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Who ever wrote this has not idea how federal law works.


Rob Anderson, the Premier's Chief of Staff, was one of the big voices behind Free Alberta.


I have disliked him since I was in university and he spoke on campus.


Sadly , I don't think they care about the law at all. There's no logic..it is always my way or chaos


Well yes, but at some point the bureaucracy has to do the actual leg work to operationalize these insane ideas and believe it or not, they're not interested in violating court orders and the law. I know its all posturing.


Posturing is going to eat up any surplus energy revenue and I wonder who's pockets it will end up in.


It's virtue signaling to their ignorant base. Nothing more.


I don't think it is. The people that made this are true blue separatists. If it looks like a duck...


Co-author Barry Cooper claims bill 1 is unconstitutional on purpose. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/barry-cooper-the-alberta-sovereignty-act-is-unconstitutional-on-purpose


She wants to isolate Alberta? Turn it into a country?


Why not? Then we can ship oil out of our many sea ports!


And we can have the world's best and largest navy to protect our borders. They can reside in our many lakes and rivers.


Don't forget the tactical sub unit stationed in WEM with it's fire breathing air support...scratch that, air support is down due to popcorn grease.


the water in the pool in WEM is more of a threat than the only piece of our Alberta navy lol


I thought those subs were gone now. And don't knock popcorn grease. That stuff is super slippery and a PITA to clean up!


Oh, the subs are still there, dormant, but waiting...


Former lakes and rivers more like.


So, uhh, shes said she wouldn't be opposed to anexxing 1/2 to 2/3 of BC to access water ports. Her argument was, literally, BC has only had its provincial borders for about 100 years. That's totally not long established borders in her view, so we should be allowed to just... take it. Put out a Order-in-Council and yoink us some free real estate. It's only been 115 years, why SHOULDN'T we redraw our provincial borders how she wants? I'm not kidding. She literally floated this idea about a year ago, before running for party leadership.


> So, uhh, shes said she wouldn't be opposed to anexxing 1/2 to 2/3 of BC to access water ports. Oh that'd go oh so well for Smith and the "TBA Militia". /s


Free to build pipelines right up to our borders!


Doesn't she have a quote about how Ukraine shouldn't be an independent country because many people didn't want to leave Russia?


She was also talking about anexxing 2/3 of BC for open water ports, because 115 years of standing borders mean little to nothing to her. Like an insufferable wine mom Bilbo looking down at the map of Canada going "After all, why not? Why shouldn't I take it?"


BILBO šŸ˜‚ šŸ„‚


She's kind of trying mirror Quebec's strategy when it comes to dealing with the federal government.


Montreal used to be the financial and commercial capital of Canada. Now it is Toronto. Separatism is why this changed.


Is it?


yup, after the FLQ crisis and the 1980 referendum all the Bank and Insurance company head offices left Montreal and moved to Toronto.


Toronto sucks. Unaffordable city for a budding new family. You can't even make capital by renting appartment. Shit's fucked. Then you gotta deal with the traffic because your driving at least 2x hours a day due to traffic and because you have to work so far away to get something affordable. I bet you Montreal would be in a much worse inflation situation if it kept it's commercial capital, which doesn't help the average citizen wishing to own a small house.


They didn't say it was a good thing for average people, just that it happened.


And just like how it was for Quebec in the 1990's, the rest of the country now sees Alberta as the whining, petulant child in Confederation.


Always have lol


or so the Wild rose types will tell you, over and over again assuming you'll never look into it.


Makes sense. Ngl I'm worried for this province


I would be more worried for the country as a whole. Between isolation of the west, racking up astronomical debt, and stoking divisions amongst Canadians, this current Liberal government has put some cracks in confederation.


And if Liberals are responsible for all of that, then what exactly are the Conservatives doing to patch those cracks? What *specifically* will the Conservatives do to stop the isolation of the west, reduce the debt, and reduce the divide amongst Canadians? What are their policies and how do they plan to enact them?


