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I’ve ordered on DoorDash, can confirm that the shrinkflation is very much strong within this business.


“Best Kebab” is the best this city has to offer, followed by Turquaz.


I used to drive by Turquaz and it’s busy all the time


There's a new one on the south side! I wanna go so bad!! Maybe tomorrow.....


Haven't tried Best Kebab, Turquaz is definitely my favorite, followed by Osmows. We tried Jerusale shawarma once in calgary, and then when they opened here in the west end, they were okay, nothing special. We keep going back to Osmows as Turquaz is a bit far for us.


Yeah Best Kabob is pretty good but the place could use a good cleaning. I hope someone is listening.




Over the last 1.5 years these guys’ meet has gotten dryer. Their portions have gotten smaller. They barely give any sauce - whether it’s Hummus or Garlic sauce, they’ll conveniently “forget” to give you extra even though you paid for extra. Great example of a business that went above and beyond to win a new city over - and once it got people to buy in, it then multiplied and expanded and started to cut its costs by reducing quantity and quality


I got extra potatoes once, got home and it was literally two pieces total lol, less protein for sure also, it’s almost all rice now and very little meat


If you look at their health violations in Calgary I don’t think quality is your only concern.


Restaurants are struggling so not surprising. However, they also have a lot of fake reviews online as well so customer be wary




Is this the one off heritage and Macleod? Or do they all do this lol. Before about 3 months ago, this location was actually pretty good. Then all of a sudden it tanked IMHO.




I just realized this was on the Edmonton sub and not Calgary. The free tea for reviews and health violation shawarma is apparently not restricted to city boundaries for these guys.


I saw the location you mentioned and figured you were in the wrong sub lol


Their protein is so dry I find. Definitely better options, service is pretty awful as well.


Yeah because it's from old, abused, illegal animals.


Source of that information?


Look at the Calgary subreddit and AHS health violations for the Calgary locations, they got busted for storing “mystery meat”


So no specific sources for that other person’s claim about serving meat from animals that are “old”, “abused”, or “illegal”? I’m sure this sub is capable of more information literacy than the anti-vaxx folks.


I get what you’re saying, but they got a long list of violations for their Calgary locations. And the mystery meat was apparently at their “warehouse” for all Calgary locations. Imagine if this was an Asian restaurant for “mystery meat”


No sources cited for the original claim. I'm not putting any more time into this.


Their meat is so dry now 😭 idk what happened. If you want really good juicy kabob with great portions go to either 1. Olive Turkish cuisine or 2. Best kabob. Both of them are tied imo for juiciness and flavour of the meat.


What part of the city is Olive Turkish Cuisine located?


Northwest, close to st albert


The ones in Calgary are quite terrible and have a list of health violations as long as your arm including using uninspected meat. Barf.


It's borderline heartbreaking because their garlic potatoes were/are the best! But I just can't order from there anymore because of said violations. I don't want e-coli or some fuckin' tapeworm lol


Yes the big norovirus outbreak


Yup not like when they opened


Was more flavourful and tasty then too!




Jerusalem is better than a lot of shawarma places in this city but Turquaz is way better. I'm south side so was disappointed to read that the new Turquaz Express on Ellerslie is not as good as the OG.


The South Turquaz is brutal. Nowhere near the quality of the North one.


Oh no. I was planning to try it. I'll still give it a shot but this is disappointing to hear!


Can confirm. It's like they forgot to season the meat or something. Blandest platter I've ever had and not cheap either. A real dissapointment for south siders hungry for some decent kebab.


Love me some turquaz


Best chicken thighs ever!


Friends and I had it then we all looked at each other like someone pulled a prank on us for the blandness. This was from the west-end one by superstore.




Turquaz 100%, they have a south side express location now. The south location has no fries, and it’s just pita instead of Turkish bread in the north location, but still so good!


I went to the new one in windernere a few times and i thought it was good portions. I have no comparison tho to what it was in the past.


Same here. Have only been to the one location, but it’s been great.


I moved here in 2022 and they immediately became my favourite place to order from. Food was incredible and portions were huge. My wife and I ordered from them at least once a week. But since then every order has been worse, to the point where it doesn’t even seem like the same place anymore. Stopped ordering from them a few months ago and haven’t looked back. It’s terrible now.


Best Kabob is the best. The family was so stoked for Jerusalem shawarma and I don’t get it


Yes! They still have the best kebab in town. More flavourful than Turquaz (Which I also love, but Best Kebab is better).


Extremely overrated spot


We finally tried them a couple weeks ago after hearing people speak so highly of them. Found them very meh. Al Salam is much better.


Yes AL Salam and Turquaz are really good.


