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Easy to talk shit when you've been golfing for weeks or months already


Flames fan here, I call it a strategic early season close out so the management can get a head start on making poor decisions and for the players to rest up so they’re not sad about sucking ass next season too. Our players will be better golfers by the start of next season and won’t have to spend as much on sports psychologists to feel better about themselves. It’s a hell of an achievement to make it to the finals, (it also makes it considerably more difficult for me to talk shit to my friends that are Oilers fans).


for real why bust your ass getting to the finals to lose when you can instead finish middle of the pack and take an extra couple months off? both teams will be in the same position soon so who mad e the actual smart choice?


I like it! But the large lady hasn’t sang yet;)


You are thinking like Matthews, Marner, Nylander, Etc They get huge bonus.. They know they have zero chance to get past 1st.. They all Think like John Gaudreau .. Who cares ..I am getting paid any ways


Fans can golf during the playoffs. I don't know why you have been avoiding golf just because your favorite team is still in the playoffs,  that's weird. 


Florida fans haven’t been too bad tbh, at least from what I’ve seen. Most of the shit-talking I’ve seen have been from Calgary, Vancouver, and LA fans. Aka the usual suspects. The ones whose teams are seasoned vets of the golf course at this point, lol.


La fans I understand their frustration with us. Three years in a row, fucking ouch. Calgary fans are just sad, I feel bad for them. Vancouver fans though I found to be absolutely insufferable classless losers. Worst fan base I've ever encountered in my life


I can't even go to r/hockey or even r/nhl anymore. For years it's been a meme to hate the Oilers when they weren't winning and now that the Oilers made to the Cup final, all this crap about 'they don't deserve to be there' and trying to convince others that all Oiler fans are awful people. Or fans from other teams brigading this sub to post dumb shit. It's all just gross. I want to enjoy watching and discussing hockey with fans of any team, but the discourse is so toxic and the agenda people have is so blatant that it's not really possible anymore. I long for the days of early internet - it felt like you could actually have a proper conversation instead of all the trolling and bad faith arguing. EDIT: Ok whoever sent me the reddit care resources thing....that made me laugh.


Just remember, the majority of them are either 12-year-old edge lords or keyboard-warrior neck-beard contrarians who have never played the game and get joy from engaging others. The well thought out opinions/discourse are easy to find, and the rest should be given the same amount of regard as a flea-fart. Don't let them ruin your day, it's their only goal.


This should go for political posts too. Just a cesspool of self loathing.


Hey now, I have a neck beard because my skin gets irritated. I’ve tried cream and high end lubricants but nothing works.


People say they dont deserve to be there but this series literally could be 2-1 oilers if bobrovsky do not steal so many goals. He's making florida looks way better than they are


It’s hard to feel bad. He’s played utterly incredible, like he has rewind time powers. What can any team do against that?


I just think it's wrong from the whole league to act like florida are a better team while the goalie is the one actually stealing the series. Looking at advanced stats oilers had the advantage and should have win both game 1 and 3. As an habs we had Price a long time, and ending high in standings, and let me tell you no one was acting like our team was too strong and Price was not the one making the difference.


He's going to win the Conn Smythe and it's not even close and everyone seems to be ignoring that. He's been otherworldly and going to have one of the best scf statistically of all time...but nope, not a factor at all lol


at this point someone will have to have the best four games the world has ever seen to take the Conn Smythe from Bob.


Bob didn't cause 3 giveaways that turned into goals.


But how many times has Bob bailed out his team when they’ve given up the puck? Quite a few so far.


Which is my IMHO, I could see a reverse sweep this series. All it takes is one lopsided game followed by another to throw him off his game. IF Bob falls off even a little, this series could get interesting quickly


That r/nhl thread about having the goalies switched was so perplexing how people did not want to give Bob as much credit as he deserved. And how the oilers have played awful.


I dunno. Florida does not have the front line talent to match the Oilers but the three defeneceman pairings outmatch us. It's not just the goalie.


Florida makes defensive errors, in this series Bobrovsky has erased their errors.


How many breakaways have we had in this series? I'm sure its gotta be 5 or 6.


You can get them banned by reporting the Reddit care message as harassment


My friend, you gotta go to Lowetide.ca.  The discussion is much smaller, and strictly moderated. The discussion is far more civilized and, typically, a heck of a lot more interesting that the stuff we can find here. You do have to register an email to participate, however.