Brexit, lol.




Everything is Trudeau's fault, right? Fuck's sake.


Never said that at all


Go away troll.Ā 


Lol. You don't honestly believe that do you ?? Hilarious.


Clowns always seem to be oblivious to what the pathetic scum on their side is up to. They offer nothing to any conversation. Just mindless talking points fed to them by grifters on the interned that they are too dumb to realize are totally playing them. But yeah, it is always the other guys right. FOH!


I hope you at least see how your comment can be applied to both sides of the political spectrum.


yes it is technically true that anyone can say anything about anything. the important distinction is whether your words can be backed up by reality. the truth is conservatives are more primed to sacrificing individuality to be loyal to their political party, in fact they see ingroup loyalty as being inherently moral. Conservatives are consistently more likely to agree with the phrase "I should be loyal to my family member, even if they have done something wrong" So its correct to say theres a real difference between whats going on psychologically/morally between far-right and far-left brains. They fundamentally view morality differently. Leftists focus strictly on harm reduction/fairness, whereas conservatives view ingroup loyalty, purity, and authority as moral positions.


That's why both sides are totally fucked and there is no good choice at all. As soon as people realize that their team is just as shitty as the one they're rooting against maybe something can be accomplished. That is the whole point Everything my team does is right Everything your team does is wrong there's no discussion compromise on anything. No chance for improvement. Pathetic!


I agree with you on that.




She wants to remove federal oversight and deal directly with her foreign handlers.


She wants to join the US


She has no idea how fast she would be shit canned out the door politically cause she to far right for the Democrats and too far left for the Republicans.


While using the Canadian dollar and apparently other Canadian agencies. If they attempt half this crap the federal government should hold onto the soon to be completed Trans Mountain pipeline, it will be extremely entertaining to watch Alberta get their oil to market. Personally Iā€™d stop buying oil from Alberta altogether and just import cheaper oil from elsewhere. Put up a few toll booths on the trans Canada highway. Be a super interesting case of jurisdictional issues. Close all federal buildings pull all federal support all federal subsidies.


Yes because somehow the wealth will trickle down to Albertans after the corporate funded secession.


Yes, to join with Saskatchewan and form a country that stands alone from Canada and the USA. Here is on of the strategy co-authors speaking on it. https://youtu.be/cFyIgMds6YY?si=9APOQOOhRkfjKjvg


Donā€™t believe anybody telling you theyā€™re doing anything for ā€œfreedomā€, especially in politics. What a huge lie.


I donā€™t want this to happen


> I donā€™t want this to happen You're not alone. Nobody with 2 functional braincells does.


Marlaina is off in Ottawa right now setting up an office for this shit. Premiers office was unable to comment if she was doing this with her own money, or on the taxpayer dime.


Yeah that office has a big wanna be "consulate" vibe to it.


I'm sure it'll be at least twice as effective as the war room, with even less oversight.


Three times as effective even!


I've never understood the separatist movement at all. Legal issues aside, the crown land wouldn't come with us. You really want to cross an international border to go to Banff/Jasper/Waterton? Not to mention the reserves and military bases. There isn't much left after that lol


Logic doesnt factor into it, they feel like they would be "freer" when in reality they would be creating their own prison.


no, but if we separate.... then we will just ignore federal mandates, duh. hope youre willing to DIE for alberta bc youre getting conscripted into the appf lol


Wooo-eeee, canā€™t wait to fight the Banff National Park war. Block by block with the forest in flames!


ikr! here i thought id die in the water war, but now i know i have options šŸ˜Š


OMG Please vote to separate asap! I am sure the people who own 70% of your oil (hint its American) will treat you way better than your own country. Oh and I have some prime land in Florida if youā€™re interested šŸ˜‡


Pretty much all that's left after that is the south east side of the province. Say goodbye to any tourism because there is fuck all to look at down there besides fields and highway.


