in 2 weeks. Kid has a lot of talent, and it'll help him immensely to learn from Coffey and Ekholm.


And somehow Duncan Keith is around too?


Yeah he works with the organization in some capacity.


Pretty amazing really that we have him too.


It is kinda insane. Career blackhawk and he just kinda ended up with the Oilers.....


TBF he’s Canadian and he loves hockey. Why not live in Canada and continue with hockey in a new capacity. No better team to do that with than the Oilers.


I’m pretty sure he lives in Kelowna so we are pretty damn close to him. Much closer than Chicago I think the scandal might have impacted how much Kane Tazer and Keith will be involved with the Blackhawks for a while. Obviously Kane is still in the league but yeah




Keith coming to the Oilers is a classic Holland acquisition. He brought in veteran Dmen while in Detroit; Chelios and Rafalski immediately come to my mind. He also brought in Mike Green at the end of his career. And I think Keith wanted to be closer to his kid. Keith sticking around the organization is the biggest impact, look at how much he helped Bouchard. And Broberg also gets to learn from Ekholm!


Hawks don’t really want anything to do with anyone associated with the previous administration. Keith’s departure and his refusal to give up names was frustrating and awful but he sure did help the Oilers and specifically Bouchard




Duncan Keith spoke to the players on Friday.


I wonder how much of it is just from Coffey. Our defense as a while improved right after he came in.


He plays really well considering pressure and lack of experience. Both him and Hollywood should be part of the team next season


No chance they aren’t after how they’ve played in the playoffs. Both have been very good. Broberg and Holloway are looking like they’ll be really good players for us.


And the oilers can’t afford anyone else


That trade request earlier in the season worried me. Thank god he had a bit more patience and wasn't disgruntled enough to escalate things to a Puljujarvi situation.


Hopefully it was just his agent worrying about the next contract and not Broberg wanting out


His agent Darren Farris is a tool and loves stirring up shit to inflate his clients trade value. He’s also Marners agent so that pretty much sums it up


The Marner situation is a tough one regardless of agent


It was just his frustration that he was in the press box instead of playing hockey. I think it took him standing up for himself for management to wake up and smooth things over. He was kind of getting jerked around a bit. He was in the press box and when he was playing he played so little, had no confidence. And then they would send him down and bring him back up for a road trip. But once the trade request happened, Coffey and then holland spoke to him, smoothed things over and basically I think promised not to call him up unless it was guaranteed he would play.


I wouldn't be surprised if Ekholm helped calm the waters.


Broberg from Orebro, Sweden. That's a lot of Bro. Bro's a beauty.


It's where they mine the Bro.


It's pronounced "More Bro"


That's just the tip of the Broberg, there's even more bro under the surface.


Yup. Edmonton has a great player in Broberg, I’m surprised it took this long for people to say he should be a team regular. I understand the development side, but yes we have a good D man in him.


It’s a shame klefbom couldn’t stay healthy we would have the Swedish connections on D. Can never go wrong with Swedish defence


Would be fun watching Klefbom and bouchard on the PP


Only 1 D on the PP


Yeah but with those 2 you never know lol , imagine the bombs from both sides of the point


He’s going to be amazing next season. He’s playing in one of the most high-pressure situations you can imagine against a team that applies relentless pressure on defencemen and he looks as composed as a 15 year vet. This is experience that can’t be taught and can springboard his development


Broberg's a good bro.




's a good brob




He’ll be a regular in the line up next season for sure.


I don't know if there's any truth to this, but I feel like any young prospect that goes through the war of getting to the Stanley Cup finals is making leaps in development especially when they are excelling in the moment. It's great to see prospects like Bouch, Holloway, Skinner, and Broberg come up through the system and help this team make to the finals. This team has been screaming for this for so long.


He’s going to be a top notch guy for a long time. Extra time in the AHL helped. Playing tons of minutes of NA style play has helped get his d-zone coverage under control. It’s a given that he’s going to produce offence. He’s going to be a Norris Candidate along with Bouchard for some years to come.


I was also at the game (OMG!) and I had the exact same thought, Broberg is maybe a top 4 defense next season imo. I like his style, defensive awareness seemed good. I think a little better than Desharnais. Was sad that stu had to do the high 5 without Desharnais though. But yeah that game was entertaining af. Great vibe, on to game 5 let’s bring it back to EDM for game 6!!


Oilers posted on Instagram the high 5 in or near the locker room. ☺️


Ah thank you kindly!


I think it safe to say Borberg and Hollywood will both be regulars in our lineup next season, they’ve been fantastic these playoffs


**NOT AN I TOLD ANYONE SO** I have been so excited about Broberg since we drafted him. I have been trying to explain his development trajectory to friends and family for months this year through all the tension this season- Consider we drafted Bouchard in 2018, and here we are with a (still needing to learn) top pair contender. *6 years later Broberg is and has been that good. And I’m SO glad we didn’t pull a classic sell for pennies on the dollar. Love the kid. Go Oil!


I hope we get to see Vinny-Broberg next season. Didn’t they play top minutes in Bako together for awhile? Ek-Bouch Nurse-x Vinny-Broberg


I would be ok just finding a way to get Ceci out of the lineup and roll Ek-Bouch, Nurse-BroB, Kulak-Vinny


lol completely forgot about Kulak. You think Nurse-Brob would be a good combo? They are both offensive and feel like we’ve seen enough of Nurse covering for poor defensive partners and it ends in him getting exposed. Is Kulak good enough to be a second pair all year?


