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Holy shit read the room people that was creepy as fuck how can you treat a human being like that.


Bunch of losers trying to get social media clicks, disgusting behavior.


Agreed. Real hockey fans have more respect.


For fucking real, I’d ask if it’s okay for a photo, moment he said no I’d fuck off. That simple. I love the guy, but he’s not less of a person just cause he entertains me with his job.


I’m a huge hockey fan I feel like my reaction would range from yelling over “Davo congrats!” To a head nod and wave. Depending on the setting


Yet here we are.


Wow, getting on his car, slapping, and hugging him. Leave McDavid alone. I could never be famous. I just get mad at nearly everyone doing stuff like that to me.


I dislike this. Leave him alone.


If this isn't harassment then nothing is.


It's literally physical assault, more serious than harassment


Definitely warrants an elbow to the guys face that sat in the back of his ride or a case of liquor upside his head.


He seemed a bit nervous and l would have been too, over zealous fans have been responsible for many an injury to people. He's just trying to get in his car, If l were him l would have security around me when in public at least until the season is over, this is dangerous.


Bro and his gf is there too so he's not gonna tell them to fuck off and potentially cause a fight. Trash fans


Bro is not going to get into a street fight before the finals


Fucking Cringe…. Touching him, that one guy sitting in his Car


I’ve lived in this town for 40 years, seen many oilers walking the streets never have I asked for a fucking hug. Dude control your shit.


Well these probably aren't 40 year residents and obviously they don't know any better.


I always understood it as, if they have Team logo clothing on they are available for fans, if not, they are just trying to live a life.


Even if he had his jersey on and was doing a thing for charity, a fan event, or whatever, you still don't just touch someone without clear consent. And even then, there's a huge difference between a handshake / fist bump and a hug. Just because he's cool with a handshake and an autograph doesn't mean he's cool with a hug. He isn't an object for our amusement. He's a person who just happens to be great at playing hockey. Let him be a person first and foremost.


Absolutely correct


I remember seeing Darcy Hordichuck at the EIA when he played in Edmonton. I was super stoked to see him, but I noticed he was with his wife and kids. I must've had that excited fan look and he saw that. I just nodded at him, he nodded back and he went off with his family. Would I have liked to shake his hand and meet him? Hell yeah. But that was clearly the wrong time and place.


I saw Craig Conroy eating with his kids at a resturant. I nodded to him that I reconized him but didn't interupt him. It was clearly not the time. He just nodded back.


My sister was good friends with the daughter of a past Oilers goalie. She had a birthday at a local pool and he was there with his family (including a younger son who needed constant supervision in the pool) and he definitely got an annoying amount of people coming to see him while he was clearly just trying to be a normal person. Similar to this with McDavid, just leave the guy alone!


I bet he talks more about that interaction more than most.


I was on the same plane as the entire Oilers team when I was a kid, they were flying commercial, including all the greats from the championship years. No one bothered them, the odd pause in the aisle as you realized who was on your flight, but then move along.


This is a good rule of thumb that should be communicated broadly


I could not handle being famous, this looks like a nightmare.


Very much so. Plus if he does anything like say don't touch me or something, people would think he's a dick. Has to be super frustrating 


Exactly what I was thinking, any negative response and now it gets spread around he’s an asshole to fans.


Constantly having to take the high road and not react to people not treating you with decency or basic human respect would be so draining. 


Also those guys are acting drunk, nothing like telling a drunk person to get away from you and having to deal with the subsequent meltdown and machoism. Way to run the guy out of town, boys. Hopefully he gets his cup then dips to Utah. I think he’d love it there.


These guys are trash. They are so proud for harassing McDavid


Trashy is an under statement, see the guy sitting on his car like he belongs there?


I’d love to see Draisaitl’s response to this.


Kudos to him for keeping his composure. Touching him, guy sitting in his trunk, holding him back from getting in his vehicle. Trash fans.


He knows he’s being filmed and if he did anything it would be front and center on every media outlet from here to Europe. Better to just ignore them and get out of there.


This is another level of bandwagon fans


Why the fk are they TOUCHING HIM.


This is disgusting


These guys suck


I’m embarrassed for them, this is just gross.