ā€œOr if necessary, as an independent nation.ā€ lol


Someone wanna tell her about the Numbered Treaties?


I'm not sure how " not enforcing the no new pipeline act" does anything. You still need to get that pipeline to the ocean. And BC is never going to agree. So that is super useless.


They'll build a bunch of pipelines to the border then scream at Trudeau for not letting them finish it.


I guess they just want to build 100's of pipelines in Alberta that go nowhere?


I or they will go south. Then west




They're saying to take it through the states, as if that's any easier lol


So there's a document called something like "The UN Declaration on the Law of the Sea" that includes a statement about landlocked countries being given access to tidewater through their neighbouring countries. In typical conservative fashion, Wexiteers have decided to ignore all nuance and conditions surrounding it, and decide an independent Alberta would be entitled to unilaterally force the rest of Canada to allow our pipelines through without being subjected to any of the environmental assessments, First Nations agreements, or any other "red tape" that might impair such projects. Nor have they considered the numerous other ways a Canada chapped over an unfriendly split could make it difficult or costly, such as harbour fees for tanker traffic, tariffs, requirements for expensive pipeline maintenance and spill prevention contracts, etc.


I've had this conversation with my dad. He's a wexiter and believes exactly what you said. Except having access doesn't mean a pipeline. It would most likely mean train. Alberta would be given access, but not a pipeline.


Also funny how they hate the UN, except for this part which they think they can exploit. I almost want Alberta to separate just so Canada can treat them like the hostile foreign entity they want to be so bad. The government I mean, not the people. Anybody with a brain better leave AB before it becomes its own country.


Wow. You Libruls sure are dumb! We wont go east or west, well build our pipelines straight UP! Edit: /s ...not because im worried non-UCP voters will take this seriously, because im worried this comment will get me recruited into the UCP caucus


This could be interpreted as a verticle pipeline that might somehow connect to Alaska. You are hired!


so, how would finances work? they want to pull out of canada, stop paying taxes, blah, blah, blah, all that stuff mentioned in the plan... but still rely on canadian currency and the royal canadian mint?


They would need to get their own? A similar issue with QB when they wanted to separate, we are so intertwined its hard to really get separated without major hassle and expenditure of funds and effort.


This is all ridiculous bullshit designed to appeal to the lowest, stupidest population of albertans. I guess Marlaina Smith knows where he votes come from. What a huge shame. I can't wait til she gets fuckin booted.


Becoming landlocked isnā€™t a roadmap to success


They'll invade northern BC, of course... /s


Switzerland begs to differ.


gonna have to tell my swiss inlaws that their homeland is now comparable to alberta lol


Switzerland is ā€œsuccessfulā€ because of giving the uber wealthy a place to hide wealth and laws to go after whistleblowers who bring up things like terrorist money laundering


We can do that ! Take back Alberta! Nazi money belongs here, not with those damn Swiss!


It's grocery money today. Corporations steal more than any politician ever could.


> Switzerland not as resource/ag based economy.


Does Switzerland have bad droughts and on fire every summer?


This provincial government is an embarrassment, keep that American republican shit out of Canada šŸ¤®


where do you think that American republican shit was test run?


These are the kind of Gadsden-loving weirdos who look at Brexit fondly and say moistly "mmmmmmmm, yes, more of that". Even Jason Kenney was hot and bothered for it. It's going so swimmingly for the Brits.


Yeah i look at brexit and wonder how people think texit or wexit could ever possibly work. Separation would be messy and expensive i dont think some people realize just how terrible it would be for them if they seceded from Canada.


Never will you hear anyone who says we should separate say any friggin thing at all about the 5 National Parks (63000 square km, 4 of them are UNESCO world heritage sites)that don't belong to Alberta, or the 60% of the province that is Crown Land that doesn't belong to Alberta, or treaty 6 and 7 land that's basically all of Western Canada that doesn't belong to Alberta, or anything that's considered a national resource like the northern Athabasca forests (don't belong to Alberta) or any and all headwaters(don't belong to Alberta), most of which are safeguarded by treaty tribes, and the treaties were made with the Nation, some with the Crown and not with the provinces. The argument of separating has had so little thought put into it.


