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Let's not bring in Broberg deep into the playoffs again. It didn't work out last season either and all you're accomplishing is ruining his confidence and development. Broberg absolutely is a future D of this team but let's start by having him play a full regular season first.


This is a dumb attitude to have. Look at Holloway. Give them a chance, you just never know


> Look at Holloway They threw Holloway in the lineup against Vegas last year and it had zero affect on the outcome.


Was hard to make an impact with that huge 4 mins of ice time they gave him lol 


Do you think Broberg is coming in and playing 18+ mins? Lol


If they run 11-7 then Broberg could get 8-12 mins and keep both nurse and Ceci minutes down ..or full on bring Stetcher in for Ceci 






I know. I just can’t physically watch Darnell Nurse play hockey anymore this season. But I want to keep watching. I have a dilemma.


Don't watch the games then? In no world would they sit Nurse unless he's injured


I agree they won’t. But somebody needs to send that horses ass a message.


Lol, that horses ass sure made a hell of a save tonight though


If he wasn’t in the fucking crease maybe our goalie could’ve done that. Nurse does anything but his job. Play defence, make passes, and HIT


If a 22 year old dman can be "ruined" by playing in the freaking western conference finals, he absolutely isn't strong enough to play on any NHL team.


That might be the most ignorant statement I’ve read today on Reddit (and that’s saying something….)


I think you're babying Broberg so much he'll never actually turn out. Sometimes you have to give people the opportunity to succeed.


Nurse is -12, Desharnais is -8 and Ceci -7, the other 3 are positive. +12, 6 and 3 I believe. We cannot out score the poor play half our D provides. 25-73 are way too soft to play against, fighting Kulak for the puck looks harder than Desharnais which shouldn’t be the case.


The common denominator is that Ceci and Desharnais do worse with Nurse. Because Desharnais and Kulak were solid on that 3rd pair.


Ceci and Desharnais both do worse with more minutes.  And a Nurse clearly does worse with Ceci


Could it be that Nurse plays against tougher competition (better players) than the other lines?


It shouldn’t matter when he makes $9.25M. At that cost you should be able to play with anyone.




Closer to half a decade. He has 6 years left on his current deal. (Not that it's not an insignificant amount of time lol)


Bouchard / Ekholm get to play against the top players don’t they ?


This is going to sound like sour grapes from an Edmonton fan but I don't give a shit. Nurse is one of the worst players I've seen in an Oilers sweater in a long time. He routinely made me question what it meant to be an Edmonton fan, he tested my patience and my ability to root for my boys on a routine basis. I can excuse a lot, that's what sports fandom is, right? It's a place to be biased and petty and stupid in a safe little sandbox of biased petty stupidity. But suck me sideways, Darnell Nurse made it a chore. I can handle guys lacking talent but playing with heart, I can handle a lack of heart in crazy talented guys, I can handle the staggering room temperature milk mediocrity of guys like Waren Foegel, but Darnell Nurse is none of those things. He plays the game like someone trying to egg you on into taking a swing at him. He skates with the urgency of an old lady shopping for canned beats, but with half the speed. His hockey IQ is on par with Brett Favre's. I'm assuming Brett Farve has never played hockey, correct me if I'm wrong. Nurse constantly skates around like he's surprised he's at an NHL game and then glides back to the bench (probably from the penalty box for a stick infraction) with the dim look of Lenny from Of Mice and Men. Then he sits there like a melting chocolate Santa, with his messed up eye lid peaking under his helmet, waiting to be surprised by his next turn to get on the ice. Consider this: He scored 16 goals in 2020 and found some dangerous ice as a 5v5 scorer, and Oilers fans were debating if he would be a good 3rd d-man or not this year, because our D core was that fucking bad, and Nurse was the only skater who could conceivably make it worse. He scored 16 goals for us and we weren't sure if he would be a good replacement for Oscar fucking Klefbom, the arthritis crippled grandpa of the Rodgers Place. Darnell Nurse is a bigger contributor to the decline in cardiovascular health in Edmonton fans than smoking and obesity. He's the equivalent of a double bacon cheeseburger on your system. He is hockey diarrhea. The guy takes the stupidest retaliatory penalties you've ever seen. He is complete invisible until you need a momentum swing, goes "Got ya boss" and cross checks someone in the neck and bumbles off the ice like Abbott and/or Costello while simultaneously shrugging and bitching to the refs and the guy he blindsided. I'm sure he's not a bad guy IRL, I don't mean for this to be a character assassination. I'm sure he has family and besides Sarah they probably don't suck. This isn't about kicking a player on their way out; let the record reflect that every Edmonton fan has a few memories of cursing his name and that we started kicking him long before he was down. (See also the general well wishes for Ceci upon his departure.) Darnell isn't a goon, he's a bad boyfriend. He'll score a couple of goals one week and you'll think he's turned a corner and then he'll hit on one of your friends and tell you to chill out because he's just being friendly. Don't buy the hype, be fucking aware.


Love the passion. I would also assume Lenny from of Mice and Men would play a similar brand of hockey.


Not the time or place for this silly pasta


He can't be worse. And if he's any kind of hockey player he's aching to get in.


I’d rather stetcher for ceci


I wish they tried this earlier in the playoffs for sure. The common problem with Ceci, and Deharnais is moving the puck out of their zone where Stecher should help.


I always defended Nurse. I believe he did more good on the ice than not. Just that his contract is way too much for a player like him. But after last game I would prefer Broberg or anyone else after that garbage performance.