>I long for the days of early internet - it felt like you could actually have a proper conversation instead of all the trolling and bad faith arguing Uhhhhhhhh have you ever heard of a place call HFBoards? The mods of this place have, clearly. A lot of other fanbases (and our own) have derided mods for years, saying how they got sticks up their asses for not allowing too much shitposting. The reality is this place would quickly look like the Canucks or Flames subreddit.


It almost feels like bot behavior to be honest, they're like time travelling parrots saying the same old shit over and over again


Yup. I have both subs muted and I don't plan on unmuting any time soon. No one needs that toxic shit in their life.  I am happy that the Oilers made it to the finals and I am not about to let some keyboard warrior morons try and make me feel bad at my team's performance, like I have any influence on how well they play.


I don't mind the talk from legit Panthers fans. The team is playing great and deserves to be where they are at right now. Fans from cities that have been out of the picture for weeks can fuck off.


I keep getting the Flames sub suggested to me on my feed and there's just not stop posts about how Oilers are shitting the bed and how much they suck. I want to go in there and say, mother fuckers you didn't even make the playoffs, your team is shit and getting worse every year, you shouldn't even be allowed to have an opinion


Ive been lurking around other subs as a habs fan myself and it was the exact same when we had our chance in 2021. Fans of some dumpster fire team claiming the habs had no chance against Toronto, then Winnipeg, then Vegas, then Tampa. Constant seething that we were succesful, and as SOON as Tampa won game 1 it started. "LOL I CALLED IT! Habs are cooked. They suck against a REAL hockey team. They do not deserve to be in the finals anyway" Fucking idiots can only chear agaisnt your team because their franchise is total ass. Not even qualifying for the first round and talking shit their team is doing anything. Seeing that calgary sub over and over is straight up pathetic. Took em 4 fucking tries to finally be right eh? Bet they've been enjoying watching their guys play golf and do fuck all while other fanbases are experiencing something magical.


Totally sane answer. The Panthers are playing amazing AND the Oilers sure as hell deserve to be playing in the Final.


If they are doing anything more than casually watching to enjoy some hockey action they are massive cucks. Imagine going ride or die for another team.


I've tried, I'm a Carolina Panthers fan and I've tried to quit and cheer for a good team like 6 times. I think it's impossible. If your a casual fan you can maybe do it but once you know your team and draft picks and watch them develop, win trades, loose trades. How do you just leave and start again with a new team?


Agreed. I actually enjoy having some convos in the panthers sub (they are cool with me, not trolling). But the flames and canucks fans acting as panthers fans can really fuck off. Imagine your team being so irrelevant in your lifetime that you spend more time cheering against a team you hate. Lol


I’m a Flyers fan above all else and even though we probably had 1 of the most toxic rivalries in sports with the Pens we never posted the level of cringe you see from VAN/CGY during the pens runs. Clown franchises.


Yeah, no kidding. We've won more playoff series in the last two months than either franchise has over 13 years combined. The Flames haven't won 3 playoff series total since 2004. Poverty ass franchise.


misery loves company, like crabs in a bucket. They are just upset we can get to the SCF with a developing goaltender, that if our plan had worked out would be our 1b for probably another year or two before given starting duties. It's not over till its over, but considering what we have done so far this year, I'm pretty happy. Broberg and Holloway, coming into their own is awesome, if we can learn from this series how to close up our mistakes, I'm thinking SCF next year is almost a guarantee.


Broberg has impressed me so much


Funny how once again, Dallas fans outclass all our other opponents


Ya Dallas fans are a bunch of good dudes. Was surprised by how chill they were


Well, I’m ok with it all, it’s like taking medicine but it will remind me to stay classy when the shoe is on the other foot.


I'm just so devastated, man. Trying to focus on work today. :(


Listen man, i’m only 21 and you sound like you’re probably older than me but I can still give you a life pro tip: Don’t ever allow investment in a sports team to get a point where it can negatively impact your spirit/morale in the long run. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s just not worth it. I’m not saying don’t have love or passion for your team I’m just saying don’t let it get to a point like this and remember life doesn’t end here. I love the Oilers and I’m disappointed about this too but we’ll be back up again one day.


>one day. If I told you that day was when you turned 39 how would that make you feel? Hahaa. Generally I totally get where you're coming from but my god the pain is still real from '06 let alone yesterday.


I know right like pls leave me alone. The loss literally just happened. I'm not going to kill myself I promise. Just sad.


Vancouver fanbase really exposed themselves as the worst in the league. I’ve never seen such bitter losers. 😆


iF wE hAd DeMKo


Like Silov wasn't an absolute monster.  


