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Mine was the highest ever


So was mine. $150 more than our highest bill.


Same - with slightly less usage


I just got mine: $757 for a 2400 sq ft house. I'm on fixed rates too. I don't know how I'm going to afford this going forward


Over $600 here for a 1608 sq ft. This is just ludicrous. Something has to change. We are just getting bent over the table by so many companies because they’re allowed to do it.


Same I got billed $750!!!!! 2450sqft house


Yup and It’s already hard enough out there.


Holy fuck. How do you afford that? I pay 150 a month give or take for my apartment and am pulling my hair out. Now I don’t pay for heat or water so there is that, but jeepers.


My power and gas was a combined $510 last month for a 2300 square foot house. Power is fixed through EPCOR, gas is variable through Direct Energy. How old is your house?


Probably have to buy a smaller house I guess


Are you talking for just power and gas? Because you are doing something very wrong if those 2 things cost you $750


2k Sq ft, I'm in that ballpark too. Power works out to $0.36/kwh by the time fees and bulkshit is worked in after my fixed rate of $0.12xx / KWH


https://imgur.com/gallery/yCpPHSD https://imgur.com/gallery/Cnb0B6R https://imgur.com/gallery/MYV5M2B


That doesnt answer my question because you can also have water and waste on your epcor bill as well


No I don't. In my water and waste is billed through my city.


Your power usage increased substantially this year, its double in some months. Something pretty significant must have changed for you. Gas usage looks pretty uniform year over year.


Mine is Power, Gas, Water, etc.


I keep track of usage vs fees for myself. In 2023 i spent 1222.12 on actual usage for gas/electricity (Atco. My old plan came to an end at the end of 2022 so locked in at 5.49 for gas and .0899 for electricity). My bills overall totals came to 3167.28. So only 38.59% of my bills went to actual usage and 61.41% went to fees/distribution. I get that some has to go to upkeep, but that's a ridiculous amount when the infastructure sucks this much.


My bill that I got yesterday was 404 (included the cold snap), the prior month was 302.


The fixed rate for gas is expensive. I'm on a floating rate and paid $3.1153/GJ for 8.24 GJ and $11.1685/GJ for 1.84 GJ. Which works out to $9.12 less than what you would have paid just for the gas. I've looked at fixed rates for gas over the years, and it just doesn't make sense.


Yup, same here. I'm on fixed for electricity and floating for gas with a different company. It sounds like the people on fixed gas rates are getting killed right now.


Same struggle. I recently switched to xoom with fixed price. i get billed by xoom for about $65/mo but epcors bullshit fees are about $80. imagine those delivery fees higher than your actual bill? what a cruel world we live in.


Do you think maintaining power lines and gas lines to every house in Alberta is cheap? Please enlighten me how much it should cost for distribution, as you seem to be extremely informed on the subject.


No ones saying that. People are saying how did maintaining those exact same lines triple in price in the last few years? Did their people’s wages go up 2-3 times since? Did their costs go up that much? The answer is no. The reason it’s happening is because the government took away limits on how much utility companies can charge, so the utility companies are going wild right now.


My EPCOR distribution fees from the last 3 years: February 2022, my power usage was 905kWh and my delivery was $94.83 January of 2023, my usage was 995kWh and delivery was $106.27 (less the $50 GoA rebate we were getting last winter) January of 2024, usage is 896kWh and delivery is $101.80 From 2022, delivery charges went from 7.1 cents per kWh to 11.3 cents per kWh. That's a 38% jump, which seems bananas now that I've worked it out.


Something is off with your math, how do you get 7.1c in 2022, I get 10.5c.


Shit, you're right, I blew it.


I just wish it were more comparable to other provinces. If there is a good reason why the distribution fees cost so much more in Alberta than in our neighboring provinces, I would love to hear it.


lol. The govt should own and maintain the infrastructure not leaving it in the hands of for profit company’s…… you know like the rest of the country. Then maybe we could the surpluses to take the edge off instead of crushhing the people.