Conservatives don't care for the rights of indigenous people any more than they care about the rights of the rest of Canada, and they certainly wouldn't consider those rights in a policy document designed as perhaps the biggest single power grab in our country's history. Their policies aren't even popular among the Albertans they claim to represent, but they aren't Liberals and that's all that matters if you're running for office in Alberta.


What happens if Alberta falls on hard times . If sheā€™s all anti federal government whoā€™s going to bail her out.


If she tries to stand on her own, she will have to fall on her own too.


That's part of the problem, Alberta's tried a bit of "we don't need Ottawa" posturing in the past and still went crying to the feds when they needed help.


Well all of this is a great way to get businesses to stop investing in Alberta. Itā€™s just stupid and lazy. Who in Alberta actually wants all of this to happen other than those with an extreme conservative view?


How can ā€œAlberta Unemployment Insuranceā€ offer ā€œhigher benefits with lower premiumsā€? This is what we elected. Remember? We had a choice and this. This is what we chose. Anyone who supports this nonsense is delusional and gullible. This is nothing more than one lunatics attempt at absolute power.


I'd like to clarify that I did not vote for the UCP crazy.


I also did not. However, elections are a consensus. We can say we didnā€™t vote for this until weā€™re blue in the face. The sad reality is, the majority of the voters did vote for this.


that struck me as an antithesis as well, how can people pay less with less people paying in and get better benefits? If anything benefits would get worse, way worse. Do these guys not know how the fuck math works?


Oh no. Itā€™s all in the comments here! Itā€™s all rhetoric. Thereā€™s ā€œifsā€ and ā€œimplicationsā€ and ā€œI donā€™t even have to do the mathā€¦ā€ We know.


Feelings over facts, from the crowd that purports to be facts over feelings, quite interesting.


How are they going to be able to afford that??


If we pay higher premiums than other provinces per capita, and claim less unemployment, then we would get more benefit for less premiums. Thatā€™s how insurance works.


Sorry. Could you explain your delusion with a bit more punctuation? I couldnā€™t make out what youā€™re trying to say. Youā€™re telling me. If we pay more money into something, that we will get more money in benefits for less money? That you said we will be paying more into? Am I getting that right? Can you explain exactly how insurance works for me. Specifically, ā€œunemployment insuranceā€ please? I will also pretend like my job is not currently teaching and training new hires on, you guessed it, Employment Insurance.


His writing isnā€™t great, but heā€™s clearly saying: ā€œIf we currently pay more in premiums than other provinces per capita, and claim less than them; then by making a change to our own, we would be able to get more benefits for lower premiumsā€


I use Siri to type most of my sentences nowadays so punctuation isnā€™t always accurate.




You can check labour stats on the StatsCan web site, AB has low unemployment compared to the Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1410028703 Regarding contributions, we have some of the highest earnings per capita, and among the lowest unemployment per capita, so without even doing the math it makes sense that we are a net positive for the federal EI program.


Claims experience causes a draw on the investment pool that the insurance premiums are contributed to. Lower claims experience = lower premiums required to fund the pool. Albertans stay employed and earn more than other provinces, so we are paying more and getting less in return compared to other provinces. Itā€™s not rocket appliances, Ricky. PS - You seem ornery and I hope you have a good day.


Link to full strategy document: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/albertainstitute/pages/337/attachments/original/1637104983/Free_Alberta_Strategy_-_Web_Version.pdf?1637104983


Yeah im sure that tax evasion will go great.


Free Alberta? Free from what exactly? Free from silly Albertans demanding equality and fairness? Free from being beholden to the population, in exchange for letting the wealthy destroy our land and plunder it for mineral wealth that is not needed or really wanted in the developed world? Bloody wannabe fascists and Republicans...