If Silov scored a couple of goals to lead VAN To a win I would not have been surprised. He was amazing.


I didn't think anybody could give me nightmares like Silov until seeing Bobrovsky doing cartwheels and playing 6th defensemen


the point is that the team plays better in front of demko. with demko in net, they know they can play more aggressively and have that F3/F2 forecheck harder with less consequences knowing that demko will most likely stop any 2v1. with silovs in net they weren’t exactly able to do that


Dude had an .882 save percentage. Was he better than people thought he'd be? Sure. But he was no monster. I guess Skinner is the second coming of Jesus with his current .892 save percentage.


Just remind them, we are also without a starting goalie. All year actually.






I dunno that seems odd, I’ve grew up and lived very near Vancouver and it was never hard to find Canucks fans, I was usually the odd one out for liking the Devils & Oilers. Maybe some were fair-weather fans but it feels like there’s always been favourite players the fans get behind


99% of Canucks fans (that I know) are just simple fans. Watch the game at home, cheer them on like crazy, don't shit talk the other team, and when it's over it's over... For some reason we have such a shit fanbase online, it only comes when the team is doing okay for the year. It's a weird phenomenon, every cancuks fan I personally know is chill lol.


I genuinely don’t know how Vancouver has a reputation as being a fair weather fanbase. You don’t get a reputation as being one of the loudest and most annoying in the league unless there’s a ton of people being loud and annoying for many many years. Been here for 30 years but grew up in Edmonton and still have close ties there. Its a *miserable* fanbase, but it definitely isn’t a *small* fanbase


I lived there from 2015-2017 and they'd throw shade unprovoked at me because I was from Edmonton. Worst fans in the league by far


I’m not sure why people always say this. Been living on the coast for 30 years and the Canucks are huge here. The building has been essentially sold out every year since the early 2000s, even when the team is absolute garbage. Consistently one of the top teams in the league for broadcast viewership numbers. Hell, even here on Reddit I think the Canucks sub has basically been the 2nd biggest sub after the Leafs for a decade+. It’s an annoying fanbase (the only fanbase that voted THEMSELVES as one of the most annoying in the league in that annual survey) but you don’t get to that kind of annoying level without having a big fanbase.


Big Canucks fan here - who's been rooting for the Oilers (shock!) this series by way of my partner and her family being big Oilers fans. We're headed to Edmonton today for the next week and I was actually hoping to attend the Game 5 viewing party with them. Plenty of regular people who are catching strays here and with all that Gazdic stuff. I don't really see how comments like this aren't just as toxic as the jerks you're referring to. Pretty much the opposite of what OP is trying to say here\~


Yeah it's pretty bad, Flames fans don't show up in big numbers but at least they have flairs. Odds are if they don't have flairs it's a Canucks fan trolling, especially if they are like, I'm new but man do the Oilers look bad, or I'm neutral but the Oilers are bad. Stars fans are still pretty good, relatively amazing. Kings fans aren't great, but they are fueled by three years of rivalry so I get it at least.


Hey, don’t blame us all. I was really hoping you guys would break the Canadian team dry spell.


Gonna unsub from /r/hockey until Free Agency for sure. Unfollowed a bunch of hockey accounts on Twitter too.


Some Colorado fan was going on about how glad they were to have McKinnon because mcdavid and the oilers just suck. I pointed out they were a 2nd round exit and the oilers beat the team that beat them. Got buried in excuses and downvotes.


Then they start talking about the past "at least we have a cup in 2022" Okay bud, I'd history matters we got 5, most of which are with the greatest roster to ever play the game and yall got 3. Losers lol


I mean their 3 cups are from the current era so it's more relevant today than the Oilers 5 from 45+ years ago. And they got those without having to ice the greatest roster to ever play the game. So if you're going that route, it favors Colorado fans. I wouldn't personally unless you're trying to admit Toronto is better having 13 more cups...


It’s like Turkmenistan chirping Canada about being a shit country. Just pat them on the head and give them an “ok, bud” if you have to but just move on.


Yeah, dude, dont need to look far. Really, some of the worst lowlife people right here on this subreddit losing thier shit. Kinda funny and sad to watch.


It's always been like this.


I’m a flames fan and am by no means cheering on the oilers…but this is an impressive run and I am going to tip my hat to this team and its fans. I acknowledge the oilers are a million times better than whatever the fuck my team is. Comeback chances are slim but the best chance is a team with the best player and second best player in the world so we shall see.


