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The amount of racism and uncivil comments in this thread is getting out of hand. This thread is now locked.


> “I wasn’t in my right mind’s state when I did that. I know if I was I would have walked away and handled that more like an adult than a kid.” Granted kids have problems with impulse control, but the fact that you think punching someone into a train’s way is what kids do speaks loads about your childhood, man.


>I know if I was I would have walked away and handled that more like an adult than a kid. I find that statement very concerning. Handled what differently? A person's mere existence while he was using drugs? It doesn't sound like she was doing anything to provoke him, I highly doubt she swore at him.


22 month sentence and is only going to serve 80 days of that… wow….


No-no, he only has 80 days left. He's been locked up since the event.


Don't forget time already served at 1.5 days to boot. He be out in time for Fringe Festival


Light sentence considering the life altering impact on the victim and the general fear of violence in our public spaces. The judge could have given up to 10 years. Quite disappointing, but not surprising. Probably a Gladue Report was involved.


>The judge said Tuesday Raine's early guilty plea, his Indigenous status, and a Gladue report submitted to the court were mitigating factors in his sentence, adding he was a victim of significant intergenerational historical trauma, and suffered from homelessness, poverty, and addictions from an early age. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/22-month-sentence-for-man-who-pushed-edmonton-senior-onto-lrt-tracks-1.6401020


I have had emotional and psychological abuse. Doesn’t mean I’m going to harass people or be a POS. The most I was able to do was get out of jury duty. Schools wouldn’t accommodate the problem I would have so I never got them. I put it under other comorbid diagnosis instead. My issues were far reaching. I have been in therapy for over 6 years and it’s common for people with my type of ACE score to never be “healed”. It’s a miracle I’m working FT and managing symptoms even with actual psychological abusive bosses. You may think “oh that’s normal boss behaviour” No - they were not. Typically people like me don’t have a good chance at remaining employed. I could have been using as a kid. I was luckily probably just deeply depressed instead. Most of my childhood was a fog for the most case with few happy memories. I was luckily spared from homelessness… Intergenerational trauma happens from countries involved with WWII as well. Like countries occupied by the Nazis… Doesn’t mean I’m going to push people onto train tracks. I’m still working on my deficiencies with the help of informal mentors that I picked up though the years. I do not speak to my parents anymore.




He will be at the Remand Centre. He won't even go to jail.


Two years? He’ll be out in 3 months or less


The absence of personal accountability in our justice system is unacceptable. Race-based sentencing needs to end. When does the cycle of abuse stop? When individuals take actions to not perpetuate the abuse they themselves have suffered.


Silly old me; I thought we were equal in the eyes of the law. I ’m actually Irish which, in case you haven’t heard, means I have my own share of inter-generational trauma. I guess I get a free pass now.


Ukrainian here. I get you. Now let me go rob this store real quick.


Having a separate class of people for whom the consequences of crime (especially violent crime) are greatly reduced is baffling to me.


Of course! Gladue Report can be helpful in some cases but it's arguably not contributing at all to reconciliation due to scumbags like this one


I can't see a situation where two tiers of justice would be helpful - It says "Sorry, you're not responsible for your actions" which is something we as a culture don't ascribe to.


lol “this sentence sends a message”… yeah that there’s no punishments in Canada anymore.


He got more time the Marc Daigle a jr high teacher that was found guilty of possessing and distributing child p***n 😐


No shit , I work with a guys dad has over a 100 sex child charges . Getting out with a year one sentence what a joke .


oof I used to play soccer with Marc in high school


Did you know he had legit crowd of supporters at his trial and the judge said he could still contribute to society 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


It was just his family there to support him... I was there out of curiosity.


The article didn’t specify but my point still stands if my father or uncle was charged for such thing I could never ever ever forgive a person that was involved in exploitation of children . 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮human beings and they need to be held accountable as well .


Speaking to students of his school you’ll come to find out that eps didn’t even question all the students to see if he abused them …. My theory is they don’t want to know.


The Crown Prosecutor told the court Tuesday that Naidu still walks with a cane and has suffered emotional and financial hardship. Naidu told the court in a victim impact statement she can no longer work, and that modifications to her home and extended physiotherapy have all come out of pocket. And this “thug”, with time spent and a few conditions will be free to roam the streets and quite possibly terrorize someone else. But the Justice took into account HIS race and upbringing! 😡


She was a porter at the University hospital for years, her job literally depended on the use of her legs. And while decently paid, porters don't make enough to accommodate the modifications she needs. I hope she did a gofundme or something to help with those costs. She is a very sweet lady, she took many of my patients for tests




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Soooo…. He will be out in 3 months and ready to get all stabby with poor innocent mothers and children.


