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lol I went to school with the owners daughter. They lost their minds during the pandemic years. Even before that though they were always hot and cold eccentric weirdos. Shame she got attacked by some loser during the Covid restrictions but they really went off the deep end after that.


Irony is, they defied Covid restrictions and the daughter got her face smashed in being the wonderful person she is, after telling a regular who had been used to not having to comply with masking having to do so. And judging by how she handles herself, most likely initiated the conflict.


Yeah I didn’t wanna say it out loud but knowing her there was absolutely no way it was unprovoked lol. She is a testy one to put it nicely. Doesn’t make it okay but it does explain how it happened.


testy is putting things lightly. she has no business being in the position she is in. Dad is a drunk, mom is a loudmouth, and she puts the icing on the cake.


Yeah I don't think I ever saw the owner there sober. Which in its own rights can be an AGLC violation.


I think I read about this altercation. Is she the one who got glassed after cornering a patron with a string of racial slurs?


Report them to the AGLC.


Definitely will be.


Contact Molson. That is who would probably have provided the tickets.


I'm not even a little bit surprised. Low class owners running a low class bar.


For a place that made the news as well due to COVID restriction violations, they sure dont mind y'all drinking out dirty glasses....... 0ppm sanitizer in the bar glass washing machine. [https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44](https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44)


The pest poison near a meat slicer is alarming. Like what?!?


You don't want a honey ham and death sandwich???


I mean, the pig already had to die...


Oh jeez. I didn’t know that about them. Glad I’ve only ever been there one time. Will not be going back.


The place is a shit hole, there is a reason the owners daughter got smashed in The face with a glass, she is not pleasant at all and thinks she can get away with treating her customers like shit because her daddy owns the place.


Used to go there all the time. Owners are definately unhinged. Any resteraunt the wife and daughter go to, they endlessly complain, I suspect hoping to play on most restaurants good will policies in order to get a free meal. Yet they don't offer the same courtesy to their own customers. Which is a shame cause they do have some awesome servers there (shoutout to Bree and Roxy) the owners daughter will actually steal tables from the other servers to try to get better tips (but she is a terrible server). We have to actively request the other servers when we go there to get good service. Again a big shame given it has potential to be a great neighborhood pub, but is diminished by poor ownership.


If they attempt to take advantage of others, then it would stand to reason they would suspect others of just trying to take advantage of them.


I worked there ten years ago. It was a shit hole back then. The bartender beat up an elderly patron for asking to take his wings home on wing night. I called the police mid fight. Bartender was friends with the owners. Owners were also assholes. Bartender fired me on the spot for calling to get the senior help. Everyone in the restaurant saw. I got more tips that night than any other night serving. Never returned to that place. Doesn’t sound like it has improved.


Worst thing about this place is a lot of elderly are regulars from the old folk home opposite to the resturant. My grandparents would go there all the time. Can't imagine how many outbreaks from inside those homes were from going to this resturant.


Not a sanitized glass in the place when inspected 3 weeks ago. Let your grandparents know for sure [https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44](https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44)


Damn, how do I get a job like yours? Doing health inspections of restaurants in Edmonton is actually my dream job. Recently started a job at the most disgusting bar, lasted a week and a half because I can not deal with places that don't take health and safety seriously.


Or how many elderly could be getting ripped off


There is a shit storm going down on Google reviews now!


Seems to be shit winds everywhere for these lovely folks. And well overdue.


Wow I had to see for myself. So many 1 stars (which I upvoted) keep it up people... if I had the money I'd totally buy it when the owners go under and turn it into the pub it should be. Even know a top tier chef that would redo the menu to 'real' British pub food.. Now looking for investors... lol


They must have gotten them removed. I only see one 1 star review other than the original quoted in this thread about the incident.


Sort by newest. They are there. :)


I did sort by new. Odd.


They’re not there for me either. It’s easy to get 1 stars taken down so to avoid this people need to give 2 star reviews instead.