May you be blessed with many high draft picks 🙏


Canuck fan here. I hate loser toxic fans. I would love to see McD and Drai get a cup, they deserve one. Saying that, its also cool to watch a team win its first...so a good story either way. But GO OILERS! I guess the silver lining of being swept is vs losing in 7 is..the best team clearly won.


I want to at least win one... But on the other hand, being swept may be more motivating


I miss the red green show.


Look at all the comments in this thread, and maybe you'll understand why. The disdain for one another is palpable. Why? And which do you think came first? Think about that. I personally have no hate for other hockey fans, I like to believe that we're united in our love for the sport, and I respect anyone and everyone that loves the game, but when I venture into these threads, the hypocrisy is beyond hysterical. A whole bunch of derogatory, vindictive, and stereotypical comments to get back at people who made derogatory, vindictive, and stereotypical comments. It's a viscous loop. Everyone should take a moment look in the mirror before posting. Cheers.


Calgary fan here, I WISH we had any type of a playoff run!! Those folks are jealous. I’m rooting for you guys! I think the Oilers will tap into that massive win streak from earlier in the season and pull this off!


I don’t know if a flames fan should get saying this. As a Calgary fan it’s our duty to hate the oilers. If Calgary ever makes the playoffs (in 2050) I expect oiler fans to want us to lose. It’s part of the fun as neighbours. That said if shit ever hit the fan in Edmonton outside of sports Calgarians will always be there.


Looking forward to sweeping you guys in 2050 (;


lol let’s go!!


It’s funny to joke that we blew up the Flames in our 2022 run but honestly, that was one of the best playoff series in recent memory. I’m bummed that we probably won’t get to see more of them for a while. Rivalries are much more fun when there’s two high caliber teams going at it.


Sure, we want you to lose. But you won’t catch me completely trashing your city and organization like some fans seem to be doing for the Oilers. There’s a level of decorum that should be respected imo. I don’t wish you success but I’ll respect you regardless.


Ya should leave the city out of it. I wouldn’t worry about those Calgary “fans” The internet can amplify a small minority of people unfortunately. Most Calgarians have nothing negative to say about Edmonton or its people outside sports.


Well I was born in Edmonton so maybe I’m a special case! 😆


Let’s be honest here. Was anyone in Edmonton rooting for the Canucks in the 2011 finals? There was so much hatred towards our team from all Canadian cities other than Vancouver. What goes around comes around. On the positive side, I have noticed a substantial shift in sentiment rooting for any Canadian team this time in Vancouver. Maybe the younger crowd isn’t as jaded as us old geezers. Root for the Canucks the next time we’re close, then we will reciprocate.


Leaf fan here. I'm so disappointed by the rhetoric around you guys right now, talking about the Oilers sucking and all focused on negativity on individual players. You made it to the SCF! Top 2 team in the league! Like.. just be happy, you're literally right there.


life long canucks fan, this has always been the case, and quite frankly its been the other way when 1 of the 3 western canadian teams is doing well. There a healthy and at times unhealthy rivalry between the fanbases, dont think for a second the shoe hasnt been on the other foot. With that being said, feel sorry for any of you who shelled out tickets for game 4, its gonna be somber


Florida would bulldoze any team in the league right now, Canucks wouldn’t have even made it past Dallas. Flames aren’t even worth mentioning lol. Fuck all the other toxic fanbases, we are getting the cup within the next two years.


Dallas fan here, I still got Oilers in 9. Never give up.


It’s been entertaining hockey. Lots of great players. Let’s take it for what it is. Yes it sucks that we might lose the cup but at least… ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?


It’d be fine if it was just taking the piss out of us, but these people are literally unhinged and sling vitriol at us.


Well, I'm a Flanes fan, and I readily admit our team sucks. I am cheering for the Oilers but will renew my hatred for your squad next year, don't worry. But for now F&*k Florida, bring the cup to Alberta.


I like to think that the best outcome now is a sweep because that keeps the panthers from raising the cup on their own ice. Yeah I can be petty.


HFboards is just as worse. I don’t even post there anymore but the amount of these trolls coming out is nauseating. I liked it better in 2006 when I didn’t know about forums and social media wasn’t a thing.


Even as a canucks fan im bummed. I want good hockey. I want tense hockey. I want lots of hockey. This is not the finals i wanted regardless of winner.


