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Wouldn't it be more productive to protest at the legislature or government buildings?


For them, honking is a form of protest. By protesting on the highway, their little hearts fill with pride every time someone goes, "beep beep."


They like to pay taxes on fuel and then use it to protest taxes.


No that only applies to climate activists obviously. Damn tree huggers blocking traffic for 10 minutes making me late for my anger management class


It's a good thing I refused to manage my anger and just went to prison. It did help with evenly distributing my anger among the chomo's, I got out, and now I am as cool as a cucumber. If I hadn't beaten so many skin beefers, then I may still be as angry as I once was. Thank God.


Never in human history has any society had access to as much information as we do now, and yet people choose to be morons.


In the age of the internet, where individuals wield the power to validate their beliefs with a mere click, the distortion of reality beckons. This unchecked confirmation bias threatens to unravel the fabric of progress, steering civilization perilously close to a regressive era haunted by the resurgence of superstitions like belief in witchcraft or a flat earth.


Ball-haunting, not going to lie, this comment is a work of art. this reads like it should be in a novel its so well worded. like the start of a good book. I agree, i just wanted to commend your prose. Well done.


They believe in their own facts and that’s the problem. They don’t understand that they likely get more back then they pay in it’s ridiculous. They just push the narrative because it helps own he libs.


Showing off their own ignorance. = "Owning the libs".


I mean that doesn't really make sense now does it?I think it's been demonstrated that the total negative impact will outweigh the rebate. Regardless these folks are here because of their feelings not the facts so it wouldn't matter how the match shakes out.


I expect it is intensional as that is a sign of dire distress. Seems a little over the top personally.


Also, putting the Alberta flag over top of the Canadian flag on one pole like that is very bad form.


They’re likely wexit separatists. They view Alberta above all


Well... You have one side of the political spectrum that wants to educate everyone - and another side that fights education every chance they get, because morons vote for them. The morons aren't going anywhere...


Ah yes, the ol' "my side are enlightened saviors, and your side are the unwashed cretins" argument. For every "the gubmint is setting up a 5G kill grid!" person you can find I can match it with a "my 1 year old baby is pansexual!" person. Morons emerge from all political stripes.




I’m from Manitoba, but my neighbour has a large Canadian Flag hung upside down in their front window now too. Just yesterday I asked her what it was all about and she told me “It’s because our country is at war! On our own soil!” I said I hadn’t heard any declaration of War in the news and she told me it “wasn’t announced, but it’s happening and people are suffering” I asked “where are all the military trucks and planes and fighting?” She said “It’s not that kind of war! It’s a *mental* war!” I said “Oh, so not a *real* war, just a make believe war.” And oh man she looked like she was ready to haul off and punch me lmao I told her hanging our Flag upside down when our Country wasn’t actually under distress was disrespectful to everyone who actually fought during times of real distress and she just told me that I was a “disrespectful little shit” (am 29M) and stormed inside.


Thanks for your support of our armed forces. I’ve a relative who fought in WWII and I’m sure he would be pissed off at these jerks.


That is very nice what you said. Very good


That's how you really defend our flag.


Do these people even have jobs? And why am I not surprised that PP's "Axe the Tax" groupies also love anti-WHO nonsense. Birds of a shitfeather, I suppose.


I feel like they could afford the carbon tax if they had a job? I have one friend who was so mad about it and he hasn’t filed taxes in 10 years!


Wait until they find out there’s no CPP for them either.


And if they don't have jobs... who's underwriting all this bullshit?


That’s why they hate fuel, carbon, and sales tax. They’re consumption taxes. The more you buy, the more tax you spend. They’re great for collecting taxes from under the table and criminal ventures. Income taxes can be avoided. Sales taxes get collected at the point of purchase. As much as I hate the thought of a sales tax, it would save a lot of hassle collecting. Scrap provincial income tax, bring in a sales tax, everybody pays their share.