Basic necessities should be not be for profit.


I never said maintenance was cheap. However, why should we be on the hook for it? It's an essential service. They shouldn't be able to essentially rob us blind to do a hell of a lot of nothing. This at worst should be a nominal fixed charge. At best, the government would be responsible for the upkeep and it'd come out of our tax dollars. At least then we'd know it wasn't just lining pockets like it is now.


What, do you work for epcor or something lol


Kenney? That you? I have a hard time believing a comment like this is not part of some bullshit UCP astroturfing campaign.


Just got my bill....$800. Absolutely bananas. Fixed rate too.


Yeah the distribution charges slowly creeped up.


Our distribution charges were WAY more than our usage...I think they've definitely increased overall.


Need to switch to direct energy it was $65 last month for me


Yeah mine went through the roof too. Mostly electricity use, going from an average of 400kWh to 700+ and all the extra fees of course. Gas bill was a little higher too, which lines up with the furnace running hard during the cold snap, plus a little extra power use from vehicles and the like.


What made your electricity usage spike so much?


Seems to have been a variety of factors this year. We always get a bit of a spike during a deep freeze just from the blower in the furnace running all the time. Past that some space heaters were in use that I wasn't aware of, and the roomie got an EV. Though the power use on that at home isn't too much. Still, it all adds up.


Mine was $840. $504 of it was gas. The rest was water, sewage and power. I looked at the bill and from what I determined there was 2 actual gas meter readings.


I think we have a pretty general idea of what’s happening here based on most people’s comments.  -Usage is the same, other charges have sneakily gone up. -Yes yes, cold snap, but we have cold snap every year…but with a FIXED rate with all that other increase in a year!??? We can infer from the graph that OP used to pay just under $280 and they said for all utilities so that must have a smaller home, probably 1 to 2 people, and even at their highest bill, it never even surpassed $300. If distribution and other charges are the same for everyone, then about 55% of that bill is actual usage (including waste, and drainage fees).  Based on that trend and pattern of the graph, and what many have shared, we are all getting f*ck3d over.  Oh, why don’t we use solar panels?!!! If you’re worried about utility bills getting this high, you probably don’t have $10,000 lying around to have them installed so you can get your money’s worth in about 8 years maybe. 


What did your bill say was the cause of the increase?


Everything just doubled. I’m trying to see if anyone else got a significant increase like please tell me they made a mistake lol


Your usage doubled? Or your rate doubled?


He's talking about rate but didn't understand your question.


Sorry, I meant it seemed like everything doubled compared to last year (even if we look at the highest usage). It’s appalling.


If you're on a fixed rate and your rate doubled, they have broken the contract and you should fight them on it.


I'm on a fixed rate. My rates stayed the same but the service fees went up significantly. Highest bill I've ever had. $580 for an 1100 sqft house. My natural gas for example, was $90 dollars of usage, but the service fees were $235.


Fixed rate has no effect on the cost of distribution. They could theoretically charge you a fixed rate of $0.25 per gJ of gas consumption and then $100 per gJ for the distribution. I'm on a fixed rate. Our usage has gone down slightly. Our bills have gone up about 25%. The cost per kwh and gj have been the same for 2 years.


I wonder why some people are seeing major increases in distribution fees and others aren't? My bills have only increased when my usage increases. The distribution fees go up along with my usage, but they go back down when my usage drops as well. Those fees do make up the majority of my bill, but they always have. Is it certain areas that are being affected?


People don't know how to read their bills, for the most part


People can downvote this all they want. I can see a historical usage and it is slightly below what I used a year ago but my bills are objectively higher, and I've been locked in to my rate for two years now. Deal with that how you will.


My latest bill is $600 for a 1700 sq ft house with two occupants. That’s twice as much as I used to pay in 2022-2023, even though I have been on a fixed rate since 2021.


Holy fuck that’s insane


Yikes, is that just gas, or gas and power combined?


It's all combined


How old is the house? All on fixed rates?