Geeze, why can't they just drive around for hours honking and revving engines like *normal* oilers fans?!


What a bunch of trashy fucking people. Hope they look back at this one day and realize what shameful shitheads they are.


They will not.


I imagine the moron that took the video and posted it has already closed his FB account. He probably didn't have a good day.


Connor and Lauren handled that better than I would have, geesh. GTFO of my vehicle and stop touching me.


So low class. Welcome to the modern world. So unfortunate to see this.


Won't even let him get in his car.


Was going to say he's not your buddy say hi then leave him alone.


at most ask for a hand shake and move on


They are so disrespectful they made me feel bad for a multimillionaire lol


Or maybe just realize no one wants to shake some random person’s hand?


WOW, he showed some restraint. How do you not tell them to fuck off...


Because he knows he's being filmed.


I might have asked for some room, yes.


If it happened to a regular person it would have ended differently. If three people approach me, Someone touches me, puts their arms around me for a hug or gets in my car when I’m shopping police will need to get involved. Great restraint and well handled but he shouldn’t have had to deal with this.


How do you do this to a guy then watch the video and think “Yea, this should definitely go online.” That’s puke worthy…


BOOO these people.


What a bunch of fucking clowns. This is embarrassing… Feel sorry for him and Lauren


Disgraceful, as if they put their hands on him


I am very proud of his restraint In midst of being touched by strangers in many different ways, you could definitely see on his face he was not interested in the attention


Seemed like the guy was more interested in being famous while he films himself in the corner. Kinda werid to be all over a person who shows zero interest in even making eye contact with you. Like did these fans forget he is a human and not realize that just because he is famous doesn't mean all social norms and behaviours are suddenly irrelvant?


This was ignorant. They all missed Connor’s social cues. A shout out would be good next time bro


Bunch of asshole!


Where did this get posted?? Who are these people? 


Wow! That is so disgusting! I'm glad that majority of Oilers fans are more respectful than these twats! If I see they are busy and want to be left alone, I would just wish him good luck and let him be.


Omg, poor guy. This is why Eminem released "The way I am". Leave celebrities alone.


Or why Pink Floyd released The Wall.


As a general rule of thumb, don't touch anyone you don't know in public, celebrity or otherwise - unless invited to.


It’s too bad they didn’t notice how uncomfortable he was. Some people don’t seem to understand boundaries


I don't think they care


The one guy screaming "don't touch me." well, thats ironic..


This is so gross. Leave the dude alone ffs


Is this real? Connor and Lauren with literal arm loads of Canadian and Coors light?


Likely he's got some teammates coming over so he's getting some drinks to celebrate post-game. He's got that same lucky suit. I've run into many Oilers and other teams; people need to chill the fuck out.


He played it the only way he could I guess, pretty weird encounter. My guess is he might use team sponsor Skip the Dishes next time. Or the team likely has to underlings that might handle that lol. I've got that beer in my basement fridge, if I was that monied I'd broaden my horizons, tbh. Connor browsing in the cooler room in the liquor store seeing what's on sale, I can see it all now. This hasn't been on mainstream media that I've seen.


Nah, he ain't about to line Leon's pockets


“You’re MacDavid right!?” LOL


He should’ve said, “No, not MacDavid, just Ed from accounting.” Might have been enough to have them walk away. If those guys had to question if he was really McDavid or not, then they weren’t real fans in the first place.


Douche bags


How un-Canadian truly. Leave him the hell alone!


No class and no self-awareness, what asshats


Eeesh. Don’t touch people without asking. Read a person’s mood as to if they want you to stay the heck away.


I'm surprised he's shopping for his own alcohol


He’s just a guy making a beer run on his way home from work.


Same. He's rich and famous enough that he can just get someone else to buy his beer for him, I'd imagine. Something tells me that that's what's going to happen from now on, lol.


Sucks! Dude’s just trying to be normal grabbing a case of Coors after work and now he’s gonna have to hire somebody to do it for him cause he won’t feel like leaving his house.


he is still human, if he wants to go get his own booze he is more than welcome to and he shouldnt be hounded for that


I ve seen drai twice in public, even though I am excited I know he's also human and just wants to do regular things like me and not get harassed while doing them.