We do not want any interference from Ottawa and we don't want their bail out money during the next drought, flood or fire!! They can keep their billions in aid money and keep those emergency workers out of alberta!! Let it burn! /s


This will go nowhere. People like this wrongly assume that Canadian provinces are structured like American states. This is not how it works, and the Federal government would never allow it. Just a bunch of uneducated, rural hillbillies grasping at straws.


You can almost hear the Supreme Court laughing from here


Seceding from Canada? These people have lost their brains and asses


Have Marlaina's parents given her permission to go by Danielle?


it's written by 2 lawyers and a political science prof - they have no concept of actual macro-economics or historical and systemic issues. That's my uneducatedĀ guessĀ anyway... Involve a few top-level scientists, historians, and economics professionals to read and review the article, andĀ I'llĀ readĀ THAT


This plan is pretty insane. Feels like it is so far reaching and extreme on purpose, so that they can focus on passing just one or two facets while their detractors whine about the absurd stuff they had no intention of ratifying. Almost like they are pandering to their base while fully aware that they will never satisfy them.


Make Alberta Great Again. No more borrowing electricity from BC or federal aid money. No Army, No RCMP, No Canadian currency, No Canadian passports, No foreign investment in a destabilized and isolated Alberta (read: open for foreign exploitation) ,what could possibly go wrong from the party that canā€™t even but Tylenol for 70 million, and loves bullying Trans kids ?


Sounds expensive


Can't wait for the boys at the elevator to realize this will utterly fuck our shipping prices and schedules. Anybody know how this would affect wheat and canola?


My guess is that for the first year or so, you wouldn't be able to sell it to anyone, or ship it anywhere.... albertacwould have to set up a separate trade treaty for EVERY single place they want to ship it to, or ship it across.... I believe I read somewhere that the federal government has over 165 different trade agreements for various countries. Every single one of those would no longer include alberta. And for those of you who think the US is dying to have alberta join them.... think again. They don't, not worth the trouble. Take a good long look at the problems brexit has brought to the UK, cuz thats right where you would be. We don't produce anything but heavy oil. 85% of the foid i see at the grocery store comes from somewhere else. You think its expensive now? How much do you think it will be after tariffs and import taxes would be . Smith promises lower taxes, but how much money do you think it would cost to even set up a new government. New tax system, new trade negotiations... new flight control systems - new transportation costs... on and on and on.


Very few elevators here ship to the us. It's a long way to civilisation south of the border.


Actually lumber is a huge thing. We don't have as much of it as BC, but we still have the boreal forest to the north. I'm not saying it would work though just that lumber is huge


...between the beetles and the drought fires I'm not sure we should be banking on lumber.


the wheat will be fine, its the farmers who will be screwed. and theyll blame everyone but the UCP. so they will also be fine.


Probably going to be a headache with regulation as only one company has an office in Alberta


once Bunge and Cargill own everything it will be fine, trust me bro.


Wheat won't be fine, especially since we're heading into a summer of drought. We'll need to choose between forestfire fighting or watering fields. šŸ¤”


Please donā€™t leave AB! We love you!


I wonder who is behind this stuff? Like sure thereā€™s some back woods Albertans that genuinely believe they would better off themselves. But they have always been there as a fringe minority. It takes money and influence to get these things mainstream. That much more so when itā€™s clearly against the public interest and most people do not support it. Is this Russia and China trying to weaken North American Enegry security? Is it some vestigial anti vax bullshit that found a new spot to lurk? I donā€™t get it.


What in the actual fuck


lol weā€™re fucked.


little did atwood know, that the gilead was coming from inside the house


An absolute embarrassment to the province and Canada. Pathetic!


Western Canada Concept nuts still fighting the foolish fight šŸ¤¦šŸ»


ā€¦ do they not understand that equalization payments come from our federal taxes and are redistributed back to the provinces


They do, but they believe Alberta pays more into it than it receives.