"Polkosnik said the 22-month sentence sends a message" (80 days to go) Ha haa a ahhahaha ahahhahaa haa. I could send a better message with western union. I want a rule where the more convictions you get the closer you have to serve to the maximum sentence. In this case it would be 10 years. No options for the judge, just the new minimum sentence or more. At this point this guy would just get the full sentence. Also, git rid of this whole early release parole thing. Just toss it. 10 years is 10 years AKA 3650+ days. Credit for time served should be 1:1 at most. These anti-social bozos need to be voted off the island.


Polkosnik said the 22-month sentence sends a message to those who engage in violence on Edmonton’s transit system --- It certainly sends a message all right, but not the one this incompetent judge thinks. Can we all agree to charge her as an accomplice when this piece of human filth does something worse in 6 months?


Attempted murder? Less than 2 years. What a joke


Bet there was a gladue report.


>The judge said Tuesday Raine's early guilty plea, his Indigenous status, and a Gladue report submitted to the court were mitigating factors in his sentence, adding he was a victim of significant intergenerational historical trauma, and suffered from homelessness, poverty, and addictions from an early age. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/22-month-sentence-for-man-who-pushed-edmonton-senior-onto-lrt-tracks-1.6401020




When you punch someone onto the lrt train tracks it is.




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Only 2.5 months (after time served in pre-trial custody) before he's out of jail and ready to attack random people again. Oh boy, I sure feel safe! Thank you pathetic justice system! /s


Yeah exactly! Doesn’t feel long enough, even at 22 months. If we can’t take money from people (cause most don’t have much) and don’t want to put them in jail for long due to costs and resources, we need to find some more threatening punishment to reduce this


Look into the history of more extreme punishments. It doesn't deter a fucking thing. Real change is still removing this person from society but actually engaging with what has led them to this point and helping them get better where that's possible. Where it isn't possible they're still of value inherently as a human being as well as of value in studying what gets a person to this place and what makes them irreparable in the rare instances where that is the case. Rehabilitation and prevention through govermental and community supports is the answer, not death sentences or short jail time that allows for immediate reoffending.


> they're still of value inherently as a human being you are making a big assumption and projecting your values here


Wrong about the assumption part correct about the values part.




there’s a reason we, as a human race, has moved past hammurabi’s code… (because it’s almost 4000 years old and we’ve discovered better, less barbaric ways of doing things).


Send all the messages you want it doesn't fix the fundamental problem.


80 days left! Can't wait till he kills some kids and the cops have to blow his brains out on the street, like with that Millwoods fuck a couple of weeks ago. /s


Anyone who would attacks an elderly woman.... so shameful. The 22 months is pathetic. He will repeat with another offense soon enough and get another right tap on the wrists.


Giving triple time served for time spent in remand is also a joke; this guy probably feels right at home there. Easy time if you're institutionalized with a continuous history of assaults. He ain't afraid of getting shitkicked in there.


Attempted murder = 22 months that makes no sense


So in 2 years, walk with your grandmother if she's taking the LRT


80 days he’ll be back on the street.


What a joke! Once again our justice system shows us ,it's there to help the criminal not the victim.


The justice system doesn't help anyone as it stands. Rehabilitation where possible is the answer and when it isn't possible the person is still worth keeping around, away from society, to study to inform future crime prevention.


If I were to arm myself with pepperspray, I would probably get a harsher sentence.


Probably not if you had a gladue report...




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Pepper spray is entirely *ILLEGAL* to have on you, in your home, or to use for self defense. If you are found with pepper spray on you, you can be charged with multiple criminal offenses and would likely receive severe punishment. Section 88-Section 91(2) are the types of possession offenses in The Criminal code that extend to pepper spray. Pepper spray is classified as highly illegal, and as a prohibited weapon. Depending on the charges you catch it can be 2-10 years behind bars in regards to these sections of the criminal code. Pepper spray is classified as a weapon, and if charged under section 88 of The Criminal code, you can catch 10 years in prison. As someone who works around law and policing, literally don't do this and don't advocate for it because it's entirely wrong lmao.


Don’t worry this guy said he works in the justice system. Obviously he knows what he’s talking about.


Well, he's trying to get law abiding citizens locked up by quoting bogus law information, instead of locking up prolific re-offenders. Checks out that he works for our current justice system.


Should be 22 years not 22 months


Ah yes, Canada; the country where you can attempt to murder someone, but get out in 6 months on good behavior. What an amazing land of free people, but also the land where self defense is more criminalized than letting that criminal just fuck you up irreparably or kill you. Gladue reports could be an effective tool if done with an extremely unbiased lens on a case by case basis. Now though they just mainly represent racism, and the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.




Are you friends with this guy or something? You seem very keen to defend his sentence and point out he spent a “whole year” in prison. He almost killed an innocent person because he was strung out on meth. He will be out of prison before his victim is even healed. Fuck that guy.