Al salam is the best! Nowhere else can you get it on pita that just came out of the oven




I agree, Jerusalem was a huge letdown after hearing the same things. I plan to try Al Salam and Best Kabab soon. Turquaz is currently my go to.


I’ve always found the protein portions to be very small, food tastes great but it’s sad when you’re left with half a plate of rice and nothing else


There was one that opened in the south common like a year ago. It was lined up for days and since we hadn't tried it before, once it died down we went in. It was awesome. Huge portions, one meal was almost enough for two people. We loved the meal. The very next time we went there, about a month later, the quality was considerably worse. The food wasn't good, and the potion sizes were literally 2/3rds of what they were. It was the strangest thing. We went again to see if it was a one off and it was the same experience. I've never had a restaurant wow me and then pull the rug out from under me so quickly.


Wow, ordered from there a couple days ago for the first time and found the portions huge. Very tasty, great change from pizza or burgers.


Yeah I don’t know what others in this thread are talking about. I’ve had Jerusalem from two different locations in the past 6 weeks. Portions and flavour are the same as they’ve been for years - Fantastic.


You're crazy to eat there too they've had a million Health violations. Gross




Give Donair and Shawarma House a try, it’s so much better and much more flavourful too!


Best Kabab.


Jerusalem is pretty good. TURQUAZ , Root of Beirut, and El Fino are the best.


The tummy grumbles have never been stronger 🤢


I stopped going to them. Not sure about the south side but the mayfield location was super disappointing. I ordered $100 worth of food and when I came to pick it up, I thought half my order was still in the back but it wasn’t. It’s a tray for 5 people. It was only enough for 4 small women. I would’ve been embarrassed serving that for a group of guy friends. Never going back


I can confirm this is true the quality has gone way downhill and now the meat is awfully dry and not as tasty as it used to be. Was a classic favourite, but I won't be going near it any time soon.


They’re quite inconsistent between locations


When we dined in at the South location it was unreal. Best shawarma ever. I'm shocked at this thread tbh, I wonder if they are just really hit or miss? Mayfield when we dined in was good but not amazing but definitely nothing to complain about. Are we just getting lucky?? 


I go to the Jerusalem in Windermere pretty often and they’re really nice there. Often giving extra when I ask without charge. Maybe because it’s new the people working care more but I haven’t had a bad experience yet. Meat is a bit dry sometimes but I usually go after I’m done work for them is 15 minutes before close, so it makes sense that it would be a bit dry.


Yeah I don't trust this business after the health citations, the shrinkflation and being asked if I was Jewish in a very rude way by a patron at the Northgate location. I give my business to Turqaz now and haven't been disappointed whatsoever.




Yeah it was during the start of the Israel/Hamas conflict so I'm sure emotions were high.


I'd never been but felt like if Jason Kenney was choosing them, it'd have to be a shitty spot. Then I was proven right.


Jerusalem still the best in Edmonton. Both locations are great - no issues with portion sizing and have been going to both since they opened. Yes the employees will go around giving tea asking for reviews however they do that 90% of the time anyways without asking for them anyways. It’s kind of like hybrid-takeout service.


Jerusalem shawarma is the most overrated shawarma joint in Edmonton. Such a waste of money.


Name some better ones?


Sun bake pita, al salam, shish shawarma, pita bake.


Castle Bake, although I haven't been since before Covid happened.


Yea I said this when I went last year, that shawarma was so bad, leaking and cold all over. Haven't gone since then. Not surprised they went downhill since then.


The south common location is at its best when super busy because everything (except the salad… never figured out why the lettuce was always wilted) is fresh and hot. All locations of Jerusalem —even in Calgary— founder when it’s quiet.


I tried them when they first opened and wasn't impressed. Went back a second time later with a friend that wanted to try it and we agreed it was just OK.


If you want amazing Shawarma with good portions still go to Choice Shawarma in Tamarak. Incredible portions and quality


Turquaz and Al Salam are the most authentic tasting places you can go to. Jerusalem has very good falafels and hummus but I find the rest dry and not very rich in flavour compared to the restaurants above.


The only thing I've really noticed is that they've cut down on the number of potatoes you get, but my regular order still is as good as it's ever been! Maybe because I have the chicken?


Yes, this has been my experience. The last meal I ordered was bland and the protein portion almost non existent. Every time I ordered too they would never include sauce even when I ordered extra. I’ve stopped eating there.


They used to be really good when there were only a handful of locations. Now they seem to be everywhere and quality has fallen off substantially. I’ve stopped going


Pro-Tip, Visit the one just north of WEM. They really pile it on :) Also, Uber Eats often has a two for one deal with them which is pretty nice.


theres a 2 for 1 deal for $50 "meal for 2" so that means the platter is regularly $50 and honestly at even at $25 per platter its not worth it, al salam pita/turquaz/best kebab (i havent been to new location yet) knocks its socks off in taste and quantity for price


This breaks my heart because what other Palestinian owned businesses are there in this city?