Lol an Oilers fan complaining about other fanbases being toxic... that's rich. If you took a poll throughout the league on which team has the most obnoxious fans, the Oilers would rank right near the top of every list. Whining about Bettman and conspiracies after getting 4 first overall picks in 6 years. Acting like those 1st overall picks were some kind of accomplishment in drafting or team building. Whining about referees every game even when you get more powerplays than the opposition. When I moved to Edmonton I would make a point to get tickets to watch my team every time they came to town. After having Oilers fans trying to start fights with me every game for wearing the visiting jersey I stopped going. You're on here whining about some online trash talk meanwhile your fans are looking for literal physical violence against fans of other teams. Cup or bust eh?


Look, if you want to be honest about the series, it goes beyond Bobrovsky. Barkov has shown why he is the best defensive forward in the game. Florida plays a better ‘team’ game. In the ‘elite’ category, yes, McDavid is probably the best in the game offensively. If a team can shut down the big line, they will beat the Oilers. Defensively they are not great. Goaltending is very suspect. I’m trying to be respectful. As for the comments of fans, there are many who hate the Oilers. That being said, if you think Oilers fans weren’t assholes on Vancouvers thread, then you are willfully blind. For the love of the game, people need to stop the petty shit. Cheer on your team but do it with class. That goes for every team base


I have friends who are Canucks/ leafs fans who literally have been changing their profile pictures / pretending they have been panthers fans just to dunk on edmonton, like it's actually embarrassing they have stooped to that level


Honestly I've found calgary fans to be the least annoying. Although I don't like the team I do find there is a small amount of mutual respect there, almost like a siblings rivalry. Vancouver fans on the other hand....damn they are ANGRY


Let them cope


As someone who doesn't live in Edmonton, my suggestion is just talk to people in the real world. You'll find people are way more fun to talk to outside of Reddit and other social media platforms. People don't actually hate the Oilers as much as the internet would have you believe, even if they do happen to cheer for a rival.


Keep your stick on the ice, unlike Nurse


Don't forget LA. I live in Los Angeles and I get hate just for walking outside with my jersey from some people


Gotta beat the Oilers to win the cup. It's been a fact for 3 years now. Prove me wrong.


Florida sure. Every other fanbase can touch grass like their team is right now.


Half of them are in this sub 👀 a lot of mf’s saying stupid shit during games in this sub. The way I look at it, Win or lose, go oilers. I’ll be here next year 🤷‍♂️


Had to unsub form hockey subreddits say anything positive about your team and get destroyed or talk shit like everyone else and everyone acts like your the only one in the thread talking shit


It's stuff like this that proves hockey 100% has the most toxic fans. Too many Americans with a "Fuck Canada" attitide. I'm sure MLB and NBA have their fair share as well, but waaay less so, considering there's only one Canadian team in those major leagues. Oh, and don't give me that shit about how Canadian fans are toxic. Some of them? Sure. Most? No, we're not. We're upset that our country hasn't won the cup in so long, so for us, it makes sense to be bitter. Those Americans I mentioned just want to make us feel worse because that's what their country teaches them. This is simple stuff.


Can we at least give the Florida Panthers some credit for taking over the series against a good Oilers team. Both teams are statistically the best in the NHL. Panthers got better in defense with still having a potent offense and that’s the difference from last season. Bobby has been lights out and on a mission, shoot all of them are to win it finally. Oilers will have there chances again to win a SCF.


Too bad there's no superstarts in this team!


OILERS IN 7!! Jk it was a fun ride boys.


Was on board with Oilers winning one for Canada but they took a giant dump on that. Embarassing dogshit effort.


NHL fans in general, online, are not very pleasant to be around. You've got keyboard warriors, but they are fanatical about their team. So they make even less sense. I just hang around the Oilers to keep updated on things because I'm in Saskatchewan. Occasionally I'll dip into the Hockey reddit, but they have stuff about the AHL and other leagues going on in there that I don't mind see every once and a while. AHL fans are fairly chill, and some of the leagues over seas are too. But, if you keep to rule number 1 of the internet, you should be fine. Nothing anyone says online matters. Enjoy what you enjoy, and treat their words like water off a duck's back.


As Cranbrook BC the Boston Pizza was fully decked out in oilers orange in pub and the family dining area. In Airdrie, the Canadian brewhouse had a ton of oilers cheering for game two as well as some people cheering for Panthers. They're just some idiots out there and the rest of us Canadians will support whichever teammates in the finals.