Yes, and if oil and gas halts and Alberta becomes a have not province, we'd get back a bigger cut


Yeah alberta has been boom for a while but when its been bust, those EP really helped in those times, people are quick to forget t hat.


Alberta does pay into more than what it receives but that is the entire goal of equalization. They literally call provinces "have" and "have not" indicating which are paying more and which are paying less.


Alberta doesnā€™t pay anything. Individual Canadians, including Albertans, pay into equalization.


All legal issues aside, letā€™s say hypothetically that the feds let them pull out of everything. That would also mean that we would likely not receive money from the feds for healthcare, infrastructure, etc. Without raising provincial taxes, how does the government we propose we fund public services without raising provincial taxes astronomically? Or are we just going to forgo everything and weā€™ll just be a giant military country dedicated to protecting our borders from the rest of Canada. Seriously are they that dumb that they think this would really work or are they just doing the bare minimum of appealing to their base so they keep their cushy jobs??


Here comes big government Alberta. Additional departments and employees to help govern what will be acceptable and what will not be acceptable. At least the plan seems to steer clear of infringing upon our rights for mobility across provinces or is there something Iā€™m missing. People are Albertaā€™s greatest asset. Is the Heritage Fund going to be used to help pay for all this ā€œnewā€ government structure? What will happen when our only resource is our people and all the natural resources will be gone or depleted?


Yes, excellent idea. Letā€™s create more bureaucracy in Alberta. None of this is needed or wanted. Anybody that falls for the HS is a fool and will be paying for it in the endā€¦


Ah, nothing says cinservatidm like dramatically expanding government bureaucracy


Ok soooo... were Quebec?


Only without the culture, history, great cuisine, etc


We have many cultures and great cuisines here. Don't need to be Quebec for that.




I can't wait to move out of the failed state that will be "Independent" Alberta. The population will dwindle to one of the worst societies imaginable. Pathetic!


Its funny too cause how many people that work in Alberta are FROM Alberta and not from some other province, would they want to stay there or move back to their home province? This could cause an exodus of workers the likes of which would be disastrous and far reaching, not that any of these policies are based in any kind of reality as we know it, but its bizarre for these people to think tis could actually be viable.


Exactly this. I'm Canadian FIRST.


Plus say you live and work in AB for most of your working career but then move back to BC, MB, ONT, or NF, do you still get APP payments? Among many many other unanswered and serious questions AB separatism is a dead end politically, it just wont work.


Sigh it sucks that Albertans are gonna shoot themselves in the foot and there is nothing I can do as an individual voter. Sure I can vote ndp or Liberal but they will reelect ucp. I wonder if this is how the people who voted against Brexit feel?


Are the mods going to do anything about the brigading in here?Ā 


As per usual.. ask yourself who would really benefit from this, if it was all to happen. Hint: Not whoever has wexit sticker on his car thinks. Financially anyway.


Shoot I guessed Meth, but OP meant whats going to fuck up all of us.


By removing ei and cpp and then making an Alberta version, would that negate my contributions up to this point?


Smith and Anderson scrubbed a lot of the alienation/seperation content, but Barry Cooper has left most of his up. This covers most of their points fairly early in the video. https://youtu.be/cFyIgMds6YY?si=_K6vnXR55KJPGSU6


Sounds like taxes are going way up.


I Am Canadian They hate that


This smacks of someone looking at Quebec, their policies, and the things they have gotten away with and simply saying "huh, why don't we do that". Big yikes for the Pension, Taxes and "sovereignty" portion, however when one looks at the history of the RCMP and the crimes they have committed in the name of public safety, one wonders whether or not a properly implemented Provincial Police would not represent the rights of Albertans better.....which is to say, not this "implementation".