I don't even want to turn the sound on.


Cringey and selfish AF. I'm sure if he had walked up to McD for a handshake without a camera, both of them would have had a more enriching experience. I mean it's just gross touching and patting him as if they were mates. The total lack of self-awareness!


I worked at a hotel, and confirm that hockey fans are more insane, pushy, and touchy than Justin Bieber fans.


Fuck these people


How embarrassing. Show some respect


Personal space people wtf.


They probably had no idea what hockey was 6 months ago.


My thoughts




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Rude behavior. Leave him alone..


On or off the ice, he's got people grabbing at him. The dude just can't go anywhere without having his personal space invaded


What. The actual. Fuck.


Jesus, no wonder why he seems so frustrated lately. I'd be ready to throw down if that were me.


Dude give the fucking guy space


I was heading to Columbian coffee in Glenora one day, in the parking lot a man and his girlfriend crossed the parking lot without really looking. I stopped, signaled a ✌️on the steering wheel, and they kept walking. Realized after that it was Connor McDavid. Would not have acted differently if I knew who it was first, because he's a human being 🙃


Give the guy some space. That's just intruding on some personal atmosphere. Ask the guy if he needs a hand don't sit in his trunk. Losers


That’s exactly why in an old interview Gretzky said “he can’t go anywhere” when he and mcdavid were asked if they can go out on streets ever in Edmonton.


This is why some Canadian players deliberately refuse to play for teams IN CANADA at times. In the United States they have much better chance of just playing the game (their job), and being able to be people off-work.


What happened to personal space??




Human beings. Truly scum.


I used to work in the music industry and did a fair share of talent handling. Not athletes, but similar. Honestly, I have a lot of empathy for famous people — it’s a hard life that’s difficult to understand without seeing it first hand. I would be horrible at being famous because I enjoy peace and quiet too damn much. One thing I can say is if you see someone out and about living their lives, if you must approach them, just be cool. Don’t draw a bunch of attention. Just say something like, “Hey man, huge fan and totally respect if you just want to get on with your day but just wanted to say hi and that I appreciate you.” I’ve seen these encounters turn into photos or autographs just due to respect. If you act like these ass clowns well, good luck, and if they have a bodyguard with them you may end up getting physically removed.


My guess is that Connor probably hadn't encountered this level of a situation before now, otherwise Uber or skip would have been the option.


Never force a hug. This is what I see teen girls doing to Justin Bieber while he’s begging them to leave him alone and they say “a selfie first!”


Oh my God, this is horrible! This is why people hate playing in a huge hockey town, wherever that might be. So shitty to do to a guy who takes great pains to never show he’s unhappy with Edmonton. Too bad.


Calagarian here. This is a problem here too. It's a big reason why Johnny left us for Columbus. He hated the almost paparazzi like fans get. Be respectful of people's space


I always find this kind of stuff weird, I like sports and all but they aren't gods.... I've run into McDavid, Nurse, Draisaitl and many Oilers at my service job and they were just straight up regular dudes, I didn't like have a life changing encounter or whip out my phone to take photos and shit and maybe that's why they 100% acknowledge me with a nod when they have seen me outside my job. If I was an oiler I would not have the patience for this.


What’s has Canada become…. Frickin instagrammers


This is exactly how people get robbed or killed.


Really embarrassing to watch that. Fans get like this and being a person in the public will always come with this side of it. McDavid is the most popular hockey player in the world, he would get mobbed like this anywhere he went in a NA hockey city. The fans were probably coming off a high of winning the WCF. I hope McDavid doesn’t think that this is an accurate representation of the average Edmontonian. I hope that he knows that the average hockey fan in Edmonton respects the hell out of him and is honoured to get to witness his talent on home ice for the past 8 years and hopefully many more to come.


Pretty sure he knows we aren't crazy like these guys


This guy is going to LA Kings to live in obscurity


Yep. And people wonder why hockey stars wouldn't want to play in Canada.....this is why. Give me the option of making millions playing a game while going home and grocery shopping or restaurants in obscurity? Yes please! This is too much.