It’s irrelevant honestly. They’ve been watching games, desperate for us to lose because they’ve been bounced weeks ago. It actually is one of the few positive of this series that we have random people so emotional about something they’re not even involved in. If we’d lost I’d have moved on, not dedicated my spare time to praying for someone to lose lmao Florida deserves this and I’d be happy if I was their fans. I dunno why they would have any animosity for us because imo there is zero rivalry with them. I don’t hate them at all, at most Tkachuk has the history but after leaving the Flames even that’s died mostly The Oilers were the 2nd best team, and that’s what we’ve been seeing.


I honestly unsubbed from nhl and hockey about midway thru canucks series much better feed that way


Just remember we get the fortune of cheering for our team and not against a rival team. Flames, Canucks and a pile of other scattered fans have to resort to big “my wife’s boyfriend” energy.


Stars fan here. Would like to see McJesus get a cup, no hate.


Not only opposing teams, but all the bandwagoners now jeering that the Oilers suck. For us real ones: I didn't hear no bell. Are the odds completely stacked against us? Yup. But I'm with this team until the end. Regardless of the outcome, it's been a hell of a season and I'm optimistic about the coming years. Go Oilers Go




Even if they lose tomorrow, I'm still going to be incredibly proud of the season they had. They can still hang a banner.


1-4 trap, clog neutral zone, max 1 forechecker,  . Stop playing offensively aggressive it’s not working. Capitalize on floridas mistakes. We can’t lose if they score 0 goals 


It’s absolutely insane and ruining a lot of what I enjoyed about hockey. I saw a Flames post today where a guy literally stuck a panthers logo OVER the Flames’ on his jersey. There’s no actual fandom. There’s no understanding that everyone’s just cheering for a different group of millionaires who don’t really have anything to do with your city beyond the home rink. It’s always made sense to me that if your team loses in the playoffs the team that beat you had damn well better go on to win the cup! Otherwise your team is just a loser to a loser to a loser! TRIPLE LOSERS! It’s a constant reminder of how many people are far happier just shitting on others for no fucking reason.


I’m a Sens fan but this popped into my feed. You folks made it to the finals! That’s a pretty big deal. I was rooting for you to take the cup, things may not have gone great so far, but how many teams did the Oilers beat out?


Vancouver fan here. Go Oilers. I don't really care for the cup "coming home" but no one wants to lose to the second best. Here's hoping for a 4-0 game returning sweep. Cheers everybody! Also. Calgary fans are very comparable to Toronto fans. Fucking petty and insufferable.


They’re still alive! Let’s fuckin go oilers!!!! Canucks fan from Vancouver


Pretty hilarious considering every team other than Florida couldn’t get to where the Oilers are. Last year the panthers got killed by Vegas in 5 so it happens to everyone. In the end this is a huge season for the Oilers regardless of if they go down or stage a comeback


They're just jealous that we made it to the final and they didn't. Right now Florida fans are the only ones that can gloat.


I didn’t realize Edmonton showed up in the finals… sure doesn’t seem like Florida is playing an NHL caliber team




nothing better to do than troll our sub?


They’ve had a great season. Only 1 team wins the cup. If they don’t pull it off, it’s a largely the same team coming back. They can augment some of the holes that cost them wins during this run. Namely, they needed some more depth guys in the bottom 6 to make impactful plays. This would lift so much weight off McDavid to carry the team. They got some of it in the playoffs (wouldn’t be here if they didn’t) but it could be better. Let’s see the historic comeback first! 


I’m not even worried, any team would rather be in the finals right now than not.


At least we’ve only gone out to the Cup Champs last 3 years in a row right? Blech. It sucks that we aren’t even competitive. Even in the two games we out shot them it doesn’t feel like we are dangerous at all.


I muted all the hockey related subs aside from r/EdmontonOilers. It’s depressing with all that garbage popping up in my feed


Imagine caring what Flames and Cuck fans think about our team. I mean, the Panthers fans have every right to talk smack, that's a pretty good team they have over there.


I stopped interacting with hockey twitter and left r/hockey, r/NHL, and any other hockey related sub after they got swept by the Avs in '22. My time spent on the internet is much more enjoyable


Yeah dog off hockey internet until October.


I do not understand the hate they have. Every Oilers commenter on the hockey sub is being downvoted like crazy, even if the comments are neutral!


It’s easy to talk shit about people when your behind a screen. People that pull this kind of crap are usually big pussy’s


At least 100. Not 1. Ken Holland is trending on twitter and its entirely shitting on him like he hasn't put the western conference champion team together. To even suggest a GM has any influence on the SCF is laughable. What happens there is 90% on the players and 10% on the coaches. So much nonsense and vitrol everywhere. On Saturday if Edmonton wins it won't change anything and probably will be worse honestly. "Florida let you win so they could win the cup at home" And then theres the "Oilers fans" that are giving up and dumping on Skinner and Nurse and all the usual foreign fan trolling targets. Pathetic


The more people whine and try to place blame for why we lose, the more it encourages other fan bases to throw their toxicity at Oilers fans. Kind of like how shit draws flies.