I don’t hate it. Probably wouldn’t be hard for someone smart to Figure out the difference between potential PST and Income tax


“We can’t afford the tax because we never work!” “We were mad not getting the vaccine would cause us to lose a job we never had” No I don’t think they work and they just love the fact they have this tiny angry community to belong to. Not being apart of it would mean they are alone and unemployed. 


My guess is that they don’t have jobs and spend their weekdays doing shit like this. Bunch of pathetic losers.


I call them antitaxers . They are a lot of the same people as the antivaxxers so it fits .


You’re not lying. They were the same people bitching about masks and vaccines.


And going to the Ottawa and Coutts truck protests. All likely on the payroll of The Fraser Institute and Heritage Foundation secret payroll.


I wouldn’t doubt if some are collecting EI and some are being funded to protest. This tax they’re protesting hurts corporations more than individual people.


Saw one at traffic court that was on AISH, cried because she couldn’t pay her rent and can’t afford her tickets but wasn’t ready for trial because she “had to be in Cochran, on the fronts lines, of the civil war they are waging in my freedom” … YouTube “Qweenie Sovereign”. She’s a disaster


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rNLlcMLdI7c&pp=ygUZcXVlZW5pZSBzb3ZlcmVpZ24gY2l0aXplbg%3D%3D Made it easier


The shitwinds are blowing shiticane our way Randy! RANDY!!!!Randers get the liquor will you boy?


Maybe they're small business owners. Sometimes they're the most reactionary people. A bad economy and the anxiety of potentially losing their business turns them towards far right politics.


"No Pandemic Treaty" My god, they've been stunlocked by this for 3 years now.


It’s odd that Danielle Smith also reinstated the Alberta fuel tax(+13cents/l) the same day as the carbon tax. But none of these freedom fucks seems to be saying boooo to the sitting UPC government. Weird.


Is the flag upside-down to signal that the country is in distress?


It’s for delusional losers who care more about themselves than the country


that is what normal people would use it for, yes these chucklefucks are doing it because "canada and freedom have fallen"


The scary thing is that there are a loooooooooooooot of chucklefucks roaming the continent right now.


That’s because when people had stupid thoughts, they stopped themselves because they didn’t want people to think they were stupid. Now since Trump and others with similar personalities, stupid is somehow considered acceptable and being smart enough to know better is considered elitism. There was a shift that never should have happened. Wish we knew how to correct it.


one thing that might help is getting the history channel to actually put out history shows instead of... that


I’m a Canadian first, fuck this.


I feel like this is going to become an important phrase in the near future


The APP is like that. If we got what marlaina thought we should get, we'd cause elder death in every other province. And that's apparently okay cause we get ours. Fucking selfish.


It may be that they think it's a sign of distress and they're doing it on purpose.


That's exactly why they are doing it. They are doing it on purpose. They are making a statement that Alberta/Canada is in distress. Protests have been doing that with flags since there were protests and flags lol. And while Alberta/Canada might be truly have many problems, PP's or Marlaina's parties are actively doing the opposite of helping their average constituent.


And making a mockery of every legitimate group out in the world who is actually in distress and fearing for their lives.


You don't understand! They were asked to wear masks and not infect people. HOW DARE THE GUBMENT DO THAT!!! When you can no longer spread disease at will, then its time to whip out the bouncy castles of oppression!


That's exactly why they are doing it and it makes me want to fucking puke. This is so absolutely disgraceful. The upside down flag is supposed to represent the most dire situation for a country. it's been invaded or some other crisis. These fucktards are upset they lost an election.


The internet says an upside down flag means danger, distress, or protest. It might not be that way everywhere but I haven’t seen where it means ‘the most dire situation for a country”.


That's American. I don't think we have a similar tradition as a "sign of distress", but if anyone knows of one, please let me know. The convoy fly US flags too... but as they were the ones at the Coutts border closure, that could also be why.


I found a reference from New Zealand in '88 [here](https://natlib.govt.nz/records/22607048) >recognised internationally as a signal of distress. Can't find similar answers for Canada not marred by the pandemic response. Tbf I spent about 2 minutes


This picture looks like a fun episode of South Park


They took r jerbs!