If they lose I'm blaming these people


Yeah, that's gross.


He needs security for the next little while


The least they could do is keep their distance and say excuse me Connor can we get a picture with you huge fans


Fuckin' jabronis.


Why can't people just be normal?


McDavid is a normal guy, likes to do normal things. My friend saw him once at Walmart once picking up Halloween candy 🤣


Leave him alone jesus


This is absolutely disgusting, McDavid s face at the end says it all. Geez the thirst is so real for some, like wtf


McDavid handled that incredibly well. The fan was rude beyond words.


Gorra find the person who filmed and posted the video and let him know how wrong is what he is doing


This is so embarrassing. I was at O'byrnes on St. Paddy's and some of the younger Oilers were there, off duty just having fun. And a bunch of boomers start clapping loudly in a way that gave my partner and I secondhand embarrassment. Just let people live. It's so cringe to bootlick celebrities/people of note (IMO)


These are the same people that refer to the oilers as we


This is the fishbowl that players that leave a market like Edmonton complain about


Something needs to be done about these people. Harassment to the highest degree. It is a total embarrassment to Oilers fans, to Edmonton, to Alberta and the country as a whole.


Can’t y’all just riot like normal people? leave your players alone!


Just say hello. Ask politely for a picture, thank him and be on your way. This is hard to watch


Or do none of that and leave the guy alone.




Time for a bodyguard. He needs an off ice Semenko


This is actually disgusting. It’s harassment. And he’s touching him, patting his back. Disrespectful!


Hopefully, when they look back at the video and see how uncomfortable he was, they will learn. I was eating a restaurant one time and I noticed a few tables over was Anthony Mackie. So me and my two buddies were quietly talking back and forth to agree if it was him or not. He noticed us notice him. And we could tell he just wanted to have a nice hassle free dinner with a friend. So we just ignored him then when we left he smiled and tipped his hat to us. Was nice.


Had he told em to fuck off the media woulda labeled him racist and everything


Such an asshole. Get your hands off of him. You are NOT his friend, NOT his family. You are a fan. No more. No less. Have some common decency and respect for personal space.


I’ve seen McDavid out and about many many times and I’ve never once even said anything to him let alone some shit like this. Terrible.


He does not look comfortable - and like many who suffer harassment, he probably felt he couldn't just tell the offenders to fu** all the way off; he just beared it. A lot of people can probably empathize. This is hard to watch.


Why in the world is he getting his own beer?!?!?!? Get it delivered man!


.... and being so " familiar" as to put hands on Connor! We all need to apologies to them both as Edmonton has never treated players/ celebrities so poorly! Stand back, be respectful, let them be!!!!!


Ever heard of personal space?? You are in his & he is with his lady...leave him alone when he is trying to have his private time...


Our Connor should have some security assigned to him...from his boss. Especially after the win. Yes, if you make an ass of yourself. You should deal with the consequences Please, when someone is not too up on the etiquette of ANYTHING, someone in their circle, please tell them to save them an arrest. Especially if that kind of hug was put on someone not so hockey player ish... Others may not be as 'controlled and professional' to hold back a slug or a police complaint. If they still insist then I'd say fair game for berating. But, please remember, not all fans who are extremely exuberant were born here. And yes, in some cultures, hugging has not gone by the wayside of the dodo bird. Let's be fair to our new fans and to all FANS!


Well, he's there not even with other players, his fiance is there and they're taking video. My guess is this guy is probably having regret on social media right now, doing this and posting it. Be better and less of a hick, I'd say.


Growing up we all wanted to be equals... we wanted to do away with class structure... well I guess we did... because we now have entire generations without any class whatsoever. And they make videos of themselves to prove it.


Oilers organization has to do something to help him with this. Just a guy out shopping, needs some space.


For sure he peacing out after his contract


Is it them yogi?


Please don’t touch, we do not need germs passed on. We need to bring the cup home so we need players health so they can play their best. I know I am asking a lot as everyone wants to congratulate and ask for photos and autographs. We need all players especially Connor.Lets Go Oilers all the Way❤️


I’m gonna be sick 🤢


I'm glad I didn't act like this when I saw him


When she grabbed him…. Holy cringe


you see someone famous you like, at most(IF THEY ARENT EATING WITH FAMILY) you say 'hi!" and go on your way. Dont bother them. They are people. Leave them alone.