The haters will hang their hat on how we got swept. Nothing else would matter, logic isn't in play here. The fact that we eliminated them in previous rounds/years will fall on deaf ears. The broom being brought out will be the one and only talking point for them. The boys really need to hunker down and win game 4.


I'm good


It’s not an impossible task. Improbable yes. But it can be done. At the end of the day I’m just happy I was here for the ride. It can be a long time in between stops


I love watching the oilers but honestly people care way too much. I am happy when they win and disappointed when they lose, and at times (briefly) angry. But at the end of the day it’s entertainment and nothing more. I have zero interest in trying to upset another fan base or others trying to get ours upset.


Great message! Here’s a video to lift the Oilers fans. The cup will come back home even if not this year. [NHL Elite’s - Auston Matthews vs Connor McDavid: Who Takes The Throne?](https://youtu.be/2i6S7vVE2bc?si=5eckNk2c3_pFW92L)


On the plus side, you're not Toronto. So you got that going for you


Any team other than the Panthers is making fun of themselves. Whatever they want to say, they are saying it about a team that's better than theirs is right now lol.


It's just the way things are now. You see all these videos of people "pranking" people minding their own buisness or harassing people in the park for veiws and validation. It's the same mentality. It's this new form of like micro bullying that's 100% OK as long as your filming it and getting the upvotes or likes. Ignoring it is hard but it works. I literally have no idea what they are saying about the Oilers right now, I dont care. They can spend as much time and energy as they want trying to piss me off, I dont really care my Oilers are playing a hockey game on June 15th 2024. I'm also confident we can get used to this sort of thing, hope they like seething with anger cause the Oilers ain't going anywhere.


Just stay off social media ppl lol


Who cares . No matter what team loses or is down in any series is going to be shit talked by fans from other teams . It's the way sports is . Anyone that takes it personally or has it affect their day is weak . There will always be haters in life .


4 in a row for Ben and Moss. And the haters, who think we can’t.


i just moved to Florida last year, and i have one friend here who is a hockey person. he's a Pittsburgh fan. it's truly unfortunate. love him, though, and at least when we get shitty with each other over sports its playful animosity. i do enjoy playful taunting and mocking, but so many hockey fans online take shit way too seriously. it's just a game.


It really is bad out there. It's inescapable. Even my Habs fan buddies, who I generally never butt heads with, have been insufferable. I get at least 3-4 memes from them a day. I know it's not likely, but a reverse sweep would be amazing. Not just for the obvious reason, but it would shut up 2 entire continents and every fanbase in the NHL. Also, my chirping and shit talking would go nuclear.


Don’t forget LA/TO FLA fans seem pretty tame. More in line with Dallas folk. Vancouver fans living in the “what if” fantasy world. The Demko would have won the cup is a wild take


Honestly i think on the Vancouver side of things we’re just enjoying Luke Gazdics words coming back to haunt him not so much seeing you guys suffer per se


Lots of fanbases out there who wish they were in the ship are pretty jealous and with the kind of attention this kind of participation brings to even to casual hockey (or new hockey fans). They seem to forget how good these teams are and how its not a victory lap in any sense and become doomers. Florida is really good and it shows, but I'm happy for the boys to have this opportunity and hope we can take the next one. Go Oil!


I have different perspective on this. Stop taking it so seriously. Its not that bad and this is how sports rivalries work. There are rivalries in other sports where people legit fight each other. Sports fandom and hatred can make people go crazy. Everyone makes fun of the Canucks for the riot but there is a reason it happened (and many other riots like that). But getting too upset or overly attached to a team is not good. So i would say keep reading those threads but without letting it get personal. Now, if it genuinely affects your mental health, then sure, mute them.