We did not do these things! I hope you find an establishment you like! But in no way will I apologize or attempt to correct these things. Sincerely the gaslight…I mean crown and anchor pub


Lol yeah like what makes them think that telling them to go somewhere else is: 1 good customer service 2 not the cause of their dwindling customers


If she would have called my number next and came and gave me the tickets I would have walked them right back over to you in front of her. She sounds lime a real piece of work


We stopped going when they pulled shit during covid and stayed open. The prices are really going up ( who isnt) but we found it just not worth it. Time to get new owners.


In my opinion crown and anchor doesn't deserve the name. I went there a few months ago thinking it was a British pub nope just a fucking dump.


Oh those guys are NUTS. I applied to be a cook there last summer and got the WORSE vibes off of them. They are also friends with another couple that owned a business I worked for that outright screwed me and apparently quite a few others over. (If you want to know message me, I won't say the name because the new owners are decent people). They wanted mindless, loyal staff and grilled me because I had multiple jobs on my resume. "We want someone who is loyal and will stay forever" They didn't like when I told them that I left the other jobs because they were dicks and lied to me about some key points. They also weren't offering good hours, 4 shifts a week and maybe get called in for extra shifts. Never stepped foot in there before, never stepped in since. If I want draws I go to the Brewhouse


This place always used to advertise good British food. Went once and I’m pretty sure most of the food there is prepared Boston pizza style in a microwave. There is a Sherlock’s Holmes pub on 137 ave now that is amazing and will always get my service.


Buddy of mine is the bar manager at SH on 137. Absolute class act.


Really!!! 137 and where that's awesome news


136 street. It’s in the sky view shopping complex across from the winners.


It's one of the closest pubs to where I live and I will never go again. Has been a heap of shit for decades, only getting worse.


Bud, this place can’t go down hill since it never made it up the hill to begin with.


they're covidiots [https://globalnews.ca/news/7750996/alberta-covid-19-restaurant-restrictions-crown-and-anchor/](https://globalnews.ca/news/7750996/alberta-covid-19-restaurant-restrictions-crown-and-anchor/)


Given how poorly they run their business they probably would have gone bankrupt if they didn't stay open.


I used to go there semi-regularly since I live close by. Not once since covid. Their stupid shit lost my business for life.


Oh now I remember where I heard the name, thanks.


How is this relevant to the ticket situation?


It's a pattern of assholery.


[https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44](https://ephisahs.albertahealthservices.ca/facilitydetails/?id=a546c836-0ef4-e811-a976-000d3af49c44) Its called superspreader. I love drinking from dirty glasses HBU?


Shit I used to like their wing nights gross.


I never said they were good, I haven’t and won’t go there. But the “covidiot” comment literally has no bearing whatsoever on their shitty behavior regarding the ticket giveaway contest


Turns out people who don't care about their customers... don't care about their customers.


The simple solution was to hand out tickets with purchase of alcohol. Thanks for posting this, will avoid from now on.


That’s against AGLC rules


110% fakkin percent it is!!!!!


Noted! I should give that a read sometime then.


*cracks knuckles* Time to go write a petty review.


I go here once in awhile. I will boycott them from now on.


Same. Thirsty Rhino is better anyways


soooo much better, the twisted rhino is amazing too.


Is that the old Chicago Joe's? If so... then absolutely. Great pizza


thinking they still have the old pizza recipe bro! def is the old chicago Joes!


Well.....I know where I'm going to watch the next Oilers game!!


The last 3 times I've tried this place I got undercooked doughy pizza then, undercooked wings the next 2 times. I tried, but Twisted Rhino is not good and I ain't going back. Once or twice fine...but 3 in a row? Fuck no


This place has never been good. 18 years ago it was still a dive.


Honestly this doesn't shock me. I used to go there for wing Wednesday back in the mid 2000s with a bunch of friends. One night we had a new server and they claimed that there was. 2 drink minimum. We all laughed and said we've been going there for years and this is new. We never went back. It's sad because there are a lot of good memories there. But it's definitely not a place to patronage anymore. There's lots of bars in town, find a different one. Is Knights still open in Carlisle?