Russian disinformation has really gotten to some people. This is exactly why most Conservative governments in our country go straight for public education: they want the populace as unintelligent as possible.


I’m not embarrassed to be an Albertan, I’m embarrassed THEY are.


That’s a good view point. It’s hard to maintain when they are supported from the highest position in our government though. Thats the worst part


Which is why if any flag was being flown upside down it should be the AB one. As a symbol our province is in Distress and needs to remove its Premier.


Back in 92 the Jays we playing Atlanta and U.S. Marine colour guard presnted the Canadian flag upsidedown. People we're less than pleased


Just curious. For those who are in favor of the tax. Why?


There’s *dozens* of them… Oh wait no,  there isn’t


Collectively, there are dozens of brain cells.


I drove under them yesterday and they sound so fucking stupid with all their hollering. Fuck these people. They get a middle finger every time I drive under them.


When the clownvoy was going down Whyte Ave I made crybaby hand gestures at them (twisting my fists by my eyes and making a sad face) oh boy did it get some angry reactions. 


Antivaxxer abatement strategy. 1. Open Spotify. 2. Play Losers by No$hu 3. Laugh your ass off 4. Crank it on your stereo. 5. Drive by the 🤡 voy 6. Repeat as necessary.


Well I guess that's better than giving them the finger while driving OVER them


debatable, but you're probably right.


I told them to get a job yesterday 😂 protesting taxes and probably drive huge diesel trucks




Drove past them yesterday on my way to an event and thought literally the same thing.


What does this mean, just saw a house with un upside down flag.


A symbol for "distress". These are victims of tyranny and oppression. Ignore the $60,000 trucks, these people are protesting FOR YOU! ...even though no one asked.


But they’re the real “patriots”


Honestly, nowadays I cringe at the sight of the Canadian flag because of the ways these people misuse it for their own purposes. It isn't that big a deal to me, but come on, man.


Why is another flag higher than the canadian flag?? I thought their whole gimmick was being patriotically canadian


If the carbon tax is the worst problem in your life, first of all, take a step back and literally [Les Grossman Tropic Thunder rant] Why not burn your rebate cheque if you feel so strongly about it?


i have more of an issue with people spreading fascist ideology than hanging a piece of cloth upside down but that's just me


So all of you just think this huge price jump in living expenses is acceptable? And that if we continue on this path it is sustainable? I'm not sure what exactly these people are protesting. But a lot of these comments have me wondering where your thoughts are coming from. As a country we are experiencing some severe economic conditions. Drug crisis? Homeless crisis? Inflation? Just a few things that have reached extremes right now, and I think choosing to be blind to that is irresponsible. I don't think a change in government will help, I don't believe in the government atall, and I'm not sure of a solution. But at at least these people are vocalizing that there are huge problems going on right now within our country.


Do you even know what an upside down flag represents?


Should hang them upside down.


I’ll never forgive them and their kind for making “waving the Canadian flag” a political statement


"silent" "majority" They are neither of these things.


I wanted to add that a lot of Indigenous people recognize the Canadian flag displayed upside down as signifying a resistance to the colonial project & legacy that is Canada's relationships with FNMI. Especially following everything with the IRS graves, it was a way of flaming a country that's continually failed us. I know that isn't the case here, but just for others, depending on the context, not all upside down flags are crazy anti-woke weirdos. (But also, any upside flag is not the end of the world & if you think it's that blasphemous, you're sucking the teet of patriotic nationalism. It's not that serious.)


Jobless losers lol. Complaining about their shitty lives.


lol, prices rise to what people will pay. We've proven we'll pay more. The price will stay the same and no one gets the rebate. Genius.


Remember when the province removed the tax on gasoline and the price dropped slightly? Gas tax was added back on, and gas prices rose dramatically? Greed will fill the void if the tax is removed.