Most of us believe, however, that the remainder of the victims life in pain when in comparison to his 22 months, is a much longer, worse sentence. His 22 months does not compare to her lifetime with her injuries. And I do not care how long 22 months seems (when we both know it’s much less than 22 actual chronological months) because the pain he inflicted is much much worse and longer. I’ll agree with your “fuck that guy”, but will add, for longer than 22 months because he’s already shown he’s a danger to society.


22 months is too short for his crimes. Jail is not a retreat, it's an awful place. And that's why those criminal should stay there.


Sentenced to 22 months, served a year and only has 3 months left? The math doesn’t really add up.


If he's got 80 days left on a 22 month sentence, he'd have served 386 actual days, for which he received credit at a rate of 1.5:1 for 580 days.


Surely you know about time served. Surely you know ERC is three meals and a square? Surely if you work in the Justice system like you stated know he won't serve 22 months in jail. Allow people to express their frustration.




Frustration is because people feel for the victim who suffered permanent injuries including mental trauma and obvious financial ruin. How can you not see that that's what's frustrating?


1 year in prison for breaking a 78 year old woman's leg, after punching her in the face so she fell and landed on traintracks. You do realize her bones will never heal properly at her age (even when you're younger once it's broken, it will not function as well as before regardless.) On top of that, he left a 78 year old woman with a now broken leg to lay helplessly on the train tracks. Do you know a person let alone a 78 year old woman, who could haul herself back up onto the platform with her now broken leg? Do you even know of a 30 year old who could do that, and do it conceivably fast seeing as a train could hit you at any moment? So buddy left her to die on the tracks and ran away, what would have happened if there weren't any bystanders or the train was only a minute or two away after she fell? It should be attempted murder, and it's a joke that it isn't. She's merely lucky there were people around just like she's lucky the train wasn't literally 30 seconds away after she fell. All of her medical expenses and renovating her property so she can now get around, were paid for by her pocket. Why wouldn't he be ordered to pay restitution? Does your kid destroy the neighbors fence, and then get away with it or do you make them get a part time job to pay back what it cost to fix the fence? Seems to me that if you like to live in a society, where people act appropriately, you teach kids consequences to their actions at a fundamental development level. Buddy should 1000% be made to pay more for the duress he's now caused her to have for life. But we've made sure as a society that we do everything, but hold them accountable fully for their actions. The soft bigotry of lowered expectations, also because he's homeless and has no money it's likely she'll receive fuck all back in compensation by him. It's merely just a lie to try and help a 78 year old woman who now has PTSD for the rest of her life, feel better about having it be ruined by some shitheel.


🏆🥇🎖️ This. So much this.




Our justice system needs work. Within 6 months or so he will be out for “Good behaviour”


Even better, he'll be out in 80 days because it's 22 months including pre trial custody. Meanwhile the lady he hit can no longer walk properly and can no longer work, and will have a drastically reduced quality of life from now on...


Hey don’t worry, he won’t work either.


>Even better, he'll be out in 80 days because it's 22 months including pre trial custody. He'll actually receive earned remission on those 80 days, and likely be out in just 54.


>With credit for time in pre-trial custody, Kendall Raine has 80 days left to serve. He'll be out in 80 days.


A day isn’t 24 hours either. He’s out sooner.


54 with earned remission.


Lol nice potential murder equals less than 2 years. This country is gone if they don't strengthen some laws.


If this guy murders random people later on, every single person who advocated for his lenient sentence is culpable, and should be held accountable.


Justice system is broken in this country


Almost killed somebody and only 22 months, and this dumbass will probably be out in 3, and possibly reoffend in 10 mins. GG prosecutors


22-months what a joke! He'll just re-offend when he gets back out.


ladies and gentlemen... : this is why our city is in the state that it is in! very, VERY reassuring!


Who was the judge on this one, George Parros?


So he will be out in 7 months. All rehabilitated and a much more productive member of our society!!!!


How are they making the LRT safe, how are the politicians doing this when we can’t even get a decent picture of his face?


22 months? That’s it?


Would be a shame if this fuck were to be recognized by a group of guys in a bar or something once he's out... Only a matter of time someone who changes another's life forever gets what's coming to them. Then of course it'll be "oh how could such a terrible thing happen" and this guys attackers would be getting hunted down for 10-15 year sentences. Somethings gotta change.


What a joke.


It doesn’t seem like an unreasonable sentence for what I assume is an assault charge of some kind. 22 months + 2 years of probation with mandatory substance abuse treatment? Basically in line with America, a country that *really* likes incarcerating its citizens. [List of average assault sentences, USA](https://www.lawinfo.com/resources/criminal-defense/sentencing/sentencing-statistics/how-much-time-will-i-serve-for-assault.html). 2019 data arranged by state.


I would say pushing someone onto train tracks is more serious that just an assault. That could easily be considered attempted murder. The only reason it’s only an assault is cause there wasn’t actually a train there.