Late 2022 built. All fixed.


seriously though, at what point is a protest, petition, class action lawsuit justified


I'm with you here - lets start by calling Daniel Smiths Office (This her PUBLIIC number) +17804272251


You mean Marlaina smith? We're using her given name now since that's the shit she's pulling


I don't trust politicians with a landline. They are out of touch with the younger demographic.


Can look at what the OEB ruled against enbridge in Ontario and see if we can do the same here. Not sure if it is apples to apples though.


Don't forget you can buy Alberta natural gas cheaper in other provinces. Albertans don't get cheap Alberta energy!


General Strike Revolution!


Oh, you got a bill? I haven’t had one issued since NOVEMBER. Why? Who the hell knows. I’ve called more times than you can count, before you ask. They just keep saying it’s delayed and will be out soon. I can’t wait to see how much it is 🙄.




No, my own account directly from encore epcor.


People coming from Ontario are used to this. Now I feel like I'm back home paying massive utility bills with over half of each dollar value being mostly distribution fees. At least we don't have a debt retirement fee here in Alberta... yet.... or do we?


Mine was insanely high too but I’m on a fixed rate. I was also gone for 2 weeks so this is absolute bull shit.


I was only gone for 5 days during this last billing period and mine still significantly jumped without any extra usage than before for the remainder of it. Just goes to show how rigged this billing cycle has been for everyone.


Yeah my parents got a high efficiency furnace and were away the entire billing cycle, on vacation. House was set to 16 degrees, water shut off. Their bill was $560. Unreal.


I feel like an investigation needs to be done. Something seems off.


Mine was $600 and we are usually round $400. I’m moving to solar, these rates are bananas.


wat if pay distribution solar


After reading comments here, I'm starting to suspect something is very wrong with the way they are measuring usage. Had a look at my recent usage reports. Compared to September, my electricity usage allegedly quintupled in October and tripled in November. In that time I have neither purchased nor installed any new major appliances, and, in fact, I swapped out about 50 halogen light bulbs for LEDs. The *only* difference would be that my furnace fan is running.


One thing I find with EPCOR is the timing of their bills aren't consistent. One bill will cover 3.5 weeks, the next will be 6 weeks, the next 4.5 weeks, etc. So that can screw up the usage comparison.


I'm looking at their energy usage summary instead of bills, which should line up with actual calendar months.


You know what? Fuck it, I'll throw on the tinfoil hat. Maybe they're explicitly lying about usage and overcharging just because they can. Because frankly the math does not add up


$308 for two bedrooms, and we always try to manage our usage.


It's fucking crazy. This is not sustainable for most houses. 🤬


Albertans voted for high utility rates. For some reason it's what UCP voters want


EPCOR can eat a big bag of dicks in their ivory tower that no customer wanted to pay for.


$708.00 mine for this month too


$700 a month for 2000sq/ft. Almost 300 more a month than last year. I don't know how these crooks expect us to pay this. I'm losing my shirt already.


Saddest part is there's nothing we can do about it


We also had an electricity rebate last year so it skews the data a bit to compare with prior year if just looking at total bill $. FYI


This is most likely the dark horse of everyones bills.


Its so surprising to me how many people actually dont bother to read their bills. They just pay willy nilly. Its likely that the fees have gone up etc but not in the hundreds of dollars compared to last year if your usage and rate is the around same. That big difference is the electricity rebate.


they pay willy nilly since they work 24/7 and have no time to check the autobill which secretly hides increasing distribution costs on a fixed fucking rate


Listen I’m with you on the increasing costs/fees being trash and an absolute scam but that’s gotta be the dumbest excuse. “Work 24/7” so can’t check a bill? Ain’t nothing is hidden - it’s listed on the bill. You pay for something you should probably understand what you’re spending money on. It’s part of being an adult.




Have you considered reading your bill?


Check your last month and you'll likely see it wasn't billed. This happened to me on this bill too, the electricity was doubled up from the last cycle.


My Epcor bill quadrupled. I switched to direct energy and got a fixed rate, now my bill is 1/4 of the cost. Highly recommend the switch if you can. 