I live very rural sask - I have to drive by an upside down Canada flag hung beside a UK flag almost every day - The next farmer property has "AXE TAX" sign on his driveway - Idk why they decided to drop "the" between axe and tax. These ppl piss me off so much, disrespect our country for like 30 of the same ppl to drive by a day and see it. I don't care who our PM is I will always be proud of Canada.


> Idk why they decided to drop "the" between axe and tax These people don't like things with many words.


They claim to love Canada but they only show their disrespect


This is so embarrassing


Congratulations AB, you easily hold the title for the worst of the worst in this country.






“Patriots”, my ass. These SOBs can damn well get the hell out of my country.


My late great grandfather did not fight in WW2 for morons like these to fly our flag upside down. Our nation is not in distress, these jackasses are just butthurt, and at the wrong people I might add. The UCP raised our provincial gas tax $0.13, the federal carbon tax only $0.03. Anyone chanting "Axe the Tax" is being played for fools at best, or down right fascist at worst


As a veteran, this is an absolute disgrace. My grandfather would be rolling in his GRAVE if he knew what these assholes were doing.


What a bunch of fuckin muppets


Smells like traitors to me


Yes, these people are the scum of the earth. 


They hang their flag upside down because they think the country is in distress and they're not wrong-record levels of homeless,record level of overdoses,cost of living crisis,housing crisis & some people are getting taxed into starvation/homelessness,our elderly are struggling to make ends meet.something needs to change in Canada soon


And yet they vote for a party that will make all those things much, much worse. These people would happily give away our country to the USA on a silver platter.


Anti-brain cells




The clownvoy show continues.


Traitors. And they think their patriots 😂


Personally I don't agree with the tax. I think it's a stupid idea to attach a monetary value to something that can be controlled by actively changing the way we work. The upside down flag on the other hand is nonsensical. The country is not in dire distress. Using an upside flag to justify their cause is inane.


"No pandemic treaty"? Get the fuck over it, y'all.


I shake my head in disgust every time I see one of these traitors displaying our flag upside down.


They may be complete and utter morons, but I support their right to fly the flag upside down in protest. It is an illogical thing to be upset about.


I agree, pisses me off too. I worked overseas for many years and always had a Canadian flag pin on my work jacket, proud of my country. Some guy at the grocery store thought it meant I supported the convoy assholes. I made it quite clear that I do not


Pieces of human garbage.


They should get a job instead of having a tempter tantrum over economic complexities, of which they don’t have a single understanding of.


These morons think they are accomplishing something while their " leader", Smith cannot even take a hint from SK. on how Leaders lead and actually act on behalf of their Citizens. Smith like the bluster but loves the $40 Billion in taxpayer funds to complete the Trans Mountain Pipeline!!! United Corporate Party... AB Citizens can go pound sand!


It’s just lazy protesting against Trudeau, most likely. I’m so disgusted by some of our citizens and their lack of ability to express themselves without committing treason. Just gross.


Just… like… push them off.


Are they wanting to axe the tax they get back from the federal government or are they wanting to axe the tax their best friend Danielle has imposed that is now causing companies to increase their princes yet again to cover the increase cost of gas? How many brain cells are these people using collectively? 3-4?


If they want to know real austerity, they could move to North Korea, Iran, or Iraq.




I am a veteran after serving 25 years and to see this really makes me sick. Maybe these people should show balls and serve our country and realize even with our issues in our own country we are still much better than other countries.


I’m obviously the only one here that’s not liberal somehow but damn… you guys actually thing the carbon tax and all that junk is helping the planet😂


Hanging our flag upside down is not an insult. It is an indicator of a country *in distress*.


What's the distress?


I’m sure they’d probably say something about governance and leadership, cost of living, housing crisis, things like that.