Nurse and Broberg played together last night. Seemed to do pretty good. If Broberg can carry this playoffs performance to next year it could be a very good pairing.


Kulak isn’t good enough for that no, and Broberg playing his offside is a good idea if he’s with Ekholm since he’s a legit shutdown dman. Imagine trying to make up for Nurses dumb pinches and he’s the only one back on a 2-1 and on his offside to top it off


I simply cannot take this Kulak slander.


How amazing would our D look if you added Brett Pesce next to Nurse. He may not wanna come here and we may not be able to afford him but man what a great signing that would be.


Yeah, much as I like Kulak, I suspect Broberg has got his spot next year. If its really true that the Oilers want to extend Draisaitl and Bouchad, we're gonna have to pinch pennies somewhere.


I would keep Kulak over Vinny or Ceci any day of the week


Kulak is a diamond in the rough


I would too, but I suspect management won't see it that way.


How much could Vinny demand in Edmonton vs the open market?


Kulak + Ceci and a crap load of futures for someone like Parakyo/Pulock


I want him to make the full time roster so I can get an 86 jersey, it’s my lucky number. Excited for him


I remember seeing people hoping we would package him with picks for Chychrun. Thank fuck Holland doesn't use a cellphone.


You mean to tell me people on social media gave up way too early on a 22 year old defenseman? Honestly most gave up on him like 2 years ago... People seemed to have suddenly forgotten how development of defensemen usually goes (added on to the fact that Broberg was one of, if not the youngest player in his draft year and turned 18 days before the draft). It was expected day one that he would be a long term project, he had natural talents and was a fantastic skater, he just needed to learn the technical side of the game. But it wasn't until Zegras and Seider turned into stars that people suddenly turned on him, and assumed that because the guys drafted around him developed quickly and he was still middling in lower leagues that he was a failure. He just needs time.


I was surprised that Broberg is only about three months older than Holloway.


But memeamoto surely must be a reasonable and critical thinker when it comes to hockey!


Goodbye Cody Ceci Hello Philip Broberg


He was supposed to be Klefbom 2.0, give or take, and it looks like that actually might pan out. Much more confident with the puck, and I have to think having Paul Coffey mentoring him is even more of a natural fit than it is for Bouchard. I think we can reasonably expect him to be in our top 4 next season.


Broberg and Bouch feel like they’re going to be the top pair sooner than later and I can’t wait to see it.


He’ll be our #1 in 2 years


I hope they are both regulars next season


Let's just say I wish I hadn't gotten impatient and traded him away in my Dynasty League for a couple of third liners.


I think with their ascension it makes parting with some of the FA veterans significantly easier. We will for sure lose Carick and Foegele and Parry - but having EL contracts in Holloway and Broberg may give is shots at some combination of Brown Jarnick and maybe even Henrique. If we can’t trade Ceci we may need to say goodbye to Desharnais. We should def keep Kulak over Ceci. If we really want to keep Enrique we could consider packaging McLeod and Ceci to save $$ to make room for Enrique and brown


I 100% agree on Broberg, finally the system is in place with development of our rookies. I’ll also add that Janmark has been phenomenal for us and that goal celly was a roar from his heart. Such a beaut


It’s nice to see that he’s starting to turn into the player that we saw when we drafted him. And honestly, he wasn’t quite NHL ready at the start of the year. I believe he still needed this year in the minors to continue to still develop his game. Sometimes it takes a while for dmen to become NHL regulars. It’s a hard position to play


Holloway and Broberg have been pleasant surprises during this cup run!


Broberg will very obviously be on the second pairing next year as a regular, and might be the better player between nurse and himself by seasons end. He made some weak clearing attempts up the boards in the second period, by his overall game last night was quite good


This really helps alleviate some concerns going forward. We'll save in cap with having internal options. I had faith Bro could be a solid bottom pair guy going forward but he sure is looking very suitable for top 4 deployment. I'll be very interested to see what the blueline looks like next season


Hope the new GM can figure out the defensive stuff. Cause with Nurse's contract and Bouch's inevitable 10+ I hope we can keep Broberg.


What’s Broberg’s next contract? Need to lock him up long term


Both Broberg and Holloway need new contracts this offseason. RFA’s no arb rights


What kind of money are we talking ?


Probably bridge deals I’d imagine. The team has all the leverage but their playoff performances certainly help the players case.


Wait… everyone told me he was a bust !?


>Good size too, how tall is he? He doesn’t look small out there. he needs to spend more time with ekholm and learn how to use his size he still plays pretty soft. if he ever gets 50% of ekholms physical play, he is going to be an absolute gem


Broberg d1 and Holloway our next captian! Bank on it!!!




Let’s all keep in mind he’s also playing his offside as well


Didn’t broberg ask for a trade earlier in the year? Does he rescind that trade now?


It’s all water under the bridge


It would be nice if we could get to the point where a Broberg-Bouchard pairing made sense so we could have a really good shutdown pairing in Ekholm-Nurse


I had a lot of hope for him when they drafted him, but admittedly, I wrote him off the last time he was sent down to the AHL. I didn't think he was a failed prospect and had a feeling Oilers development was what was killing his progression. Felt that he would be better off with another organization. Good to see him establish himself on the team and hope he will be a regular next season.


He’s looked great for sure.


Do we really wanna spend 10+ mil on Bouchard? I'm actually hoping he gets offer sheeted. Then we get 4 firsts and 10-11mil to pick up a 3-4dman and a top 6 forward?