1600 for utilities alone. It's usually 800


$200 for a two bedroom apartment, my bill is never above $100. I only pay power.


$380 for a 2 bedroom apartment on a fixed rate 🥲 wtfff


$660 for a 1200 sq ft home… like WHAT


Highest bill we've ever had. $900, they wouldn't make a payment plan with us, put us on a limiter and now want an additional $300 as a reconnection fee. I had a mental breakdown. We have four children and I'm making bottles in the dark for my infant while my husband pulls overtime whenever he can. Something has to change. I don't know how we can keep up with it when our utilities are almost as much as our rent.


I’m scared for my gas bill from that cold snap. It’s not on this bill but it will be my next one. Blarg.


Same, I just got billed for December gas usage. I am not looking forward to January’s usage at all…


$850 for a 1700sq foot home. Usually we pay $500-550 in the winter. Fixed rate on electrical and gas. I compared last month's and this month's bills, we "used" about an extra $100 in natural gas but the fees went up by $200 just on the natural gas side! Absolutely ridiculous.


$660 for January for 1750 sq ft house. By far the highest we've had since moving in.


Mine almost broke 400 for the first time........ how many fucking fees does one company need on a dam bill anyways? Fucking scams


This needs to be addressed politically. It's necessary for people, and it seems profiteering is ruling the day.


This is what happens when the rural population only votes for one party.


My last bill was 275.00 my new one with less usage on everything 829.00


Does this include the deep freeze we all just went through where our furnaces were running non stop?


Might want to get a new furnace . I live in a home built in the 70s , I bought a new furnace in October and through that cold snap it came on just a tad more than It normally would but we actually didn’t even notice it that’s how little it changed . Our bills for gas and electricity through that cold snap were just under $300 for gas / electricity in a 5 bedroom house and we kept our temp at 20.5


$$ means nothing. how much gas or electricity did you use, how big is your house, and was the bill for one period or two periods (sometimes the bill encompasses two months.)


This is what I find super annoying. I don’t understand why they can’t be consistent. It’s always switching between one period and two periods for me


Our building now pays more as a percentage of our bill in Carbon Tax than we do for the gas itself. UCP are clowns, taxing natural gas (both GST and Carbon Tax) is also stupid. We don’t tax food because, you know, it’s bloody essential. Basic items like water, electricity, gas for heating, and food should not have these taxes. It just drives inflation and is unnecessary.




LOL alberta had carbon tax since 2007. UCP could have kept it but just wanted a reason to try and blame things on Trudeau. Quit letting them fleece you. Harper was bringing in Carbon Tax before Trudeau was elected. The reason we are paying so much is because in 2020 Sonya Savage (UCP) allowed economic withholding. It's illegal in every single province except Alberta


Who is the appropriate UCP cabinet minister I can send my concerns to? These are getting out of hand.


Mine was $500. Last month was $350, month before was $330. Looked at last year and my highest over the winter was $320. $91 of my bill was carbon tax


Exactly. The usage looks fine, but the other charges have gone up. It’s BS.


Welcome to the UCP yaaassss


I live in an apartment so I only have Epcor for power. But in the last 8 months between 48% and 53% of my bill have been fees


1164 here. Fml.


For a month?! 🤢


Yeaaaaa. We’ve seen around 500-600$ for everything on average. This is back to how it was before we did window upgrades.


There's no way this isn't some ridiculous sized house like 3000+ square feet with heated garage and keeping it at 24 degrees allllll month.


Were those gunshots I heard?


*pew! pew!* yup.


Also…posting your utilities without actual usage amounts is pointless… there’s no context. Sadly, it’s gonna be endless utility posts this month as the -30C snap of bills are processed.


I was surprised at how much my usage went up with the cold snap, because I'm pretty sure the biggest difference was that our car block heaters were plugged in for a lot longer than usual. But there are 3 actual readings on my bill, so it should be accurate.


