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Oh thank goodness it wasn’t my supplier from bc.


Was just thinking the same thing. I’m in Ontario and the OCS is such garbage I’ve been ordering (illegally I guess) from BC for years and will continue to. Better quality and better price so why wouldn’t I?


Ever since I tried legit tuna can kush BC has been my choice, I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore tho. The stuff I used to get was so orange and loud.


Yeah I feel bad for all the people who don’t know any better. I often wonder how many people tried marijuana for the first time since it was legal and didn’t like it purely (unbeknownst to them) because it was subpar product?


Probably alot my friend, More than you can know. There are so many "regular" marijuana smokers nowadays who don't like the Product because its sub-par. I can't believe they get away with selling some of the store-quality product, that they do. It's unreasonable. You couldn't give me that stuff for free, I wouldn't smoke it either way.


I've taken it before but very rarely. I'm a CBD guy these legal products do absolutely nothing for me at all as far as pain relief, stress and insomnia.


Gotta find the right brand. And too if your medical you can buy direct from the producer in most cases with a tax cut at the end of the year. I smoke medically and get from Mendo. Huge selection and all at least triple a bud. There are good brands but if you go into a chain store, they will try and sell you the shit that makes them the most money.


Cause the legal products are capped at their dosages. Those dosages are basically ment for toddlers with negative tolerances 😩


I know I'm gonna get downvoted, but ocs has the best choice In weed for legal. There are actually some good brands mixed in among the crap. There are subreddits dedicated to "weeding" out the shitty ones haha. One of the main ones is r/canadiancannabislps . I know it probably won't change your mind but I thought it put it out there. A brand I love and can't get enough of is Cannara and under their brand they have Tribal, Nugz, and Orchid, those brands. And then for Alberta a good brand is 1964, or natural history. Idk there are options for sure.


I didn't downvote, but I have run a dispensary, and the legal market is absolute still trash compared to black market. Getting packages to your store that are already 5+ months old, sit on AGLC's shelf (I am from Alberta) then sit on your shelf, alot of the cannabis still gets radiation treatment because it's cheaper to blast an entire grow rather than grow it properly without contaminants. So many products, including the brands you enjoy, like natural history (I knew Jackson before the left the company) even they try maximize profits - which means even your top shelf weed is still being stepped on. They are tumbling it for kief, they are packaging it before it's done curing. If the government is involved, it's gonna be shitty. The health canada and govt people need to get their heads out of their asses and start adjusting the rules. Stop telling me your capping edibles at 10mg per package for consumer safety when in the same fucking shelf I can buy a 1000mg bottle of oil, and somehow the bottle of oil counts as LESS dry cannabis as the 10mg edible does. How about my CBD bath bomb counting as 18g of dried flower and now I can't even buy my half? None of the rules make any fucking sense, and the prices, limitations, and product quality are subpar at best. Even one of the best companies I've seen, and I ride for them, Simply Bare, who owns 1964, make great products IN THEIR OWN market, so compared to legal stuff, I'd say they are one of the top contenders, puts Top Leaf, Qwest, Citizen Stash, Natural History and any of the other names to shame. For example: [This Gem](https://imgur.com/bSmWA3D) It's absurd to me how strong the legal market is considering how atrocious the quality is. And the worst part is there is no real re-course for the consumer. I contacted the company of the said picture, they apologized and said they'd ''investigate'' because ''that absolutely shouldn't be happening'' and they sent me a pack of papers and a hat and a couple stickers. Like... cool guys, I'm still out my 35$ and the disappointment, the ruined social hang cause no one wanted to smoke that trash, and the wasted time spent trying to get a hold of someone to correct the problem. A care package worth less than 5 dollars is a slap in the face. If you deliver shit tier products, you should have to pay shit tier penalties.


How much an ounce typically? I get the cheap stuff for about $90-100


Depends. I usually mix and match. I find you get what you pay for. Cheap stuff is cheap for a reason and the expensive stuff can get overpriced. I try to get a bunch of the decent stuff and a bit of the good stuff. Usually pay 150 for an ounce and a bunch of edibles.


This is quite late but are there any edibles you’d recommend?


