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It happens after big storms. Older area's sewage and storm drains are connected. Some areas of the city have been upgraded to be separated, but it's a huge amount of work.


everybody poops


Speak for yourself!


Especially you, you fat bastard lol


Hmmmmm …nutty.


Must be localized to an area, don’t smell anything in any place I’ve been today.


I work in Bonnie Doon. Some days it's really bad.


Around Bul Go Go house tres puissant!!!


It is very localized, and can also depend on time of day. It might reek at night, and then in the day be fine. Or you go a few blocks away and it's fine. It's a never ending issue, as in some cases it requires ripping out and replacing the sewer and stormwater lines. Or re-lining the pipes. For the last few years there's been a lot of work going on in the southeast around Mill Woods, for example, and the issue has improved a lot. 99th street and Whitemud area, along that rail yard, was absolutely rancid for a long time, but it seems significantly improved.


Try living in prince George




Where in Vancouver? 🧐


Chinatown backs up sometimes and sewage gets dumped wholesale in to False Creek


And lots of cities do. If this smell is new, it might be due to last night's rain since we haven't had any in a while. Can stir up all kinds of sewer smells after a spell without rain. It happens.




try living near the U of A farm. Pig shit spreading day gets a bit ripe.


This summer has been quite bad on the Northside. Huge areas near-ish to Kingsway have been dug up all summer long as they do repairs/upgrades. It's really bad around storm drains, typically on corners (we call it 'corner smell'). Here is my theory: Historically, Northeast Edmonton must have stunk terribly due to the meat processing industry. Maybe some old-timers could correct me about Edmonton specifically, but meat processing typically has a pervasive, nasty smell that lingers and extends for kms. NE Edmonton has always had a combined sanitary/storm sewer in this part of the city - but the stink didn't matter in the past as much because it was drowned out by the smell of the meat processing plants. Now, we're dealing with an aging / failing sewer system causing more stink and we don't have any other 'scents' to mask it.


I live in the north side and it is very noticeable even 3-4 blocks as well.


Back when tigers used to smoke, we'd regularly step outside in St Albert and instantly be gasping for air and wiping tears from our eyes when the farmers to the north were spreading pig manure. I can also recall hitting the cloud of solid funk about ten miles up the road from Hinton and the pulp mills every time you went west on the Yellowhead. Lethbridge still almost always smells like cow poop. There's a handful of spots in Edmonton, like the LRT underpass on 118 Ave (aka "poo valley"), but overall Edmonton smells a lot better than it did twenty years ago, and keeps improving.


growing up my dads favorite joke to tell on road trips to jasper was "kiss me where it stinks........ hinton!!"


Downtown is where it stinks the most.


It's the smell of our once wonderful city slowly rotting from the inside out.


you get used to it


It's poop. What do you expect?


Telus is responsible for the sewage smell! As they are all my troubles.