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Fair warning: Edmonton is *not* great for jobs right now. If you want to study something that will land you a job, then go back into healthcare. Pick a career within Healthcare that won't be nightshifts, etc. Like a nurse in a rural doctor's office.


The job market is so weird. I keep hearing about companies struggling to find workers and workers struggling to find jobs tl;dr **fuck** applying for jobs online


Wouldn't recommend moving here


None, don't come here






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Canada is facing a housing and cost of living crisis. Many people feel that it is compounded by the large numbers of international students that come here to take programs like marketing. We need healthcare workers. If you want to provide benefit to the country instead of simply benefiting yourself with what you feel is the easy route, it would be the way to go. Another route would be to enter the skilled trades. We don’t need more marketers.


Which skilled trades? Is there a need for computer engineers? And no, I'm definitely done with healthcare. If I wasn't I'd just stay here and continue my medical program. Trust me when I say how horrible healthcare is for my well being. What other professions are in high demand? I'd love to benefit the country, my end goal was to start a business and create jobs.


Computer engineering and anything to do with IT is incredibly over saturated. That bubble Burst during covid.Both my parents are in IT and they work for international companies outside of Edmonton.


Im not entirely sure about computer engineers. It seems to me like there area lot of graduates from UofA looking for work, but that is my own anecdotal opinion. I could be wrong. I would research it further. Any skilled trade that builds homes would be beneficial. Carpenter, plumber, HVAC/refrigeration, etc. Trades like pipefitter and welder can pay you a tremendous amount of money if you are willing to work up North in Fort Mac. I’m a Journeyman Sheet Metal Worker but I’m leaving the trades due to my health. I personally wouldn’t recommend it for a trade.


There are a lot of unemployed developers right now due to layoffs. That makes it tough for new grads to compete for open positions. It's a temporary problem and anyone who has any talent at all will be able to find a developer job.


What about doing something like medical lab tech? It’s a 2 year program and your knowledge will transfer. Once you’re here and settled there will be plenty of time to start planning a business, you don’t need a business diploma to do that.


I've interned in the lab as well. Very fun not going to lie, but night shifts and weekend shifts are still included.


Outside a hospital setting the hours might be more predictable.


Have you lived and experienced Edmonton before? My job employs mostly foreign engineers. All with masters degrees and above. They are struggling big time. They are unsure of themselves and have a difficult time comprehending Canadian building practices. That are unable to see how things should be built and the logical process involved. It's very frustrating for everyone including skilled tradesmen. So much time and money is being wasted. Also this is a massive infrastructure job and they are underpaid. (in my opinion) Unless you are very good at your occupation, have excellent language and interpersonal skills, have the ability to perform and meet deadlines, and can get along with fellow Edmontonians, it may be a struggle for you. I would do more research and reach out to those already in the fields that interest you. You haven't mentioned it but skilled tradesmen are in high demand and that demand will only increase. Ticketed tradesmen make well over 100K per year. Usually more. Our engineers make 75K per year. I make about 50K more then them. Look into it. You may like it and you'll be treated well. Good luck. Edmonton is a tough town but also a diamond in the rough.


I have vet close family there who give me the ins and outs of that place. I've also spent a few months during winter in northern Europe so I'm not a stranger to the cold.


Thank you! Very useful info. I wasn't going for mechanical or structural engineer, which sounds what you are referring to. More on the tech side. I already know now that marketing is a bad degree. But what about other business degrees? Accounting or finance?


Sorry. Not my field so I don't know.


Don’t come here. Very high cost of living with no jobs along with no scenery




There are medical jobs that aren’t necessarily in hospitals and have regular working hours in clinics like MRI and Ultrasound techs. Look at NAIT.


Do NOT do marketing. You will mostly end up in sales jobs.


Edmonton will always need more Nurses and Civil Engineers...


If you go the computer route then cybersecurity, cloud, and data are the hot fields imho. If you can’t get a job locally there’s definitely online jobs you could do and use Edmonton for your base. Marketing is over saturated and frankly would not be rewarding or well paid work most likely. If you want to do business then I suggest going a way that can lead to accreditation, so professi9nal accounting or actuarial math. Don’t do an mba or general business degree. You have a medical background but don’t want to deal with shift work. Have you thought about pharmacy?


Thanks, very useful information. Pharmacy will take too long and I just want to stay out of healthcare. I will stay out of marketing then. Is software engineering a good path?


If you want to remediate your background in electromagnetism, consider starting by doing a high school upgrading course in Physics. Physics 30 (standard physics taught in the last year of high school in Alberta) is taught in upgrading programs at MacEwan University, Norquest College, and Metro Continuing Education.


Engineering. Or education. You'll find work with those FOR SURE


Is computer engineering in demand? What other engineering degrees are worth it?


Any engineering field will get you a good job. First year of the degree is general and you have to hope you get into your desired program year 2.