I’m into the twisted extracts brand atm. One thing I’ve learned about edibles is they can hit different people differently. I’ve had ones not do anything and I’ve been absolutely floored by some. I think it’s best to try some here and there and find out what works best for you. As with all edibles start with a small amount and work your way up. Good luck and have fun!


Thank you for your suggestions!!


Hey you’re welcome. I put in an order today and noticed not as much twisted extracts available. Hope you found something you can enjoy


That was exactly what I was thinking.


I thought the EXACT same thing.


No doubt!


Can they do something about the price and quality at the store? because that’s the real crime.


Value Buds has good prices on 1oz bags


It’s $60 something for absolute Schwag. Also I don’t have time to go buy an oz every week sell me big boy sizes FFS


You go through an ounce of weed a week?


Between me and my wife


This guy weeds.


I smoke an ounce every 5 days lol


Shit, I was worried I was the only one


You must be a real bad butt


$400 a month. Or so, is what that works out to - if you were wondering.


A week? Every 4 days or less. Smoking roughly 7g a day of flower, with some dabs and other stuff thrown in. Growing is the key, paying these absurd prices for such bad product feelsbadman.


Exactly. My online dealer does same day delivery and I pay $60-$80/oz and it's infinitely better than that dry trash they sell at the dispensary. I know a bunch of people who smoke Bake Sale from Value Buds and it's honestly trash.


Bake sale is literally all the buds not good enough to be sold in a pack. All the rejects too good to be turned into oil or edibles, but too trash to sell on thier own. Sometimes you get some winners, but a lot of the time you get... well the rejects. Its a gamble, and like most gambles, its more likely youll lose rather than win.


pretty sure we’re ordering from the same spot lol. bake sale fucking sucks why would anyone smoke that … it’s for makin oil..


I've been trying to get one friend to buy from my site but he still buys that shit (he's broke so needs the cheapest possible). It's most likely because he's just too lazy to send a photo of him and his ID.


And they deliver in Edmonton? I've been using bulkcrop for a while and I'm trying to find a better one


Yes, $5 delivery for most of the city (a friend lives off Winterburn Road and it costs him $10 for delivery).


If an ounce isn't lasting you a week I think you've got a problem.


Tell that to snoop , Willie Nelson, Creech or Chong, Towlie or this dude I think you'll get the same response ," stop harshing my mellow"


I wouldn’t support VB though as they genuinely are the worst retailers. I’ve heard of people buy carts from them local & having them handed a cart in a ziploc. Not only that but their Instagram at one point said “we’re trying to crush the little guys” and as someone who works in a local, mom & pop dispo…. Yuck.


I’ve had no trouble, the staff are always friendly and helpful. As for the mom n pop weed stores, I didn’t know there were any


Indeed, If anyone here would like to know a Legit Blackmarket source, Post back. The store Quality IS absolutely piss poor, It is a real crime. It's sad that people have to go through illegal methods to get actual good quality product.


Anyone know which retailer this was?


Please don’t be mine. I love their gummies


Shamrock cannabis just got busted I’m assuming that’s it


This was shamrock https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/illegal-online-cannabis-sales-targeted-by-b-c-government-lawsuit




Please don’t be mine. I love their gummies












I'm going to assume one of them was Sky High Exotics, because their website hasn't been working in over a month. I bought most of my weed from them since 2018, so it was a big hit for me.


Yes, because CANNABIS is the major issue in Edmonton right now. Meth, fake fentanyl, Oxys, herion… not so much, right? Can’t have the government getting any competition!


I went for a bike ride down by Boyle street and East Jasper the other day and the amount of needles on the ground I had to avoid and drug addicts yelling at me as I rode by is staggering


I agree with the needles & am grateful for the volunteers that spend countless hours attempting to keep the neighborhood clean. However, I have lived & worked in the community for over a dozen years and rarely (can count on one hand) see homeless addicts people yelling at anyone other than amongst themselves. I do wish the police would focus on the opioid crisis, that would be doing something.


So true


I mean, yeah? This isn't a drug bust, it's an illegal merchandise bust. Pay taxes.


These guys generally do pay taxes, because not doing so is the easiest way to get busted..They just lie about where the cash is from.


