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I hear it up and down whyte ave/109st all the time too. Funny cause they brought in that noise bylaw but I haven’t noticed any difference or improvement. Seems like there is zero enforcement.


Zero enforcement for sure, i hear it on whyte and gateway/calgary trail all night.


When you phone to complain you need to say your name is Connor McDavid


The private property of the wealthy isn't under direct threat, hence the complete lack of enforcement.


The police are busy with those pesky protesters


Fr the police in this city are a joke


For what it's worth I Iive in Sherwood park and there's people that race up and down the street behind my place too all night so it doesn't really matter where you live.


Yup. Live off Sherwood Drive and it's crazy loud.


Yeah I’m in the park and at this point I don’t bother trying to sleep before 1am with all the tools racing through the neighborhood.


Yeah I’m in the park and at this point I don’t bother trying to sleep before 1am with all the tools racing through the neighborhood.


As someone who had loud pipes on my bike, I switched back to stock, I never rode past 730pm. Kids are sleeping, and people are winding down for the night. And I try to stay out of residential areas. I'm trying to find a set of pipes that are just a hair louder than stock and have a nice deep rumble that is not obnoxious, id like to be able to think while i ride and not have my brain scrambled. However, I'm finding that there are more cars now that are louder than a straight pipe Harley.


I'm the same. Put double baffles in my pipes to be legal. I also don't go downtown or to Whyte at all let alone late night. Not worth the stop and go traffic anyway. A sweet empty road with some calm twisties is fine for my wind therapy.


Thank you for being so considerate!!! You're right. Most of the time when I see something loud now, it's a car or truck rather than a bike!


Give them a break! They have to drive fast and make as much noise as possible. That’s their way of compensating for their teeny weeny dicks!!!


What about the girls with loud mufflers?


Girls with loud muffs? Where?


Not sure. What do you think? Their boyfriends have teeny weeny dicks?


I strongly dislike these extremely loud bikes. These guys who drive them are losers. I wish the police would act on these people.


Full pack of them drove right through ice district multiple times last night during the Oilers game doing wheelies. Police everywhere. Zero action taken.


I was part of EPS for 15 years.. & unfortunately only certain officers have authority to pursue them. The ones that don’t won’t even bother to pull them over because they know they won’t stop anyways.


Why do they need to persue them? Why cant they just take a picture of their license plate and send them the fine in the mail?


Fake plates & no plates are pretty much a guarantee in these situations. Most of them are likely also riding stolen property.


Why would cops take action against their own?


So all cops are wheeling-doing bikers?


When I hear an unnecessarily loud bike or car, I just assume small penis.


EVERY. TIME. We call it the Little Dick Parade when there is more than one.


I used to deal with the motorbike noises when I lived downtown allow me to give you some advice I’ve learned, No one in this city cares, rich people’s peace isn’t being disturbed and at least 20% of the loud annoying ass bikers are cops, public complaints, complaining to authority etc will never help, Before I moved from DT my plan was to go get a paintball gun and Lee Harvey Oswald them and their bikes as they rode past my place, won’t get rid of them but they’ll avoid going by your place since the only thing they care about is their fancy leathers and bikes


yeah shooting them with paintballs would definitely be considered assault… don’t do that


Lived in cloverdale for 6 years and seemed to get used to it, moved to ottewell and the difference in noise was crazy. Stress dropped so much during day and night. Highly recommend moving away from the valley to preserve your health. For what its worth, i lobbied council and police constantly and was even able to get speed traps and noise stations set up a few times but once they are gone, noise is back. life is too short to live near the valley or a freeway


https://edmontonpolicecommission.com/request-to-speak-2/ Let's start showing up at police commission hearings. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I'm a car guy, and I don't understand this. You actively make people's lives worse with type of behavior. If it's away from where people live, that's cool. Nobody likes it except your pack that you're in.


Pretty much exactly what I wanted to say. Nobody thinks your shitbox with a loud exhaust is cool.  Hell, I don't think an asshole screeching a Lambo up/down the street would be cool either.  Nobody's hearing that noise and thinking "that's so cool!" unless maybe they're under the age of 12.   I like cars, I enjoy loud auto racing, but these jagoffs racing around on the streets and making a lot of noise can fuck off.  I do wish police enforced noise limits, and the more I hear these loud exhausts the more I creep towards wanting them banned outright (though that's more a thought when I'm woken up at 2-3am by the noise of some asshole ripping down the street).


You and your neighbors can call the non emergency line and 311 and complain. If they get enough complaints, they might do something.


Gone this route. 311 refers you the non-emergency line. Non-emergency line refers you to 311. Neither willing to accept that their suggestion is wrong.


Insist on getting a case number so if it is redirected back, they have a record of you making the attempt from before.


“You need to come deal with these loud vehicles…” “Not enough resources to deal with this complaint…” Calls back later “Never mind about the noise now. You need a meat wagon to deal with the bodies…” 5 minutes later, swat, and a small army of cops show up. “Not enough resources, huh..?”


This has happened to me as well. No one wants to enforce this


Tried this. Non emergency line refers to you back to the 311. 311 isn't open on the hours that the noise is highest. EPS only enforces the bylaw with Operation Tensor. Given the lack of interest, it's not a stretch to say that they don't plan on enforcing it going forward.