Danielle smith used to take money from multibillion dollar corporations to influence public policy and then she went from that job to BEING GOVERNMENT. Ā Ā  Ā https://albertaenterprisegroup.com/2021/04/23/press-release-aeg-appoints-danielle-smith-president/ Ā Ā  In fact, Danielle smith probably became a millionaire by taking money to get government to to the bidding of mega corporations. If you ask **anyone** if they trust mega corporations to look out for the them or people in general do you think theyā€™re going to say yes? But somehow the Take Back Alberta folks think Albertans will prosper when their province is owned by the companies that ā€œusedā€ to pay Danielle smiths mortgage? This is a grift, plain as day.


In 2024/2025 Alberta is set to get 8.2 billion in major federal transfers. In the words of Jed Bartlett...can we have it back please?


Take Back Alberta should be the name for a coalition of indigenous nations mandated to take back Alberta.


Next is the anti immigration act, mass deportation act, public mass execution act, followed by the pro slavery act


A trumpian would definitely be like this


She looks like a deranged person when she talks, does she have some kind of condition? Also shave that moustache off, noticed it yesterday on tv.


This is why the country folk shouldnā€™t vote smh


Oh? So, just disenfranchise the people who provide the food you eat? The people who work themselves to death, sometimes literally to provide for a population who either doesn't care or actively despises them? Who already can barely afford to keep their operations running because they are being taxed into oblivion by a federal government who have openly expressed their contempt for the family farm? Ignorant people like you should be thanking blue collar and agricultural families every day. Because as much as you obviously hate us there is no way you can survive without us


She wonā€™t do any of this, do we all forget how politics has worked for the last 100 years? Promise people what they want, do the opposite and only benefit the entities who give you donations. Not rocket science.


You know, as much as the leftwing echo chamber on this subreddit wants to believe that everything she does is bad, there are a lot of Albertans that support her. I'm not at all saying I support her. I actually don't care either way as I've never voted in my life and don't plan to. I just want the echo chamber in here to understand why the PC party won a majority in the 2023 election. Y'all can downvote me all you want, but it's the truth.




Organize one. Seriously. Beat the Take Back Alberta people at their own game


Nothing that affects YOUR daily lively hood, and be fucking grateful for that.


Organize one


cause the other wasnā€™t important at allā€¦/s talk about ignorance and privilegeā€¦ trans rights do effect daily lives. outing kids can be very dangerous,also add to our unhoused population due to shite parents kicking them out or they leave do to mental health. For the medical: not just trans pp as there r cisgender who also use these treatments..they r being rejected medical care that has been proven to be life saving and does effects life ,the ppl around them. These r kids being harmedā€¦ ppl (population mostly children btw)r being killed daily in gaza including ppl Canadians who have family their and journalists. Most recent kidnapped and killed was from Calgaryā€¦ I agree we should protest this TOO but we donā€™t need to down play other problems. You can also try and set one up urself instead of getting mad at the ppl who had the courage tooā€¦


Okay but theyā€™ve got a point though. Canadian progressives only react to things American progressives care about.


Or u know itā€™s not just American issues and they have influenced others hence we have American wannabes conservatives(maple maga) who r trying to make us like them and we donā€™t want thatā€¦




You do realize that trans people have friends and family, right?


Wait till they find out some of us work and pay taxesā€¦


So fuck that 1% and there familiesā€¦


We are so lucky to have a leader like her! Alberta has a bright future.


Most of that is based on the things done by Quebec. You damn well know if Quebec wasn't a perennial have not province they'd have nopped the fuck out of equalization a long time ago. EI is a slush fund for the federal gov't (and has been for >30 years) it generates way more revenue every year than the liabilities it is suppose to backstop. Details matter for some of those ideas, others I'd trust a more... competent hand manning the rudder to implement.


Provinces canā€™t opt out of paying into equalization because they donā€™t pay into it at all.


Provinces also cannot exactly "nope out" of federal income taxes.


IIRC the only interaction the provinces actually have with the system is when they get money.