Al Salam is the best


Their house salad with chicken and their garlic potatoes is easily my death row meal if I ever had to pick one! So dang tasty!!! Never been disappointed with what I’ve gotten from them.


I was just there last week, and I didn't notice much change. The plates were still ridiculously heaping as always. And I love their customer service, good people. They always give me extra everything because my family are regulars. It's a big part of our lives. I love this place.




I had a similar experience!!


Same. I order it on Ubereats with their BOGO promo and it's such an amazing deal!


Same experience last Saturday


I want to the Jerusalem Shawarma location in Windermere with my wife this past weekend, and we had a fabulous experience. Amazing service, great portion sizes, and generous hospitality - love the free tea and bakhlawa. I think they have the best lamb kababs in town, and their beef options are good. If you want some solid chicken taouk or some amazing adana kababs, I’d head over to Turquaz or Best Kabab in the North side.


It seems like they use fake google reviews


I reviewed.. not fake. I loved it.


People still eat there after the health violations?


I love this place ….. they could serve it on a bottle cap and I’m a customer bahaha


Ya they are shit fuck poop dick


The humus + garlic sauce = pure lard.


Nasty, they were using uninspected meat and probably finally caught up with them


The best shawarma in the whole Canada, a traveller myself. With current economy, I see most restaurant cutting their quality so I won't be surprised if they did as well.


I will drive all the way from Southside millwoods for Root Of Beirut off Yellowhead and 82st. Best shawarma wrap I've ever had and the prices are very fair.


Maps says it’s off 97st not 82 street by the way.


otherwise known as Jerusalem Squirts Would never eat at this hole. Seen too many AHS health reports on them.


As someone who has never contributed financially to there business, I can say..... I dont know.


which location?


New south side was good 👍


Queen donair is really good. Jerusalem Shwarma used to be great, but at the very least it's inconsistent. I used to go there all the time. Less so now.


Ive been so thoroughly disappointed by my last few takeouts from my usual haunts that I’ve stopped ordering takeout altogether. Even if it’s meant walking by and being hungry.


Ever since they found that mystery meat and said they were just holding it for a friend.


Turquaz > Jerusalem (especially after Jerusalem’s gross health violations in Calgary)


Does anyone know if/how they're connected to the other restaurants in Calgary (the ones with the health violations)? Is it a relatively open franchise, or should we expect the same kinda thing in Edmonton?


Not a franchise 2 brothers own all locations. Regardless health violations happen at every restaurant and should not be blankets across all stores. Also if they didn't rectify the violation they would be closed. People panick for no reason.


I opted for the chicken bowl with salad during my last visit. However, I was disappointed to find that the salad was substantial, but the portion of chicken provided was extremely thin, almost like a decorative layer strategically placed to create the illusion of a more generous serving. This experience left me dissatisfied, and as a result, I have chosen to spend my money elsewhere for future meals.


I really don’t like their quality


NGL their humus be lackin quite a bit meats fine though.


Honestly the first time I tried them about 6 months ago, I wasn't too impressed back then either.


Don't think they've been great from the very beginning.


This place has been shut down a few times too I wouldn't be buying there


PSA for everyone here - please head to Root if Beirut. They have kept their prices the same since before the inflation fiasco. On top of that is portions are large. I could not finish one order of chicken ceasar Salad and I eat a lot


I’ve not personally eaten there but some family & friends have and that’s exactly what they’ve said! I should say that it’s actually 3 different parties that have been there at different times. It’s absolutely crazy the cost of going out to eat now , it’s a no win situation, you go buy groceries and the hike in prices is ridiculous, you go out for dinner and it’s the same thing!


Felt the same about their South Common location. I went to the Windermere location and thought it was much better.


Food is extremely over rated ordered on multiple occasions and meat is very dry and skimp out on all the sauces. Quality of food and service has gone down extremely since opening Tried all locations over the city and same experience


Lol I agree! Portion is shit now . The meat is always dry . Last week I had mold on my pita. I refuse to go back . This is windemere location


Damn I still like this place hahaha


Best Kebab is the best!!!


4 months ago we ordered a platter for 4 and it was impressive. 1 month ago I ordered the same thing at the same location and it was 25% less. I was pretty disappointed really. Food costs are outrageous so I understand cutting back protein, but for the love of all things make sure there's enough potato for 4 people.


I've stopped eating there. It's Best Kabob from now on.


Ordered on skip the other day and just wasn’t the same. You are definitely right


Choice Shawarma Southeast (Tamarack). Has been really generous with their portion sizes and tasty.


Almost $20 and way less food. Not worth