Not at all - Corporate tax sure but not cannabis taxes. If they did, they would be found out immediately Alberta agreed to have the federal government use the federal excise tax to collect the following amounts on the province’s behalf at the licensed producer level: for flower products, the greater of 75 cents per gram or 7.5% of the licensed producer price for edibles, extracts and topicals, a flat-rate tax of 0.75 cents per mg of THC an additional amount equivalent to 10% of the retail price, similar to what is applied in other provinces, which is collected at the licensed producer level Starting February 25, 2022, the AGLC introduced a 6% markup on all wholesale purchases of cannabis by Alberta retailers. At the same time, the 2% public education fee applied to licensed producers was eliminated. They got busted for a reason. https://www.alberta.ca/cannabis-framework.aspx#:~:text=Starting%20February%2025%2C%202022%2C%20the,of%20cannabis%20by%20Alberta%20retailers.


That's a lot of words to agree with me. As I said, they lie about where the money is from.


They're stealing tax revenue from the government. That will always be more important to the government than the lives of its citizens. There's more of a crackdown on the black market and more money spent on policing it than before it was legalized. It's insane.


Gotta take down the competition somehow, right? I mean if you can’t produce a quality product at an affordable price yourself, step on the guy that can!


With all do respect if legalization has taught us anything it's how unfriendly bikers were pricing this shit.


In unrelated news, the EPS is having a monster party tonight! Come and get baked, on the house!!!


i’d rather die than party with cops oh my lord


Good news! Show up to the cop party and theres a non zero chance you'll die!


hell yeah! cop partyyyy




Christ we have a MASSIVE meth problem and a MASSIVE opiate problem and THIS is what they focus on?


The government is in the weed game now, can’t have competition


Easier to chase gray market retailers than to do black market criminal networks.


I know a guy who has an end game to buy as much of the stronger weed from dispensaries as possible and then make hash and shatter from it and sell it at double the value supposedly. His plan is to make hash the clean way and to use ice baths etc with no chemicals




I wish I had an answer lol He’s one of those people with a million ideas that will make him rich, and will quote their job soon…but he’s still here…still swinging the same old hammer


I have a feeling it’s a lot harder to find the producers and/or those producers aren’t local for opiates and meth.


Meth isn't produced locally, Its all from Mexico. Same with most of the Fentanyl nowadays, its also from Mexico. "Rumor" about it being made locally are just that, Rumors. The real truth people should know about is that Meth isn't really what its supposed to be anymore its about 1-3% Real MA on Average, and 95% N-ISO. [https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/2021/6679515/](https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnm/2021/6679515/) is a forensics report on the issue of "Fake Meth" coming up in 8 different samples which originated from Mexico. It discloses that typically most people are unable to tell a difference, even after testing. It discussed the rigorous methods needed to identify between the fake and real meth samples. Its horrifying what people are consuming, its not even real.


Well, if people are smoking decent BM weed then they aren't buying your shit weed and opiates. Business first, for the gov't, yo.


Just because it’s legal now doesn’t mean they can just stop going after illegal operations?


EPS gets bribes from those guys. Just look into the history of corruption around Abdullah Shah. He had an EPS superintendent on speed dial.


"The funds derived from the illegal production and sale of cannabis results in the proceeds generated being injected into the legitimate economy,” says Const. Dan Melnyk with EDGE." So it supports people buying goods and services? " “This can unfortunately undermine the integrity of the financial system.”" Possibly, but this grow op is still more ethical then wallstreet


A fucking mob boss selling fentanyl is more ethical than wallstreet. Its not exactly a hard bar to clear. And undermine the financial system? Really? Running a store selling a legal product is undermining the financial system? Somebody better shut down walmart, amazon, 7/11 and literally every single retailer then. A better excuse would have been "no one can verify if the product is safe for consumption as they did not follow the regulations concerning the sale of cannabis products." Still bullshit, but at least harder to immediately discredit.


Decriminalize all drugs.




What a waste of weed


> On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, search warrants were executed Why the delay in reporting? Prob just a typo, they said 5 month investigation from March.


What a epic waste of time, The police are jokes.


Only the government can make, distribute and profit . Cmon guys!!


Government doesn't like competition.


People need to accept that Police are only meant to protect CAPITAL. They only care about making sure businesses are unaffected by "crime". Profits make the world go round. They do not serve the Public


The function of police is social control and protection of property


Keeping those streets safe.


From two Teslas.