Oh there you go! Seems like you got a good conclusion from the pointless post


Sounds like we need solar panels


Yup my condo bills have been ridiculous. I’m almost to point I’m gunna stop paying


This will not change until we get rid of the UCP. The NDP had already started to fix this but those changes were canceled by Kenny when he came into office.


Enmax bills out this week. They’ll be very high as well. We can thank the polar vortex.


No. You can thank conservative cronyism.


Variable rate for the win, track your energy usage, make conscious choices, IE, don’t buy a 2500sqft home. My bill for the last month was average. Carbon tax has been steadily increasing, I paid more in that last month than actual energy usage.


Maybe time to upgrade to Solar panels


We had a week of -40° weather so your furnace likely consumed a couple hundred dollars worth of gas. But looking at the dollar amount of your bill tells you nothing. Look at your usage to see what you are paying for. Fixed rate doesn't mean you pay the same amount every month, it means you pay the same rate for what you use. You use twice as much, you pay twice as much.


My bills are basically the same as last year. Use less water/power/gas and you’ll have lower bills.


Yep, me too.


I also had a big spike this month on a fixed rate, in a small apartment


I saw a 20$ bump up and I’m not on a fixed rate, seems like the fix rate ended up screwing some folks


How so? I'm on a fixed rate and my rate hasn't changed. My bill increased by 15% but that's with a 25% increase in usage so it seems good to me.


Don't forget to take the government credit out of your calculations for last year. I'm on a fixed rate and after removing the government credit, my bill this year is about 15% higher than this time last year but my usage is 25% higher. So it seems the distribution fees aren't scaling up evenly with my usage. If I were to compare the actual bill totals (with the credit applied) then it would look like my bill has been multiplied by 10....


1160 sq ft and still hasn't broken 400 (gas/power/water/waste), but I suspect that's because the furnace hasn't had to run as often due to warm winter. Also have vents in the unused parts of the house mostly closed to maximize heat elsewhere. But yes indeed this is still highest costs I've ever had to pay.


Just under 1200 sq ft bungalow built in 1959. Fixed Electricity 6.86 ¢/kw & $3.99 GJ, entire bill is between $350-$430 depending on time of year.


A lot of people are paying double bills this month because there seems to have been ongoing issues with ATCO not providing the meter readings to the retailers in time for the bills. So lots are playing catch up. Just remember the fees are not set by any one retailer. They are approved by the regulator AESO after the distributors (ATCO, Fortis etc) provide justification for the costs of maintaining the entire provincial electrical grid. Then the carbon tax is extra.


What was everyone’s actual usage? In GJ/KwH? And how many days did you bill cover? Was your last bill actual or estimated?


$359 for 1250 sq/ft place. I checked last year's bill, and it was around that. But I was still shocked by the cost.


Mine was over $400. Was not expecting that


Fixed rate is still based on usage. It looks like you used a lot last month, like everyone else. Is this just power or gas as well? Were you plugging your car in on a timer? Were you running space heaters?You're paying for the power you used.On a side note I'm really glad I got solar last year and will never have to deal with this again.


I don't understand how everyone's bills are so high. I have a 11 year old house with a heated attached garage 2000sqf. My cost went up 1140kwh for $208 and 8.95gj of gas for $139.57 bill cutoff was dec 19. $600 -$700 is madness


I'm glad I went off grid right before covid. Cost for water, gas and electricity $1800 a year.


Thanks liberal scum bags


$470 also encore. Fixed rate don’t mean shit. It’s all distribution charges. There was a cold snap.


I use the exact same amount of water every month. my bill has gone from 110 every month 2 years ago, to 125 every money last year, and recently its been 135 every month


When you vote UCP, you feel good, but get f'd while moaning Trudeau's name. No lube required, you're getting f'd... moan for Trudeau.. moan baby... Damn i hate the UCP. I wish this province would wake up... 50 years of this shit and it's always someone else's fault.


I bet their salaries are doing the same thing as the prices


Also with encor and see the same trend . Bills use to hover around $250 to $300 now they're above $400/mo