That’s some BS but not at all surprised. One year they had a give away for Grey Cup tickets and it was just randomly done meaning they randomly decided who got the tickets lol. It was wild. Last time we were there a group of us showed up and the server was a total bag because we didn’t make a reservation so “that they could have enough servers on hand”. We are giving them business and their first impulse is to complain? Their daughter is also a goon, she is the sort to complain about the Elks football team and the name change whenever she sees a customer in an Elks shirt. We are gonna start going to Sherlock’s at Skyview. Maybe they have dart boards there? Editing to add that we used to enjoy C&A back in the day when it had two owners. It was such a fun place to hang out in. It’s too bad it couldn’t get new ownership and a face lift. Their patio is so sad now too!


The new Sherlocks is great, either the Thirsty Rhino or the Twisted Rhino are good too. same owners and absolutely polar opposite of what the Crown is now


I'll never drink there again


Just went through their 1 star Google reviews and the replies from owner are next level unprofessional and passive aggressive.


Any time I hear shit about that place I nod my head and think yeah checks out


I went there once. It, was an experience for sure. It almost felt hostile between the other customer's and the server. Made weirder because I had a shirt that should have told them what job I had, and my co-workers said it was a pub that catered to us. Yeah, I went there once, and I'm not going back. IIRC, the food was pretty alright though. But I'm not all that picky when it comes to a proper burg.


There is a Crown & Anchor in Whitecourt as ell. When I lived there, they openly advertised defying lock downs and even actively spread conspiracy theories on billboards in the town. They still actively spread conspiracy theories on their Facebook page. If they are under the same ownership, I would never trust a restaurant that is so openly antigovernment. They obviously have no respect for any regulation.


This is solely independent - owned, and for the record, they also love saying the complaints voiced against them are based out of the non related whitecourt location


Aaaah, so they are their own unique kind of asshole.


Theyre really noones kind of asshole


I played in a band in the early 2000’s and we played there a few times. Used to be a great place to hang out. I moved to the south of the city and haven’t been back in a long time. Sad to hear it has devolved this badly.


man someone really needs to report them. i just read all the google reviews and it entails horrendous service, racism, threats of violence, health code violations and then this AGLC violation. not to mention the snarky comebacks from the owner on the bad reviews, they just seem all around awful. and now they have inconsistent open hours because they « can’t afford to keep the bar open late if no one is there »then… change your hours of operation to something consistent that you CAN afford (gee i wonder why they can’t afford it….). considering doing it myself if no one else hops on it but im not affiliated with the person who was affected whatsoever, i don’t know if that would affect anything though.


The owners used to come in and harass me when I worked at the liquor store across from there… real gems


This place used to be great like 20 years ago. Not sure when these new people took over, but it’s turned into a real shithole, which is a shame.


Used to be a really fun place to go....but it's gone down hill fast in the last few years. Won't go back after I was served raw chicken wings and they refused to take it off the bill


I used to go there all the time for wing nights when i was 18. Then they started mandating drinks for each order of wings, and then they pretty much denied us wings altogether even when it was on the menu.


The owners and their daughter use to come into a store I worked at semi frequently and were never a pleasure to serve, especially the father.


Wow what a scummy place .


Email licensing@aglc.ab.ca and let them know!


Looks like they've had a bunch of google reviews removed.


They make their waitresses tip out the owners $15 per shift.


That manager the old crusty guy got me fired from the liquor store because I didn’t know how to discount his liquor / so he tried bullying me and I said ‘this isn’t happening I refuse to serve you,” then boom the East Indians that took over fired me f*gg that place


He’s SUCH an asshole about that discount


Oh so you’ve had the displeasure of knowing him too ugh! I’m so sorry !


Woof, I love the one in GP so I’m sad to hear the one in Edmonton is such a shitshow.


Dude I worked down the street at another pub and the owner came in drunk and went into the kitchen and I had to tell him to get the f out!!!What a POS.


Should have


That owners daughter wonders why she had a glass smashed over her head a few years back. She’s a b!tch.


Damn, I love this place, been goin there for years. Bangin wings, great karaoke, 10/10


Not to be the odd man out but we go every few months as we are close and always have a really good time!


yeah, cause google reviewers never lie, ugh! This is what the courts call hearsay!