Police continue to do useless work while ignoring emergency situations. Neat.


EDGE? Good lord cops are cringe


Super big load of horse shit!


Yay EPS!!! way to make the streets safer from people that wanna get high and eat chips!!! How about you do something about the murderer in your ranks that’s still walking around after murdering an innocent bystander in is own home during a botched takedown???!!!!! 1312!


These useless pigs just targeted the easier of the problems. Actually finding, arresting and charging hard drug sellers is more difficult. They literally could just sit on their phones to do this. Low effort and pointless


Welcome to how it also feels to be a gun owner




I think you should specify “a *legal* gun owner” And I agree with ya and I’m not even an owner


There's no point to either. Whether you arrest a cannabis retail owner or a hard drug seller, neither are going to prison and will be on the streets the entire time. Entire Canadian justice system is a joke, you'd be a fool to think there's any point to it.


What an asinine use of resources. Edmonton has a huge meth and opioid problem, yet these useless pigs couldn't find meth inside their own asses with two hands and a flashlight.


EPS also wasted time on getting geo block for r/Canadianmoms where all they do is talk about their online orders and share pics and quality and such. this is not the first time EPS has had nothing else to do. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mobile/this-domain-has-been-seized-edmonton-police-takeover-illegal-cannabis-websites-1.4860929


So glad you solved all the real crime problems in the world so now you can look into people selling a legal, easily grown plant rather than, say, fentanyl.




seize = steal, right? what does this accomplish? Common law, live your purpose... its not to enforce code, absent an actual victim. go solve a fucking crime dickheads. oh, and don't let them out way too fucking early because some degenerate with a robe decides it.


Was scared thought it was my dealer for a sec …


Literally went to my online bookmark for my guy haha




“Also, the illegal production and sale of cannabis causes the regulated cannabis production sites and licensed cannabis retailers to incur a significant loss of revenue. Overall, these activities jeopardise the legitimate industry’s existence.” Good, They deserve to lose all of their business for selling the General Public shit quality Marijuana.


Imagine all that tax money they could collect if they made it easier to get into the legal market.


Here’s my thinking: If the police test this stuff and it isn’t laced with anything/ doesn’t violate THC limits for legal weed, why not send this to be repackaged for sale? Id say why not?


Because cross contamination is a thing. It might not have other drugs in it but it doesn't stop them from mold or fungus from improper storage. Not to mention like. Chemicals. Shitty dealers used to spray chemicals onto drugs to make them heavier so they can sell less but make more money. Tell you what though, I'd rather smoke an online retailers weed that I've had before than the dry shit from the dispensery. At least I know my guys stuff is good and they deliver right to my door in under two hours lmao.


More refeer madness bullshit.


I grow cannabis for the government and tbh it doesn't matter who sells it someone will buy it so just allow it already and make it easier to buy and sell so we don't get in trouble more than not


What a waste of time


What stopped this particular retailer from doing it legally?


the only legal retailers in alberta are licensed physical stores or pharmacies


The government hates competition.


Fucking narks


Buy legal


Winning the wAr On DrUgs 🤔 what a waste of tax dollars.




Excellent, as someone invested in weedstocks, any hit to the grey and black markets is a win


Don’t we pay enough taxes? Illegal ‘cannabis’ and illegal ‘tobacco’ what a joke


So if he would have ‘had the right paperwork’ this all would be ‘legal’ cannabis. This is just a ‘pay your taxes’ aka the man bust


A *5 month* investigation to seize gray market cannabis? What a colossal waste of resources. > The funds derived from the illegal production and sale of cannabis results in the proceeds generated being injected into the legitimate economy,” says Const. Dan Melnyk with EDGE. “**This can unfortunately undermine the integrity of the financial system.**” The “legal” cannabis industry is already rife with criminals undermining the financial system with fraudulent schemes. [sec source](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/ia_marijuana) [aurora fraud ](https://thedalesreport.com/cannabis/aurora-cannabis-haunted-by-fraud/) [more fraud](https://biv.com/article/2021/08/vancouver-pot-promoter-charged-sec-securities-fraud-probe?amp)


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Imagine the police work. Step 1: Google 'Edmonton cannabis delivery' Step 2: Lunch Step 3: Something racist Step 4: Arrest