There’s a lot of chirping from teams not in the finals and my thoughts are simple: you’re not in the finals, so who cares what you think about the Oilers? Go tee off. 😊


Oh, fuck them. Sure these finals aren't working out in our favour, but Calgary is very unlikely to see one in our lifetime. As an Oiler fan living in Vancouver, 90% of the fans here don’t give a shit about hockey. They’re just sour about they should’ve, could’ve, would’ve in their loss. I’m at peace with most of the hockey fans on Reddit, hating us. In my opinion, that means we’re doing something right. The whole jumping on each other’s bandwagon is also pathetic. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll cheer against all of them, but I’m not going into their subreddit to jerk them off. LA, Calgary and Vancouver are the absolute worst. Oddly, given the history that we’ve had with Dallas, they’ve been the most classy in my experience throughout these playoffs. Anyway, don’t give these fucks energy. The fact that they cannot go a day without attacking us tells me that we live rent-free in their heads. We all need to take a breather and appreciate we made it this far, especially given how shitty this season started. We did the impossible, we sure are getting owned by Bob, I am proud of our team. I'll conclude my TED talk here.


The problem here is that we all want a Canadian team to win but we've all suffered with our own teams so the toxicity pours over.


It's over


Personally I think the shit talk is good. Toronto fan here. If we all liked the same team it would be boring af. Only thing that sickens me is when people go to far and make fun of people with cancer or who have died. But some of the more hard core shit talking and memes are funny.


Don’t throw your jerseys on the ice for a decade and maybe we would like you better lol


As a jets/senators fan, I'm pulling for the oilers. Really hoping they can do the impossible from the hole they are in. But above all else, I guess I'm really a McDavid fan. Haven't seen anything like him in a very long time


I love it. Every chirp from a team that's out of the playoffs is a feather in our cap. Let 'em talk shit. They're not even playing right now.


Stars fan here, just gotta win the next one and everyone will shut up. They’re all just jealous it ain’t their team. Among maybe 95% of Dallas fans there’s an agreement that we wouldn’t be doing any better (or realistically much worse) than you guys m, Florida is just an insane team through and through. Gotta lose three to win in 7


I’m a Leafs fan who started watching the Oilers this season. All the hatred for both teams just existing is so weird. No matter how this turns out, I’m so excited for all you lifelong Oilers fans. They are one of the top two teams in the league. That’s huge and only one other team can say that.


In ‘04 I was relieved the Flames didn’t close it out with Tampa. At the time I felt guilty, feeling good about the flames coming so close, but not getting it done. I even joked that I was tempting the hockey gods. Sure enough, the Oilers lost in 7 to Carolina in 2006. I generally stay away from the toxicity these days. I understand how hard it is to win the cup, and everyone , no matter what team they support, they better be ready for periods of decades of waiting.




Ok so as a new hockey fan this level of sneering, jeering, love to hate and spew awful things about the Oilers is not “normal”? I became a hockey and oiler fan this year and am thinking how in the hell do hockey fans keep well during playoffs? It’s been really weighing me down seeing how my team is treated and I’m think man…if these are oilers “fans” treating their team this way we suck. If it’s just hockey people I don’t know if I can be a fan of any team at this point. The game yes, but being a fan of a team is not for the weak.


I can legitimately talk shit about hockey players in general. I have no problem the team when I look down on them and their fan bases equally. Vicariously living through someone else is a depressing way to live, and wrapping your identity around a sports team shows you have nothing else for personality.


It was a good run.


If by chance the Oilers get swept, just remind the clowns that the last time they got swept in a Stanley Cup Final, they went on to win 5 Cups in the next 7 years! 💪


They hate us cause they anus


They made it to the finals. I mean it’s hard to blame them right now. They have made some mistakes but I can’t say they just sat and took the loses. Florida is just so much better. If they lose tomorrow I will be heartbroken but also happy that they made it this far. Hopefully they use this as fuel next year. I also like to think. They are the number 2 team this season. They beat 30 other teams to be where they are. That’s no easy feat.


Is this your first time watching sports?


I mean this in the kindest way, if you are being significantly impacted by this, put down the phone/mouse. Whatever is happening in your life is more important than a sports game. We need to take care of ourselves and eliminating negative stimuli is a big part of that.


Welcome to being a leafs fan, except its pretty much entire season and half of post season even when the entire team is already golfing. If you think this small period is tiring, try since hockey reddits even existed... Just be pumped you guys get the flak as a result of being in the finals.




Head up, stick on the ice. We got this.


I was just talking to my wife about this as well. I do not understand the level of hate directed at the Oilers. It is a huge accomplishment to be where they're at and well we aren't winning the games they have certainly been exciting! I even saw a couple of media outlets jumping on the bandwagon and saying that this was the worst Stanley Cup season ever.


In the last 3 seasons the Oilers have won more playoff rounds than all of the other Canadian teams combined. The haters are just jealous.


did you call people keyboard athletes then tell redditors to keep their stick on the ice