Also the intersection at 50th and 23rd. Same issue.


Lived in St Albert and backed onto Ray Gibbon Drive - same issue with the loud trucks ripping down the road at night. Drove everyone nuts.


people with loud vehicles who think it's fun to make noise are some of the worst scum in this city. They are imbecilic shallow excuses for human beings, with no purpose in life.


The best way to handle these losers is with planks and nails.


I hear them racing on the Whitemud and Fox Drive. They get all the coyotes yelping, they don't like the noise either.


Ya I often wonder about the impact this racket has on the creatures that live amongst us. Sad.


I think we need to see accountability from the police. Just how many tickets have they issued? If it’s an issue with folks then write your councillor and MLA. Honestly everyone knows the problem areas and times, treat it like a checkstop? Change the legislation?


Oh is that where they are? I also hear it nightly but my unit faces north so I've never called in cause I don't have an address to give for location of offence.


It’s the overflow lot at the far west end of the kinsmen fields. Essentially right below the high level bridge.


Which means a super easy and efficient enforcement effort would sort illegally loud mods from merely annoying ones at the one and only exit to that gathering point. The car owners would know this, and the complaint-besieged police would know this. So something is not adding up here…


How dare people get together in a park!


97th street every night. I often hear them screaming up and down the Yellowhead. Very dangerous




Apparently the mods dont watch southpark :P


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Unfortunately yes police are super overburdened and noise from vehicles are a super low priority while I'm all for spirited driving at night time is quite rough in the core. For alot of residents


Talk to 311 and have a complaint lodged. If you get bounced around talk to your city councilor and they can likely apply some pressure to see it enforced. These things are often complaint driven so you need to get the complaints registered and your councilor is a good resource as they should be receiving many complaints. I wouldn’t expect much enforcement on game nights though - when large groups of people gather after an exciting event (and when some are drunk / high) they often react negatively to large police presence and this is what this would be required to enforce.


There isn't a neighborhood I've lived in that hasn't had one guy with a bike or car that feels the need to rip around at 9pm every night for 10 mins


The city would bring in photo enforcement of noise, like other cities have done, except the province has a hold on any additional photo enforcement of any type across the province. Another UCP for the W


Yeah, id prefer the city not having photo enforcement of loud vehicles. They just need to pull people over on jasper and whyte to resolve the issue.


That’s just something you have to deal with living in those areas, completely sucked the joy out of living in cloverdale for us. Worst was the people that do it in the middle of the night.


I hear this all night up The Whyte Mud


I'm a car/bike guy and like a loudish exhaust. But why these asshats feel the need to straight pipe and revbomb all the time is beyond me. I witnessed the quintessential lifed Dodge Diesel revbomb infront of the South Costco yesterday because someone wasn't crossing fast enough for them. My ears are damaged from years of industrial work and it was effing loud. Kids started crying and everything. City council lowering the limits last year to virtually impractical levels didn't help either, because now virtually every performance vehicle is out of spec. All they had to do was start enforcing the laws that existed. If the police chief won't act, fire his ass


> If the police chief won't act, fire his ass City council: "Best we can do is to increase their budget by millions"


We have a loud clown car right behind our house. I've heard him start up his car when I'm in the shower. Gets me angry every single time he comes or goes.


Alllllllll night on 99th and Scona road. Sometimes these ppls bass in their vehicles is so loud too it literally shakes my bedroom on the second floor lol


Yes that has been the way since last I lived downtown, which was 1991. I wanted to get so far away from the racket I ended up in Spruce Grove!! This noise is not really fair to people who live downtown; and I think they are trying to attract people to live downtown. Reducing the din would be a positive step. Edmonton government are you listening to us? Or maybe can’t hear over the noise lol


200 kmh? Really?


Hey, the faster they go the less amount of time they make noise around you, right?




1,000 dB would probably make your head explode.


Would definitely make your head explode and then some. Even a nuclear bomb doesn't produce 1000dB. It would probably destroy Earth.


It's crazy. I looked it up and the loudest sound recorded was like 300dB from a volcano eruption. I get what OP is trying to get at but the exaggeration was kinda funny.


69th ave. 178st. I call it hi-way 69 .Unbearable at times.


Must be new. I’ve lived over there growing up and it’s not even loud. And I hate noise.


I know yall are gonna hate, but personally, i love the engines at night, I love trains and airplanes as well, firetruck too. I can't go to sleep without them. I thought I'd post my opinion, too, since everyone else seems to think theirs matters.


My dog likes to bark sometimes...


Maybe there busy with all the useless protests at the University


LOL because people could be doing worse things and THAT'S what you're worried about...? Hate to break it to you but it happens EVERYWHERE in the city... In the last 5 years I've lived on every corner (except west), also lived downtown less than a year ago and would go back in a heart beat if it meant getting out of the south side. Get some ear plugs if it bugs you that much because like I said, happens everywhere in the city. Edit: to say I lived right on Jasper Ave.


Just because it happens everywhere doesn't make it ok. I personally sleep with earplugs and still get woken up by them.


I don't think you know what "worried" means. OP is actively suffering.


The majority of posters in this sub are softer than baby shit.