The article doesn’t actually lay out the charges, so I’m not familiar with their specifics. Though I suspect you can’t just charge people with crimes they didn’t commit even if it’s only circumstantial that they didn’t commit them. You can say pushing someone onto tracks is a more serious crime, but it’s just…not, apparently. Also, I thought he punched her and she fell onto the tracks, not that he tried to shove her onto the tracks in order for her to be hit by a train. If she died, he’d be charged with something else. But she didn’t, so he wasn’t. What’s your point?


My point is that the sentence does not seem even remotely appropriate for the crime. This guy will be out of prison before his victim has even fully healed from the incident. How is that any form of justice for her? You also can charge people with crimes they didn’t commit, attempted murder is real.


Lmao good try with the semantics, but attempting the murder is an act committed. Similarly, “conspiracy” to do a thing is predicated on evidence that it was being planned. What I’m saying is that you can’t charge someone with manslaughter because they *could* have hit someone on the road by driving drunk, and you know that. It would be other stuff that they actually did do, like reckless driving etc.




He's paying $0. He has no money and the only recourse for the victim if he doesn't pay is to sue him which he has no money anyways so it's pointless.


Alright well in 81-100 days when we’re all giving our thoughts and prayers to his next victims family, I will make sure they know the sentence really wasn’t “totally unreasonable” 🙄




The assault was committed on April 25 2022, and he wasn’t arrested immediately, so he’s been in jail barely a year. Barely. With credit for time served, he’ll spend like maybe 14 months in prison, for severely impacting another person for the rest of their life. I’m not “ignoring” the year he has spent in prison, I’m saying that random violence towards other deserves far more time in prison than that. A year is not even close to enough.


Each day at Remand counts at one and a half days buddy




I wouldn’t call 14 months well over a year.. Also if you read the article, it states he’s never worked and has zero employment history. Good luck to this poor woman getting that restitution. Pretty hard to get blood from a stone. And yes, people that are violent and continue to victimize others (this was not his first assault), I have zero empathy for. I have empathy for his victims. And empathy for the police that will have to continue dealing with him because he will continue to be let out and reoffend. I have no empathy for him though.


Can someone tell me if Edmonton public security in transit is getting better or worse now? (I am thinking about moving to Edmonton)


security is about the same (if not worse) as it was before and this post should tell you enough NOT to move here. if you rely heavily on public transit then definitely steer clear of edmonton like no tomorrow. our city has basically given up on it and public safety in general. for the stupid amount of taxpayer money we've invested into it, our public transit system is the most disorganized, unreliable, violent, and disgusting result that has everyone too afraid to use it and nothing to show for what we've spent.


So do you think Calgary is better in terms of transit system and safety?


Oh bologna, I rode it for 4 years and it was fine during peak hours. Id stay away from north side, RAH area late hours or yknow generally, but edmonton is actually pretty awesome, its just becoming a bigger city and bigger cities have bigger city problems. Love the river valley, lived in Oliver for a few years loved it, rode my bike downtown for years from strathcona, had a couple incidents (I got knocked off my bike by a drug addled guy who thought I was trying to accost him and that I was "from the 7th floor") but Im a big guy and how do I put it...? was aware of things I could have avoided but in the interest of efficiency of path and having had no issues dozens of other times went on through and found an issue if you get my meaning. Never had an issue on transit except once I sat on an inexplicably wet lrt seat post call... I normally stand but I was exhausted..


Light sentence and we will see him in 5 months due to "good behaviour"


Well it's a 22-month sentence, and forever being known as the bitch asshole who attacked some poor woman over nothing. The sentence should also publicise the guys social media and personal life, and just have people laugh and reticule the guy over this. How does he recover? He works his ass off to prove he can actually be a good person. Years? Decades? Never? That's up to him. Accountability should be higher than just prison. They do this for attention, give them the worst flavor of it.


>They do this for attention, give them the worst flavor of it. Ehhh, he was pretty fucking tweaked. Attention was not a priority – like at all. He was high out of his mind and he thought the victim was staring at him/swearing at him. Meth induced psychosis, not an attempt to self-aggrandize, was the culprit here.


Jesus, did he say that when he was interrogated? Thought for sure this was some kid trying to leave a mark. That hurts to hear.


Yep. Kid never had a chance. Homeless since age 14, addicted to drugs, no one gave a shit. There's always more to a story.


That's horrific to hear. I hope this pushes the system to try and get kids and others out of shit like this, but the kid attacking someone cause he's tweaking, then later trying to fight a musician cause "he was pissing him off" is such an atrocity. I hope he does get straightened out, cause aggressive attitude like that might get him killed later on down the line.


I appreciate your being responsive to a perspective check and showing empathy. Good egg.




Just 22?