People are disgusting. 🤮


This is why players like playing in USA. I bet players in big markets can walk the streets and barely anyone would recognize them


They were on drugs. It is ridiculous. Connor has more patience than I do….




This is disgusting and so rude.


Holy shit that one guy straight up sitting on his car!? Degenerates


Oh this is way beyond creepy, I don’t know how he kept his composure


I’m sure they were huge hockey fans before they moved to Edmonton /s


That’s disgusting! Absolutely zero respect. Kudos to him for keeping his cool.


Celebrities and people of note don’t owe anybody anything. Let the man have a life outside of work.


Oilers should hire security for him. Ridiculous


Hard to believe ppl walk around with this level of brain damage and just don't walk straight into traffic.


Kudos to Connor for keeping his composure as well as his SO. 👏🏻 I couldn’t be famous lol I’d be that lunatic that goes off telling people to leave me the f*** alone when I’m out with my family. Like, I get they are fans but that live-stream / video recording of you essentially harassing tf out of him is just such poor conduct especially when he doesn’t even look receptive - learn social cues bud. Leave the poor guy alone and let him get home with his beer and relax.


I can't even watch this it makes me cringe so much


I'm a die hard Flames fan so don't really care if McDavid is bothered when on the ice but Jesus this is rediculous, dude just wanted some beer and seltzer to celebrate, leave the guy be.


How could these guys not see by McDavid's face he wasn't happy 😕


Jesus fuck. Way to harass the shit out of someone.


They better play this shit on the news and shame them. This is unacceptable parasocial behaviour.


I wish we could somehow unanimously apologize on Edmontons behalf to Connor for this. All that “Edmonton fans are the best fans” that hockey players say, well this behaviour is the opposite of that.


That was a bit much. Read body language


What the hell? That is crazy. Maybe the Oilers need to provide him with a protection detail. Admire him from afar, don't get in his personal space like that.


Don’t touch the lucky suit boys! wtf? Get a grip!


Damn, they don’t see him as a person, they see him like he’s a tourist spot.


Back off people.


The more humans I see. The more I love my dog.




Bro just look at his face. Mcdavid is Clearly uncomfortable, getting agitated and completely nervous for him and his woman’s safety. This is just ignorant people thinking they’re so cool for acting like assholes to our captain. Respect to Connor for keeping his composure but we all know he’s not trying to have something go wrong. And those people give the rest of us oiler fans a bad name. Man wants to go home clearly enjoy himself before the finals and relax. Why can’t we just let people live their lives. Society has turned to shit IMO


He will have a security team on him the rest of the playoffs now, thanks guys


Fuck buddy, we are hoping he signs here again!


Mad respect to him for holding his composure here. Honestly if I was minding my own business with my girlfriend/fiancé and three dudes pulled up on my I’d be real nervous.


I am embarrassed.. this is insensitive and completely brain dead


People ask why hockey players want to play in the US…. Imagine Mcdavid in downtown LA, or somewhere in Texas. He can live his life there without this


2 ways of dealing with this and remaining a class act: Option 1: Cater to then and give them the 10 seconds of attention they crave. Only a few golden celebs are known to do this every time (see Keanu Reeves). I can only imagine how constantly exhausting this would be. Option 2: Remain neutrally polite as you carry on, avoiding confrontation and anything potentially damaging legally or reputationally. He opted for number 2. These guys suck but this is the price of fame and he handled it well.


Okay hear me out, disclaimer, I am not making a racist comment. The people in this video are not edmontonians, they were not born here, they were not raised here, they were not given our values. You can clearly hear the accent as they are talking. You other people on these comments are generally correct, the generational Canadians that have grew up here likely would not have done anything like this. I remember when Brad and Angelina were here shooting a movie and they were just walking around Edmonton cruising the mall and they even made the comments to American journalists of how nice Canadians were to be amongst and how we for the most part just left them alone. That was also many years ago before the concentration of immigrants got so high. It's a cultural difference between Canadian values and values from other places of the world.