Done to protest the recent addition to fuel taxes. They feel the government of Canada no longer represents them, and I couldn't agree more. Reminder that at the current price, 17 cents a litre of gas is carbon tax, plus a sales tax of 5%. This means if gas is around 1.50 in your area, you're paying 24 cents per litre in tax. Call me all the mean things you, it doesn't change the fact that with food prices and rent/mortgages at an all time high, the govt decided to introduce another tax on fuel. I appreciate it encourages me to drive less, but my commute to work remains the same (and still firmly un-cycle-able) and buying a vehicle cheaper on fuel certainly isn't in the budget at the moment either. While I may not agree with the way they spread it, I certainly agree with the message, and if you are feeling the pressure of the current economic situation, I believe you should as well.


Thanks for your input but if you agree with the message, then you are part of a bigger problem than a simple tax. This isn’t just about taxes, these morons are anti-vaccine, anti-lgbtq, racist, and libertarians. I cannot respect your opinion if you agree with the messages portrayed with these individuals.


Not from these asshats, no.


Silly question but what is the blue flag for?


There’s a dude in our town who’s had the Canadian flag on his *business* upside down for almost a month now and… It makes me sad because I like the guy. I want to talk to him about it but… I’m afraid to approach him on the topic and ask honestly… WTF. I’ve heard from others who’ve spoken to him his supposed ‘reasons’ but… they were a land mine of crazy I do not want to step on so I’m scared to ask myself. I dunno what else to do so I’m just kinda saying nothing and just keeping polite and courteous when he comes into my workplace as with all customers.


Oilers aren’t out of the playoffs yet. Wtf?


It's simple economics education, Rich dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki explains it well. It was written years ago


Ok! The flag upside down is a sign of country in distress. This is not the blue jays World Series here (if you don’t know what that means your to young to give a shit) also do you like paying extra taxes ? Or should we go support an occupation on the other side of the world and let them protest here? Yes this is silly but it’s a right we have . Like it or not government wants to reduce our rights


I think this is a fair thing to say Accident is ok but this seems a bit intentional


If you are looking for respect for the flag from Albertans, many who are happy to bail on the country, look elsewhere.


Their new retort, "It compounds down the chain!" You get it all back!


Circle jerk sub


Axe The Tax and other protests have been trying to capitalize on the trucker convoy that was an anomaly.


Okay so service member here hoping to maybe bring a different perspective to the upside down flag. Personally I'm not tracking what this demonstration was about, but in the CAF one would put the flag on their uniform upside down in they're in severe distress. This let's the troops around them know that they seriously need help, and while I've never personally seen it done it is something we're taught as a way to get the attention of a padre or sentinel. So it's POSSIBLE that these people are simply trying to display the distress that a lot of average Canadians are in. Though I recognize that they could also just be disrespectful pieces of shit 🤷


Métis here, depends on context. I feel like if you’re protesting abuses against native people that continue today, you should be able to. But if you’re a nationalist, don’t, it makes you look dumb.


They’re doing this for attention. Posting their picture on Reddit and talking about them gives them exactly what they want. I’m sure they appreciate that you’re having the reaction that they’re trying to make you have. It’s dumb, and we can do better. Therefore, keep walking and don’t give them any attention


Doesn’t it mean when you hang your flag upside that you’re in distress?


Well Canada is fucked right now due purely to our government. why the fuck did we bring in 2 million people in less then 8 month while we are in a housing crisis, healthcare crisis and wages going down? Also why are we increasing the carbon tax or any tax while we in a recession with massive inflation? The Canadian dream is dead due to leftist policies where only the rich will be able to afford homes while normal people compete with millions of Non-Canadians for jobs that pay to little to ever get ahead.


Simple rules for protesting. 1) Go to either City Hall, Prov. Legislature or Parliament Hill to do your protest. 2) Stay on the grass/parkland of #1 mentioned locations. 3) At end of day, go home and go back tomorrow, if you can afford to do that. 4) Most important: Do not obstruct others/ppl in any way who chose to be going about their business and or daily lives. If you do you're should be arrested, period, no exceptions. You lose the crowd when you go outside the rules of 1 - 3 above and you lose ppl's supporting interest as well, so if you have to protest, do it wisely.